Page 21 of Glass Hearts

Page 21

  Author: Lisa De Jong

  “A few days ago,” I reply, biting my lower lip. I’m waiting for her to tell me it’s stupid to get a guy who you’ve only known for a few months name tattooed on your body, but she doesn’t say it.

  Her mouth hangs open as she glances at my other wrist. “I love them. I just can’t believe you did it. ”

  “Dane was getting matching tattoos on his wrists, and for some reason, everything in me shouted that I should do it too. I guess it was our way of committing to something more,” I shrug. I feel like a sap, and I’m expecting Jade to laugh at me any minute, but she doesn’t. In fact, she looks sad. “Are you okay?”

  She shrugs. “I didn’t want a relationship for the longest time, but now I do. I wish Tyler saw us the same way I do. When I started things with him, it was just for fun, but now I want more. There’s just something about him I can’t get over. ”

  I know exactly what she means. I ran from Dane because he seemed like the opposite of what I really needed in my life, but he turned out to be exactly what I needed. I think a lot of the time we focus on finding the wrong things. I thought where a guy was educated, or what career he chose, was important but it’s not. What’s important is how your heart, soul and mind connect with the other person’s. Two Ivy League educations won’t give your relationship longevity, but two people connected in every way will.

  What I really needed wasn’t something I was looking for.

  I reach across the table, patting the top of her hand. “Maybe when he gets back, he’ll be ready for more. Maybe he’s missing you just as much as you miss him. ”

  “If he’s missing me, why doesn’t he call me?” she scoffs. She’s barely touching the dinner she couldn’t wait to sink her teeth into. I hate seeing her like this. I’m not used to seeing Jade lovesick over a guy; she’s usually the one making them lovesick over her.

  “He’s probably just really busy. ” I don’t want to get into all the reasons he may, or may not call her. In her mind, she’s already convinced that it’s because he doesn’t have feelings for her. From what Dane says, Tyler is treating Jade differently than women from his past. I hope that things work out for them.

  We finish our dinner and settle our bill before heading toward Loft 10 for the night. Darkness has replaced the sunlight, and the air isn’t quite as hot. The bouncer immediately recognizes me, but not without lifting a brow at my outfit for the evening. “Damn, Alex, you look good tonight. Dane is going to be a busy man trying to keep all the guys away from you. ”

  I roll my eyes. “I’m a big girl. ”

  He shakes his head, letting us in. The moment we’re through the door, my eyes scan the bar for a glimpse of Dane. I didn’t call, or text to tell him we were coming here, and I can’t wait to see the surprise on his face when he realizes he doesn’t have to spend the whole night without me. I would do anything to see him smile after the last few days.

  I don’t see him as we walk toward the bar, but Jay spots us and waves us over. His eyes focus on me briefly before gluing themselves to Jade’s legs, which look amazing in that dress. “Hey, Jay, where’s Dane?”

  “He went to get something out of the cooler,” he replies, sliding his eyes back up Jade’s body, taking in her exposed skin.

  I snap my fingers to bring his attention back up to my face. “Can I get a Bud Light, please?” I look at Jade. “What do you want? I’m buying. ”

  “I’ll take a water with lime, please,” she says, looking toward the dance floor. I’m shocked that she doesn’t order something a little stronger, but I don’t say anything. She’s definitely got me a little worried, though. She’s not herself tonight.

  Jay nods and works on getting our drinks. I look around the room, realizing it’s a little busier than usual. Jay must have noticed the surprise on my face. “There’s a birthday party tonight. They brought in almost 200 people. ”

  “Wow,” I mouth. It would have been a good night for tips. At least one of us is working.

  Jay hands us our drinks, telling me mine’s on the club tonight. We both thank him before making our way to one of the high round tops that line the room. I feel the need to let loose as I quickly down my drink. Jade downs her water, and then grabs my hand to lead me out to the dance floor.

  Alive by Krewella blares through the speakers as we step into the crowd. It doesn’t take long before we start moving, feeling completely comfortable with each other. I haven’t seen her in weeks, but we don’t skip a beat. We face each other, moving to the music as she grabs my left hand in hers, raising them in the air. The alcohol is moving through my veins, making me feel free and relaxed as a group of guys surrounds us, cheering us on.

  We keep our hands joined, both bending our legs and sinking to the ground then back up again. Our hands slip apart as the music speeds up, and we start to move more freely, twirling in circles and swaying our hips. I’m startled when I feel a big strong arm wrap around my stomach from behind, pulling me back into a large, hard body.

  I meet eyes with Jade who has a huge smile on her face. When I turn around, Dane is standing in front of me. His eyes are so dark and intense, like they’re trying to burn into my soul. He has his hand pressed into my lower back as we begin to move with our legs entwined. His h*ps are pressed against mine causing my stomach to flood with warmth. He’s doing crazy things to me, and it reminds me of the night I met him.

  “You can’t stay here,” he says, pulling me even closer to him. Our bodies are pressed so tightly together that any further move to bring us closer would crush me.

  I raise an eyebrow. “Why?”

  “The dress…I can’t watch all these guys imagining you with no clothes on while I’m trying to work,” he growls, pressing his lips to mine. I don’t know if it’s this dress, or the glimpse at his jealous side, but all I want to do is drag him somewhere private and show him what I want to do to him right now.

  When he pulls back, I grab his face in my hands. “Just remember you’re the only one who gets to do more than imagine. ” I roll my h*ps against his, causing a groan to escape his lips.

  “Fuck,” he growls. “Do me a favor and keep this dress on until I get home. ”

  I smile, moving in to kiss him again as his fingers dig into my hips. We stay locked like this, moving together until the song ends. “I better get back to the bar before Reid comes out of his cave. He’s in a mood tonight,” Dane says.

  I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him one more time. I wish we could stay on the dance floor all night together, but he’s right, he has to work. Plus, I’m supposed to be hanging out with Jade tonight.

  He walks away, keeping our fingers entwined until he’s too far away and the contact is broken. I watch as he saunters back to the bar, getting as many looks from the ladies as Jade and I were getting from the men earlier. My heart clenches because I know he’s mine.

  I turn back around to find Jade in the arms of some blonde, spiky haired guy. I want to be happy for her, but I know her heart is beating for someone else right now. She can pretend to forget, but I know from experience that Tyler lives in all her thoughts…even when she doesn’t want to admit it.

  Sparks by Fedde Le Grande starts to pump through the speakers as I decide to move toward the bar to hang out with Dane and Jay. Dancing by myself is not my idea of a good time. I turn to see Reid standing directly in front of me with his hooded eyes burning into me. “Dance with me,” he says taking a step closer to me.

  “I’d love to, but I don’t think that’s a good idea,” I say, trying to move past him.

  He catches my arm, stopping me in my tracks. “It’s just one dance,” he whispers into my ear. It’s a bad idea, deep down I know that, but he’s my boss, and he knows I have a boyfriend. Plus, I really want to dance. I love to dance.

  “One dance,” I say, placing my hands on his shoulders. He starts with his hands on my h*ps leaving a safe distance between u
s. I’m actually having fun when I smile up at him, watching a rare smile spread across his lips. I’m not sure what happened to this guy in the past, but he’s got a hard shell wrapped all the way around him. He always seems lost and unhappy, like he needs a friend, but he doesn’t want one.

  He subtly moves his hands toward my back, pulling me closer to him. I can feel his body on almost every part of mine and it makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up. This doesn’t feel right. He’s not Dane, and I don’t like anyone but Dane this close to me.

  I try to pull back, but he holds me in place. “You promised me a dance. Let me finish what we started,” he says, voice rising slightly. I can smell alcohol on his breath; it’s obviously affecting his judgment.

  I’m trying to think of another way out of this, and I feel my face burning with anger, when Jade suddenly appears at our side. “Alex, are you ready to go? I’m not feeling that well. ”

  At first I assume she’s trying to save me, but then I see the pale tone of her skin. I look up at Reid who nods toward Jade. Thank God. . . he does have a decent bone in his body.

  Before he walks away, he lightly kisses my cheek. His touch feels wrong, but I didn’t have enough time to react, or tell him to stop. He quickly releases me and walks off toward his office, sending relief through my body. Reid’s been weird toward me since the day I interviewed with him. I don’t know what it is because he doesn’t even hit the other girls’ radars. They think he’s cute but dark. Why he selected me as his target, I have no idea. I need to set boundaries.

  “I’m going to tell Dane we’re leaving. Do you want to wait outside, or are you doing okay?” She’s starting to sweat, and I feel really bad for her. I consider leaving without saying anything to Dane, but it will only take a few seconds.

  She nods her head toward the door and starts pushing her way through the crowd. I quickly make my way toward the bar, but I’m stopped dead in my tracks by the murderous look on Dane’s face. What’s even worse is he’s looking straight at me. I hesitate for a second before continuing to move toward him.