Page 24 of Glass Hearts

Page 24

  Author: Lisa De Jong

  “Thank you for trying. It means a lot to me. ” I turn to face her and wrap my arms around her waist. Seeing her n**ed in front of me, looking so damn beautiful, makes me forget about my shitty life and problems. All I want to do is bury myself inside her. She can’t make me forget everything, but that doesn’t mean I can’t get lost in her for a while. I watch the water droplets roll down her face and follow them as they roll over her breasts. Wet Alex is sexy as hell. She follows the path my eyes take, and a sexy smirk appears on her face. Yeah, it’s my birthday and I should get something I want, right?

  I lean in and suck on her lower lip. She responds by wrapping her legs around my hips, pressing her little body against mine. With the hot water at my back, and the warm skin wrapped around my front, she’s all that’s on my mind.

  I run my lips along her jaw and nip at her earlobe, hearing a sweet moan escape her lips. “I want you so f**king bad right now,” I say, feeling her shiver as my lips hover over her ear.

  She pulls back, grabbing my face in her hands. “What are you waiting for?” I turn, pressing her back against the shower wall. Usually, I like to go slow, tasting every in of her body before sliding inside her, but right now I just need to lose myself in her.

  “Dane, please,” she breathes, sliding against my erection. That is my undoing. With one motion, I’m in. All the way in. She feels so good around me. Every moan and whimper makes me feel like this is where I belong…with her. Her touch and sounds are like silk to my soul. The outside world doesn’t matter right now. Nothing else matters.

  My motions start out slow, but I can’t control myself for very long. I have too much going on in my head; too much I need to say, and no words to say it. This is me owning her and showing her that no matter what happens, she’s mine.

  Her nails work at my back; it’s a good kind of pain. It makes me forget the bleeding inside, so I push in further, wanting to feel more of her. A few seconds later, her tight little body is squeezing mine, sending me over the edge. It’s one of the most intense orgasms I’ve ever had as she wraps her arms even tighter around me. Damn, I would do that all over again in a heartbeat.

  This is definitely better than a stupid cake.

  “Happy Birthday,” she says, loosening her hold on me.

  I kiss her swollen pink lips. “You, n**ed in my shower, was the best Birthday present ever. ”

  “I’ll have to see what I can do to top it next year,” she says, reaching for the soap. She moves her small hands over my body, leaving a trail of soap behind, and all I can think about is how much she’s changed my life.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Dane’s been pretty quiet since the incident with his mom last week. I don’t blame him; it seems like every step he takes to propel his family forward is followed by her doing something to send them back.

  Nolan thinks he doesn’t need rehab anymore because he’s been sober for a few weeks, but I can tell by the way he reacted that he’s on the verge of stumbling back into his old habits. I saw a glimpse of the Nolan I met the first night at Janet’s. I hope he’s being sincere, and that he really wants to stay clean, but I’m not convinced.

  Dane and his mom aren’t on speaking terms, yet again, and I wonder how much longer this tug of war can go on before the rope just breaks. I understand that Dane can’t give up on his family, he feels responsible for them, but he also can’t live under the weight of this pressure forever.

  Tonight, I’m relieved to be at work and not stuck in the small apartment with my super on edge boyfriend. He’s working too, but at least we have our space. I love him to death, but when he’s upset about something, he tends to retreat into himself. I just want him to open up and talk to me. This morning I asked if he wanted to go for a run and he said he was too tired, only to leave for a run by himself two minutes after I got home from mine. I asked him about it and he said he needed time to clear his head. I know he has a lot on his mind and I wish he would let me in to help him. I want to fix him like he fixed me.

  “Better watch yourself tonight…I heard Reid’s in his office,” Kara says, walking over to help me polish glasses. Kara and I aren’t close outside of work, but we do have some fun when we work the same shifts. However, she has a tendency to make drama out of nothing. I hate drama; I lived with it for far too long and it just unnecessarily complicates life.

  “He doesn’t bother me,” I reply, taking a quick glance to his office door. It’s closed, but I can see the light shining through the bottom. I’ve seen Reid a few times since the night we danced and he’s been nothing but friendly, or should I say, quiet. He usually comes out for just a few minutes to check out how everyone is doing, but then quickly retreats back into his office.

  “Yeah, me either. He’s just a spoiled rich kid,” she says, shaking her head.

  “Sometimes being a rich kid isn’t all it’s cracked up to be,” I whisper, earning me a quizzical look from her. I haven’t told her about my life and how I ended up here, but I’m not going to share it. My past isn’t who I am anymore; its just part of what shaped me.

  She shrugs as we both return to polishing glasses. I glimpse in Dane’s direction and see him placing bottles in the cooler. I usually love to watch him as he does it, but the scowl he’s wearing right now makes me want to turn in the other direction. The way he’s been acting toward me, you’d think I did something to piss him off, but I didn’t. He’s just pissed off at the world in general lately.

  The club quickly starts to fill up and I busy myself taking order after order. It’s not quite as busy as it is during the school year, but the place is still pretty full which means the tips are good, and the night goes fast.

  Most of my orders tonight have gone to Jay. Dane’s been busy, or talking to people seated at the bar. Besides, with the mood he’s been in lately, I don’t really care to hear him bark at me every time I give him a drink order. Kara asked me what was up with him earlier after he chewed her out for taking too many orders for blended drinks. I just shrugged; it’s not any of her business what’s going on with Dane.

  As I’m walking toward the bar with my latest order, I notice Dane chatting with two attractive women at the bar. They’re leaning in on their elbows, gazing at him like he’s the best thing that ever walked the planet. I clench my fists as I walk toward them, ready to pull hair if I have to.

  I’m two steps from making a complete fool out of myself when Dane looks up and winks at me. It feels like someone just threw cold water over my head; he’s only doing his job, chatting with customers at the bar. He can act cold and distant, but at the end of the day, I’m the only one he wants.

  I put a smile on my face and go around the bar to stand at his side. I’m not supposed to be behind here, but screw it. The only person who’s going to say anything is Reid, and he’s locked in his office.

  The women pay no attention to me standing there; their eyes are focused on my boyfriend. I’m both flattered and annoyed at the attention he’s getting from them. I move behind him, tapping on his shoulder until he turns around. As soon as he’s facing me, I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him like I haven’t seen him in days. He seems shocked at first, but quickly responds to me, cupping my ass in his hands. Yeah, I’m being ridiculous and stupid, but I don’t care. I can hear people hooting and hollering as I continue to move my lips against his. The kiss is so full of passion, I’ll be feeling the aftershocks in my body for days.

  Someone yells, “bartender!” from the other side of the bar, breaking our kiss. I take a quick peek at the ladies who were eyeing my boyfriend earlier to see them staring in our direction, mouths hanging open. I grin at them before turning to go back to my side of the bar.

  “Alex, I need to see you in my office. Now. ”


  It’s Reid and he doesn’t look happy. I’m pretty sure he just saw my attempt at claiming my man in his bar. Yeah, mayb
e not my best moment, but I don’t regret it.

  I glance over at Dane who doesn’t seem to notice my exchange with Reid, so I head into the boss’s office without saying a word. I’m the one who caused this anyway.

  As soon as I walk in, I know he’s pissed. He’s standing behind his desk with his palms resting on the edge, staring straight at me. “Close the door,” he demands. The tone of his voice is not an inviting one. In fact, I consider turning around and ignoring him all together.

  Instead, I close the door and stand still, hand resting on the knob. “Are you going to come in, or are you just going to stand there?” he asks, clenching his jaw.

  I let go of the doorknob, but stay back, standing against the wall. “I’m okay right here,” I reply. I can feel the pressure building in my chest, and it weighs on me like a ton of bricks.

  “What the f**k was that out there?” he yells, making me flinch. I’ve heard things about him, but I’ve never seen him like this. I’m not used to being yelled at. Degraded and humiliated, yes, but nothing quite like this.

  “I was just helping Dane,” I say meekly, staring at the floor. I wonder if he would fire me if I just walked out the door right now.

  “Helping? The ladies at the bar looked pretty disgusted. You probably cost him some tips tonight. How is that helping, Alex?” He moves to the front of his desk, sitting on the edge with his arms crossed over his chest.

  I try not to panic. I will not let Reid Murphy see me as weak. I felt on top of the world when I was out there with my arms wrapped around Dane, but now I think I’ve fallen from the top of the roof into a sinkhole. “I was –”

  “Just stop!” he yells as he starts walking toward me. “You remind me of her, you know? You’re both so weak. ” I have no idea what he’s talking about, but as he moves closer, I can smell scotch on his breath. He’s drunk. As he steps a little closer, I notice his eyes are blood shot. I definitely should have left when I had the chance.