Page 8 of Glass Hearts

Page 8

  Author: Lisa De Jong

  I’m just about ready to go take a walk around the neighborhood when Dane finally walks in, carrying two Starbucks cups. Starbucks is literally two blocks down the street, so I wonder what took him so long. He takes one look at me huddled over the counter and peeks around the corner at his brother before his smile wavers. He places the coffees on the table and wraps his arms around my waist. “Hey, are you okay?”

  I look toward Nolan who’s still sitting with his head resting on his hands. “He’s not in a very good mood this morning,” I say, managing a small smile.

  “Oh, baby, I’m sorry. I had a couple of errands to run and lost track of time,” he whispers, averting his eyes from mine. I’ve had this suspicion that there’s something Dane isn’t telling me since the day I moved in here, but I haven’t pushed it because when he’s with me, he’s all there. Maybe he’s just adjusting to having me live here and needs a break every once in a while.

  “Where did you go?” I ask, letting curiosity get the best of me.

  He lowers his eyes again. “I—”

  “Dane, I think I’m going to be sick,” Nolan interrupts from the other room. Dane quickly lets go of me and moves to sit next to his brother. The moment I hear Nolan get sick, I turn away and make myself busy in the small kitchen. My hand shakes as I open the refrigerator door to pull out the jelly. I suddenly feel out of place, and I have no idea what I should be doing. I want to help, but I don’t know where to start.

  I straighten my back, feeling bad for thinking I ever had problems. Dane and Nolan have real life problems and all of mine seem stupid and juvenile in comparison. If I’m going to be here for Dane, I really need to be here. I need to be the person who stays with him no matter how hard things get.

  I take a deep breath, close the fridge, and head toward the couch. Nolan seems to have emptied his stomach, but is still hunched over a bucket while Dane rubs his back. “Is there anything I can do?” I ask, directing my attention to Dane.

  Dane looks up, a dark expression plastered all over his perfect face. “Can you go start the shower? Don’t make it too hot. I need to get him cleaned up. ”

  I nod and head toward the bathroom. Not long after I get the shower going, Dane comes in with Nolan’s arm wrapped around his neck. I step out to give them some privacy and sit on the edge of the bed, waiting for any direction on what to do next.

  It seems like hours pass before Dane steps out with a pale looking Nolan following behind. He looks better than he did earlier this morning, though. He’s walking on his own, and his eyes seem more alert.

  To my surprise, he stops right in front of me. “Alex, I’m sorry about earlier. I just wasn’t feeling that well,” he shrugs, placing his hands in his pockets.

  “It’s okay,” I say, trying my best to give him a friendly smile. I know he’s sick, so I’m not about to start lecturing him. I’m sure his brother has done enough of that already.

  He looks back at Dane. “It’s not okay, but I’m getting help. I’m going tomorrow morning. ” I glance back at Dane who winks at me. I know this is something he wants for his brother but he’s probably aware that there’s a chance Nolan might change his mind and back out. I hope that doesn’t happen.

  Dane offers me his hand. “Are you ready to go look for jobs? Nolan is going to get some more sleep. ”

  I accept his hand as he pulls me up from the bed. “Are you sure you want to leave him?” I ask, nodding in Nolan’s direction.

  “Yes, I told you we’re going and he’ll be fine. ” I glance back at Nolan who nods before walking back over to the couch.

  “Okay. ” We say goodbye to Nolan after Dane gives him some instructions for the day to help him with his withdrawals. It doesn’t feel right to leave him, but Dane says he’ll be okay.

  Dane walks with me from store to store, waiting for me outside. It’s incredibly sweet of him considering it’s so hot and humid outside that I can barely breathe. This is something I could have done alone, but having him with me to give me a little pep talk between every stop helps me. I would have given up after the first two rejections if it weren’t for him.

  People are a lot nicer today, but all of them say they aren’t hiring. I guess summers are when all the college and high school kids are looking for jobs, and I got into the game a little late. Maybe I need to rethink the type of job I can get, at least until school starts up again.

  We decide to give up as the afternoon turns to night. My feet are sore and I’m losing some of my enthusiasm. “Do you want to go grab a drink at Loft 10? Jay’s working tonight and he probably misses his favorite drunk,” Dane says, bumping my shoulder with his.

  “That sounds good. Should we check on Nolan first?” I ask. We haven’t heard from him at all today. Dane doesn’t seem too concerned.

  “No, he’ll be fine. He’s probably still sleeping. ”

  We walk to Loft 10, talking about all the things we want to do this summer. Dane has a long list of galleries he wants to visit around the city, and I want to start running again; he offers to join me in the mornings as long as he doesn’t work the night before. There is a calm that has settled over our relationship again and everything feels perfect. I feel more comfortable with myself than I have in a long time, but I still can’t shake the feeling that Dane is hiding something from me. For now, I push all the negative feelings away and try to stay in the moment, hoping it’s just my lingering insecurities.

  When we walk into Loft 10, he places his hand on my lower back to guide me toward the bar. It’s really early for the night crowd, so the place is almost empty which I like. The less people, the less chance of drama.

  Jay notices us as soon as we take our seats and heads in our direction. “Alex, I haven’t seen you in ages. How have you been, beautiful?”

  “Hey, watch it, Jay. You can’t flirt with my girl while I’m sitting right next to her,” Dane teases, placing his arm over the back of my chair.

  Jay laughs. “Can you disappear for awhile then?”

  “Okay, guys. I’m sitting right here, and I’m thirsty. Can you please get me something to drink?” My feet are killing me, and the back of my shirt is drenched in sweat.

  “What can I get you?” Jay asks.

  “I’ll take a Bud Light and a glass of ice water please,” I reply, reaching to grab some cash from my purse.

  “I got it,” Dane scowls. I know it makes him feel good to take care of me, but it’s having the opposite effect on me. He seems to pick up on my thoughts. “We’re on a date. I always pay for our dates. ”

  “Fine. ” It’s not worth fighting him. I know he’ll win anyway.

  “So, what have you two been up to?” Jay asks, throwing the bar towel over his shoulder. Jay’s a good looking guy, but when he flips the towel over his shoulder, it doesn’t have near the effect on me as when Dane does it.

  “I’m trying to find a job. It’s a little harder than I thought it was going to be,” I sigh. I really don’t know what I was expecting. We’ve been to every clothing boutique within a ten-block radius of our apartment as well as three coffee shops and a small art gallery and not one of them is hiring.

  Jay looks at Dane and then back at me. “We’re looking for help on the weekends. It’s a cocktail waitress position, but the tips are really good. You would probably make more on Friday and Saturday than you would working five days a week in a store. ”

  I’m a little shocked that Dane didn’t mention this to me at all today, or yesterday for that matter. I look in his direction to see him glaring at Jay. “Alex does not want to work in a bar,” he finally says, narrowing his eyes at Jay.

  “Wait, when did I say I wouldn’t work in a bar?” I ask, raising an eyebrow in his direction. His jaw works back and forth as he continues to stare down Jay. I think it’s safe to say that Dane Wright does not want me working in a bar.

  He focuses his attention on me. “I don
’t think it’s a good idea,” he says in a low voice.

  “Why not?” I ask, crossing my arms over my chest.

  “I just don’t,” he replies, taking a sip from his beer. I need a job, and since Dane can’t give me a good reason why I shouldn’t work here, I don’t see any reason to pass on it. I have no experience, but how hard can it be?

  “Can I get an application, please?” I ask, ignoring the way Dane is now glaring at me. I can see him clearly out of the corner of my eye, but I’m the one person he can’t intimidate.


  “Stop. I need a job, and I like this place. I’m doing it,” I say, trying to keep my voice low.

  “Dammit,” Dane mutters. His eyes are fixated on Jay again, but Jay seems unaffected. In fact, he’s smiling at Dane like he just beat him at a game.

  I fill out the application and hand it over to Jay who tells me he will leave it on the manager’s desk. I can’t do anything, but cross my fingers and hope that everything works out. I have a little bit of cash left, but it won’t get me farther than another week or two.

  We spend the next hour talking to Jay before the bar gradually starts to fill up. It’s been a long day, and Dane looks just as tired as I feel. “Should we go up to the apartment and go to bed?” I whisper in his ear. I pull back just enough for him to see the glimmer in my eyes…he can read me like a book.

  He stands, grabbing my hand as he does. “Let’s go. I’m tired,” he winks. If he’s still mad about me applying for a job at Loft 10, he doesn’t show it as he practically pulls me from my seat.

  Halfway up the stairway, he turns towards me and cradles my face in his hands. His eyes are dark and full of lust. It’s the look he gets when he’s not going to taste my lips, but devour them instead. My breathing quickens as I anticipate his next move. I close my eyes as his lips finally meet mine, sending warm tingles throughout my whole body. He doesn’t waste a second before coaxing my mouth open with the tip of his tongue. I can feel him everywhere: my skin, my heart, my mind; his kisses are like breaths for my soul.