Mike Flynn was overjoyed to hear of Rodney's good fortune.

  "Fifteen dollars a week!" he repeated. "Why you will be rich."

  "Not exactly that, Mike, but it will make me comfortable. By the way,as I have so much more than you, it will only be fair for me to pay thewhole rent."

  "No, Rodney, you mustn't do that."

  "I shall insist upon it, Mike. You would do the same in my place."

  "Yes I would."

  "So you can't object to my doing it."

  "You are very kind to me, Rodney," said Mike, who had the warm heart ofhis race. "It isn't every boy brought up like you who would be willingto room with a bootblack."

  "But you are not a bootblack now. You are a telegraph boy."

  "There are plenty that mind me when I blacked boots down in front of theAstor House."

  "You are just as good a boy for all that. How much did you make lastweek?"

  "Four dollars salary, and a dollar and a half in extra tips."

  "Hereafter you must save your rent money for clothes. We must have youlooking respectable."

  "Won't you adopt me, Rodney?" asked Mike with a laughing face.

  "That's a good idea. Perhaps I will. In that case you must obey allmy orders. In the first place, what are you most in want in the way ofclothing?"

  "I haven't got but two shirts."

  "That is hardly enough for a gentleman of your social position. Anythingelse."

  "I'm short on collars and socks."

  "Then we'll go out shopping. I'll buy you a supply of each."

  "But you haven't begun to work yet."

  "No, but Mrs. Harvey made me a present of twenty five dollars. We'll goto some of the big stores on Sixth Avenue where we can get furnishinggoods cheap."

  Rodney carried out his purpose, and at the cost of four dollars suppliedhis room mate with all he needed for the present.

  "See what it is to be rich, Mike," he said. "It seems odd for me to bebuying clothes for my adopted son."

  "You're in luck, Rodney, and so am I. I hope some time I can do you afavor."

  "Perhaps you can, Mike. If I should get sick, you might take my place astutor."

  "You must know an awful lot, Rodney," said Mike, regarding his companionwith new respect.

  "Thank you for the compliment, Mike. I hope Mr. Sargent will have thesame opinion."

  The next day it is needless to say that Rodney did not resume thebusiness of newsboy. He was very glad to give it up. He dressed withunusual care and took a walk down town.

  As he passed Reade Street by chance Jasper was coming around thecorner. His face lighted up first with pleasure at seeing Rodney, forit gratified his mean nature to triumph over the boy whom he had oustedfrom his position, and next with surprise at his unusually neat andwell dressed appearance. Rodney looked far from needing help. He mightreadily have been taken for a boy of aristocratic lineage.

  "Hallo!" said Jasper, surveying Rodney curiously.

  "How are you this morning, Jasper?" returned Rodney quietly.

  "Why ain't you selling papers?"

  "I don't like the business."

  "But you've got to make a living."

  "Quite true."

  "Are you going to black boots?"

  "Why should I? Is it a desirable business?"

  "How should I know?" asked Jasper, coloring.

  "I didn't know but you might have had some experience at it. I haven't."

  "Do you mean to insult me?" demanded Jasper hotly.

  "I never insult anybody. I will only say that you are as likely to takeup the business as I."

  "I've got a place."

  "How do you know but I have?"

  "Because you were selling papers yesterday and are walking the streettoday."

  "That is true. But I have a place engaged for all that. I shall go towork on Monday."

  Jasper pricked up his ears.

  "Where is it?" he asked.

  "I don't care to tell at present."

  "Is it true? Have you got a place?"


  "I don't see how you could. Mr. Goodnow wouldn't give you arecommendation."

  "There is no reason why he should not."

  "What, after your taking cloaks and dress patterns from the store?"

  "I did nothing of the kind. Sooner or later Mr. Goodnow will find outhis mistake. Probably the real thief is still in his employ."

  Jasper turned pale and regarded Rodney searchingly, but there wasnothing in his manner or expression to indicate that his remark had beenpersonal. He thought it best to turn the conversation.

  "How much pay do you get--four dollars?"

  "More than that."

  "You don't get as much as you did at our store?"

  "Yes; I get more."

  Now it was Jasper's turn to show surprise. He did not know whetherto believe Rodney or not, but there was something in his face whichcommanded belief.

  "How much do you get?" he asked.

  "You would not believe me if I told you."

  "Try me," returned Jasper, whose curiosity was aroused.

  "I am to get fifteen dollars a week."

  Jasper would not have looked more surprised if Rodney had informed himthat he was to become a Cabinet minister.

  "You're joking!" he ejaculated.

  "Not at all."

  "How could you have the face to ask such a price. Did you pass yourselfoff as an experienced salesman?"


  "I don't understand it at all, that is, if you are telling the truth."

  "I have told you the truth, Jasper. I have no object in deceiving you.The salary was fixed by my employer."

  "Who did you say it was?"

  "I didn't say."

  Jasper's cunning scheme was defeated. He felt disturbed to hear ofRodney's good fortune, but he had a shot in reserve.

  "I don't think you will keep your place long," he said in a malicioustone.

  "Why not?"

  "Your employer will hear under what circumstances you left our store,and then of course he will discharge you."

  "You will be sorry for that won't you?" asked Rodney pointedly.

  "Why of course I don't want you to have bad luck."

  "Thank you. You are very considerate."

  "Suppose you lose your place, shall you go back to selling papers?"

  "I hope to find something better to do."

  "Where are you going now?"

  "To get some lunch."

  "So am I. Suppose we go together."

  "Very well, providing you will lunch with me."

  "I don't want to impose upon you."

  "You won't. We may not meet again for some time, and we shall have thismeal to remind us of each other."

  They went to a well known restaurant on Park Row. Rodney ordered aliberal dinner for himself, and Jasper followed his example nothingloath. He was always ready to dine at the expense of others, but even ashe ate he could not help wondering at the strange chance that had madehim the guest of a boy who was selling papers the day before.

  He had nearly finished eating when a disturbing thought occurred to him.Suppose Rodney didn't have money enough to settle the bill, and threw itupon him.

  When Rodney took the checks and walked up to the cashier's desk hefollowed him with some anxiety. But his companion quietly took out afive dollar bill, from his pocket and tendered it to the cashier. Thelatter gave him back the right change and the two boys went out into thestreet.

  "You seem to have plenty of money," said Jasper.

  "There are very few who would admit having that," smiled Rodney.

  "I don't see why you sold papers if you have five dollar bills in yourpocket."

  "I don't want to be idle."

  "May I tell my uncle and Mr. Goodnow that you have got a place?"

  "If you like."

  "Well, good by, I must be hurrying back to the store."

smiled. He rather enjoyed Jasper's surprise and perplexity.