It was not till the latter part of the afternoon that the casketarrived. Rodney was occupied with a recitation, and it was only inthe evening that he got an opportunity to open it. There was a pearlnecklace, very handsome, a pair of bracelets, two gold chains, someminor articles of jewelry and a gold ring.

  A locket attracted Rodney's notice, and he opened it. It contained thepictures of his father and mother.

  His father he could barely remember, his mother died before he was oldenough to have her image impressed upon his memory. He examined thelocket and his heart was saddened. He felt how different his life wouldhave been had his parents lived.

  He had never before realized the sorrow of being alone in the world.Misfortune had come upon him, and so far as he knew he had not a friend.Even Dr. Sampson, who had been paid so much money on his account, andwho had always professed so great friendship for him, had turned cold.

  As he was standing with the locket in his hand there was a knock at thedoor.

  "Come in!" he called out.

  The door opened and a stout, coarse looking boy, dressed in an expensivemanner, entered.

  "Good evening, John," said Rodney, but not cordially.

  Next to himself, John Bundy, who was the son of a wealthy saloon keeperin the city of New York, had been a favorite with Dr. Sampson.

  If there was anything Dr. Sampson bowed down to and respected it waswealth, and Mr. Bundy, senior, was reputed to be worth a considerablefortune.

  In Rodney's mood John Bundy was about the last person whom he wanted tosee.

  "Ha!" said John, espying the open casket, "where did you get all thatjewelry?"

  "It contains my mother's jewels," said Rodney gravely.

  "You never showed it to me before."

  "I never had it before. It came to me by express this afternoon."

  "It must be worth a good pile of money," said John, his eyes gleamingwith cupidity.

  "I suppose it is."

  "Have you any idea what it is worth?"

  "I have no thought about it."

  "What are you going to do with it? It won't be of use to you, especiallythe diamond earrings," he added, with a coarse laugh.

  "No," answered Rodney shortly.

  "My eyes, wouldn't my mother like to own all this jewelry. She's fond ofornament, but pa won't buy them for her."

  Rodney did not answer.

  "I say, Ropes, I mustn't forget my errand. Will you do me a favor?"

  "What is it?"

  "Lend me five dollars till the first of next month. My allowance comesdue then. Now I haven't but a quarter left."

  "What makes you apply to me, Bundy?"

  "Because you always have money. I don't suppose you are worth as much asmy father, but you have more money for yourself than I have."

  "I have had, perhaps, but I haven't now."

  "Why, what's up? What has happened?"

  "I have lost my fortune."

  John whistled. This was his way of expressing amazement.

  "Why, what have you been doing? How could you lose your fortune?"

  "My guardian has lost it for me. That amount to the same thing."

  "When did you hear that?"

  "This morning."

  "Is that true? Are you really a poor boy?"


  John Bundy was astonished, but on the whole he was not saddened. In theestimation of the school Rodney had always ranked higher than he, andbeen looked upon as the star pupil in point of wealth.

  Now that he was dethroned John himself would take his place. This wouldbe gratifying, though just at present, and till the beginning of thenext month, he would be distressed for ready money.

  "Well, that's a stunner!" he said. "How do you feel about it? Shall youstay in school?"

  "No; I can't afford it. I must get to work."

  "Isn't there anything left--not a cent?"

  "There may be a few dollars."

  "And then," said Bundy with a sudden thought, "there is this casket ofjewelry. You can sell it for a good deal of money."

  "I don't mean to sell it."

  "Then you're a fool; that's all I've got to say."

  "I don't suppose you will understand my feeling in the matter, but thesearticles belonged to my mother. They are all I have to remind me of her.I do not mean to sell them unless it is absolutely necessary."

  "I would sell them quicker'n a wink," said Bundy. "What's the good ofkeeping them?"

  "We won't discuss the matter," said Rodney coldly.

  "Do you mind my telling the other boys about your losing your money?"

  "No; it will be known tomorrow at any rate; there is no advantage inconcealing it."

  A heavy step was heard outside. It stopped before the door.

  "I must be getting," said Bundy, "or I'll get into trouble."

  It was against the rule at the school for boys to make calls upon eachother in the evening unless permission were given.

  John Bundy opened the door suddenly, and to his dismay found himselffacing the rigid figure of Dr. Sampson, the principal.

  "How do you happen to be here, Bundy?" asked the doctor sternly.

  "Please, sir, I was sympathizing with Ropes on his losing his money,"said Bundy with ready wit.

  "Very well! I will excuse you this time."

  "I'm awful sorry for you, Ropes," said Bundy effusively.

  "Thank you," responded Rodney.

  "You can go now," said the principal. "I have a little business withMaster Ropes."

  "All right, sir. Good night."

  "Good night."

  "Won't you sit down, Dr. Sampson?" said Rodney politely, and he took thecasket from the chair.

  "Yes, I wish to have five minutes' conversation with you. So these arethe jewels, are they?"

  "Yes, sir."

  "They seem to be quite valuable," went on the doctor, lifting the pearlnecklace and poising it in his fingers. "It will be well for you to havethem appraised by a jeweler."

  "It would, sir, if I wished to sell them, but I mean to keep them asthey are."

  "I would hardly advise it. You will need the money. Probably you do notknow how near penniless you are."

  "No, sir; I don't know."

  "Your guardian, as you are aware, sent me a check for one hundred andtwenty five dollars. I have figured up how much of this sum is due tome, and I find it to be one hundred and thirteen dollars and thirtyseven cents."

  "Yes, sir," said Rodney indifferently.

  "This leaves for you only eleven dollars and sixty three cents. Youfollow me, do you not?"

  "Yes, sir."

  "Have you any money saved up from your allowance?"

  "A few dollars only, sir."

  "Ahem! that is a pity. You will need all you can raise. But of courseyou did not anticipate what has occurred?"

  "No, sir."

  "I will throw off the thirty seven cents," said the principalmagnanimously, "and give you back twelve dollars."

  "I would rather pay you the whole amount of your bill," said Rodney.

  "Ahem! Well perhaps that would be more business-like. So you don't wishto part with any of the jewelry, Ropes?"

  "No, sir."

  "I thought, perhaps, by way of helping you, I would take the earrings,and perhaps the necklace, off your hands and present them to Mrs.Sampson."

  Rodney shuddered with aversion at the idea of these precious articles,which had once belonged to his mother, being transferred to the stoutand coarse featured consort of the principal.

  "I think I would rather keep them," he replied.

  "Oh well, just as you please," said Dr. Sampson with a shade ofdisappointment for he had no idea of paying more than half what thearticles were worth. "If the time comes when you wish to dispose of themlet me know."

  Rodney nodded, but did not answer in words.

  "Of course, Ropes," went on the doctor in a perfunctory way, "I am verysorry for you. I shal
l miss you, and, if I could afford it, I would tellyou to stay without charge. But I am a poor man."

  "Yes," said Rodney hastily, "I understand. I thank you for your wordsbut would not under any circumstances accept such a favor at yourhands."

  "I am afraid you are proud, Ropes. Pride is--ahem--a wrong feeling."

  "Perhaps so, Dr. Sampson, but I wish to earn my own living without beingindebted to any one."

  "Perhaps you are right, Ropes. I dare say I should feel so myself. Whendo you propose leaving us?"

  "Some time tomorrow, sir."

  "I shall feel sad to have you go. You have been here so long thatyou seem to me like a son. But we must submit to the dispensations ofProvidence--" and Dr. Sampson blew a vigorous blast upon his red silkhandkerchief. "I will give you the balance due in the morning."

  "Very well, sir."

  Rodney was glad to be left alone. He had no faith in Dr. Sampson'ssympathy. The doctor had the reputation of being worth from thirty toforty thousand dollars, and his assumption of being a poor man Rodneyknew to be a sham.

  He went to bed early, for tomorrow was to be the beginning of a new lifefor him.