They then divide it up between themselves, but at that point they become rivals; one eventually prevails over the others and claims the whole domain for himself. Even students will do this, if they feel their teacher is weak enough."

  "Students?" piped the bird; "teachers?" Teehar'owan was perched on a small rock outcropping between Medb and the packs. He was the size of a jay, with a crest and long tail, and gaudily decorated in red, green, gold, and blue plumage. His eyes had scarlet irises, almost completely obscured by the expanded pupils, but unlike his other friends no glow emanated from them. He accompanied the former queen out of the hope that one day during her travels he would find his lost mate, but in the meantime he served her as scout and herald.

  "Ah, yes, Master Bird, just about the only other time we cooperate is when an older spider acts as a teacher for a group of younger spiders. Even then, the teacher will take an occasional student, and the students often turn on their smaller, weaker colleagues. My patron, the council member I run errands for and report to, was my teacher."

  Medb stifled a yawn, which Cuideog suspected was more showmanship than a truly spontaneous reaction. "Well, it is getting late, and we will have days ahead of us to pursue these fascinating topics. I suggest we retire and get an early start in the morning." She adopted a slightly mocking tone. "Master Spider, as my guest, you are permitted the run of my camp. I only ask that you refrain from eating my yaks or companions."

  "Mistress, please!" The bird objected in an angry tone while flexing its crest.

  Meanwhile, Creme spoke in a sour tone. "Madam, your sense of humor would turn a rat's stomach."

  The unflappable Zoog said nothing. Medb herself just grinned viciously.

  "There is a favor I would like to ask of you," Cuideog interrupted.

  "Name it." It struck him that Medb felt magnanimous.

  "When we reach the barrier mountains on the western edge of the plateau, a short ways off the trail to Urg is the valley that is the domain of my patron. I bear a message for him from the council member that lives in the shadow of Mt. Thurai, and it must be delivered as soon as possible. I ask that we detour long enough for me to deliver my missive."

  "How long would this detour be?"

  "No more than a day each way, if even that."

  Her next question caught him off guard. "How large is your patron?"

  The spider replied in a cautious manner. "He is neither the oldest now living nor the largest ever known, but a yak to him would be as a mouse to Master Creme." The bird piped in alarm as the cat laid back his ears, narrowed his eyes, and moaned menacingly, and even the Zoog pricked up his ears.

  However, Medb grew pensive. "I have never seen one of the titans of your race. Very well, Master Spider, we shall make your detour and pay your patron a visit." And with that, she opened her cloak long enough to drape it over her head before again wrapping it around herself. She then laid down on her bedroll beside the cat, who snuggled up against her, before throwing the blanket over them both. The bird flew over to the pack on which the Zoog lay, and the two of them nestled together. Medb drifted off to sleep rather quickly, but her companions remained awake for some small time afterwards, as they kept a cautious eye on the spider. For his part, Cuideog simply hunkered down where he sat. It would be difficult for him to relax, since he wasn't used to sleeping unconcealed and dependent upon another for his protection. Yet in time he did finally drift off into a contented sleep, secure in the knowledge that, as her guest, Medb would give her life to protect him from harm.

  From "Dribble & Maggot Home Schooling"

  middle October: afternoon

  Differel sat outside the Headmaster's office, waiting for Aelfraed to arrive. Vlad stood beside her, trying to look inconspicuous, but students, staff, and faculty alike hugged the opposite wall as they walked past, trying not to look at him, but wearing fearful expressions all the same, as if they expected him to attack them at any moment.

  She didn't know how to feel, or rather she didn't know which of the several conflicting emotions should take precedence. She felt apprehensive, like she was in trouble, but she also felt angry, because none of it had been her fault. At the same time she felt so frustrated she wanted to cry over the unfairness of it all, while also barely able to keep from giggling over how terrified everyone reacted, especially Margaret, when Vlad appeared out of nowhere in their midst. She hoped the stuck-up harpy had nightmares for weeks.

  Of course, ultimately that was the whole problem, and it was her fault, at least partially. If she had better control over her emotions, none of it would have happened.

  "He is here," Vlad said.

  She looked up the hall towards the entrance and spotted Aelfraed coming towards her. Her stomach did flip-flops as she stood up.

  "Courage, Master, one day you will never need to endure these petty inconveniences."

  She hoped he was right, but wondered how long that would be.

  Aelfraed held his expression carefully neutral, but his bearing and walk suggested he wasn't pleased. That was the fourth time since the start of the Michaelmas term that he had been summoned to her school.

  He didn't say anything when he stood over her, so she said, "I'm sorry, Aelfraed."

  He glanced at Vlad, then looked back at her. "It's all right, Madam, I'm sure it couldn't be helped." Nonetheless, the tone of his voice suggested he was also frustrated.

  The door to the office opened and the secretary came out into hall. "The Headmaster will see you now."

  Aelfraed headed in and she followed, but when the secretary blanched and stepped hastily back, she turned and saw Vlad following her.

  "You can go back to the estate; I'll be all right now."

  "Not until I am certain of your safety."

  Aelfraed gave him a level stare. "No harm will come to her as long as I still draw breath."

  The Vampire grinned at him. "Indeed. Very well." And he vanished in a cloud of shadow.

  She glanced at the secretary, who looked like he had just escaped a gruesome death. "I apologize for my servant."

  He took out a handkerchief and wiped the sweat off his forehead. " problem at all, Miss." Nonetheless, his voice broke. "The Headmaster is waiting."

  She followed Aelfraed through the outer office into the inner room while bats performed flying loops in her stomach. She almost wished Vlad had taken her with him.

  The Headmaster stood up and walked out from behind his desk. "Mr. Walters." He extended his hand.

  Aelfraed took it and shook. "Mr. Wright."

  The Headmaster indicated a set of four chairs around a small table, where a tea service had been set. She and Aelfraed sat with him, and he poured himself a cup as Aelfraed served her, then poured his own. They each took a sip and settled back. All the while she had to fight to keep from screaming for him to get on with it.

  "Mr. Walters, I'm afraid this just isn't working out. This has been the seventh such incident to date, and frankly it has been the worst. We are all very fond of Miss Van Helsing, truly we are, and we have done everything we could to make allowances for the recent changes in her life, but unless I can have some assurances that no further incidence will ever occur again, I'm afraid we'll have no choice but to seek some form of redress."

  "I quite understand, Mr. Wright, but could we not come to an accommodation? Perhaps personal instruction, combined with being excused from social functions?"

  "You are of course free to make whatever arrangements you wish outside of the school, but I'm sorry to say that Gresham's is not set up for such an arrangement, and it wouldn't be fair to the other students, or in keeping with our educational philosophy. Besides, I'm afraid it's gone well beyond anything so simple."

  "I don't understand."

  "Miss Van Helsing threatened another student with the Vam--ahem, her escort."

  Aelfraed glanced at her with mild surprise. "Is this true, Madam?"

  "Yes, but it wasn't undeserved."

  "Come, come, now. Miss Chesham did no
thing that would warrant such a response."

  "Headmaster, Margaret is a bully and a bitch."

  Aelfraed raised an eyebrow, but instead of getting angry the Headmaster smiled. "That is certainly true; however, it's still no excuse."

  "Yes, Sir."

  "Perhaps if you explained what happened, I might have a better understanding of the seriousness of the situation."

  "Yes, of course. The incident occurred between classes, as Miss Van Helsing was crossing the yard...."

  morning of the same day

  "Hey, Dribble!"

  Differel cringed, but kept on walking.

  "Dribble Van Spitsink! Don't pretend you can't hear me!"

  Oh, please, God, make her go away!

  Five pairs of feet came running up behind her. Before she could sprint away, three girls, two blondes and a redhead, got in front of her and cut her off.

  Thanks for nothing, God.

  She turned around and confronted the other two. A raven-haired beanpole stood next to a brunette, who led that clique.

  "What do you want, Margaret." Her heart pounded against her sternum like it tried to escape.

  The brunette looked furious. "That's Lady Margaret to you, 'Sir Dribble'!" She was twelve just like her, but she was maturing early. Not only did she sport a fair-sized bosom for her age, she was already menstruating, a fact she had proudly announced to everyone around her. Then too, her cute round face with the exotic copperish eyes framed by bouncy, billowing cinnamon-sorrel hair added a certain charm.

  "Why do they call you 'Sir', Dribble?"