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  “Ugh. ” Lily put her hand up. “I don ’t know that I want to be hearing this. ”

  “Nay, you ’re not understanding. The man’s plaid were fastened with a MacKintosh brooch. ”

  “You didn ’t like the man’s pin?” Lily asked incredulously.

  “Nay, Lil’, it isn’t that I didn’t like his pin. Och, the brooch, it ’s a cat. You ken Da’s hound pin, aye? What it means to him? Well the MacKintosh clan, their battle animal is a cat. ”

  She recalled Ewen telling her of the infamous bad blood between Clans Cameron and MacKintosh. If what John was saying were true, it would be a serious accusation indeed.

  A chill shuddered through Lily to think that a man from an enemy clan had made his way into Tor Castle while most of the Cameron clansmen were no longer under its roof. She didn ’t know the nature of their feuding but this could only have serious—and downright frightening—implications.

  “Are you positive, John? It was dark after all. ”

  “Aye, it was as plain as porridge, it was. I looked close thinking it could be an ill-made hound. So I looked till I knew for certain, and it were the MacKintosh cat alright. ”

  “Okay. ” Lily gathered herself. If anything disastrous were to happen with Ewen out of the castle it would be up to her and Robert to get John to safety. She didn ’t know much about Scottish history but she did know that clan feuds often went beyond merely stealing cattle to all-out bloodbaths. “Tell me anything else you saw or heard, John. This is very important. ”

  “Well there you two rascals are! ” Robert sauntered into the garden. “I’ve been searching high and low to see what all the fuss is ”— He stopped short at the grim expressions on Lily’s and John ’s faces.

  “What’s this then?”

  “I’m glad you’re here, Robert. ” Lily was deeply relieved that Ewen had had the foresight to leave his foster brother behind. She was feeling much more at home of late, but dealing with a clash between two Highland clans was not something she felt prepared to face alone. “John was just telling me how he saw someone from the MacKintosh clan in the castle. ”

  “Aye, and coming out of Rowena’s rooms as bold as brass. ”

  “As Virgil has it, latet anguis in herba. A snake lies in the grass, lad. ” Robert’s brow furrowed. “But how can you be certain?”

  “He ’d a cat brooch. ” John looked at them accusingly. “I may be a lad but I ’m not daft, I ken the MacKintosh token. ” Robert visibly deflated as he sank to the ground. He paused to give Lily a meaningful look that did more to unsettle her than allay any of her quickly escalating fears.

  “Ah, yes, the MacKintosh clan and that infernal cat. ” Robert turned to Lily to explain, “They’ve a motto, ‘Touch Not the Cat Bot a Glove. ’”

  Lily looked perplexed so Robert clarified, “The MacKintosh symbol is a cat-a- mountain, their warning is that you’re not to touch the cat without a glove. ” He paused, but Lily still didn’t look satisfied. “Peculiar it may be, but Cameron ’s are hounds, MacKintosh’s are cats, and the lairds have been at odds since Ewen ’s grandfather was Lochiel. Clan MacKintosh is disposed toward feuding over the same parcel of Cameron lands. And we ’ve a saying here in the Highlands: Those that board with cats may count on scratches!” He muttered, “I suppose that is applicable to our fair Rowena as well. Feline indeed, that one was, but no matter. I don’t know where she’s got off to, but to have given him access to her rooms …” He gave Lily a somber look. “She’s clearly in league with the MacKintosh. ”

  Robert’s voice then took on a gravity that would have surprised Lily had she not otherwise been so grateful to have him by her side to face the situation. “John, listen to us. This is very important, lad. Did he see you?”

  “Nay, sir. I ’m never seen if I don’t want to be. ”

  “Good. There ’s a clever boy. ”

  “Robert, ” Lily interrupted, “what could someone from Clan MacKintosh want? Do you think we ’re in danger?”

  “I fear it’s our laird who faces the most danger. ” Robert paused for a moment, then added, “I never did trust that lass. I say the best course will be to keep our peace about this matter until we ’ve the truth of it. With the men of the clan gone, there ’s no need to fley the castle staff with news of a MacKintosh underfoot. ”

  Lily stilled. Ewen. The MacKintosh man would be on the hunt for him. The sudden knot of fear felt like a physical thing in her gut, and Lily choked it down, knowing she needed to be levelheaded if she were to get John out and to safety. If the MacKintosh clan wanted the laird dead, they’d surely have an eye to his heir as well. Lily felt adrenaline explode through her veins, like some additional sense firing to life.

  Robert steadied her with a stoic smile, and she nodded her own resolve. He added, “No, we ’ll not stir the pot by betraying to the MacKintosh that we know of his involvement. ”

  Lily was struck by a depth in Robert that she usually overlooked amidst all the proverbs and pedantry. She thought how he ’d mature into a fine man, especially with Ewen ’s sage guidance and impeccable character as an example.

  Ewen. If only he were here to help them. John ’s safety was foremost in her mind, and Lily was determined that she would give her own life to protect his. She only hoped that she would know the right course of action so that it wouldn’t come to that.

  An idea flashed into her mind and she startled them by suddenly blurting, “I’ve got it! The west wing of the house! ” Although John stared at her as if she’d lost her mind, Lily was touched by a reassuring look from Robert. “Yes, Lily, what have you in mind?”

  “Assuming this mystery man is somehow a threat —and I think it wise to assume the worst—I think we need … I need to get John out of here and to safety immediately. ”

  “I’m not leaving! I ’m near a man grown and ” — John was silenced by two withering looks.

  Lily continued, “The back passageway that leads to the western wing of the house. Ewen told me that the stairs continue down to a hidden doorway that leads out to the Loch. ”

  “Yes. Yes, that there is. The door is likely covered by brush by now, so you must hack your way out, but once freed from the copious verdure there’s a wee path that will lead your intrepid selves directly down to Loch Linnhe. ”

  “Do you think you could arrange for a boat to meet John and me?”

  “I can do better than that, dear Lily, there ’s an old dinghy already there. There ’s a stream that links the Lochs Arkaig and Linnhe where Donald likes to fish for salmon. Eddies along the shore slow the fish, making for easy prey, you see. She won’t withstand any tidal surges, but the boat will get you down water a ways. That will have to do until I can get to Lochiel to warn him. ”

  Instantly, panic skewered Lily, and words began to repeat rapid-fire, looping over and over in her head. He was a fey lad and not so old. With hair spun from rings of gold. She felt a stabbing in her heart, as fear hammered each painful beat. One day tragedy learnt his name. In a skirmish with men in coats of flame.

  The song. She had neglected the song. She ’d been so involved with John, preoccupied with Ewen, absorbed in her own concerns , her newfound contentment had held her spellbound. On a bonny hill the lad met his ruin. When he took a bullet meant for Sir Ewen. How could she have forgotten Robert?

  “Be careful,” she said, voice cracking. “I ’m worried you’re walking right into danger. ” Forcing her voice to be strong, she added, “Don ’t be a hero, Robert. ”

  He looked at her somberly, as if already comprehending some forgone truth. “Sometimes a man needs to be a hero, Lil ’ ”.

  Robert tilted his head, and, eyes creased with affection, he considered her. He added lightly, “Now don’t you fret, lass, I ’ll find you once we sort this affair out. ”

  Taking his cue, she made as if to buoy her attitude. “That’s all well and good, but what if you don ’t ‘sort it out?
??? And what am I supposed to do in the meantime?” Lily affected a disgruntled air. “I ’m no Girl Scout, you know. ”

  “No, Lily, I do not know. ” That smile lit Robert ’s face again, and if Lily didn ’t know better she’d suspect the bookish young man was actually enjoying this. “But that’s where young John will prove himself a man. Won ’t you, lad?”

  John puffed with the indirect praise. “Aye, I could live on the land for a year, if it comes to it. ”

  Robert interjected, “ Qualis pater talis filius! ”

  “Don’t tell me …like father, like son? ”

  “Brava, dear Lily! Each passing day finds you a more capable Latinist. ”

  John had been ignoring the exchange, his shoulders suddenly slouched and brows scrunched in an attitude of young concern. “But”—he looked to Lily for reassurance “— let’s hope then it won ’t be as much as a year, aye?”

  “Yes, ” Lily had to concur, “let’s. ”

  And the words continued relentless, boiling to the surface of her consciousness . A MacMartin hero in Cameron plaid.

  Chapter 27

  The sun cast long shadows in the dawn light, promising an uncharacteristically warm Highland morning. Ewen rubbed his brow, the dirt of the previous day ’s hard ride still etched deeply in the lines of his hand, each nail outlined with a thick brown halo. There would likely be no bathing until their return back to Tor Castle—which, if Ewen had his way, would be as soon as humanly possible. He was eager to purge his lands of the redcoat vermin and get back to Lily. His scouts had spotted General Monk and about 140 British soldiers settled outside the village of Achdalieu, and they were now merrily pissing on his land, pillaging his people’s homes, and reiving poultry and cattle enough to fill their coward’s bellies.