‘A catastrophe overtook …’, Nicolaus von Below, Als Hitlers Adjutant, 1937–1945, Mainz, 1980, 399

  ‘Spirits have reached a new low …’, letter to Colonel Waine Archer from Colonel Pete T. Heffner Jr, 3.1.45, NARA RG 498 290/56/5/3, Box 1463

  Panic in Strasbourg, NARA RG 331, SHAEF records (290/715/2) E-240P, Box 38

  ‘It is self-evident …’, Charles de Gaulle, Mémoires de Guerre: Le Salut, 1944–1946, Paris, 1959, 145

  ‘Juin said things …’, James Robb diary, DDE Lib, Papers, Pre-Pres., Box 98

  ‘the French Army would get …’, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Crusade in Europe, London, 1948, 396

  ‘If we were involved …’, De Gaulle, Mémoires de Guerre: Le Salut, 1944–1946, 148

  ‘This modification …’, ‘I think we’ve done …’, Eisenhower, Crusade in Europe, 396

  ‘It suggested that …’, 4.1.45, DCD

  ‘in high spirits’, letter to Colonel Waine Archer from Colonel Pete T. Heffner Jr, 5.1.45, NARA RG 498 290/56/5/3, Box 1463

  ‘next to the weather …’, PDDE, iv, 2491

  ‘signal intelligence to …’, 3.1.45, TNA HW 14/119

  ‘This presents a serious …’, ibid.

  ‘simply refused …’, Thomas E. Griess, 14.10.70, York County Heritage Trust, York, PA, Box 94

  ‘surprised, captured or surrounded …’, VI Corps, NARA RG 498 290/56/5/3, Box 1463

  ‘attempt to discredit the Americans’, Chester B. Hansen Collection, Box 42, S-28, USAMHI

  ‘the public clamor …’, 6.1.45, CBHD

  ‘wouldn’t serve one day …’, 8.1.45, CBHD

  ‘repudiate the efficacy …’, ibid.

  ‘the German breakthrough …’, etc., 6.1.45, CBHD

  ‘At the same time …’, 5.1.45, CBHD

  ‘invaluable’, TNA CAB 106/1107

  ‘The battle has been most interesting …’, etc., TNA CAB 106/1107

  ‘although this statement …’, ibid.

  ‘The Battle of the Ardennes …’, ibid.

  ‘return it to me …’, ‘I wanted it back …’, 8.1.45, CBHD

  ‘I fear great offence …’, TNA CAB 106/1107


  ‘a defensive success …’, etc., Generalmajor Otto Remer, ETHINT 80

  ‘The 11th Armored is …’, 4.1.45, PP, 615

  ‘There were some unfortunate …’, ibid.

  ‘a bitter cold …’, CBHD, Box 5

  ‘continued to pour destruction’, Ed Cunningham, ‘The Cooks and Clerks’, Yank, 16.3.45

  ‘Units frequently make errors …’, Lt Col. Glavin, G-3 6th Armored Division, VII Corps, NARA RG 498 290/56/2/3, Box 1459

  ‘If you enter a village …’, 6th Armored Division, NARA RG 498 290/56/5/2, Box 3

  11th Armored Division, CMH Ardennes, 647

  ‘The 17th Airborne, which attacked this …’, 4.1.45, PP, 615

  ‘We have had replacements …’, 17th Airborne, NARA RG 498 290/56/5/2, Box 3

  ‘The German follows a fixed form …’, etc., ibid.

  ‘Our men had great confidence …’, Colonel J. R. Pierce, NARA RG 498 290/56/5/2, Box 3

  Using artillery to dig foxholes, VII Corps, NARA RG 498 290/56/2/3, Box 1459

  ‘The 17th has suffered …’, 8.1.45, CBHD

  Sergeant Isidore Jachman, Congressional Medal of Honor Library, vol. i, 172–3, Peter Schrijvers, Those Who Hold Bastogne, New Haven, CN, 2014, 225

  ‘saw a rifleman …’, VIII Corps, NARA RG 498 290/56/2/3, Box 1463

  ‘all for putting …’, etc., PP, 615

  ‘Roads were icy …’, etc., 3.1.45, PWS

  ‘A lucky tree burst …’, William H. Simpson Papers, Box 11, USAMHI

  ‘Trois Ponts was cleared …’, 3.1.45, PWS

  ‘greatly pleased with …’, ibid.

  ‘the 2nd Armored Division …’, 4.1.45, CBHD

  Fighting for Bure, War Diary, 13th Bn Parachute Regiment, TNA WO 171/1246

  Yvonne Louviaux, in Jean-Michel Delvaux, La Bataille des Ardennes autour de Rochefort, 2 vols., Hubaille, 2004–5, ii, 123–4

  ‘this headquarters thought …’, 6.1.45, PWS

  ‘declare there’s no evidence …’, 7.1.45, Hobart Gay Papers, USAMHI

  ‘Undoubtedly the hard fighting …’, José Cugnon, quoted Delvaux, Rochefort, ii, 28

  ‘they certainly did not seem …’, ibid., i, 232

  ‘At 09.30, we saw …’, diary of Sister Alexia Bruyère, quoted ibid., i, 143

  ‘O little town of Houffalize …’, PP, 632

  ‘Resistance never let up …’, Captain H. O. Sweet, IWM, 95/33/1

  ‘Everyone thinks …’, NARA RG 165, Entry 178, Box 146353

  ‘Anyone taken prisoner …’, CSDIC, TNA WO 208/4157 SRN 4772 25/3/45

  ‘Do not get the impression …’, Major Gen. Kenneth Strong 02/14/2 3/25 – Intelligence Notes No. 33, IWM Documents 11656

  ‘When the Germans are having …’, etc., NARA RG 498 290/56/2/3, Box 1459

  ‘were more meek …’, MFF-7, C1-107

  ‘Too good treatment …’, VIII Corps, NARA RG 498 290/56/2/3, Box 1463

  ‘We have never been …’, NARA RG 498 290/56/2/3, Box 1466

  Forcing German prisoners to walk barefoot, Gerald Astor, A Blood-Dimmed Tide, New York, 1992, 375

  ‘prisoners were beginning …’, TNA WO 231/30

  Pozit fuses, V Corps, NARA RG 498 290/56/2/3, Box 1455

  ‘The results of these …’, VII Corps, NARA RG 498 290/56/2/3, Box 1459

  ‘If we want to win the war …’, Generalmajor Ludwig Heilmann, 5th Fallschirmjäger-Division, FMS B-023

  ‘If there is any suspicion …’, CSDIC, TNA WO 208/3616 SIR 1548

  ‘Ten or twelve …’, Feldwebel Rösner, 7th Battery, 26th Volksgrenadier-Division, TNA WO 311/54

  ‘I nearly gagged …’, Robert M. Bowen, Fighting with the Screaming Eagles: With the 101st Airborne from Normandy to Bastogne, London 2001, 204–5

  ‘The wounded …’, Assistant Arzt Dammann, CSDIC, TNA WO 208/3616 SIR 1573

  ‘Chamber of Horrors’, etc., ‘Shock Nurse’, Ernest O. Hauser, Saturday Evening Post, 10.3.45

  Non-battle casualties, CMH Medical, 385–6

  ‘nausea, crying …’, VII Corps, NARA RG 498 290/56/2/3, Box 1459

  ‘When one man cracks …’, ibid.

  ‘Tank fatigue’, ibid.

  ‘long hours of exposure’, ibid.

  ‘Even with hard and experienced …’, 5th Infantry Division, XX Corps, NARA RG 498 290/56/2/3, Box 1465

  2nd and 9th Panzer-Divisions, General der Panzertruppe Heinrich von Lüttwitz, XLVII Panzer Corps, FMS A-939

  ‘It is the coldest weather …’, 8.1.45, A. J. Cowdery, Civil Affairs, IWM Documents 17395 10/18/1

  ‘The Führer has ordered …’, HLB, 597

  ‘It’s the greatest mockery …’, Generalmajor Hans Bruhn, 533rd Volksgrenadier-Division, CSDIC, TNA WO 208/4364 GRGG 240

  ‘The Germans are pulling …’, 11.1.45, William H. Simpson Papers, Box 11, USAMHI

  ‘We are aware of your views …’, to Major General Clayton Bissell, TNA WO 171/4184

  ‘like the heavens …’, Colonel Liebisch, Art of War Symposium, US Army War College, Carlisle, PA, 1986, 617

  ‘Forward into the fascist …’, Velikaya Otechestvennaya Voina, Moscow, 1999, iii, 26

  ‘had enabled the Russian …’, 15.1.45, CBHD

  ‘The fear of Russia …’, Generalleutnant von Heyking, 6th Fallschirmjäger-Division, TNA WO 171/4184


  ‘What gets me …’, quoted Air Marshal Sir James Robb, ‘Higher Direction of War’, typescript, 11.46, provided by his daughter

  ‘My God, don’t they have …’, Stephen E. Ambrose, Band of Brothers, New York, 2001, 229

  ‘Every replacement …’, Tim G. W. Holbert, ‘Brothers at Bastogne – Easy Company’s Toughest Task’, World War II Chronicles, Winter 2004/5, 22–5

  2nd Battalion, 5
06th at Rachamps, Ambrose, Band of Brothers, 223–4

  ‘violent enemy …’, NARA RG 498 290/56/5/3, Box 1463

  ‘Having visited villages …’, 14.1.45, A. J. Cowdery, Civil Affairs, IWM Documents 17395 10/18/1

  ‘the troops have been over-enthusiastic …’, A. Fieber, 1st Bn, Manchester Rgt, in 53rd (Welsh) Div., IWM Documents 4050 84/50/1

  ‘The right wing …’, 2nd Panzer-Division, FMS P-109e

  ‘He was trying to thaw him out …’, Martin Lindsay, So Few Got Through, Barnsley, 2000, 160

  ‘Very soon an American …’, 2nd Panzer-Division, FMS P-109e

  ‘brick houses …’, etc., MFF-7, C1-100/101

  ‘At one point …’, Patton, quoted Gerald Astor, A Blood-Dimmed Tide, New York, 1992, 366

  ‘Contact was established …’, Armored School, Fort Knox, General Instruction Dept, 16.4.48, CARL N-18000.127

  ‘The Division does not …’, quoted H. Essame, The Battle for Germany, London, 1970, 117

  ‘The situation is now restored’, 17.1.45, CBHD

  ‘At 10.30 the Field Marshal …’, William H. Simpson Papers, Box 11, USAMHI

  ‘That “protect the Ninth’s …’, ibid.

  ‘the United States troops …’, TNA CAB 106/1107

  Telephone transcript, William H. Simpson Papers, Box 11, USAMHI

  ‘First and Third US Armies in …’, Montgomery to Brooke, 14.1.45, Nigel Hamilton, Monty: The Field Marshal 1944–1976, London, 1986, 325

  ‘Any future moves …’, William H. Simpson Papers, Box 11, USAMHI

  ‘His forces are now relegated …’, 2.12.44, CBHD

  Whiteley, not Bedell Smith, D. K. R. Crosswell, Beetle: The Life of General Walter Bedell Smith, Lexington, KY, 2010, 853

  ‘The reputation and the good will …’, 24.1.45, Hobart Gay Papers, USAMHI

  ‘The town is in ruins …’, NARA RG 407 E 427 2280, Box 2425

  XIX TAC claims, CMH SC, 395 n. 111

  ‘The three tactical air forces …’, Joint Report No. 1 by Operational Research Section 2nd Tactical Air Force and No. 2 Operational Research Section, 21st Army Group, TNA WO 231/30

  ‘did not play a decisive …’, Generalmajor Siegfried von Waldenburg, 116th Panzer-Division, FMS B-038

  ‘The Third Army today …’, 29.1.45, CBHD

  ‘He is a good officer …’, PP, 630

  ‘a tremendous palace …’, William H. Simpson Papers, Box 11, USAMHI

  ‘compelled to ransack …’, ‘Eagle Took’, 16.1.45, CBHD

  ‘his customary slow …’, 4.2.45, CBHD

  ‘passed scarred and …’, ibid.

  Belgian civilian casualties, CMH SC, 332

  ‘tremendous number …’, 25.1.45, A. J. Cowdery, Civil Affairs, IWM Documents 17395 10/18/1

  Damage in La Roche, Peter Schrijvers, The Unknown Dead: Civilians in the Battle of the Bulge, Lexington, KY, 2005, 325


  Trial of Kampfgruppe Peiper, FMS C-004

  ‘The criticism whether it …’, Interrogation of Generalfeldmarschall Keitel and Generaloberst Jodl, 20.7.45, TNA WO 231/30

  Falling back to the Meuse, Seventh Army, FMS A-876

  ‘The promptness with which …’, Generaloberst Alfred Jodl, FMS A-928

  ‘no other army in the world …’, 24.12.44, CBHD

  ‘Officers and men …’, Generalmajor Rudolf Freiherr von Gersdorff, FMS A-933

  ‘Every day that …’, ‘the last gasp …’, Generalleutnant Fritz Bayerlein, Panzer Lehr Division, FMS A-941

  ‘a major point …’, quoted D. K. R. Crosswell, Beetle: The Life of General Walter Bedell Smith, Lexington, KY, 2010, 837

  Churchill recognizing the graver consequence, Churchill to Ismay, 10.1.45, TNA PREM 3 4 31/2

  ‘He’s a psychopath …’, Cornelius J. Ryan Collection, Ohio University, Box 43, file 7, typescript, n.d.

  Allied casualties in the Ardennes, CMH SC, 396; and Royce L. Thompson, OCMH, typescript, 28.4.52, CMH 2-3.7 AE P-15

  ‘Not for God and country …’, Gerald K. Johnson, ‘The Black Soldiers in the Ardennes’, Soldiers, February 1981, 16ff.

  ‘the Germans made us take off …’, etc., ‘The Service Diary of German War Prisoner #315136’, Sgt John P. Kline, Coy M, 3rd Battalion, 423rd Infantry Regiment, CBMP, Box 2

  ‘xylophone ribs …’, etc., 19.4.45, GBP

  ‘5,000 mile stare’, Vonnegut on C-Span, New Orleans, 30.5.95

  Select Bibliography

  Ambrose, Stephen E., Band of Brothers, New York, 2001

  Arend, Guy Franz, Bastogne et la Bataille des Ardennes, Bastogne, 1974

  Astor, Gerald, A Blood-Dimmed Tide, New York, 1992

  —— Battling Buzzards: The Odyssey of the 517th Parachute Regimental Combat Team 1943–1945, New York, 1993

  Atkinson, Rick, The Guns at Last Light, New York, 2013

  Baker, Carlos, Ernest Hemingway: A Life Story, New York, 1969

  Bauer, Eddy, L’Offensive des Ardennes, Paris, 1983

  Bedell Smith, Walter, Eisenhower’s Six Great Decisions, London, 1956

  Beevor, Antony, Berlin: The Downfall 1945, London, 2002

  —— The Second World War, London, 2012

  Beevor, Antony, and Cooper, Artemis, Paris after the Liberation, 1944–1949, London, 1994

  Belchem, David, All in the Day’s March, London, 1978

  Below, Nicolaus von, Als Hitlers Adjutant, 1937–1945, Mainz, 1980

  Bennet, Ralph, Ultra in the West, New York, 1980

  Boberach, Heinz (ed.), Meldungen aus dem Reich: Die geheimen Lageberichte des Sicherheitsdienstes der SS 1938–1945, 17 vols., Herrsching, 1984

  Botsford, Gardner, A Life of Privilege, Mostly, New York, 2003

  Bowen, Robert M., Fighting with the Screaming Eagles: With the 101st Airborne from Normandy to Bastogne, London 2001

  Bradley, Omar N., A Soldier’s Story, New York, 1964

  Buckley, John, Monty’s Men: The British Army and the Liberation of Europe, London, 2013

  Cole, Hugh M., United States Army in World War II: The European Theater of Operations: The Ardennes: Battle of the Bulge, Washington, DC, 1988

  Connell, J. Mark, Ardennes: The Battle of the Bulge, London, 2003

  Couch, Arthur S., ‘An American Infantry Soldier in World War II Europe’, unpublished memoir, private collection

  Crosswell, D. K. R., Beetle: The Life of General Walter Bedell Smith, Lexington, KY, 2010

  D’Este, Carlo, Eisenhower: Allied Supreme Commander, London, 2002

  De Gaulle, Charles, Mémoires de Guerre: Le Salut, 1944–1946, Paris, 1959

  Delvaux, Jean-Michel, La Bataille des Ardennes autour de Celles, Hubaille, 2003

  —— La Bataille des Ardennes autour de Rochefort, 2 vols., Hubaille, 2004–5

  Domarus, Max (ed.), Reden und Proklamationen 1932–1945, Wiesbaden, 1973

  Doubler, Michael D., Closing with the Enemy: How GIs fought the War in Europe, 1944–1945, Lawrence, KS, 1994

  Dupuy, Colonel R. Ernest, St. Vith: Lion in the Way: The 106th Infantry Division in World War II, Washington, DC, 1949

  Eisenhower, Dwight D., Crusade in Europe, London, 1948

  Eisenhower, John S. D., The Bitter Woods, New York, 1970

  Ellis, John, The Sharp End: The Fighting Man in World War II, London, 1990

  Elstob, P., Bastogne: La Bataille des Ardennes, Paris, 1968

  Ent, Uzal W. (ed.), The First Century: A History of the 28th Infantry Division, Harrisburg, PA, 1979

  Essame, H. The Battle for Germany, London, 1970

  Evans, Richard J., The Third Reich at War, London, 2008

  Ferguson, Niall, The War of the World, London, 2007

  Forty, George, The Reich’s Last Gamble: The Ardennes Offensive, December 1944, London, 2000

  Friedrich, Jörg, Der Brand: Deutschland im Bombenkrieg 1940–1945, Berlin, 2002

  Fussell, Paul, The Boys’ Crusade, New York, 2003

  Galtier-Boissière, Jean, Mon journal pendant l’Occupation, Paris
, 1944

  Gehlen, Reinhard, The Gehlen Memoirs, London, 1972

  Gellhorn, Martha, Point of No Return, New York, 1989

  Gilbert, Martin, The Second World War, London, 1989

  Guderian, Heinz, Panzer Leader, New York, 1996

  Hamilton, Nigel, Monty: Master of the Battlefield 1942–1944, London, 1984

  —— Monty: The Field Marshal 1944–1976, London, 1986

  Hastings, Max, Armageddon: The Battle for Germany 1944–45, London, 2004

  —— Finest Years: Churchill as Warlord, 1940–45, London, 2009

  Heiber, Helmut, and Glantz, David M. (eds.), Hitler and his Generals: Military Conferences 1942–1945, London, 2002; Hitlers Lagebesprechungen: Die Protokollfragmente seiner militärischen Konferenzen 1942–1945, Munich, 1984

  Hemingway, Ernest, Across the River and into the Trees, New York, 1950

  Henke, Klaus-Dietmar, Die amerikanische Besetzung Deutschlands, Munich, 1995

  Hitchcock, William I., Liberation: The Bitter Road to Freedom: Europe 1944–1945, London, 2009

  Hogan, David W., Jr, A Command Post at War: First Army Headquarters in Europe, 1943–1945, Washington, DC, 2000

  Horrocks, Brian, Corps Commander, London, 1977

  Hynes, Samuel, The Soldiers’ Tale: Bearing Witness to Modern War, London, 1998

  Ingersoll, Ralph, Top Secret, London, 1946

  Isaacson, Walter, Kissinger: A Biography, London, 1992

  Jordan, David, The Battle of the Bulge: The First 24 Hours, London, 2003

  Jung, Hermann, Die Ardennen-Offensive 1944/45: Ein Beispiel für die Kriegführung Hitlers, Göttingen, 1971

  Junge, Traudl, Until the Final Hour: Hitler’s Last Secretary, London, 2002

  Kardorff, Ursula von, Diary of a Nightmare: Berlin 1942–1945, London, 1965

  Kershaw, Alex, The Longest Winter, New York, 2004

  Kershaw, Ian, Hitler 1936–1945: Nemesis, London 2000

  —— The End: Hitler’s Germany 1944–45, London, 2011

  Kershaw, Robert, It Never Snows in September, London, 2008

  Klemperer, Victor, To the Bitter End: The Diaries of Victor Klemperer, 1942–45, London, 2000

  Koskimaki, George E., The Battered Bastards of Bastogne: The 101st Airborne in the Battle of the Bulge, New York, 2007