Page 11 of Second Rate Chances

  She started to pull away but Chance grabbed her arms. Holding her tight, he leaned across the table. The candlelight tossed color onto his face. His eyes seemed more alive than ever. “I’ll stop. For you…I’ll stop.”

  Biting her lip, Makayla shook her head. “I thought you said you couldn’t…”

  His eyes drifted over her face. “I guess I’ve never been properly motivated before. But you…you could motivate me to make all kinds of changes…”

  Makayla swallowed, not sure whether to believe him or not. “Maybe…maybe you should get help?”

  He chuckled, leaning away from her a little; the candlelight washed over his clothes. “What? You think they have a twelve step program for kleptos?”

  She shrugged. “Maybe?”

  Chance looked away and swallowed. He closed his eyes for a second than looked back at her. “I’ll stop. I’ll give up that life for the chance to be with you. I’m done…I promise.”

  Makayla frowned. “You shouldn’t make promises to someone you just met…it’s not smart.”

  Reaching across the table, he stroked her cheek with his knuckle. “I don’t feel like I just met you. I feel like I’ve known you forever.” He gave her a quick, shy glance. “Is that strange?”

  Makayla smiled and leaned into his caress. “Yes…but so are you.”

  He smirked, then shook his head. “Thanks.”

  “Anytime.” Her smile faded and she shook her head. “I want to believe in you, Chance, I really do. But…” Reaching up, she removed his hand from her cheek. “I don’t trust you.”

  Chance sighed and pulled his hand back into his lap. “I’ll prove it, Makayla. I’ll prove myself to you.” He leaned over the table. His face was so beautiful, so earnest, Makayla once again felt that swell of feeling in her chest. This time, she couldn’t push it back. “I’ll make you believe in me, Makayla.”

  Makayla was sappily staring into his eyes after he said that. She felt like a caricature of a cartoon princess, gazing at her prince with stupid cartoon hearts floating out of her eyes. She couldn’t help it. Chance just had a way of wrapping his words around her. Fastening himself to her very soul with his accented voice. But she was smart enough to know that words were just words, and actions were the only way Chance could ever really prove himself. Twisting her head, she made herself break the intense connection they’d been having.

  Clearing her throat, she mumbled, “Well, until you prove it, until you show me that your words aren’t just…words…” She looked back to him. “This thing between you and me stays casual.”

  Chance frowned. “Casual? What does that mean?”

  Makayla smirked. “Well, no more sleepovers for one.”

  Chance frowned again. “Oh…I really liked that.” He seemed to immediately understand what else she meant by that statement. Dropping his mouth, he eyed her body again. “I suppose that means no more…make out sessions in your bed?”

  Makayla sighed; she’d miss those make out sessions, but it was the smart thing to do, if she was going to seriously consider moving forward with him. “Yes, no more making out…and…” she shrugged and decided to be blunt with him; subtly sometimes got lost on men. “…no sex.”

  He raised his eyebrow at her pointed answer, then frowned again. “I see.” Smiling, he leaned over the table again. “And how long exactly would it take you to trust me?” He raised his eyebrow suggestively.

  Makayla smiled and looked down. “Well…that part depends on you, I guess.”

  When she peeked up at him he was smiling…and pulling his wallet out of his pocket. Showing her a credit card—with his real name on it—he laid it on the bill sitting on their small table. Makayla smiled and reached her hand across the table to hold his. He smiled and shook his head at her, his face both exasperated and amused.

  “This is going to be interesting,” he mumbled while the waitress took his card away.

  After their meal, they had just enough time to take a short walk around the block. Makayla sighed and held his hand, wondering if he’d really meant it, when he’d said he’d give up the life for her. She wanted to believe it, she wanted to believe him. And quite frankly, she wanted him. Waiting was going to be just as hard on her as him. Maybe more so, since she’d been the one to instigate nearly every intimate moment they’d had so far. There was just something about him that made her drop her inhibitions. She’d have to practice a great deal of self control over these next few weeks.

  Limiting their affection to hand holding, they eventually found their way back to his car and he drove Makayla back to work. They walked into the lobby still holding hands. When Makayla broke away from him, to go put her stuff away in the break room, Chance pulled on her hand. Twisting back to him, she raised an eyebrow.

  “Would it be…not causal…if I kissed you goodbye?” he asked, playfulness in his voice.

  Makayla bit her lip, her eyes washing over his soft mouth. “Well…I suppose that would be alright.” His hand came up to reach for her cheek and she pulled back. An eyebrow raised, Makayla shook her head. “A small kiss, Chance.”

  Shaking his head, that adorable grin firmly in place, he drawled, “I’ll do my best.”

  She eyed him warily. Even though she wanted him to throw all caution to the wind and ravish her body with affection…that wouldn’t exactly be “casual” or appropriate, considering she was right in the middle of her work place.

  Chance lowered his hand slowly, stepping into her body at the same time. His breath light through his parted lips, he pressed his body completely into hers. Makayla started breathing heavier when her chest pushed up against his. His hand reached out to clasp her fingers. The skin lightly stroking her long digits was warm, sensual…inviting. He stared at her a moment, his brown eyes locking onto hers. Makayla felt her body melting, relaxing into him. She opened her mouth slightly, already accepting his unasked invitation.

  With an aching slowness, Chance angled his head, and lowered himself to her. Running his nose along hers, he paused just centimeters from her mouth. It took everything Makayla had to not release her hand from his, to not throw her fingers into his hair and jerk his teasing mouth to hers. Her heart was hammering in her chest. She ached with the need to touch him. Just when she couldn’t stand the tension any longer, Chance completed the connection.

  She sighed when his lips softly pressed to hers. She whimpered when his mouth melded with hers in a slow, seductive movement. She gasped when the blissful movement suddenly ended.

  Chance pulled away from her, heat in his eyes. Makayla needed more. Needed to jerk on his shirt collar, force his lips back to her body. She needed him to satisfy her…

  “Thank you for having lunch with me, Makayla.” Leaning over, he placed a chaste kiss on her cheek. “I’ll call you later tonight.”

  His voice gave her chills and she had to will her body to relax, so he could release himself from her hands. It took even more control to let him turn around and leave the bank; she wanted so badly to twist him around, to feel those soft lips again. But Makayla was going to win this war between her mind and her desire… she was a smart girl after all. But Chance was right…this was going to be interesting.

  Chapter 5

  Not Trustworthy

  Chance was having doubts. Chance, Colton, or whatever the hell the name he was going by these days, was having second thoughts. Not about the mechanics of the con he was undergoing—Chance could have done that in his sleep. No, all of his doubts swirled around the girl he was currently manipulating.

  Makayla Lewis. Chance had been looking forward to his seduction of the girl in the beginning, but he felt the tides turning. Somewhere in all the playful banter and sexual chemistry, he’d begun to slip, begun to feel real emotions. Sometimes Chance nearly forgot that he was duping her. Sometimes it even felt like she was duping him. And that was the most dangerous part of his job. If he forgot…if he let her in…if he told her something real…everything would be ruined. And not just this con, no
t just this bank job. No, every carefully constructed lie that he’d built around himself would be stripped away. He’d be left bare, exposed…vulnerable. He couldn’t let that happen. He had to be stronger.

  Yes, Makayla Lewis was turning out to be the most dangerous person he’d ever met. And Chance knew a lot of dangerous people. He was on his way to meet with some of them now. Garrett and Reggie, his cohorts in crime. Chance was starting to wonder if maybe his time off hadn’t been long enough. Maybe it was too soon since the sting of his last job, since the mutual betrayal that still had him rocked to the core. Maybe he should have followed Adrian’s example and walked away. Or maybe Makayla was just what he needed…he wasn’t sure, and uncertainty was a problem.

  Chance flicked his eyes up to the rearview mirror, checking for trails. It was a subconscious habit, one that years of his duplicitous lifestyle had acclimated him to. It was how he’d known he’d snagged Makayla. She’d actually tailed him. It still blew his mind and it was the sole reason he hadn’t said no.

  Taking this job had been a mindless decision for him after Makayla had showed her spunk. It hadn’t hurt his decision any that she was cute as a button. Pale, blue eyes, impeccably straight warm brown hair, just enough curves to be interesting. There wasn’t much about Makayla that hadn’t intrigued him—he was a healthy, sexually active man after all—but the interest and attraction were starting to twist into something else entirely, something he had to avoid at all costs. Makayla had taken him by surprise more than once now, but this newest revelation was the biggest shock of them all. He’d certainly never expected to feel…sparks for her. Chance couldn’t even remember the last time a girl had evoked a genuine feeling in him. He was so used to the con, to the lie, he’d almost forgotten what real feelings felt like.

  And therein laid the danger with Makayla. It was a con man’s golden rule. Nearly their only rule. Don’t fall for the mark.

  She was a pawn, something to be used and discarded. He couldn’t allow himself to care about her. It would destroy him if he did. But that laugh, that smile…that wry sense of humor… Chance sighed. As much as he’d been looking forward to it just days ago, he was going to be grateful when this job was over. He needed away from Makayla. His stomach tightened painfully at the thought, but he ignored it.

  Don’t ever fall for the mark…

  His dad had drilled those words into his head. Chance lived them every day, every job. He’d romanced women left and right, and had had no problem robbing them blind and dashing into the night, never to see them again. It was how he survived. And if his upbringing throughout the great lone state of Texas had taught him anything, it was to never care about what you might have to leave behind. And Chance had left a lot behind in his life. Even his father.

  Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, Chance again made sure he wasn’t being followed. When everything looked clear, he turned down a side street in a residential area. A row of perfectly manicured lawns was the first thing Chance always noticed about the street. He was sure that even the leaves that had fallen from the trees had been immediately picked up and discarded. It was all about the outside appearance with these homeowners. Curb appeal. It reminded Chance of himself. His entire look was designed for…curb appeal.

  Driving through the seemingly perfect neighborhood, Chance easily picked out the thin, paved alley that hid all of the garbage cans of these immaculate homes. That seemed appropriate to Chance too. Hide the garbage away. Good, hard-working people didn’t want to see their refuse, their waste. Leave it to others to clean up the mess. And out of the uppity-ups line of sight. That was fine with Chance. He preferred to be behind closed doors when he dealt with the mess that others didn’t want to see.

  Pulling down the alley, Chance pulled behind one of the picture-perfect homes and parked his car out of sight. Glancing around as he got out, he looked for any sign that he wasn’t alone. He smiled when he saw nothing out of the ordinary. Then he shook his head. His co-conspirators were here, but the suburbanites would never know it.

  Flipping through his keys, he picked out the one that opened the back door of the brick, two-story home he’d driven up to. Chance supposed he should call this place his, since he was currently living here, but Chance didn’t really have a home. He didn’t stay for very long in one place. Movement was best in his line of work. Laying roots in a place…just wasn’t possible. Again his stomach tightened as he considered his exit strategy…his exit from Makayla.

  Sighing, Chance unlocked his back door and walked inside. A hand instantly grabbed his jacket collar and slammed him against the wall. Chance hit the back of his head, hard, and stars danced in his vision. Before he could recover himself, a forearm was pressed against his throat, cutting off his air supply. Panic made Chance jerk about, but he forced the panic aside so he could think clearly. Panic never did anybody any good.

  His vision too hazy to see who was attacking him, Chance ignored the pain against his throat and the burning in his lungs. What mattered now was escape. Assuming the tall, hulking shape in front of him was a man, and not a woman, Chance struck out with the one move that would drop any male. His knee jerked up to connect with the man’s exposed privates. Rookie. He really shouldn’t have allowed Chance that opening.

  As the intruder groaned and relaxed his hold, Chance took advantage of his opportunity. He grasped the man’s head and brought his knee up again, this time connecting it with the man’s face. Chance heard the hard hit, felt the warmth of blood on his jeans, and knew the man wasn’t going to be much of a threat anymore.

  “Jesus fucking Christ, Chance!”

  The tall, darkly tanned man that was now clear in Chance’s vision was holding his nose, blood squirting out from around his fingers. Chance relaxed as he recognized the jerk in front of him.

  Smirking, Chance shoved the man’s shoulder away from him. “Serves you right, Reginald.” Clapping him on the shoulder, he added, “You never should have given me the opening. Not to sound like a prudish woman, but close your damn legs next time.”

  The hurt man grunted, then flipped Chance off. A light laugh swung Chance’s head around. A pale man with dark brown eyes and bleached-blond hair was leaning against the now-closed back door. He seemed completely unperturbed by the scuffle that had just taken place, or the fact that his comrade was now sporting a broken nose. “Nice one, Chance.”

  Chance rolled his eyes. “Garret. I wish you two would stop testing me.”

  The blond shoved himself away from the door. “We gotta keep you on your toes, Chance. And honestly, I’m surprised that Reggie got the drop on you.” He cocked an eyebrow. “That’s not like you…something going on?”

  Chance narrowed his eyes. “He caught me off guard. Won’t happen again.”

  Garret nodded, looking unconvinced. “I don’t mean to sound like a broken record, but, we’re anxious to roll on this little plan.” He paused, a sneer crossing his face. “We could have hit two or three banks by now if Adrian hadn’t blown us off to go play at being respectable.” Garrett rolled his eyes, and started circling Chance. “I’m just making sure that you haven’t been struck down with the same plague as our beleaguered ex-partner. Not that I doubt you or anything, but you are still in…right?”

  Chance lifted his chin, maintaining eye contact with his fellow thief. “Security at the bank is minimal, outdated. They’re using old fashioned security cameras that all link up to a surveillance room in the back hallway. There’s one, maybe two guards watching the monitors, out of sight of the customers…they don’t stay overnight though, and leave with the rest of the staff. Interfering with their recording equipment shouldn’t be a problem. The bank is small, not much will be in the tills, and only a few safety boxes…none of them worth the hassle. I’ve yet to see the manager, but I believe he mentally checked out a while ago. He was locked in his office today, watching sitcoms from what I could tell. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s passed on his duties to the other employees. In fact, I’ve alre
ady seen Makayla locking up at night for him, so I know she has keys, and from what I know of her personality, if he was going to entrust anyone with access to the vault…it would be Makayla. She’s our ticket inside. She’s the easy in to get us to the big score.”

  Garrett lifted his lips into a genuine smile while Reggie snapped his nose back into position with a grunt. “Excellent. Less than a week on the job and you’ve managed to get more information than Adrian did his entire time there.”

  Chance frowned. “Adrian…got distracted. That won’t happen with me.” He paused, then sighed. “Speaking of Adrian…he called me yesterday.”

  Now Garrett frowned. “Let me guess…don’t go through with this…someone’s going to get hurt…blah, blah, blah.”

  Chance smirked while Reggie chuckled. “Yeah, something like that. He tried to talk me out of the con. Told me he didn’t want his boyfriend…involved…should anything go wrong.”

  Garrett rolled his eyes and shook his head. Leaning against the kitchen counter, he sighed. “Yeah, well, I can’t say I’m surprised. Disappointed…but not surprised.”