Page 20 of Second Rate Chances

  Makayla straightened and pulled away from him. “You what? Why would you do that?”

  Shrugging, Chance examined their feet. “I don’t know, I just…needed some cash.” He looked up at her. “I wanted to do something fun this weekend. Fun things take cash…and he didn’t exactly need it, so…?” He shrugged again.

  Makayla’s jaw dropped. “You did this for me?” Chance started to look away and Makayla grabbed his cheek. “You stole from a maniac…for me?”

  “I wanted to show you a good time. I wanted to convince you to take a chance on me. That takes money, Makayla, and all my money is tied up in this house. I’m not exactly swimming in cash, so, I…”

  She stroked his cheek, warmed and horrified by his story. “You said you’d stop…”

  Chance gave her a sad smile. “I didn’t think stealing from bad guys counted.”

  Shaking her head, Makayla wrapped her arms around him. “Everything counts…idiot.” Placing her lips against his, she murmured, “Please don’t do it again…I don’t care if you don’t have any money. That doesn’t matter to me, Chance.”

  Pulling back from her, he crooked a grin. “I’ll keep that in mind. I’m sorry…about everything.” His voice dropped into seriousness and Makayla swallowed as she stared at him.

  She nodded, then tilted her head. “That man came back here…for you. Are you in danger? Is he going to hurt you?”

  Chance gave her a weak smile. “Don’t worry about my brother, Makayla. I can handle him…and his goon.”

  Makayla bit her lip, suddenly terrified for him. “Maybe…maybe you should come and stay with me for a few days, just until this blows over…”

  Chance brought a hand up to her hair and ran his finger through it. “I’ll be okay here, Makayla…I’m safe.”

  His smile looked a little nervous, and Makayla thought he was more worried about his brother than he wanted her to believe. She grabbed his hand and pulled him upstairs. “No, you’re coming with me. I won’t be able to sleep at night if I’m not sure you’re okay.”

  Shaking her head Makayla wondered how things had turned around so fast. Hadn’t she just been about to walk out on him for good? And now she was inviting him to live with her? Well, odd or not, she couldn’t leave him here if he was in trouble. Especially if he’d gotten into trouble for her sake. Foolish boy.

  Makayla watched Chance get dressed, then helped him pack a bag, wondering if she was making yet another mistake in letting him stay at her place. But this was a mistake she had to make. She couldn’t let him risk getting beat-up, or worse, if that guy came back. She’d just have to take the risk of having him at her home…all the time. A part of Makayla was kind of thrilled about that part of it. Misguided or not, she liked having him around.

  Chance smiled at her as he pulled the zipper closed. Slinging it over his shoulder, he shrugged. “I guess I’m ready. Are you sure about this?”

  Makayla paused as she considered that. No, she wasn’t sure. She was inviting a thief into her home to keep him away from even more dangerous thieves. That screamed a warning in her head. Watching Chance’s brow start to furrow in her silence, Makayla finally smiled and grabbed his hand. “As long as you promise to not pawn any of my stuff, I’m sure.”

  Chance’s face relaxed as he grinned. “I wouldn’t steal your stuff, I told you that before.” He sighed and looked down. “Besides, I am trying to quit, Makayla.” He looked back up at her, his brown eyes soulful. “I really am.”

  Makayla gave him a light kiss. “I know…that’s why I’m helping you.”

  Twenty minutes later, Makayla was inviting Chance into her living room. He sniffed as he looked around her home. “Thank you for doing this.” His eyes rested on hers. “It really isn’t necessary…but I appreciate it.”

  Makayla nodded as she closed the front door. A wave of relief hit her once Chance was safe inside her home. Whatever trouble he was in, he had just started dating Makayla, so the odds of his brother knowing about her were relatively slim. Especially if Chance and his brother had a strained relationship…and it appeared to be very strained. It hurt her heart for a moment that Chance seemed to have such a mangled family life—his mother dead, one brother dead, and his other brother a menace to society. And who knew what Chance’s dad was like. No wonder Chance didn’t like talking about them.

  As Makayla smiled warmly at him, Chance searched her eyes. After a moment he looked uncomfortable and looked at the ground. “I can…I can sleep on the couch,” he murmured.

  Makayla walked up to him and held his hand. “It’s all right…you can stay with me.” He peeked back up at her, a question clear in his eyes. Makayla shrugged. “I’ve grown to like waking up next to you,” she whispered.

  Chance smiled and looked away. Peeking back at her, he raised an eyebrow. “I guess being casual just got tossed out the window.”

  Makayla laughed, leading the sultry, mysterious boy to her bedroom. “Oh, I’m pretty sure all casualness evaporated the moment we made out on your couch.” Chance grinned as he stepped into her room. Grabbing his bag and setting it on the floor, Makayla sighed. “At least we made it twenty-four hours.”

  Chance chuckled. Running a hand through her hair, he shook his head. “I blame myself. I just don’t seem to have any self-control when it comes to you.”

  Slinging her arms around his neck, Makayla shook her head as well. “I’m the one that made you go upstairs with me.” She raised an eyebrow, feeling her cheeks heat. “You’re the one that had to stop things from getting too…intense.”

  Chance grinned and placed a soft kiss on her jaw. “Well, I guess we both need to work on our self-control.” Wrapping his arms around her, he let out a content sigh. “I like that we both have something to work on…”

  Feeling warmth, and a feeling that Makayla now knew was the beginning of love, blossoming in her chest, she pulled Chance tight to her. “You’re safe here…with me.” Chance dropped his head, snuggling into her neck. He nodded while she added, “I believe in you, Chance. I know you’ll become the person you want to become someday…and…I’ll stick by you while you’re becoming that person.”

  Chance pulled back to look her, his eyes glossy. “Why would you do that? I just admitted to lying and stealing…still…why would you believe in me after hearing that?”

  Makayla cupped his cheek. “Because I’m falling in love with you, and I don’t give up on people I love.” She bit her lip as she shook her head. “I’m not saying you and I will work…I can’t see that far ahead…but…” she gave him a long, tender kiss, “I’ll always be on your side, rooting for you. I’ll always be here for you…in some way.”

  Chance seemed thrown as his eyes washed over her face. He seemed like he’d never heard someone say anything even remotely close to what she’d just said. Makayla lifted her chin. She was a little surprised at herself, but she’d meant every word. He was special. He was different. And…maybe they would work, maybe not, but she’d never abandon him to his inner demons. Everyone could change, if given the chance. And Makayla had a feeling that Chance had, ironically, never been given one. She wanted to be that for him. She wanted to be the rock that he could use to pull himself out of the mire with. She wanted it more than anything.

  Chance was silent as he absorbed her. Smiling, Makayla grabbed his hand and pulled him to the bed. Fully clothed, they slipped under the covers and held each other. Before Makayla drifted back into slumber, she felt Chance squeeze her tight. A long, shaky exhale escaped him, then he murmured, “I’m falling in love with you, too.”

  Chapter 10


  Chance couldn’t sleep. His body was curled around Makayla’s sleeping form, but he found peace elusive. Somewhere along the way, Chance had lost control of this con. Yes, somewhere in all of this Makayla had taken the reins. It was all Chance could do to simply hold on to it now. And…he wasn’t entirely disturbed by it. A part of him was thrilled at Makayla taking control of him. For so long now,
he’d thought Makayla was the neglected one…turns out, he was in much the same boat. And, both lonely and desperate for affection, they were joined together now, for better or worse. For Chance meant it when he’d told her that he was falling in love with her. He was. Honest to God love. And that was a problem.

  Chance shook his head, irritated. How did he let this happen? He was supposed to manipulate her, not the other way around. Chance had romanced women left and right. He’d stolen, lied and cheated, his entire life…and he’d never felt bad about it, not once. Of course, none of those women had ever told him that they believed in him…no one had ever said that. And Chance had been going through some emotional changes lately. The combination was turning out to be potentially deadly.

  Sighing, Chance shifted in bed, Makayla’s bed. Damn Reggie, this was all his fault. Chance was going to have an earful to say to the imbecile when they met up this afternoon. If he’d just stayed away, Makayla wouldn’t have pieced two and two together, and Chance wouldn’t have had to rapid–fire piece together some lame, half-ass lie. Although, it had worked to his advantage, considering he was now sharing a home with Makayla, if only temporary. But Chance hated hastily put together cons. Part of the job though. If you couldn’t string together lies on the fly, you wouldn’t make it in this business. Chance had some clean-up work to do, for sure, but maybe he could twist this new con around in his favor.

  Glancing back at her, her normally perfect honey hair tangled as she slept, Chance smiled. Her piecing together his lie with only meager amounts of evidence had been really impressive. And how the hell had she known that he’d broken Reggie’s nose? Because she’d seen a little bit of blood on his jeans? A little bit of unexplained cash in his wallet? Chance smiled wide. She‘d make an excellent detective someday.

  His smile immediately left him. Would she arrest him one day? Wouldn’t that be poetic? If Chance helped her hone her skills…just so she’d be better at hunting him down. Well, if she was the one to catch him, Chance might be okay with it. And wouldn’t his dad find that absurdly funny if they ended up sharing a cell at the Pennsylvania penitentiary he was currently holed up in. Chance put him away out of spite for being conned, then ended up training the girl who’d eventually lock him up out of spite for being conned. Yeah, pops would certainly find that amusing.

  Chance was still considering his fate when Makayla stirred beside him. Early morning light washed across her skin, its rays fading the dull gray of predawn in the room. Chance watched her sigh and stretch. When she was fully awake, she turned her head to look over at him.


  Chance smiled, relishing her beautiful face. “Hey.” Looking over at the clock on her nightstand, Chance lifted an eyebrow. “You need to start getting ready for work?”

  Makayla gave him a wide smile and twisted around to face him. “Nope,” she muttered, nuzzling her head into his neck. “I have the day off.”

  Chance stiffened. That complicated matters. Chance had places to be today, places Makayla could not go. Hmmm, he’d have to do some fancy footwork to get away from her. A small problem that came along with now sharing a home with her.

  Not letting Makayla see his wheels spinning, Chance nestled into her body. “So, I get you all day?” he rumbled, kissing her neck. Chance prayed that she would say no, prayed that she would say she was busy. That would make Chance’s life considerably easier.

  Makayla giggled as she exposed more of her neck to him. “Yeah, I guess so.”

  Chance winced mentally, but to her, let out a low groan. “Hmmm…what will we do to pass the time?”

  Makayla wrapped her arms and legs around his body, drawing them even closer to each other. For a second, Chance considered blowing off Reggie and Garrett and spending the entire day in bed with her. It was a little too soon, but after their moment yesterday…Chance was sure she wouldn’t regret sleeping with him now. She was ready. But was he?

  As his hand wrapped around to rest over her backside, Chance thought it was a risk he could take. The very idea of being with her filled him with a longing he’d never experienced before. As their bodies lined up, Makayla let out a low groan of her own. Chance pictured the curves she’d shown him last night. He imagined them without the constraints of the scant clothing she’d left on in his bedroom. He remembered the feel of her mouth enclosed over his lower body. God…to have that again.

  His body taking over, Chance pushed her back to the mattress and settled himself over her. He leaned in to kiss her neck, rocking himself against her in the process. She moaned again and Chance smiled into her skin. She wanted this…he was sure. He moved up to lock her lips with his. She immediately pushed him away.

  Frowning, Chance moved off of her body as she scrambled out from under him. Sitting up on an elbow, he eyed her with his brows furrowed as she hopped out of bed. Maybe she wasn’t ready for this. Smiling, her cheeks flushed, Makayla put a hand over her mouth. “Sorry, I’d like to brush first…if that’s okay.”

  Relaxing, Chance started laughing. Holding a hand out, he murmured, “I don’t care, Makayla.”

  She grimaced. “Sorry…I either have to brush first, or eat first.” Chance leaned back on the pillows, shaking his head at her. He found her moments of self-consciousness adorable. Grinning, Makayla tilted her head; the tousled mess was hopelessly attractive. “Would you like breakfast in bed again?”

  She looked so sweet, so eager to please him… Chance sighed, for once feeling completely content. He’d deal with Reggie and Garrett later. He was needed here. “Sounds great, Makayla.” He started to sit up. “Would you like me to help you this time?”

  Makayla positioned her legs on either side of his knees. Staring down at Chance as she stood before him, she threaded her fingers through his hair. Chance nearly groaned. “Stay, rest…I’ll take care of it.”

  Chance ran his fingers up her thighs…he suddenly wasn’t hungry. “Actually, I’m…not really ready to eat yet.”

  Biting her lip, Makayla stepped closer to his body. Chance leaned in to kiss her stomach. Chance wanted her to sit on his lap, she’d be closer to him in more ways than one. She looked about ready to consider it, as she watched his mouth move across her clothes, starting to trail upwards. Then she stepped back and cupped his cheek. “No, I think we need food.”

  Grinning, she leaned down and kissed his forehead. Chance smiled as he watched her backside walk away. Hmmm, he could get used to living with her. Shaking his head, Chance remembered his reality. Seeing his coat on the floor by his shoes, Chance went over and found his phone in the pocket. Garrett would just have to wait a day…and it was his own damn fault.

  Pulling up his number, Chance typed him a message. ‘Meet off…clean-up work to do. Tomorrow, same place, same time.’

  Listening to the sound of Makayla cooking, Chance waited for Garrett’s response. It was nearly immediate. ‘Fine…don’t be late.’

  Chance sighed and powered down his phone. Today was for Makayla, he didn’t need his semi-coworkers ruining that. Lying back down, Chance considered how he could make his new con work for him. Now Colton had a psycho older brother that wanted to give him a beat down. It explained Reggie and the wad of cash from Chance’s pickpocket, but Chance wasn’t really sure if it helped his con any.

  His original plan to get her to help because the bank manager was obscenely dirty had been an iffy one. With Makayla’s sensible side, he still wasn’t sure she’d have gone for it anyway. But…maybe she would help him rob the bank out of fear? Could Chance convince her that his life was in danger, and he needed a heap of cash to keep his brother at bay? Just by her reaction to Reggie showing up, Chance thought it was more than possible that she would. Her compassion for him might work better than her need to see justice done.

  And they could still set the lazy manager up as the scapegoat. Chance was positive that he could arrange some evidence in the manager’s office…something to make him look guilty of the crime. Anything to keep the heat off of Makayla.
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  Smiling, Chance started liking this new plan more and more. He was positive that Makayla would go to the ends of the earth to protect him from harm. He was positive that he could talk her into giving him the keys and the vault code…that’s all she had to do. Then they could be in and out of there, with no worries about alarms, no pressure to fiddle around with locks, no trying to break into a top-of-the-line safe. With no security at night to worry about, and half-asleep guards across the street, it would be easy. A five minute job, tops. And nobody would be there to get hurt. It was perfect.

  There were only two obstacles left. One, finding a way to curb Makayla’s honesty, so she wouldn’t spill what she knew after the deed was done, and two…letting Reggie beat the crap out of him. Yeah, that was an unfortunate outcome of this new plan. But if Chance was going to sell the idea that his life was in danger, it needed to look like his life was in danger. Great. Well, at least Reggie would be thrilled about these turn of events.

  Chance was mulling over both obstacles when Makayla walked back into the room, tray in hand. He smiled at her as he sat up. Giggling a little, she placed it on his lap, then sat down beside him.