Page 22 of Second Rate Chances

  Chance relaxed and laughed with her. Squeezing her hand, he softly exhaled. At least he’d given her one good memory. “You don’t consider trailing a suspected thief impulsive?” He cocked an eyebrow at her.

  Makayla laid her head back on the seat and laughed a little harder. Peeking over at him, she shrugged. “Yeah, well, you’re harmless…so it wasn’t that big of a deal.”

  Chance shook his head. “But you didn’t know that.” He peered over at her, a devilish gleam in his eye. “I could have been very dangerous.”

  Makayla bit her lip as she looked over his face; her expression made his heart beat quicken. “True.” She giggled again. “I actually did think you were going to shoot me at one point.”

  Chance raised his eyebrows as he looked back to the road. “Well, good thing for you that I don’t do guns.” He looked back, his nose crinkled. “Too messy.”

  Makayla rolled her eyes, then reached down and grabbed his hand. Rubbing her thumb over his tattoo, she murmured, “Well, I guess you just bring out the impulsive side of me.”

  Chance brought her hand up to his lips and kissed the back of it. “Good.” Very good. Impulsive and willing to bend the rules, it was exactly where he needed her to be. Yes, everything was going swimmingly. So far, so good.

  As they finally pulled up to the seedy pawn shop Chance used to relieve himself of other people’s property, Chance hoped that impulsive streak was still going strong in her. Shutting the car off, Chance looked at the decrepit building. Paint worn, bars over the windows, Carl’s place looked more like it belonged in Gang Central, U.S.A., than a tiny, middle-of-nowhere town. Chance peeked a glance at Makayla; she was frowning.

  Knowing that any conversation with Carl was going to be a problem if Makayla heard it, Chance sighed. Makayla peeked over at him. Placing a hand on her cheek, he sincerely told her, “This isn’t a good place, Makayla, and I really don’t like the thought of you being inside it. Can you wait here for me?”

  Praying that she didn’t argue with him, that she just said yes, Chance gave her soulful, pleading eyes. That usually worked. Of course, Makayla wasn’t as easily maneuvered as his other marks. Bunching her brows, she shook her head. “No, I want to come with you…especially if it’s dangerous.” Her eyes ghosted over his face. “I can’t let you walk in there alone.”

  Chance wanted to curse at her protective nature. It served him in some ways, hampered him in others. Sighing, he rested his head against hers. “I’ll be fine in there, the owner knows me.” Pulling back, he looked up into her face. “It will actually be easier for me to do this, if you’re not there. The guy doesn’t trust people he doesn’t know.”

  Makayla frowned, crossing her arms over her chest. “How many times have you pawned things that didn’t belong to you, Chance?”

  Looking out the window, Chance halted himself from simply demanding that she stay put or else. That sort of tactic wouldn’t work on her. “I never said I was perfect, Makayla,” he looked back at her, “but I am trying to be better. Could you just stay here and let me do this on my own…please?”

  He raised an eyebrow in a look that clearly said, Only I can bring about my own redemption. It was Chance’s last ploy with her, and one that might work the best, given her personality. She understood that change had to happen from within, and Colton was struggling to change. If Makayla was going to trust Mr. Burke, then she needed to let him pull himself through the darkness on his own.

  She finally sighed, then nodded. Relief washed through Chance, but he didn’t show it on his face. He merely nodded back at her, a small crack of a smile on his lips. Colton was grateful that she understood. Chance was ecstatic that he wouldn’t have to con two people at the same time.

  Leaning over, Makayla gave him a soft, encouraging kiss. “Good luck,” she whispered.

  Chance let out a quick exhale. He was going to need it. Carl was notoriously hard on returns. If he wouldn’t give it back, Chance’s only other option was to buy it back…and that was going to cost him a bundle.

  Chapter 11


  Makayla never in a million years thought she’d get a tattoo. Of course, Makayla never thought she’d date a thief. No, she’d always planned on being the one chasing thieves. But Makayla believed in rehabilitation, and Chance had shown her time and time again that he was genuinely interested in becoming a better person. With him on the side of right again…well, he would be an excellent asset to have when she did become a cop. He’d be her reformed criminal. Her asset. Her informant. And together they’d be an unstoppable team, solving mysteries and putting away bad guys left and right. They’d be a force to be reckoned with.

  Knowing she was getting carried away with her Justice League fantasy, Makayla leaned her head back on the seat and watched the front door of the seedy shop Chance had just walked into. Makayla hated this place, hated being here, but the underbelly of the world was where the bad things happened, and she’d need to get used to skimming the dark side if she was going to delve into this profession.

  Gently touching the stinging area of her hip that was now beginning to itch, Makayla smiled. She’d been instantly struck with the idea of a matching tattoo when Chance had mentioned getting one. It had hit her so fast, it almost felt like kismet. That’s how she’d known it was the right thing to do. Her gut rarely led her astray. Rarely, but it did happen on occasion. Makayla still trusted her instincts though, and her instincts told her that bonding with Chance was a good thing.

  They were good for each other, as odd as that sounded, since they’d only known each other…well, a week now. But what a week it had been. Makayla’s heart soared as she thought it over. Whirlwind romance or not, she was caught up in it now, and there was no turning back. There also wouldn’t be any more failed attempts at slowing it down. It was too late for that. No, Makayla had to ride this out now, come what may.

  Sighing, Makayla waited for Chance for what felt like a lifetime. What the heck was he doing in there? How hard was it to show a guy your receipt and ask for your merchandise back? Didn’t most pawn shops hold onto stuff for a few days anyway, just in case of seller’s remorse? It had to happen all the time. People trade things in the heat of desperation, then regret it and come crawling back to retrieve the item.

  Then again, this didn’t exactly look like a reputable shop. The owner had probably stuck it on the sales floor the minute Chance’s foot had been out the door. That could be a problem. What if it had already been sold? What would Chance do then? And what the heck had he stolen anyway?

  Curiosity, and quite frankly, boredom, made Makayla get out of the car. She knew Chance wanted to do this by himself, but it had taken so long, he was obviously not having much success. Besides, maybe a little feminine persuasion would help the matter? Smoothing back her hair and sticking out her chest, Makayla tried to look tough and imposing. That’s how you got the respect of disreputable people, right?

  Not pausing long enough to worry, Makayla strode up to the entrance. There was a bell in the corner of the door, but it didn’t chime when Makayla walked through. Looking up at it, Makayla could see that the ringer had fallen out. Guess the owner hadn’t had time to replace it yet. Looking around at the dusty goods for sale, Makayla wondered which one of these items belonged to Chance’s brother. She really hoped it wasn’t the guns locked inside one of the glass cases.

  Hearing Chance’s voice, she peeked over to the counter. Chance was standing there in his perfectly worn jeans, looking to be in a debate with a scraggly, potbellied man. A pile of money was laid out on the counter between them. Both of the men looked agitated.

  Bunching her brows, Makayla cautiously approached the pair.

  Chance ran a hand back through his hair and Makayla heard him spit out, “No, you gave me fifteen. It’s all there…count it!”

  The beady-eyed man Chance was arguing with lifted his lip in a frown that somehow seemed victorious. “You’re off your rocker, Cody. I gave you exactly what you asked?
??three grand. If you want it back, that’s what you give me.”

  Makayla frowned. Cody? Why’d he call him Cody?

  Chance’s jaw dropped. “Three grand? That wasn’t even my original offer, jackass. I said two!”

  The man shrugged, unperturbed by Chance’s demeanor. “Sorry…I distinctly recall giving you three grand.” The man sighed, sounding forlorn. “Hardest three thousand I’d ever parted with.” He smiled then.

  Chance groaned and ran both hands back through his hair. “You son of a—”

  Seeing that Chance was clearly being manipulated, Makayla stepped forward. “Just show him the receipt, Colton.” She stressed his real name, just so the jerk at the counter got it right from now on.

  Chance’s eyes were wide when he snapped his head around to Makayla; she thought he looked a little pale too. “I told you to stay in the car.”

  Makayla bunched her brows at his words and his tone. “Yeah, well, I’m not a dog. Now why don’t you just give him the receipt, and all of this will be crystal clear.” Makayla sneered at the man who was jerking around her boyfriend.

  The man twisted his lips and looked back at Chance. “Yeah…Colton…where’s your receipt?”

  Chance sighed and dropped his head back. Lifting it again, he looked over to Makayla. “I don’t have one…” he looked back to the bedraggled man at the counter, “I wasn’t expecting to have to get the watch back.”

  Makayla glanced down at the merchandise in question. Her eyes widened. It looked pricey. Gold and lined with diamonds, it looked to go for about three times what the man was asking from Chance. Makayla wanted to whistle, then she wanted to smack Chance over the head for stealing it. Of course his brother was going to miss something that expensive. Idiot.

  Makayla raised her chin at the store owner. “Surely you keep a set of books. Why don’t you go look up the sale and show us the transaction.”

  The pawn shop owner crossed his arms over his chest and leaned back on a hip; his belly fully supported the weight of his arms. “Who the hell is this broad?” He narrowed his eyes at Chance, “Colton.”

  Chance gave the owner a wry smile and some sort of silent conversation passed between the two men in the brief exchange. Chance sighed and rolled his eyes. “She’s nobody, don’t worry about her…worry about me.”

  Makayla narrowed her eyes at Chance. Nobody? She opened her mouth to tell Chance exactly what she thought of his comment, but Chance reached over and discretely pinched her thigh. Flinching, Makayla closed her mouth. She could take a hint, even if it was painfully delivered.

  The shop owner narrowed his eyes and scowled. “Two thousand is as low as I’ll go.”

  Makayla dropped her mouth open again, wanting to protest. This was extortion! And she couldn’t just watch it happen right before her eyes without trying to stop it! “What?”

  Before she finished her objection, Chance pinched her thigh again. She scowled over at him, but closed her mouth. Chance ignored her, eyeing the shop owner. “Eighteen,” he crisply stated.

  The owner chuckled; it was deep and menacing. “I’m not playing this game again with you. You want it, you give me two.”

  Chance closed his eyes and shook his head. With forced patience, he reopened them and relaxed his jaw. “Fine, two it is…but don’t think I’ll ever come back here.”

  The man snorted and leaned forward. “Ahhh, Colton, I already knew I’d never see you again.”

  Gritting his jaw, Chance let out a low exhale. “All the cash I have on me is right there. I’ll have to go get more,” he paused and lifted an eyebrow, “unless you’ll take a credit card?”

  The imposing man’s smile was slow and deliberate. “Cash only.”

  Chance swooped up his pile of money on the counter. Holding it in his hand, he looked the owner square in the eye. “I’ll be right back with two grand, not a penny more.”

  “I look forward to seeing you again, Colton.”

  Grabbing her hand, Chance pulled Makayla back from the counter. She stumbled in her attempt to keep up with him. He seemed…livid. Once outside, he let out a short burst of air. “What did you think you were doing?” he demanded.

  Makayla blinked and stepped away from him. “I was helping you.”

  Chance stepped into her and pointed back to the shop. “You told him my real name! You gave him an edge! I had nothing left to bargain with once he knew I was lying from the very beginning! You screwed me, Makayla!”

  Chance seethed for a second while Makayla blinked at him. Her belly started roiling as she watched his eyes widen, like he instantly regretted what he had just said. Resting his hands on her arms, he shook his head. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to take it out on you. I’m just…frustrated.”

  Makayla smacked his hands away. “Well don’t get pissy at me! You shouldn’t have lied to him in the first place! You shouldn’t lie at all!” Tears sprang to her eyes as she considered that she really didn’t know Chance at all, no matter how connected they seemed. “I want to go home now.”

  Sighing, Chance cupped her cheeks. “Hey, I’m sorry, okay. I didn’t mean…” Swallowing, he looked away. “I didn’t mean to say any of that.” When he looked back at her, his eyes were moist. “Please…I didn’t mean to hurt you. I never want to hurt you.”

  Makayla swallowed as she searched his face. She knew that men blew up when they got upset. Heck, she did it too. But he was so comfortable with lying. And lying about his name…that seemed odd. Why not tell that guy the truth? What edge did having a different persona give him?

  Makayla tried to put herself in Chance’s shoes. If she were walking into a place as rundown as this one, trying to get rid of something that belonged to a dangerous person, a person that would surely hurt her if the sale was traced back to her, Makayla would give the owner a fake name too. Sighing, Makayla started to see how much she’d messed up by spouting his name all over the place. He was now tied to that store. If it were ever raided, the owner could plant all sorts of falsehoods on Chance. And since he hadn’t always been the most reputable person, it was quite possible that some of those falsehoods might be true. Makayla wanted Chance to have the opportunity to turn his life around…she didn’t want to see him wind up in jail.

  Sighing, Makayla rested her head on his chest. “Alright.” She peeked up at him. “But the lying needs to stop, Chance…please.”

  Chance inhaled a deep breath and looked away. After a moment, his warm brown eyes returned to hers, calm once again. “I’m trying, Makayla. Every day…I’m trying.”

  Makayla grinned and leaned up to kiss him. It was all she could ask of him. Change took time. Maturing was gradual. But she said she’d stay and help him…and she meant it. After a long moment of his lips on hers, Makayla pulled back. “What are you going to do to get the extra money?”

  Chance sighed, wrapping his arms around her. “ATM, I guess.”

  He sighed again as they got back inside the car. Makayla smiled and put her hand on his leg. “I’m sorry this is costing you so much, but I still think it’s the right thing to do. Your brother will back down, once he has the watch again.”

  Chance looked over at her and returned her smile, but he didn’t seemed convinced that his brother would suddenly leave him alone after this. Makayla didn’t know the man, but surely he would. Why hold a grudge against someone who’s genuinely trying to make amends with you?

  Chance had to use a couple of different credit cards at the ATM, but he finally had enough cash to cover the watch. As he thumbed through it in the car, Makayla wondered just what kind of a date he’d planned to take her on. Unless he’d bought them both plane tickets, she really couldn’t see why he’d needed so much money.

  “What were you going to do with that?”

  Chance stuck the money in his wallet. “What do you mean?”

  “Well, you said you got the money to take me on a date this weekend…where were we going to go?”

  Makayla tilted her head and watched him. His eyes
lost focus for a second before they swung around to hers. Cringing, he shrugged. “Well, I wasn’t sure if it was going to happen, but I wanted to be ready…if you said yes…”

  Makayla bunched her brows and shook her head. “Yes to what?”

  Lowering his head, Chance let out a quick exhale. “I was going to ask you if you wanted to spend the weekend at this little B&B that I know of…” He peeked back up at her, looking nervous. “There’s this really great one a state over. It’s in the middle of this touristy town that’s always got some festival going on. There are horses and a duck pond, and a big bon fire at night. And the rooms are really…nice.”

  As he looked down again, biting his lip, Makayla blinked. “You wanted us to go to a Bed and Breakfast together?”

  Chance looked back up at her. “Yeah, and I know it’s really soon…I mean, I know going away together is usually something you do with someone you’ve been dating for months and months, and we only met a week ago, but I feel like I’ve known you longer.” He grabbed her hand with one of his, the other tucking a lock of hair behind her ear. “Sometimes it feels like I’ve known you forever,” he whispered, his light, southern accent dripping around the words.