Page 28 of Second Rate Chances

  She shrugged and shook her head. “He used to date Neil. We all used to hang out…” She frowned, like she missed those times. Chance wanted to sigh. Cons left waves of destruction in their wake, ripples of pain. Even if he’d been sparing Neil further pain, Adrian had left his marks here. Another reason he was foolish to stay in the area.

  “Oh,” he whispered.

  Makayla lifted an eyebrow, waiting for his explanation. Chance shrugged. “You’re going to find this hard to believe.” Well, he hoped she didn’t find it too hard to believe. That was the easiest way to blow a con wide open—promoting a fact that was too hard to pass off as true. Makayla frowned and Chance sighed and spouted another out-of-his-ass lie. “Adrian used to work for my brother. He…retired…a while back. He knows how temperamental Garrett can get.” Chance shook his head. “He always told me that if I didn’t get away from him, Garrett was going to be the end of me.” He shrugged. “You freaked him out when you told him I was missing. He thought for sure that Garrett had finally done me in.”

  Chance watched her absorbing the story, wondering if she was buying it. Chance resisted smiling at the beauty of his latest lie. The way it paralleled real life made it simple and easy to remember. It also made it sound even more plausible, because it was based in fact. Adrian had worked for Garrett. Adrian had retired. Adrian did worry about Garrett going over the edge. He didn’t necessarily worry about Chance’s safety, since they barely knew each other, but he did worry.

  Makayla narrowed her eyes. “Adrian? Adrian worked for your whacked out brother? Doing what?”

  Chance twisted his lips, wondering what role to give Adrian in Garrett’s “empire.” Makayla held her hand up before he could finish. “No, don’t tell me…I don’t want to know.”

  Chance shrugged. He was sure she’d change her mind once the shock wore off, but for now, he was content to let that detail slide.

  Makayla sighed and carefully wrapped her arms around his body. Chance wanted to sigh as well; it felt so nice to have her finally comforting him. He’d had some long, painful nights, and he’d wished for this moment more than once during those dark times. Hugging her as closely as he could without hurting himself, Chance kissed her head. She buried hers in his chest. Chance smiled until he heard her mutter, “Why didn’t you call me…make up some lie so I didn’t worry?”

  She seemed reluctant to ask that. Chance pushed her shoulders back and squarely looked at her. “Would you have really wanted me to lie to you?” She eyed him for a moment before shaking her head. He’d expected that, Makayla wanted honesty from him. Kissing her forehead, he whispered, “I just couldn’t talk to you.” She pulled back to frown at him and he sighed, his finger trailing down her cheek. “I knew the minute I heard your voice, I’d cave and tell you everything. I just…I can’t lie to you anymore.”

  Chance felt the sting of his own betrayal, but Makayla gave him a soft, warm smile. His lie about lying had brought them even closer together. Chance knew he could broach the next portion of his con now. He knew he could take advantage of her sympathy and love. He knew he could twist this moment to work for him. But staring at her trusting, pale eyes, his throat closed up. He could…yet, he couldn’t. Not right now. He couldn’t spoil this moment with yet another lie. He needed something honest to pass between them.

  “I missed you…I really missed you,” he whispered, his heart and soul in the words.

  Her eyes watered again. “I missed you, too. More than I ever thought I would.” She bit her lip, like those words terrified her. Chance cupped her cheek, drawing her face to his.

  She pulled him forward as their mouths moved together. She pulled him forward until her legs bumped into the motel bed. They kissed softly but passionately, both of them conscious of Chance’s many aches. He felt much better though, and deepened the kiss when she still seemed tentative. Makayla groaned, her fingers running under his shirt. Chance quickly reached down and removed it. Her mouth broke apart from his, her eyes scouring his chest. Tears in them, she murmured, “God, Colton…”

  Her fingers lined the bruises along his ribs, so yellow around the edges they were a little green. Reggie had done a good job coloring him up. His skin looked like he’d gone a few rounds in the ring with a heavyweight. Chance hissed in a breath when Makayla leaned down to press her lips to the edge of one. She peeked up through her eyelashes, to see if she’d hurt him, but it wasn’t hurt Chance was feeling. For the first time in days, he felt whole.

  He smiled and closed his eyes. Her lips returned to his skin, her tongue trailing around the ugly monstrosity. Stepping to his side, Makayla placed a tender kiss upon each of his hurts. Each spot tingled after she left it. Chance kept his eyes closed, enjoying not knowing where her lips would touch him next as she circled his body. When she got to his neck, he dropped his head down, groaning. Her lips were on his then, warm and welcoming, soft and tender. Chance wrapped his arms around her, grateful for this moment with her; he’d been dreaming of it for so long now.

  Stepping back from his embrace, Makayla grabbed the edge of her shirt and pulled it over her head. Chance swallowed, wondering if she was ready, if she could be with him now and not regret it. He had been pretty sure that she was before the beat down had happened. Now that she had sympathy running through her veins, Chance was almost positive that she was. But he needed to hear her say it, just to be sure. He couldn’t ruin this by moving too fast.

  His hand slid across her skin, so soft it was almost as if she’d been turned to velvet in his absence. Makayla closed her eyes, then reached behind her back and unhooked her bra. Watching the lacey material fall to the ground, Chance swallowed again. Yeah, she was ready…physically at least. He was too, his body straining to be set free.

  Bending down, Chance closed his mouth over a peak, growling with some satisfactory noise. Makayla matched him, her fingers coming up to hold his head right where he was…like he was ever going to break away. His hand caressing her other breast, Chance considered lying her back and taking her without another word. What use were words anyway, when the body was as riled up as both of theirs were? At times like these, people said all sorts of crazy, half-true things. Chance knew. He’d heard all sorts of undying pledges of devotion in the heat of the moment. Even still, he needed to hear it from Makayla, even if it was a half-truth.

  His lips reluctantly breaking free from her sensuous body, he ran them up her neck to her ear. She squirmed against him, her fingers unfastening the button of his jeans. Sucking in a quick breath as her hand lightly brushed against his stomach, he exhaled with, “Are you sure you want to do this? Are you sure you’re ready?”

  His voice came out strained as she reached her hand inside his jeans. Her fingers ran down the length of him and his body tightened. God, that felt good. Makayla let out a soft, erotic moan. “Yes…I’m sure.”

  She pulled back to look at him, lust and a deep, undeniable affection in her eyes. “Are you ready?” she whispered, her fingernails lightly running up his aching manhood.

  Chance gasped and shuddered, electricity surging through him at her intimate touch. He was pretty certain that he answered with a yes, but he couldn’t really be sure. His mouth attacked hers, needing her now more than ever before. As she shoved his jeans down his hips, he quickly brought hers all the way to the floor. She sat down on the bed and leaned back on her hands as he removed her shoes and the remainder of her denims. Sitting on his heels, Chance took a second to just appreciate the beautiful, curvy woman in front of him. She was amazing, on so many levels. In another life, she’d be perfect for him.

  He quickly removed the rest of his own clothes, her hungry eyes never leaving him. Coming back to her body, Chance placed light kisses up her legs. He hardened a little more with every moan and whimper that escaped her lips. She was nearly panting when he paused at her underwear. His fingers slipped under that last bit of fabric, wanting to tear it off her body. Practicing a great deal of restraint, he slowly slid it off her legs. She squirm
ed and arched her back, sliding her limbs together in a way that made Chance want to bury himself between them. He couldn’t though, not yet.

  Kissing back up her legs, he paused along her inner thigh. Peeking up at her face, her eyes closed, her breath fast in anticipation, Chance whispered, “Do you trust me, Makayla?” That was what he needed before he could proceed with this. He needed her to believe in him…and not just for the sake of the con. Chance, the man behind the con, needed to hear it.

  His heart thudding in his chest, he watched her eyes slowly open and glance down at him. Swiveling her hips, she bit her lip and whimpered. Chance couldn’t resist. He leaned up and dragged his tongue over the slickness between her thighs. She arched her back again, her beautiful chest on full display. Chance groaned at the taste of her, the electric sound she made. He thought to take another swipe with his tongue, but Makayla reached down and pulled him up to her.

  Breath fast, eyes hooded, she pulled his mouth down to hers and wrapped her arms and legs around him. Within seconds she had him trapped against her body, had her body lined up in just the right position. Still a little dazed from the fast, aggressive movement, Chance realized that she’d taken control and was moving her hips to slide him into her body. She was so neglected, she was so ready. Chance ached with the need to thrust inside her, to feel that warm, tightness envelope him. But he wanted her words too, and he still hadn’t gotten them.

  Pulling back from her entrance, Chance broke away from her mouth. “Do you trust me, Makayla?”

  Makayla frowned and moaned his name. Her husky voice went straight through his entire body, but it wasn’t the word he needed to hear. Trust me, Makayla, he begged in his mind. He started to shake as he lowered his body to rest against hers. He needed her…he needed her to believe in him. Someone…needed to believe in him. Poised, hard, ready, aching, he waited. God…he just needed to hear her say it, just once, even if she didn’t really mean it. Even if it was just the heat of the moment. “Do you trust me?”

  He dipped inside her and nearly released. Yes… Just that small taste—warm, soft—had nearly undone him. Filling her… God, he almost couldn’t comprehend what that was going to be like. But he wanted, no, he needed her words first.

  She writhed beneath him, frustrated and lustful. “Chance…please…”

  He pressed his hips forward, inserting himself inside her once more. Oh God… “Say it,” he begged in her ear. Please Makayla…say it. I need you to say it. Someone needs to say it to me…

  She pulled on his hips, moaning as she tried to force him to thrust into her. God, he wanted to…his body was trembling he wanted it so bad. She was perfect, it would be perfect. He should abandon this foolish desire to hear her sputter a lie. And that’s all it would be. How could she really trust him…she didn’t even know his real name. Cursing his decisions, cursing his life, cursing how badly his body throbbed, how badly he wanted to sink deep inside her, Chance whispered, “Say it, Makayla…say you trust me.”

  Not able to resist the allure of her, he again allowed a fraction of his size to penetrate her. It wasn’t enough for him…it wasn’t enough for her. She cried out as he swiveled his hips. “Chance…take me…”

  Almost angry, at life, at fate, Chance pulled out. He just wanted simple, meaningless words…why couldn’t she give him that? Then he’d satisfy her, then he’d satisfy them both. He’d ride that lie to a glorious release…and then he’d crash back down to earth. But, for just a second, he could feel like a normal, loved, trusted man, making love to his beautiful, adoring, trusting girlfriend. God, he wanted that rosy picture…more than anything.

  He wanted to make love to her, God, how he wanted to make love to her. Running the hard length of himself along the outside of her, he pushed hard…pretending he was within her. Oh…yes… Please, trust me, Makayla…it’s all I need. You’re all I need. He buried his head in her neck as he pictured thrusting inside of her. God, it was perfect…so perfect. She gasped and clutched his shoulders. He felt her body stiffen under him as she met up with his hips, in perfect sync with him. They were perfect together.

  “Yes, don’t stop…God yes…”

  Oh God, he didn’t want to stop. He wanted to come so bad…all over her if he had to…if she really wouldn’t say it. His breath heavier, he thrust against her harder, faster. The wetness of her coated him so perfectly that picturing himself inside her folds was simple. He groaned. He was so close…almost there. God…yes… But, no…he needed to finish this inside of her, wrapped in her warmth and trust. Knowing he was running out of time, they both were, he murmured, “Say it, say it now, Makayla…I can’t hold back anymore.”

  She arched her back, nearly on the verge of releasing. Chance bit his lip to not come. Not yet. Then she shouted, “Yes, God, yes, I trust you…yes.”

  Relief and need coursed through Chance as he attached his mouth to hers. His body was pulsing so badly he wasn’t sure if he’d even make it inside of her. He plunged deep. Her walls constricted immediately around him, squeezing him in a rhythm that matched the cries escaping her mouth. Oh God, she was coming already. Just his entering her was making her come…God.

  He groaned and dropped his head to her shoulder, his thrusts long and deep as the pressure rose. The feel of her body closing around him, welcoming him, urging him to a fruitful finish, was more than he could handle. With her cries still echoing in his ears, Chance felt his body stiffen, then begin to release. The power of it stole his breath for a second. Then he cried out. Makayla sympathetically held him as he murmured her name. He’d never felt anything like this…ever. His body shuddered as the ever-escalating waves of pleasure and passion took him over. When it finally resided, he laid against her, still and silent. Only their heavy breaths filled the air.

  Three things flooded Chance’s brain in that perfect moment of bliss as they held each other.

  He was head over heels in love with her…

  He couldn’t con her anymore…

  He was screwed. They both were…

  The various aches and pains of his body returned once the heat of passion faded. Biting his lip, Chance hissed in a breath and rolled to Makayla’s side. Tenderly holding his throbbing ribs, Chance contemplated this very large problem now hovering over him. Love. A con man’s worst fear. He hadn’t anticipated that. But he couldn’t deny it anymore, and he couldn’t brush it under the rug anymore. Not now, not after having shared themselves so intimately. He shouldn’t have taken this job. It was too soon after learning about his father’s betrayal…he’d been too vulnerable. He’d let Makayla in, and now they’d both suffer for it. Chance sighed as Makayla twisted to face him.

  Her eyes looked soulfully apologetic as they raked over his body. “I’m so sorry…did that hurt you?”

  Chance smiled, kissing her nose. “Did I sound hurt?”

  She grinned, reaching down to pull the sheet up and over them. Chance pulled her close to him, breathing as evenly as he could through the pain in his side. He’d have to take another pill soon…but not now. Running his fingers back through her hair, Chance marveled at this woman that had turned his world upside down. She was only supposed to be a mark, one out of several dozen. He wasn’t supposed to have real feelings for her. She wasn’t supposed to make him want to be a better man. But…somehow she’d slipped inside his heart, and for the first time in a long time, Chance didn’t know what to do.

  Makayla gave him a soft kiss as she held him. “Are you sure you’re okay? You look…troubled.”

  Chance sighed, not sure what to tell her. “Yeah, I just…I guess…” he shrugged, “I’m a little amazed that you trust me…after everything.”

  Makayla grinned, running her hands back through his hair. “You’ve shown me time and again that you want to be a good man, Colton.” She cupped his cheek. “I trust that.”

  Chance’s eyes watered. God, he was a bastard. He didn’t deserve her. “Makayla…I…” he swallowed and stopped what he’d been going to say. Anything he sa
id right now would ruin this, and Chance had never had this before…he didn’t want to ruin it. “I’ve never had someone believe in me like you do.” He shook his head. “You don’t know how much it means to me.”

  Makayla bit her lip, her own eyes watering. “Everyone needs someone to lean on…and I want to be that person for you.” She looked down, then back up at him. “I love you.”

  Chance felt like his heart might explode right then and there. His grin so big his cut lip ached, he murmured, “I love you too.” And for the first time in his entire existence, he actually meant that phrase.

  Makayla grinned as widely as him, then leaned over to kiss him. Shifting to his back, Chance enjoyed the feel of her long hair caressing his bare skin. Nothing was quite like that feeling. Her hands tender on his sore muscles, she languidly moved her mouth against his. Chance could have lingered in this kiss for eternity, reveled in her body for the rest of his life. But Makayla had concerns too, and they perked up now that their heated moment was over.