Page 31 of Second Rate Chances

  Sighing, Neil wrapped his arm around her shoulder, drawing her in for a hug. “Remember the good ‘ole days, when you were sensible and responsible?” Pulling apart, he let out a dramatic exhale. “I miss those days.”

  Makayla pursed her lips and lightly socked him in the stomach. “I was also miserably lonely, Neil.”

  Neil stepped back, his face offended. “Lonely?” He twisted his lips. “Wasn’t I good enough company?”

  Makayla giggled. “Yes, you’re the best company…but I can’t have sex with you.”

  Neil grinned as Makayla started walking over to her car. “That’s called being horny, Makayla…totally different situation.”

  Makayla rolled her eyes at him, then ducked inside her car. Maybe she was a little bit, but it wasn’t just the physical act of sex that she’d been missing. It was the intimate connection that came along with it. If you cared about the person behind the act, then the moment became bigger than just a fleeting few minutes of release. And Makayla had come to care about Chance…a lot. She loved him. Of that much she was sure.

  As Neil’s car pulled away, Makayla flashed back to the first time she’d shared herself with Chance.

  Her breath had been fast. Once she had known that he was safe, giving herself over to him had been the only thing she could think about it. She’d aggressively pulled him to her mouth, clenched her legs around him. Makayla had nearly started the process, when Chance had regained control and broken away from her.

  He paused, hovering over her. “Do you trust me, Makayla,” he’d whispered, eyeing her intently.

  The remembered words burned through Makayla’s mind, but, at the time, it was her body that had been on fire. She’d squirmed underneath him, coherent thought nearly lost to desire. Did she trust him? That was the big question, wasn’t it? Twisting her lips under him, she moaned, “Chance…”

  He’d kissed her neck, pressing his shaking body into hers. The very tip of him slid along her wet skin and Makayla sucked in a breath. “Do you trust me?” he panted, the need evident in his voice, but was that need for her or for her words…Makayla still wasn’t sure.

  Carefully, he’d pressed right against her entrance. Makayla had felt the warmth of her body wrapping over him. Heat had burned through her core at the feel of just an inch of him in her. It had been so long…Makayla had nearly forgotten just how amazing sex could be. Once she was semi-engaged in it, her body had instantly remembered and instantly needed more.

  She’d whimpered and writhed beneath him when he removed himself. Frustrated, she’d needed nothing more than for him to complete their connection, needed nothing but for him to thrust all of the way inside of her. “Chance…please…”

  But Chance had needed more. He’d needed words that her euphoric mind hadn’t been able to form. Either that, or her lingering doubt had stopped her from forming them. “Say it,” he whispered in her ear, inserting himself again.

  An erotic breath escaped him, washing over her skin. Makayla gasped, frustrated but even more turned on by the tease. She’d cried out then, grasping his hips hard, trying in vain to sink their bodies together. Shaking, Chance had removed himself again. “Say it, Makayla…say you trust me.”

  The edge to his voice had been almost frantic, like he’d needed her words more than air. But still, she hadn’t been able to say them. He’d inserted himself again, swiveling his hips a little. Makayla had arched her back and tilted her head up, crying out in ecstasy and irritation. “Chance…take me…” She still couldn’t tell him what he wanted to hear. She hadn’t been sure of anything in that moment, anything except the fact that she needed him…desperately.

  Chance had stubbornly pulled himself out, then adjusted his hips so that the hard length of him rubbed against the outer folds of her. He pressed hard, simulating the deep thrusting that Makayla wanted more than anything right now. Dropping his head to her neck, he groaned and rocked against her in an ever steadying rhythm. The motion was so erotic, so perfect, Makayla could feel the release building in her.

  Reaching her hands up, she clutched his shoulders. “Yes, don’t stop…God, yes…”

  Chance’s breath heavy, he rocked against her harder and faster. Makayla felt the crest of her climax and arched her back. Kissing her breathlessly, Chance again said, “Say it, say it now, Makayla…I can’t hold back anymore.”

  Only one thing had filled her mind then—complete and total love and trust for the near-stranger above her. Makayla had instantly shouted out, “Yes, God, yes, I trust you…yes.”

  Chance attached his mouth to hers, then adjusted his hips again. Satisfied with her response, and with no more playful teasing, he’d plunged right into her. Already teetering on the edge, Makayla immediately came. Chance dropped his head and moaned. His body thrusting long and deep, Makayla had felt the explosion more intensely than she’d ever remembered feeling it before. A shudder had passed through her entire body, every muscle shaking with strain, then she’d given into it and euphoria had washed over her, complete and total relaxation coming right after. Makayla had never felt anything so glorious.

  As peace wrapped around her, Chance had stiffened, then cried out. Makayla held him sympathetically, just having felt the intensity that he was now feeling. She heard him muttering her name between his cries and she’d kissed his head. His release washed into her, then he was still, silent. Their heavy breath in the air had been the only sound.

  Makayla remembered the surge of love she’d felt directly after that moment. They’d both felt it. Chance had said that he loved her, too. And his eyes when he’d said it…so open, so honest. Makayla was positive that he’d meant every single word, every single breath. Even though she’d screamed it in the heat of the moment, Makayla meant what she’d said—she trusted him.

  That dopey, satisfied grin still on her face, Makayla headed home and debated what things she could do tonight that would make Chance shout out in the heat of the moment. As it had several times today, her grin turned devilish as her thoughts turned steamy.

  The remainder of April passed by in the blink of an eye for Makayla. She’d never been one of those types that believed time could do that—most of her life had been at a constant, steady pace—but the last two weeks had sure breezed by.

  As Makayla stretched out her muscles, stirring from a peaceful slumber, she looked over at Chance lying beside her. She was certain that he was the reason for time slipping through her fingers. He made her feel like time was irrelevant, like a lot of things were irrelevant, actually. Twisting to her side, Makayla studied his features while he slept.

  His light brown hair was a little longer than when they’d first met, a few strands almost reaching down to his eyes. Makayla wondered if he’d let her trim it for him? She’d done Neil’s once or twice, until one unfortunate incident where she’d misjudged how much hair contracted when it dried. Neil hadn’t been pleased with the shorter-than-he-was-used-to style and had never let her near a pair of scissors again. But she would be more careful with Chance.

  Smiling, she brushed a long strand off his forehead. Chance stirred, but didn’t wake up. His warm eyes were hidden from her, but she could imagine the playful depths that she saw when he gazed at her. So much love and adoration beamed at her from those beautiful eyes that it sometimes surprised her. They hadn’t been together all that long, but Chance looked at her like she was something miraculous. She sometimes felt a little unworthy of his gazes.

  He was changing his entire life for her, giving up his world of thievery, separating from his debauchery-filled family…all for her. Makayla had no idea why she inspired such a change, but she thanked every higher power there was that she did. Helping Chance turn his life around was one of the most amazing things she’d ever done. It made her want to reach her dream of becoming an officer all the more. Just the thought of how many more people she could help…

  Chance shifted from his side to his back. His wrist was exposed to her now and Makayla smiled at the clover etched
there. She loved looking at it. Lifting the sheet, she stared down at her bare hip. She loved looking at hers too. She still could barely believe that she’d gotten a tattoo so impulsively…it was so unlike her. But Chance brought out the more adventurous side of her, the side that would trail a pick pocket, the side that would defend her man’s rights in a seedy pawn shop. Makayla would even stand up to his brother for him…if he’d ever let her. She knew he wouldn’t though. Chance wouldn’t even talk about his brother, let alone give Makayla any insight into where he could be found.

  Makayla slowly traced the bright green ink upon her skin, then brought her attention back to Chance. His eyes were open when her gaze returned, a warm smile on his soft, inviting lips. His eyes traveled to the sheet lightly draped over their bodies, then back up to her face. Makayla bit her lip, loving the familiar heat that ignited his eyes when he looked at her curvy body. She twisted to face him and he smiled wider.

  “What are you doing?” he murmured.

  “Watching you.”

  His hand dipped under the sheet and clenched her hip, right over her tattoo. She was perfectly healed now, and Chance loved nothing more than to place a tender kiss right over her clover. It always instantly made her want him.

  “No you weren’t, you were playing with this.” His thumb made a circle over the marking on her hip and Makayla shivered. Sitting up on an elbow, Chance stared down at her as she shifted to her back. “Having second thoughts?”

  His eyes seemed to be asking more than his question and Makayla reached up to stroke his cheek. “No, not at all.” Her thumb brushed over his skin, over the light stubble along his jaw. “No second thoughts at all.”

  He smiled beneath her fingers. His face and body were nearly just as healed as Makayla’s tattoo. Unless you were really, really close to him, or really observant, you’d never know that he’d been beaten to a pulp a few weeks ago. Makayla was both of those things however, and she still saw the slight discoloration of his skin. Frowning, her other hand ran over one of the faded bruises along his ribs.

  Chance looked down at her fingers, then back up to her face. “I’m fine, Makayla…don’t worry about me, okay?”

  Makayla frowned, as she always did when he told her not to worry about him. She couldn’t help but worry. His brother might be leaving him alone for now, but he was still out there, still causing havoc on society and still a stone’s throw from coming after Chance again…maybe finishing the job this time. Makayla couldn’t help but worry about that. It was one of the reasons she insisted that Chance remained at her house.

  Wrapping her legs around him, her body started to remember her other reasons for keeping him around. She pushed the desire back though, letting her worry bubble to the surface instead. Biting her lip, she shook her head. “I just hate that he’s out there…free…after what he did to you. After what he does to others.”

  Chance sighed, removing her hand from his cheek. “Can’t you just let this go?” He shrugged. “There’s nothing you or I can do about Garrett.”

  Makayla frowned and wrapped her arms around him. “Couldn’t we just anonymously tip off the cops? Have them raid his place? He’d never know it came from you.”

  Chance chuckled and kissed her nose. “I love that you think it’s that easy.” Shaking his head, he told her, “Like I said before, my brother’s empire is widespread and constantly rotating. Even if the police did get a warrant to search his place, there’s no guarantee that they’d find anything…and who do you think Garrett would come after, if he got raided?”

  Chance raised an eyebrow pointedly and Makayla sighed. “Yeah…I guess you’re right.”

  Chance moved over the top of her. Makayla struggled to keep a frown on her face. Leaning down to kiss her neck, he whispered, “It’s about what you can prove, Makayla, remember? And right now, we don’t have any proof that he’s doing anything wrong.”

  Makayla tilted her neck, giving Chance more room to work his wonders. Tightening her legs around him, she muttered, “What exactly is he into anyway? Drugs?”

  Chance paused for a moment above her neck, then returned his soft lips. “Mainly drugs, yes, although he doesn’t mind armed robbery and car-jacking either.”

  Makayla sighed, remembering that Chance used to jack cars before puberty…he’d probably done that for his brother at some point. Adrian too maybe? Hearing her sigh, Chance lifted his head to peek into her eyes. Running her fingers above his ear, Makayla shook her head. “Did he go so wrong…because of your mother and brother?” she whispered it, hating to bring up his painful past, but too curious not to.

  Chance let out a short exhale and shifted back to her side. Makayla shivered with the absence of his warm body on top of hers, and cuddled into his skin. Threading his fingers into her hair, he told her, “Maybe…although, he was a borderline menace before…”

  His voice trailed off and he stared over her shoulder. His eyes misted over and Makayla instantly felt bad for bringing it up. Mainly to change the subject, she said, “What does your dad think about it all? Is he still around?”

  Chance’s gaze over her shoulder hardened and he still wouldn’t look at her. “Yeah, he’s still…alive…at any rate.”

  Makayla leaned in to kiss his collar bone and Chance finally relaxed and looked down at her. Sighing, he laid his back on the bed. Makayla propped herself up on his chest. “You…want to talk about him?”

  Chance played with a long piece of her hair while searching her face. After a long moment, he murmured, “There’s not too much to say. He wasn’t a good person…although, I don’t think my mom ever realized that.”

  Makayla tilted her head, even more curious now. “What do you mean?”

  Chance hesitated a moment, seemingly unsure how much to tell her. Makayla smiled encouragingly. He could tell her anything; she wouldn’t hold his past against him. After another couple of seconds of silent contemplation, Chance shrugged. “My dad is the one that first taught me how to hot-wire a car. My dad is the one that helped me pick my first pocket.” He looked down, his brow furrowed in puzzlement, or maybe disappointment. “My dad was the one that taught me everything I know.” He looked back up at her and quickly added, “Me and my older brother.”

  Makayla bit her lip, but remained quiet. Lightly rubbing her back, Chance said, “And he made us keep it quiet from my mom…it was our little secret.”

  Makayla looked down, a large part of the puzzle that was Colton Burke snapping into place for her. “Oh…how awful.” Peeking back up at him, she whispered, “What happened to him?”

  Chance’s jaw tightened, his eyes narrowing. A deep anger filled his brown depths as he looked away from Makayla. “He’s where he should be now…behind bars.” Looking back at her, he lifted his chin. “And I put him there.”

  Makayla’s mouth dropped open. Her hands on his chest stopped making small circles in his skin. “You…? How…?”

  She leaned forward, her hair brushing Chance’s shoulder. The very idea of Chance turning in his father gave her hope. If he was so opposed to his father’s actions, then that would surely help him conquer his own demons. It only solidified his good intentions with her. He wanted to live on the side of right, and she would help him. And if he’d successfully put away his father, then surely he could do the same with his brother?

  Chance swallowed and looked down. “I pulled a job with him a year ago…a residential art theft in a very upscale neighborhood. I tripped the alarm on purpose, then gave Dad the loot. Our emergency exit strategy was to split up, then reconvene at this certain motel. I tipped off the police. I gave them the make, model, and plate number of his car…told them which motel he’d be at. They caught him in the parking lot…busted him with the high-priced art that we’d stolen. It was a large enough take to put him behind bars for a very long time.”

  Chance paused a moment while Makayla listened, stunned. When he started back up, he looked her straight in the eye. “I don’t know if he ever pieced together that I was
the one that screwed him over, but he was a smart man, so I’m sure he did.” He shook his head. “If we ever meet up again, I’m sure he’ll have…some words for me.”

  Astonished, Makayla shook her head. “I’m glad you found a way to put him behind bars, but, if you were working together…why did you?”

  Sighing, Chance looked up at the ceiling. “It’s…complicated…” He looked back at her, silent, then said, “I didn’t want to be like him anymore…I wanted away from him.”

  Makayla nodded, only sort of understanding Chance’s twisted childhood. Quietly, she asked, “And your brother? Did he ever figure out what you did?”

  Chance dropped his mouth and blinked at her, like he was confused by her question, like he’d completely forgotten all about his brother. Makayla frowned, thinking her question was obvious. If Chance was more like his mom and his brother was more like his dad, then it went without saying that his brother would not let his dad’s capture go unpunished.