“Whoa, you startled me, Makayla.”

  As Makayla held his shoulder, he nimbly caught the pilfered item—a vase, a crystal vase. Bunching her brows, Makayla asked, “What are you doing?”

  Chance held the heavy object up to her eye level, then pointed at the flowers still clenched in her other hand. Smiling, he shook his head. “I was getting a vase for the flowers.” Cocking an eyebrow, he added, “Unless…you wanted to take them with us?”

  Makayla blinked and released his shoulder. “Oh…” She supposed that made sense…and was sort of sweet.

  Chance laughed a little then frowned. “What did you think I was doing?” Makayla bit her lip and felt a flush creeping into her cheeks. Well, honestly, she thought he was going to try and rob her blind. Hearing her unspoken thoughts, Chance sighed. “You thought I was what, stealing from you? On the first date?” Makayla didn’t answer and he smirked. “Wow, pretty low of me.”

  Twisting her lips, Makayla pointed a finger in his chest. “You did steal from me the first time we met. It’s not such an unreasonable assumption.”

  Chance smiled and shook his head. “I’m not here to rob you, Makayla.” Grabbing the flowers from her, he tilted his head and subtly flashed his eyes down her body. Makayla’s sharp vision caught the move though, and again her heart rate increased. “I’m just here to show you a good time, to get to know you…okay?”

  Makayla sighed as he walked into the other room…the kitchen. For a moment she wondered how he knew that her kitchen was that way. Had he staked out her place beforehand? But then she figured he’d just made an educated guess. He’d watched her walk back to the bedrooms…most homes had the kitchen located just opposite. It really wasn’t rocket science.

  Following him, she muttered, “Fine…”

  He smiled over his shoulder at her, then filled the vase with water. After spreading the flowers out into a beautiful arrangement, he twisted to face Makayla. “Ready?” he asked, extending an elbow to her.

  Curling her lip into a one-sided smile, Makayla nodded, put on her jacket, and then looped her hand through the space on his side. Wondering if she was mental, Makayla asked, “And what exactly are we doing this evening?”

  Chance smiled down at her. “Something I think you’ll enjoy.” He laughed. “Since you seem to like adrenaline.” Makayla frowned and shook her head and Chance smiled wider. “Well, you did chase down a potentially dangerous individual, did you not?” Makayla bit her lip and looked away. Chuckling, Chance added, “And I saw your face…you got a high from it.”

  Makayla threw a smirk his way, then chuckled herself. “Well, maybe a little…”

  Leading her back towards the front door, Chance nodded. “Like I said, I think you’ll enjoy this.”

  As they climbed into his car, Makayla couldn’t help but wonder what “this” was. But more than that, she couldn’t stop herself from watching Chance, and not just the, I’m-going-to-finally-catch-you-in-the-act watching that she had fully expected to do this evening. No, she was watching him like a person dying of thirst watched rain falling from the sky. She wanted him. Some sick, twisted part of her body wanted his body to explore every inch of her. She wasn’t sure why she was so attracted…whether it was her lack of attention lately or the adorable way his lips moved when he spoke, but regardless, the attraction was there, and it kept her in a state of hyper-awareness the entire drive.

  When his car stopped and Makayla noticed where they were, she started laughing. “A traveling carnival?” She twisted to face him. “Really?” A full blown carnival had set up shop in a parking lot of a gargantuan church. Makayla hadn’t ever actually gone to a carnival with a date. She’d gone with Neil or girlfriends, but never with a date. It seemed surprisingly wholesome.

  Chance smiled at her laughter, turning to face her. “Sure, what better place is there to spend an evening than the top of a Ferris wheel?” His eyes drifting over her face, he added, “Besides, if you ask real nice, they let you go on the rides over and over without getting off.” He raised a lip, his eyes playfully suggestive. “I like the instant gratification.”

  Makayla wanted to frown. Really, he seemed to like instant gratification entirely too much, but his face was so intriguing, she held her breath…and leaned towards him. She was surprised that she was already offering herself to him. She was even more surprised that he didn’t take the initiative. His breath was a little heavier, but instead of closing the distance between them, wrapping his lips over hers, he shifted to open his door. “We should go…we’ll want to get the most of it before they close.”

  Shocked at herself, shocked at him, Makayla quickly opened her door. “Yeah, okay.”

  The chilly, early evening air snapped Makayla out of her steamy thoughts and she was instantly grateful that they were spending the night outdoors. And instantly grateful that her coat was lined with down. Chance waited for her at the front of his vehicle, his hand extended. Makayla took it, noting that his palm was warm, even in the cold air. Cuddling into his side, their hips brushing together, they walked towards the entrance.

  The first thing they chose to go on was the hastily constructed roller coaster. Well, it seemed that way to Makayla. Since she knew it was taken apart and then reassembled several times a year, it didn’t seem safe. Even though it was ridden on hundreds of times a day and had to pass all sorts of inspections, it wasn’t the most sturdy-looking thing. Whenever she’d been to carnivals like this in the past, Makayla had always felt like the roller coaster was going to shake apart while she was at the very highest point. But that was part of the appeal—the inherent danger. As she adjusted the heavy bar over her lap, Makayla wondered if Chance was right, maybe she was an adrenaline junky.

  As the car started rolling forward, the other few patrons on the ride squealed in delight. Chance grabbed Makayla’s hand. She smiled up at him as the car started its incline, an incline that seemed deceptively steep for the ride’s relatively small size. The heavy motor kicked in as it pulled the ride practically straight up. It clicked with a fast rhythm that matched Makayla’s heartbeat.

  As the anticipation of the rush started to build in her, Makayla squeezed Chance’s hand. Smiling, his eyes as bright with excitement as hers, he leaned down to her ear. “I’m very glad you said yes.”

  Just as she was about to respond, the cart reached the apex and started its plummet to the other side. Her words caught in her throat, then erupted into a scream. Laughing and screaming simultaneously, she clenched Chance’s hand as they were whipped up and down, back and forth. By the end of the ride, Makayla had the sort of feeling that she imagined people had after a near-death experience—excitement to be alive, a bond of shared survival with the other passengers, and a feeling of trust and familiarity with Chance, her co-pilot in her dance with death. True, it wasn’t that dangerous, and she hadn’t nearly died, but the feeling was the same, she was sure.

  Since only one or two people wanted to come onto the ride, the attendant let anybody who wanted to stay have another turn. Even though there were several other rides they wanted to try, Chance and Makayla stayed where they were. Instant gratification and all.

  “I’m glad I said yes, too.”

  It was the last words Makayla spoke before they started their death defying plunge again.

  After a few more terrifying and exhilarating rides, they paused to get something to eat. And since carnival food was notorious for being about as unhealthy as food could get, what they ended up snacking on was battered and fried elephant ears and butter and jam-covered scones. Makayla knew she was going to regret it the next time she met up with Sofia, but for now, the calorie-laden food was pure heaven.

  Popping a section of cinnamon-coated perfection into her mouth, Makayla glanced at Chance walking beside her. “So…why did you steal from me?”

  Glancing back at her, Chance grinned before munching on his own piece. “You’re still assuming I did.” Lifting his eyebrows, he gave her his innocent look. “Don’t you b
elieve my side of the story?”

  Makayla twisted her lips. “No, I don’t. I have a very good memory and I know that my wallet was safely tucked in my purse…right next to my book.”

  Smirking, Chance added, “And a photo of Ian Somerhalder…interesting choice.”

  As he was chuckling to himself, Makayla smacked his arm. “You did take it!”

  Stopping, he looked back at her with a frown. “Hmmm, yeah, I did…I’m sorry.”

  Shaking her head, Makayla sighed. “So, why did you do it? We were talking, having a nice time…maybe even flirting…” She looked down, then back up at him. “Then you stole from me?”

  Sighing, Chance looked over the park, at the few stragglers enjoying the last hours of the evening. “I didn’t plan it…but…it was so easy and right there and I just…couldn’t not take it.” He looked back at her, his warm brown eyes confused. “I don’t expect you to understand, but…it was nothing personal.”

  Makayla set her lips into a hard line. “You couldn’t stop yourself? That’s not very comforting.” He shrugged, looking down at their feet. Sighing, Makayla grabbed his hand. “Did you lie about everything? The movie…the girl? Did you go there to steal from people and I was just the lucky target?”

  Chance snapped his eyes back up to hers. He didn’t answer her right away and Makayla felt the ice in her stomach again. Swallowing, she waited for him to either admit the truth to her, or completely lie. For once, Makayla wasn’t sure which one she wanted to hear.

  Flicking his eyes between hers, Chance let out a slow exhale. “Makayla, I don’t…my life is…complicated. I wish I could give you an easy answer. I wish I could tell you that everything I’d said that night was true, that I really had been running late to a movie, that I really had been blown off by a girl.” He swallowed, his eyes shifting to gaze just beyond her shoulder. “But…it’s not that simple…and I don’t think I can explain it to you in any satisfying way.” He glanced back at her, his eyes remorseful. “And I know that I’ll probably never see you again because of that…and I’m really sorry.”

  Makayla felt her eyes water as she searched his face. Why couldn’t he just be the man he’d described? Why couldn’t he be as honest and decent as he seemed on the surface? Why did he have to have a dark side, a side he clearly didn’t want her to see? Why did someone so complicated have to make her stomach flip-flop?

  Shaking her head, she whispered, “Can you at least tell me if there’s another girl in the picture?”

  It seemed the smaller issue, but a valid one. If he was sort of involved with another woman, Makayla should know…not that she wanted to be involved with him after tonight…or did she?

  He smiled, his face relaxing. “Yeah, I can tell you that much, I guess.” His fingers coming up to brush her cheek, he whispered, “There is no girl.”

  Makayla felt warmth and ice flood through her. There was no other woman in his life so he was open to her…but…he’d just confirmed that he had lied that night, at least about one thing. And there was probably more that he’d lied about…a lot more.

  As much as Makayla wanted to turn away, she wanted to lean in and feel his lips. It was an odd gut-wrenching feeling and she ended up doing nothing. Nothing but holding still while the back of his finger stroked her cheek. His eyes seemed glossier as he watched her confused reaction. Sighing, he whispered, “I’m sorry…”

  Makayla nodded, then did something that surprised herself. Knowing she should walk away now, now that he’d admitted deception, she ended up lacing her arms around his neck and pulling his body flush to hers. He stiffened in her arms, seemingly just as surprised as she was, then he melted into her embrace. Holding her tight, he let out a shuddering breath and dropped his head to her shoulder. Makayla closed her eyes, letting the warmth of his body fill the ache in her heart, an ache she hadn’t even realized had been there.

  She had no idea what she was doing. All she really knew was that she was being incredibly stupid. But there was something about him…something dangerous and secretive…but warm and caring too. He was the most dichotomous, duplicitous person she’d ever encountered. It mystified and thrilled her…yet, terrified her too. How could she ever trust him when he couldn’t even admit the truth to her in a satisfying way?

  “Thank you for giving me a chance, Makayla,” he whispered in her ear, his accent curling around the words.

  Smiling softly, she pulled back to look at him. “Well, it is your moniker, right?”

  He grinned and shrugged. Makayla thought to ask him his real name, but instead asked, “Your accent is wonderful…where are you from? Texas?”

  “Close.” Chance grinned, seemingly happy that she had guessed almost correctly. “Oklahoma.” He tipped his head, like the southerly gentleman he could seem to be at times.

  Butterflies swarmed her stomach as she gazed at him. Oddly, knowing where he was from made her feel closer to him, like she was finally getting to see something real from him. And really, that was the whole point of her agreeing to this crazy evening in the first place. She wanted to understand how a man like him thought. How he could do the things he did, justified his actions. He wasn’t exactly opening himself up yet, but it was one small fact that Makayla had squeezed out of him…and she was sure more would follow.

  The rest of the evening was a pleasant blur. Late in the night, when the carnival closed up, Makayla and Chance stumbled to his vehicle. Makayla surprisingly didn’t want to call it quits yet, but knew she had to. She was also a little surprised that he hadn’t done anything the least bit criminal. Well, okay, she wasn’t sure if he’d swiped the flowers that he brought her, but she’d watched him closely around other people and hadn’t seen him pick any pockets. Maybe he was good enough that she wouldn’t notice, but, Makayla didn’t think that was the case tonight. She felt like he’d actually behaved himself. She even still had everything in her own purse. Even her picture of Ian.

  Once back at her cheery, yellow home, Chance walked Makayla to her door. Very conscious of her fuzzy legs, Makayla bit her lip and tilted her head towards her living room. “Do you want to come in…for a little bit.”

  Chance smiled, maybe remembering how different her attitude towards him was from the beginning of the evening, when she’d practically accused him of vase-thievery. “Sure…for a little bit.”

  They stood in the middle of her living room for a moment. A tension started building…a good tension. Makayla slinked off her jacket, setting it on the couch with her purse. Chance left his on, not acting presumptuous in how long he’d be staying by removing it. Makayla liked that he didn’t automatically assume that her invitation to come inside was also an invitation to her bed. Sometimes come in for a little bit, meant exactly that. But she licked her lips as she moved to stand before him.

  “I had a good time tonight,” he whispered, leaning in like he might kiss her.

  Makayla looked down, breaking the moment, even though she really did want him to. “Yeah, I did, too.” Surprisingly, she meant it. She had had a good night. Even if she had been worried about him doing something illegal the whole time.

  Makayla heard him chuckle and peeked up at him. Chance grinned at her answer. “You sound surprised. Were you expecting to have a bad time tonight?”

  Makayla smirked. “I was sort of expecting to wind up in jail tonight.”

  Chance raised his eyebrows. “Wow, maybe I should have let you plan the date. Yours sounds much more interesting than mine.”

  She smiled. “No. Your date was just fine.”

  Chance gave her a soft, charming smile. He still looked like he wanted to kiss her. He made no move towards her, though. Instead he tilted his head, indicating the door behind him. “Well, I should go…” He raised an eyebrow. “I know what you think of me…but…can we do this again sometime?”

  Biting her lip, Makayla smiled. His eyes locked onto her mouth. Feeling her face flush, she looked down again. “Yeah, I think I’d like that actually.” She knew it was stupi
d and foolish, but there it was.

  As she was looking down, she felt him come closer. Her heart started thudding. Before she could look up, he leaned in and kissed her cheek. She felt heat course through her body at the contact. Bad decision or not, Makayla couldn’t deny the attraction she felt for him.

  Makayla glanced up when she felt his body moving away from hers. “Goodnight, Makayla,” he whispered, his fingers dragging down her arm as he stepped towards the door.

  A rush of longing hit Makayla, and even though she knew it wasn’t a good idea, and knew that she’d have to excuse herself for an obscene amount of time to take care of her messy legs, she grabbed his hand to stop him from leaving. He looked back at her, questioning and desire clear in his eyes. Chewing on her lip, wondering, again, if she had completely lost her mind, Makayla pulled on his hand. He willingly stepped back towards her direction. When he was close enough, Makayla reached up and slinked her hand around his neck. She pulled his hand around her waist, and his head down to hers.