Kate laid her head on Brock’s shoulder. “My mother hated seeing me in jeans. Especially the dirty jeans she always found in the hamper after I’d been outside playing with you. That summer was fun. I missed you, too.”

  “There has to be a reason we keep coming in and out of each other’s lives.”

  Kate tensed beneath his arm. “Brock, I wish I were in a better place right now.”

  “You will be, Kate. This is a rough time for you, but you’ll come out of it. I want you to know you don’t have to be alone as you work things out. I’m right here. If you need a friend, I can be a friend for now. If you want more, just sit on my lap again.”

  She looked up at him quickly, and he winked down at her. “It’s that simple?”

  He shrugged. “Guys are not that complicated.” Brock stood up and held out a hand to her. “Hey, let’s go to dinner. No expectations. Just you, me, and an extra-large pizza. We’ll drown your sorrows in carbs.”

  She placed her hand in his and stood before him, searching his face. “You’re really okay with taking it slowly?”

  He pulled her to his chest and kissed her temple. “You’re worth the wait, Kate. You always have been. Let’s go eat.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Kate spent the next few evenings with Brock. He’d taken her to a holiday party hosted by a married couple, Chris and Kim, he’d been friends with since high school. He’d introduced her as a very good friend of his.

  Chris had elbowed Brock and said, “A friend, huh? Isn’t this the Kate you mooned over for years? You know, Untouchable—”

  His wife had glared at him and interrupted, “Do you want to ever have sex again, Chris?”

  “Yes,” Chris had said and frowned.

  “Then stop talking.”

  “Oh, I wasn’t thinking.” He’d blushed. “Kate, I didn’t mean any offense. It’s just what everyone called you.”

  Brock had become visibly upset beside her, but for once the label hadn’t bothered Kate. She’d felt free from the old nickname. What others thought of her didn’t matter to her, not since Mr. Elf had shown her what she felt was just as important.

  Kim had said, “Kate, I’m so sorry. Chris, that is your last eggnog. You’re cut off.”

  Kate had surprised them all by smiling. “It doesn’t bother me anymore. Those people didn’t know me.”

  Brock had hugged her, and she’d felt a smile on his lips when he’d kissed her forehead.

  “See,” Chris had said, “she’s not upset, and I just got Brock to admit they are more than friends.”

  Kim had looked across at Kate and smiled. “He’s incorrigible, but I love him.”

  Chris had let out a whoop. “No couch for me tonight.”

  Meeting the rest of Brock’s friends that night had been just as entertaining. Watching him with them had warmed Kate’s heart. Brock loved these people, and it was easy to see they loved him right back.

  The next night, Brock had surprised her by inviting her to have dinner with his parents. When Kate had hesitated, he’d said, “My parents are fun. Well, most of the time. Don’t let my dad start talking about local politics. And if my mom offers you a piece of meat pie, ask her what year it was made. She doesn’t label things well in the freezer. Just avoid the meat pie altogether.”

  “Who will you tell them I am?”

  “The truth. You’re Kate, a woman I want to introduce to the joys of canasta.”

  “What’s canasta?”

  “It’s an addictive card game. My family has always played it. I have to warn you, though. We’re cutthroat. Don’t bat those pretty blue eyes at me and think I’ll go easy on you. It’s men against women when we play cards, and the losers always do the dishes.”

  Brock’s parents had met them at the door. His father was tall, with a full head of white hair and blue-green eyes like Brock’s. His mother was much shorter, with salt-and-pepper hair cut in a flattering short style and dark brown eyes. Kate wasn’t sure how to read either of them.

  Linda had waved warmly from behind them and loudly told the woman she was standing beside not to embarrass Brock in front of Kate.

  Brock had placed his hand low on Kate’s back and ushered her inside.

  “Marty, offer to take her coat,” Brock’s mother had said to her husband.

  “Sharon, I’m not putting on airs just because she’s here. She can hang up her own coat if she wants to.”

  Brock’s hand had tensed on her back, but Kate had smiled over her shoulder at him. “Don’t worry, Brock, old people don’t offend me.”

  His father had coughed and turned a little red. “Did you just call me old?”

  Kate had given him her best mischievous smile and shrugged. “I did, but you deserved it.”

  He’d studied her for a moment, then said, “I could like this one, Brock.”

  “Enough to let her in the house, Marty?” His wife rolled her eyes but hugged her husband.

  Marty had nodded and stepped back. Once everyone was inside, he’d held out his hand for Kate’s coat. “Well, what you are waiting for? Give me your damn coat or I’ll never hear the end of it.”

  Kate had taken one look at his serious expression and burst out laughing. Brock had joined in, followed by the rest of them. Linda had come over like a long lost friend, given Kate a welcome hug, and introduced her to their aunt Stella.

  Good food and plenty of wine had turned the awkwardness of their initial meeting into a surprisingly pleasant evening. Brock’s parents were warm and loving toward each other. After dinner, his father had joked they should play so the loser would leave with his sister-in-law.

  No one had taken him seriously. Not even Aunt Stella. She had, however, threatened to stay another week if he kept it up. The easy banter between them made Kate wish she had a family like that.

  And someone like Brock to share it with. He was protective, tender, and attentive. There was nothing not to love about spending time with Brock. He took her to the movies. Took her shopping. They went everywhere, but he made sure they were never alone.

  Which was more than a little frustrating. She’d told him she wanted to take it slowly, but he didn’t even try to kiss her when he dropped her off at her door each night. At first she’d thought she didn’t want him to, because it would lead to something she wasn’t ready for, but the more time they spent together, the more kissing him again was all she could think about.

  There’d been a time when she’d thought she had a low sex drive. Ha, now sex is all I think about. And not with just anyone—with Brock. She wanted to shake him. Or tie him down and take what she wanted. Being so close to him without kissing him kept her at an aching level of frustration.

  He said all it would take was a sign from her that she was ready. Kate wasn’t sure at first what held her back from giving him that sign, but she came face to face with it when she was cleaning her home one weekend morning.

  She found the unopened gift box and the phone she’d stashed in a kitchen drawer the first night Brock had come to her house to pick her up. She’d told herself to throw them both away, but she hadn’t. There was something about Mr. Elf she wasn’t ready to let go of yet.

  She took the prepaid phone in to the living room,along with the small box. She texted: Thank you.

  His response came almost instantly. For what?

  For listening to me when I asked you to stop.

  Our game was never supposed to hurt you, Kate.

  I know. And it didn’t. In fact, it freed me. I never knew I could be like that. I didn’t know I could enjoy sex as much as I did with you.

  What are you saying? You want to continue our game?

  Yes. No. I want everything I had with you, but I want it with Brock.

  Then why are you talking to me, Kate?

  He’s not like you. He’d be shocked if I told him what I want to do with him.

  I doubt that.

  I can’t even get him to kiss me.

  Then he’s an idiot.

/>   He’s not an idiot. He’s a good guy. A really, really good guy. He makes me laugh. He has brought so much happiness into my life in such a short time. I can’t imagine not knowing him now. And I trust him, more than I’ve ever trusted anyone. But what if that’s not enough for me? What if I need someone who can push my boundaries sometimes? What if I sleep with him and wish it were you?

  There was no message from Mr. Elf for several minutes. Then he texted: You don’t really want me. You don’t know me. Are you attracted to Brock? I mean, do you want him to fuck you long and hard, over and over again?

  I do. And I want my toys. And naughty phone calls. I want to meet him in places that would shock most people and fuck his brains out. But how do I tell him that?

  Any way you want. I’m sure if he’s a man at all, he’ll figure it out.

  Should I tell him about you?

  No. Some things are better left a secret, Kate. I’m one of those things.

  It’s day twelve, Mr. Elf.

  I know.

  I’m sorry we aren’t spending today the way you thought we would.

  Kate, you are probably the only woman on the planet who would apologize to a complete stranger for not fucking him.

  That’s because you’re not a stranger to me, Mr. Elf. You’re not even creepy anymore. I still hope you’re older than twelve, but even if you aren’t—you’ve left me better than you found me, and I’m grateful for that.

  Will you open my last present?

  I know it’s silly, but I don’t want to. It’s a temptation I have to refuse. I want to give Brock a real chance, and I can’t do that if I’m with you.

  So, this is good-bye.

  It is.

  Kate, don’t ever be ashamed of wanting sex to be exciting. And don’t ever settle for less than what you need. Any man who doesn’t want you the way you are doesn’t deserve to be with you.

  That’s the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me, Mr. Elf.

  Don’t tell Santa. He’ll take me off the Naughty List, and I do all my best work there.

  Good-bye, Mr. Elf.

  Good-bye, Kate.

  Brock considered tossing his prepaid phone into the trash. Instead, he stuffed it into the far corner of his home office desk drawer and locked it. He stood up and paced his apartment impatiently.

  He had plans to see Kate that afternoon, but he was pretty sure waiting until then would keep his blood pressure so high he’d burst something. What a way to go. The doctors would call it the most extreme case of blue balls they’d ever seen—the one that negated the myth that men couldn’t die from it.

  Kate thinks I’m too good of a guy to be good in bed?

  Fuck me.

  I can’t offer to prove her wrong. I can’t tell her I know that.

  If I run over there now and rip off her clothes she’ll suspect I’m Mr. Elf.

  Won’t she?

  Would that be such a bad thing? She wants him, and she wants me. Well, I’m fucking him. So, you’re lucky Kate, you get to fuck both of us.

  She wouldn’t see it that way. No, she’d fucking kill me for lying to her.

  Then she’d break up with me.

  Who am I kidding? She hasn’t technically said she’s dating me yet.

  I’m such a fucking idiot. I’ve been doing everything I can to keep my hands off her and now she thinks I’ll suck in bed.


  I just have to wait until she gives me a sign.

  Any fucking sign.

  If she looks at me while breathing, I’m taking that as a request to jump her.

  And I’d better be good.

  He turned on his laptop and read an article about how to prolong the female orgasm. He followed up with how to give a woman multiple orgasms. Through his search he came across an article about improving sex through hypnosis.

  He read it, then chastised himself. I am such a fucking pig. Hypnotizing Kate would be wrong. Unless she wanted me to, and then it could be fun.


  This is how I got into this situation in the first place.

  He waved a finger at his half-cocked dick. “Not all of your ideas are good ones. Let me take the lead on this one.”

  She thinks I’m not kinky enough for her?

  She has no idea.

  And I’ll show her.

  Just as soon as she gives me the slightest hint that I should.

  Or looks me in the eye.

  Really, it won’t take much.

  Chapter Twelve

  Kate waited for Brock to arrive for their date. She thought about what Mr. Elf had said. Could she have everything she was looking for in one man—just by telling him what she wanted?

  She wrote a list of what was important to her, things she wanted to try, both by herself and with Brock. Once she started, the list poured out of her. She read it over and blushed, but she wasn’t as embarrassed as she thought she would be. Mr. Elf was right. If Brock didn’t want the same things she did, that didn’t make what she wanted wrong. She stuffed it in her purse as a reminder to be brave and express her needs.

  When she met Brock at the door, they both froze in place, awkwardly staring at each other. It was as if he knew what she’d spent the afternoon thinking about. But there was no way he could.

  She asked him to come inside while she gathered her purse and coat. The hungry way he watched her reminded her of the night he’d first kissed her. She hadn’t seen that look in his eyes since. It gave her courage.

  “I booked a table at Giuilio’s,” he said.

  “That was my favorite restaurant when I lived here before.”

  “I know.” He took her coat and held it for her while she slipped it on. She might have imagined it, but she thought she felt Brock inhale deeply beside her neck as if he was breathing in her scent.

  “You are constantly surprising me in the most amazing ways,” she said. Kate was used to men trying to impress her by talking about themselves or feeding her lines, but even her ex-husband had never paid attention to what she liked the way Brock did. Caring about her happiness was the biggest compliment a man could give a woman. Brock did it naturally, without making a big deal out of it. She could see why so many people loved him; she was already falling for him herself.

  He turned her around and looked deeply into her eyes. “You look like you want to say something, Kate.”

  “I’m not actually hungry,” Kate whispered.

  “Thank God,” Brock said just as softly.

  He bent down and was about to kiss her, but Kate stopped him with a hand on his chest. He raised his head in surprise, looking wildly aroused and confused at the same time. “What’s wrong?”

  Even though she wanted to kiss him almost more than she wanted to breathe, she had been rehearsing what she wanted to say to him, and she didn’t want to rush forward without saying it. She didn’t want this to be another relationship that happened to her and left her feeling she was only along for the ride. If she and Brock were going to take their relationship to the next level, she wanted to play a part in deciding what it would look like. “Can we talk first?”

  He took her hand and placed it on the long length of his bulging cock. Even through his pants she could feel it jump at her touch. “I can attempt a conversation, but most of my blood is presently here. I can’t guarantee I’ll answer in full sentences.”

  Not able to stop herself, Kate caressed his cock, loving how it grew even wider and fuller. “You’re so big. I’ve only really been with my husband, and he was nothing like this.”

  Brock groaned. “I would tell you I don’t want to hear about your ex, but if you keep stroking me like that you can talk about whatever the fuck you want.”

  Kate experimented with how she was rubbing him and watched his expression. Pleasing her ex had been something she’d felt she had to do, and she’d told herself she’d enjoyed it, but it hadn’t ever made her wet like touching Brock was doing right now. Knowing that Brock was holding himself back, despite wanting her a
s badly as he obviously did, all because she’d asked him to, made Kate want to drive him out of his mind.

  She wanted to see him lose control and take what he wanted.

  She stepped back and dropped her coat to the floor. “I have a secret,” she whispered.

  Brock looked like he’d stopped breathing as he waited for her to share it.

  She stepped out of her shoes and kicked them aside. “I want two men.”

  Brock paled.

  With what she hoped were sexy moves, she slowly unbuttoned her shirt and dropped it, along with her bra, onto the floor. She undid her pants and slid them, along with her underwear, down her legs. “I want a nice man during the day.” She put a finger in her mouth, then drew a wet trail down across one breast, over her stomach, and to her wet slit. While he watched, she dipped it inside of herself and grazed the sensitive tip of her clit. “But at night I want to fuck a man who knows what he wants and knows how to make a woman give it to him.”

  Brock’s nose flared and he said, “I can be both of those men.”

  Kate walked over, proudly naked before him, and slipped her finger, which was still wet from her own juices, into his mouth. “Then consider this your interview for the position.”


  Fuck yes.

  Brock roughly hauled her to him. He already knew what she liked. He felt like he’d been preparing for this moment his whole life. This might be his only chance to win her over, and he was willing to do whatever it took, for as long as it took, to convince her they belonged together.

  He dug his hand into her hair and held her face before his. He had to be careful not to give away how much he already knew about her. “We have all night, Kate. There won’t be an inch of you I won’t lick, until you’re cry out to have my cock in you. But you made me wait a long time, and now that I know you don’t want to fuck a nice guy, I know exactly how I want to start.” He hovered his lips over hers. “You want me to kiss you, don’t you? That would be too easy, wouldn’t it?”