Page 17 of Spell Bound

Page 17


  "He wasnt sent here to as-assassinate me," I insisted. I probably would have sounded more confident if I hadnt stumbled over the word

  "assassinate. "

  I cleared my throat, and kept going. "He was sent here to watch me, nothing more. "

  "And was he also sent to watch Elodie Parris? Why exactly, Miss Mercer, would The Eye have such an interest in you?" I was standing on shaky ground, and Lara and me both knew it. It was like she had woven chains around me, too, only with words instead of magic. I didnt want to own up to my demon-ness in front of the entire student body-after all, everyone at Hex Hall still thought I was a regular witch

  -and I was afraid that anything else I said was just going to get Archer in more trouble. So even though I felt sick, I lowered my eyes and pressed my lips together.

  "I can tell you what The Eye wanted with Sophie," Archer spoke up. He was grinning, but his voice was tight with pain. "We heard she was particularly skilled at Chutes and Ladders, and since The Eye holds a Chutes and Ladders tournament every summer-" His voice broke on a cry of pain as Lara twisted her fingers, and the glowing threads of magic around him burned white hot for a moment. I had to bite the inside of my cheek to keep from screaming.

  "Archer Cross is not only a member of llOcchio di Dio, but hes also a traitor to his people," Lara said, moving to stand closer to him. "He represents the greatest threat any of us can ever face. Which is why hell be so very useful to us. " Jenna slipped her hand in mine and squeezed my fingers as Lara said, "Today, well be using Mr. Cross for practice. The ritual I discussed last night will increase your powers, but first I need to see what were working with. " And then, like she was getting us ready for a game of Red Rover, she clapped her hands and said, "All right, everyone, line up. You will each get one chance to use your most powerful attack spell on Mr. Cross. I do ask that you dont do anything that will kill him. Mr. Call ahan is on hand to heal him, but even his powers only go so far. " Mouth dry, I looked up. Id been so focused on Archer in the middle of the room that I hadnt noticed Cal, standing at the very back of the room, leaning against the gall ows. His arms were folded over his chest. He was watching me, the expression on his face a weird mix of relief, anger, and tension. I lifted my fingers in a kind of wave, and he nodded in return. Jenna followed my gaze, and her grip on my hand got tighter. "Cal," she murmured. "Thats at least one more thing in our favor. "

  And it was. Too bad it was impossible to feel happy about anything as I spent the next few hours watching my classmates torture Archer.

  Because I didnt have magic, I was allowed to sit the exercise out and watch. And Lara ensured that I watched. The first time I tried to shut my eyes, I realized they were frozen open. I couldnt move my neck either, so turning my head away was out of the question.

  Michaela was the first witch to go. She hesitated, and her attack spell, when she finally cast it, was weak. It bounced off Archers chest and barely made him rock back on his heels.

  I thought maybe theyd all do that. I mean, sure, Archer was the "enemy," but it wasnt like these kids were kill ers. And if it hadnt been for Lara, maybe they wouldve gone easy on Archer.

  But when Michaela went to stand at the back of the line, Lara sent a bolt of magic crashing into her back that brought her to her knees.

  "The next person to purposely hold back will get far worse than that," Lara declared, and I wondered how I could have ever thought that she was nice. Or sane.

  So I sat there, tears streaming down my face, and watched Archer take one attack spell after another from the witches and warlocks. The faeries froze him with ice, or burned him with heat. One conjured a vine out of thin air that wrapped itself around Archers throat until he passed out.

  I dont want to talk about what the shapeshifters did.

  After every attack, Call walked forward and laid his hands on Archers body until Archer regained consciousness, or stopped bleeding, or started breathing again. Each time Archer stood up to face yet another kid, he looked a little paler, a little more broken, and the closer Jenna got to the front of the line, the more my stomach twisted itself into knots. The idea of watching my best friend bite and drink from the boy I loved was so wrong, so nauseating, that I couldnt let myself even contemplate it. Thank God, in the end, I didnt have to.

  Taylor went right before Jenna, and when Call knelt next to Archer to heal him, he looked up at Lara and said, "Thats enough. Any more, and I wont be able to bring him back. "

  Lara frowned, but waved her hand and said, "Fine. Youll get your shot tomorrow, Miss Talbot. " She turned her attention back to the rest of the group, all of whom looked. . . I dont even know what the right word is. Shattered. Depleted. Theres no worse feeling than being forced to use your powers to hurt someone.

  "Good work today," Lara said, and you wouldve thought wed all just aced a math test or something, not tortured a classmate. "Now that I have a better idea of your various strengths, we can work on honing your powers. Everyone back to the house. " No one spoke a word as they shuffled through the doors. Jenna came back to sit by me, and as soon as Lara left, I could move again. Blindly, I ran to Archer, who was sitting on one of the thick mats wed used in Defense. His elbows rested on his raised knees, and he had his head in his hands. I knelt in front of him, awkwardly wrapping my arms around his neck. He uncurled himself, pulling me to him. For a long time, we held each other, my hands fisted in his hair; his, stroking my back.

  "Im okay," he said at last. "I know thats hard to believe, but nothing hurts. I mean, except for my mind and soul, but those were always a little broken. " Gently, we disentangled ourselves and rose to our feet. "Your magic is awesome, man," he said to Cal, who I just realized was standing at the edge of the mat, next to Jenna. "Although I have to say, now that youve brought me back from the edge of death-what, like, hundreds of times?

  -Im starting to feel like our relationship is a little unbalanced. "

  "You can buy me a burger when we get out of here," Call said, and as usual, I had no idea if he was joking or not.

  I stepped away from Archer and reached out to give Call one of those uncomfortable side hugs. "Its good to see you," I told him. "And not just because of, um. . . " I gestured to Archer, who raised an eyebrow at me but didnt say anything. Willing my face not to go red, I asked Cal, "Did you get here yesterday like the rest of us?"

  Sighing, Call shoved his hands in his pockets. "Yeah. One minute, I was heading out to the tent to grab some stuff; the next, there was all this light, and here I was. Back in my cabin, actually. "

  "Why are we just now seeing you?" Jenna asked.

  "The cabin was locked," he replied. "Windows sealed shut, everything. Then this morning, I got the order to come here. Lara said they needed my special skills. Gotta admit, I didnt think it was going to be anything this intense. " Now that he mentioned it, Call did look awfully gray and exhausted. Healing magic is hard, and just one spell took a lot of Cal. To repeatedly bring someone back from the brink of death? No wonder he looked ready to keel over.

  Still, Call was tough, and he shook off his obvious weariness to ask, "So theyre turning everyone into demons, huh?"

  "That seems to be the plan," I said. Briefly, I filled him in on the assembly last night, adding, "And from what Elodie said, its like they want to do some kind of experiment on all of us, see what happens when you put a demon in a vampire. "

  "What do you mean, Elodie said?" Archer asked, furrowing his brow.

  "Oh. Um, Elodie haunts me. And now, uh, she can possess me and stuff. Which"-I hastened to add since Archers expression had gone dangerously dark-"is actually a good thing, because she can do magic through me. " Jenna and I stood there, letting the boys take that in.

  "Okay," Archer said slowly. "Well, thats incredibly disturbing, but Im all for anything that helps us get out of here faster. Especially if Im going to be used as some kind of guinea pig for torture. " I moved closer to him, wrapping my arm around his waist, and pret
ended not to see the way Call suddenly looked away.

  "So what do we do now?" Jenna asked.

  I sighed. "Honestly, I want to say run. Spend some time researching spells that will get us through that killer fog, and then maybe find another spell that can make a magical boat or something. "

  Call made a sound that might have been a laugh, and Jenna smiled at me. Archers arm tightened around my waist. "But?" he prompted.

  "But," I added, "thats like putting a Band-Aid on Marie Antoinettes neck. I think our best bet is to try to talk to Mrs. Casnoff. "

  "Why?" Archer asked.

  "I dont know. Its just. . . she couldve staked Jenna, but she didnt. "

  "Because she wants to put a demon in her," Call pointed out.

  I shook my head. "Maybe, but Im not so sure. Look, Lara is completely evil, but Mrs. Casnoff was. . . Okay, nice isnt exactly the right word, but you guys have seen how awful she looks. Something is bothering her. Its worth a shot to try to get her alone. "

  "Maybe she knows where the grimoire is," Jenna said, reaching out to grab my arm.

  "She might," I said, shooting for "enthusiastic" rather than "ambivalent and maybe a little scared. " As badly as I wanted my powers back, Torins second prophecy sat lodged like a stone in my chest. Just thinking about it made my head hurt.

  So I turned to Archer, running my fingers over the front of his shirt. It was still stained with blood. "Well deal with Mrs. Casnoff. But first, theres someone else we need to talk to. "


  "I dont like this," Archer said later that afternoon, as we sat across from each other on the floor of my room.

  "I dont either, but you have to admit its better than being tortured every day. " Archer muttered something under his breath that sounded like, "Not so sure about that. " Back at Thorne Abbey, Id been able to summon Elodie. Well, I wasnt sure if it was technically summoning, or if she just showed up when she felt like it. So I felt kind of stupid as I said, "Um, Elodie? You around? I need to talk to you. " There was a stir of movement out of the corner of my eye, and suddenly Elodie was floating near the closet. "What-" she mouthed at me. And then she saw Archer.

  For a long moment, they just stared at each other. Then, as nicely as I could, I said, "Look, Elodie, I know you and Archer have. . . issues, but I need your help. The Casnoffs are using him for target practice, and if that keeps up, hell probably die. " Elodie made a gesture that was pretty easy to interpret.

  "I told you this was pointless," Archer said, moving to stand up. I caught his sleeve and pulled him back down.

  "Wait. Elodie, please. "

  She floated over toward us, that same unreadable expression on her face. "What do you want me to do?" Relieved, I let go of Archers sleeve and said, "Anything you can. Some kind of protection spell, or invisibility spell . . . something. " Folding her arms over her chest, Elodie glared at Archer. Then, with a wave of her hand and an, "Oh, fine," she swooped into me.