Page 26 of Faro's Daughter

  `That is just what I said, but Adrian vows he does not mean to be bled by a man who has behaved as abominably towards his daughter as Laxton has towards Phoebe. He says he may very likely take care of the younger girls, but there it will end.'

  The thought of his, cousin's expressing a paternal readiness to take care of the younger girls made Ravenscar burst out laughing. His aunt suddenly perceived the humour of it, and cried and laughed together, and felt very much better for it.

  `Send Adrian round to my house in the morning,' Ravenscar said. `I will talk over the question of settlements with him, and see Laxton myself. We shall have to consult Julius, of course, but you had better persuade him to let me handle the business.'

  Lady Mablethorpe had no hesitation in approving of this. Julius, she said, was an old fool, who would allow Laxton to talk him into anything.

  `Well, Laxton won't talk me into anything,' promised Ravenscar, and took his leave of her.

  When he walked away from the house, it was with the intention of repairing at once to St James's Square

  , but before he had reached the end of the street he recalled that Lady Bellingham was holding a card-party that night, and stopped. There could be no opportunity of holding any private conversation with Miss Grantham that night, and what he had to say to her could not be said in public. He was obliged to abandon his plan, and to turn homewards, to possess his soul in what patience he could muster until the following day.

  His cousin arrived at the house while he was still at breakfast, and for the next hour he was fully occupied in listening to an account of the runaway marriage, accompanied by a rapturous description of young Lady Mablethorpe's manifold charms and virtues, the recital of which led him privately to infer that she was a pretty little creature, without much sense, and certainly no strength of character. He thought she would do very well for Adrian. For himself, he preferred women of more spirit.

  When Adrian had talked himself out, and all the business of settlements had been discussed, it was nearly noon. Adrian, who seemed to have taken his father and mother-in-law by storm, and to have cowed them into a dazed acceptance of the situation, was very anxious that his cousin should call immediately at the Laxton's house. Ravenscar fobbed him off, however, by saying that he must first consult his fellow trustee; thrust him upstairs to regale Arabella and Mrs Ravenscar-with the story of his marriage; and himself made good his escape from the house, and set off for St James's Square


  The door was opened to him by Mr Wantage, who at once barred his passage. `No good!' he said briefly. `The orders is I'm not to admit you, sir, and that's all there is to it.'

  `Take my card up to Miss Grantham,' said Ravenscar, `and tell her that I must beg her to see me, if only for five minutes.'

  `It wouldn't do a mite of good if I did,' replied Silas pityingly. `She won't have you inside the house, and if I was to let you in she'd very likely murder me.'

  `If you try to keep me from entering the house, it's not Miss Grantham who will murder you!' said Ravenscar.

  A joyful light sprang to Mr Wantage's eyes. `If that's the way it is, put up your dabblers, guv'nor!' he said simply.

  Mr Ravenscar did more than this. Before Silas well knew what he was about, he had planted a flush hit to the face, followed it up by a lightning doubler which sent Silas staggering back, and was inside the house, with the door kicked to behind him.

  Mr Wantage came boring in, trying to bustle his man, received a heavy facer, popped in over his guard, which drew his cork; threw in a body-blow; tried to job Mr Ravenscar in the face; was thrown on Ravenscar's hip; and went crashing to the floor, where he remained, winded, and bleeding copiously at the nose.

  `I owed you that!' said Ravenscar, panting a little.

  From the head of the stairs an arctic voice said: `Have the goodness to leave this house immediately!'

  Mr Ravenscar looked up quickly, saw Miss Grantham standing above him, with an expression of frozen fury on her face, and went up the stairs two at a time. Miss Grantham's eyes dared him to touch her, but he gripped her wrist in one hand, saying: `I must and I will speak to you!'

  `I have nothing whatsoever to say to you!’ flashed Miss Grantham. `How dare you knock my servant down?'

  `You may not have anything to say to me, but I have something which must be said to you!’ replied Ravenscar. `If you won't walk into that room, I shall pick you up and carry you into it!’

  Silas Wantage, having recovered his wind by this time, picked himself up, holding his handkerchief to his flowing nose, and offered thickly to mill Mr Ravenscar down, if it took him all the morning to do it.

  `No, no, go away and put a key down your back!' commanded Miss Grantham, shuddering. `If you have anything to say to me, sir, say it, and then go, and never let me see you again!'

  Mr Ravenscar, still grasping her wrist, opened the door of the little parlour on the half-landing, and drew her inside. He then released her, and said: `I have come to beg your pardon, Miss Grantham.'

  She looked disdainfully at him. `You need not have been to so much trouble, I assure you. Your opinion of my character is a matter of the supremest indifference to me.'

  `There is no excuse for me. If I had not been crazy with jealousy I should never have said what I did to you. I love you!’

  'No doubt I should be flattered, but as I can scarcely conceive of a worse fate than to be married to you, this declaration fills me with repugnance!’

  He bit his lip. `Forgive me!’

  'I shall never forgive you as long as I live! If you have now said what you came to say, pray leave me!’

  `I tell you I love you!' said Mr Ravenscar, taking a step towards her.

  `If you dare to touch me again I shall scream!’ announced Miss Grantham. `I do not know whether you are asking me to marry you, or merely to become your mistress, but whichever it is-'

  `I am asking you to marry me!' interrupted Ravenscar.

  `I am obliged to you,' said Miss Grantham, dropping him a curtsey, `but even the thought of squandering such a fortune as yours fails to tempt me. I have met many men in my time whom I thought odious, but none, believe me, whom I hated as I hate you! I trust I make myself plain, sir?'

  `Yes,' he replied, in a deeply mortified tone. `Perfectly plain, ma'am. I will relieve you of the annoyance of my presence. But I beg of you to believe that now and always I am your very obedient servant to command!'

  She made no response to this; he bowed to her formally; and left the room. She heard his footsteps descending the stairs, caught the echo of his voice as he spoke to someone ix the hall, and the sound of the front door shutting behind him Then she sat down on a very uncomfortable chair, and enjoyed a bout of weeping which lasted for half-an-hour by the clock, and left her limp, and much inclined to think that she would have done better never to have been born at all.

  This melancholy conviction grew upon her steadily as the day wore on. Her aunt was quite alarmed by her listlessness and began to fear that she might be starting on a decline, until a chance reference to Mr Ravenscar drew from her so scathing a denunciation of that gentleman's manners and morals that Lady Bellingham was relieved to find that she was still no entirely given over to melancholia. She ventured to deliver Mr Kennet's message. It was well received, Miss Grantham remarking with unnecessary emphasis that she hoped Lucius would ruin Mr Ravenscar. This put her in mind of the mort gage, and she at once wrested this from the unfortunate Lady Bellingham, wrapped it up in a packet, with all the bills which had accompanied it, and sent it round by hand to Grosvenor Square

  . Lady Bellingham threatened to succumb to a combination of palpitations, vapours, and strong hysterics, and was only prevented from taking to her bed by the immediate return of the packet, this time containing the torn fragments of one mortgage and half-a-dozen bills. Miss Grantham then burst into tears again, spoke wistfully of the beneficial qualities of racks, thumbscrews, and boiling oil, and shut herself up in her room, refusing all sustenance
or comfort.

  She was not again seen until the following morning, when she appeared some time after breakfast in her aunt's dressing room, pale, but apparently restored to calm. She kissed Lady Bellingham, saying penitently: `I am sorry to have been so tiresome, dear ma'am! It was very foolish of me, for I am sure Mr Ravenscar is not worth bothering one's head over. We will forget him, if you please, and be comfortable again.'

  Lady Bellingham refrained from pointing out to her that there was very little comfort to be found in a debtor's prison, but said instead that a letter had been brought round late on the previous evening from Mr Kennet's lodging.

  Miss Grantham took this missive without much interest, and broke open the seal. The single sheet was spread out, and she read with startled eyes the message it contained.

  `Be easy, Deb,' had written Mr Kennet, `by the time this comes to your hand you will have all the revenge on Ravenscar you desire. Your humble servant has made a conquest of his little puss of a sister, and if we do not have twenty thousand and maybe more out of my fine gentleman to rescue her from my wicked wiles my name is not Lucius Kennet. I have persuaded the darling to elope with me to Gretna Green, though it's not there I'll be taking her, unless I'm driven to it. I never met but one woman I'd a fancy to marry, and that's yourself, my dear.’

  'Don't you be letting that tender heart of yours get the better of you, now! It's not a mite of harm I'll be doing the chit, but merely holding her to ransom, I give you my word. I'm thinking Ravenscar will pay handsomely to get her safely back, and to keep my mouth shut on me.'

  Miss Grantham's cheeks were perfectly white when she looked up from her perusal of this letter. She said in a strangled voice: `When did this come? Why was it not brought to me instantly?’

  'Well, my love, you had shut yourself up in your room, and I did not think it would be important,' said her ladyship uneasily. `It was brought round at about midnight, I think. What does it say?'

  `I cannot tell you!' said Miss Grantham. 'Lucius has done something so dreadful - Aunt Lizzie, I must go out instantly, and I do not know when I shall return! Pray tell Silas to order the carriage - no, I will take a hackney! I have not a moment to waste!’

  'But, Deb!’ shrieked her aunt. 'Where are you going?'

  `To Mr Ravenscar!’ replied Miss Grantham. `I cannot explain the reason to you, but it is imperative that I should see him at once. Pray do not try to stop me!'

  Lady Bellingham opened her mouth, shut it again, and sank back in her chair as one past human succour.

  Twenty minutes later, a hackney-carriage set Miss Grantham down at Mr Ravenscar's door. It was opened to her by a footman, and she demanded, in a voice which she tried hard to steady, to see Mr Ravenscar immediately. The footman looked very much surprised at this request, and asked her doubtfully if it were Mrs Ravenscar she wished to see.

  `No, no!' Deborah said. `My errand is to Mr Ravenscar, and it is most urgent! I desire you will tell him that Miss Grantham begs the favour of a few minutes' speech with him!'

  The footman looked more doubtful still, but he admitted her into the house, and led her to the library, saying that he would see if his master were at home. He then went away, and Miss Grantham began to pace about the room, much as its owner had done on the previous evening, clasping and unclasping her gloved hands.

  In a very short time the door opened again. `Miss Grantham!’ Ravenscar said, in a voice which betrayed his amazement. `Good God, what is it!' he exclaimed, as she turned, and he saw her face.

  `Have you seen your sister this morning?' she demanded,

  `No, she is not up yet. She was out until the small hours, al some ball or other, and has doubtless overslept.'

  `Mr Ravenscar, I have this instant received this letter,' she interrupted him, holding out Mr Kennet's note to him. `It was brought round to the house late last night, but I never had it until this morning! I have come instantly - you must believe that I would have come last night if I had known! Please read it at once! It is vital that you should be in possession of all the facts without another moment's loss of time!'

  He took the letter from her. `I will read it, but will you not sit down, Miss Grantham? Let me first get you a glass of wine. You are dreadfully pale!'

  `No, no, I want nothing, I thank you! Only read that letter I beg of you!' she said, sinking down on to the sofa.

  He looked at her with a good deal of concern, but as she merely signed to him to open the sheet of paper he was holding, he did so, and read Mr Kennet's startling message.

  He raised his eyes when he had come to the end of the letter and fixed them on Miss Grantham's face, saying in an odd voice: `Why have you brought me this, ma'am?'

  `Good God, do you not understand?' she cried. `Your sister has run off with him, believing that he means to marry her! It is all a plot to get money from you! I came at once, because it is my fault! It was at my aunt's house that she met him, but I never dreamed - but there is no excusing my part in this! I said I did not care what Lucius might do to you! I said I hoped he would ruin you. But indeed, indeed I never meant such wicked mischief as this!’ She stopped, trying to regain command over her voice, which was shaking pitiably. `He won't hurt her,' she managed to say. `He is not as bad as that! You see he says that he does not mean her any harm, but only to hold her to ransom. You must trust me, sir! I can help you, and I will. Silas knows all the places where he might be found. You must do nothing. You must leave it to me! It would be fatal if you were to meet Lucius! The story would be bound to leak out, and whatever happens no one must ever know the truth! Once Silas has found them, I can do the rest. I give you my word Lucius will not dare to breathe a word of it to a soul. If he does, I shall swear that there is no word of truth in it, but that Miss Ravenscar was all the time in my company. But he will not speak! I know things about him that would ruin him if I chose to divulge them, and I will do so if ever he should dare to try to extort money out of you by threatening to publish the story to the world! Oh, do please trust me, sir! I know that none of it would ever have happened if I had not refused to give Adrian up at the outset, just to punish you, and you must, you must let me help you now!’

  Mr Ravenscar, who had listened to this speech with remarkable composure, now laid Mr Kennet's letter aside, and sat down beside Miss Grantham, calmly possessing himself of both her hands, and holding them in a firm clasp. `Deb, my darling, there's no need for you to distress yourself like this! Don't tremble so, my poor girl! Arabella is not such a fool as to be taken in by a man of Kennet's kidney.'

  `Oh, don't you understand?' she cried, in an agony of impatience. `He can be very fascinating to a girl of her age! He-'

  `My dearest heart, will you listen to me?' said Mr Ravenscar. 'Arabella is upstairs, and very likely asleep, and if you don't believe me I will take you up to see her with your own eyes!’

  She stared at him in a dazed way. `Are you sure?' she uttered.

  `Yes, I am perfectly sure,' he replied. `She told me all about it last night.'

  `She - she told you?' said Miss Grantham, apparently dazed.

  `You see,' explained Mr Ravenscar, `she has always been in the habit of telling me things, and she sometimes even takes my advice. I advised her to beware of the man who tried to persuade her to elope with him, because such a man could only be a fortune-hunter. You will perhaps have noticed that y sister is a minx. I regret to say that it seemed good to her dupe Kennet into believing that she meant to fly with him tonight. I understand that after waiting in the rain for an hour at the appointed rendezvous, he was joined by a link-boy ho had been bribed to deliver a note into his hands which have done nothing, I imagine, to heighten his self-esteem.'

  `Oh, thank God!’ whispered Miss Grantham, and burst into overwrought tears.

  Mr Ravenscar promptly took her in his arms, and held her tightly that she was quite unable to break free. After making a half-hearted attempt to do so, and uttering a confused protest, to which he paid no heed at all, she subsided in a very wea
k way, and cried into his shoulder. Mr Ravenscar endured with great forbearance for several minutes, but when Miss Grantham made various muffled and wholly unintelligible marks into his coat, he commanded her to look up. Miss Grantham then gulped in an unromantic manner, sniffed, and looked for her handkerchief. Evidently feeling that she was capable of drying her own cheeks, Mr Ravenscar performed the office for her. After that, he kissed her, and, when she tried speak, kissed her again, extremely roughly. `Oh, no!' said Miss Grantham faintly. `Be quiet!’ said Mr Ravenscar, kissing her for the third time. Quite cowed, Miss Grantham submitted, making no attempt say anything more for an appreciable time. When she did speak again, she had discarded her bonnet, and was sitting with her head on Mr Ravenscar's shoulder, and her hand tucked in his. Notwithstanding these circumstances, she said: `You can’t possibly marry me! You know you cannot!’

  'My beautiful idiot!' said Mr Ravenscar lovingly. Deeply pleased by this form of address, Miss Grantham: `You have no notion of the money I owe! You are mad even to think of marrying me!’

  'I beg your pardon. I have a very good notion of the money you owe.’

  'Do but consider what your relatives would say!’

  'I have not the slightest interest in anything they may say.'

  `You cannot marry a - a wench out of a gaming-house!’

  Mr Ravenscar's arm tightened about her. `I shall marry a wench out of a gaming-house with as much pomp and ceremony as I can contrive.'

  She gave a rather watery chuckle. `Oh, no! Think of your sister!'

  `I am thinking of her. I am wholly incapable of controlling her, and trust that you may succeed where I have failed. My stepmother has informed me that it is my duty to marry, to provide Arabella with a suitable chaperon.'

  Miss Grantham lifted his hand to her cheek. `I may ruin you,' she warned him.

  `You may try,' retorted Mr Ravenscar.

  `I shall expect you to pay all Aunt Lizzie's debts.'

  `I mean to do so.'