Fredericksburg, battle of, 322
“Freedom” (Crawford), 1
Freeman, Ned, 305–6, 348
Gamble, General, 113–14
Gardiner, George, 128, 181
Gardiner, Thomas L., 181
Gardner, Alexander, 1–2, 43, 46, 353, 360
execution photographs by, 365, 374
Garrett, Cora Lee, 292
Garrett, Fannie, 287
Garrett, John M., 280, 287–90, 292–96, 303, 304–11, 316, 318–21, 322, 329, 336
Garrett, Lillian Florence, 292
Garrett, Richard Baynham, Jr., 287, 290, 292, 295–96, 346
Garrett, Richard H., 278–79, 280, 287, 306, 316, 317–18, 359
Garrett, William, 287, 289–94, 310–11, 316, 320
Gavacan, Simon, 208
Gemmill, Zachariah W., 220–21, 358
Gettysburg, battle of, 322
Gouldman, Izora, 301
Gouldman, Jesse, 312
Gouldman, Julia, 312
Gourlay, Jennie, 84
Gourlay, Thomas, 84
Government Printing Office, 357
Grant, Julia, 18
Grant, Ulysses S., 4, 5, 12–14, 28, 32, 34, 38, 50, 111–12, 115–16, 118, 180, 366, 379
Booth’s encounter with, 18
Ewell’s letter to, 174
Greenhow, Rose, 256
Greenough, Horatio, 1
Greenawalt, John, 114
Griffin, Mary Ann, 358
Grover’s Theatre, 10–11, 27, 96
Gurley, Phineas T., 110, 137, 139, 213
Hackett, James Henry, 269
Haco, Dion, 383–84
Hale, John Parker, 26
Hale, Lucy, 26
Halleck, Henry, 116, 117, 118, 123
Hancock, Winfield Scott, 113, 175, 214, 257, 283, 286–87, 362–64
Hansell, Emerick, 60, 69, 101
Harbin, Thomas, 129, 240, 258–59
Hardie, James A., 113
Harper’s Weekly, 200, 284, 353
Harris, Clara, 32–33, 34, 35, 39, 41, 42, 46, 49, 72, 77, 85, 91, 106, 108, 115, 158–59, 372
Harrison, William Henry, 90
Hartranft, John F., 362–63
Hawk, Harry, 41–42, 48, 159, 321
Hazelton, William Cross, 297–98
Hemphill, T. J., 351
Henry, Michael, 89
Herold, David, 6, 24, 28, 29–30, 68, 103, 118, 149, 179, 181, 193, 195, 198, 205, 222, 257–58, 270–71, 286, 289, 298, 299, 302, 305, 307–8, 345, 347, 348, 349, 351, 356–59, 374, 379, 381, 387
in Atzerodt’s confession, 221
background of, 25
Booth’s relationship with, 187–88, 207–8
at Cox’s farm, 163–66
in crossing to Port Royal, 275–77
in encounter with Confederate soldiers, 272–75
execution of, 364–66
Fletcher’s pursuit of, 80–82, 183
in flight from Washington, 78–81, 82, 86–88, 95–96
Gardner’s photographs of, 353
at Garrett farm, 295–96, 308–11, 317, 323, 324–28, 335–36
horses killed by, 187
in Indiantown stopover, 247–53
Lucas’s horses confiscated by, 262–67
in Mudd’s cover story, 211–13
at Mudd’s farm, 122–24, 130–32, 152–57
at Peyton farm, 277–78
in pine thicket encampment, 165, 166–67, 171–72, 184–85, 187–89, 204, 207–8, 224–26, 230–32
in Potomac crossing attempts, 232–33, 245–48, 255–56
Rollins’s identification of, 300
Seward assassination attempt and, 51–52, 57, 59, 60
at Stuart farm, 259–62
surrender of, 324–28
tattoo of, 279
trial and conviction of, 362–63
Hess, C. Dwight, 27
Hill, Britten A., 112
History of the United States Secret Service (Baker), 374
Holloway, Lucinda K. B., 287, 293, 338, 341–42, 344
Holt, General, 286–87
Holt, J., 71
Hough, B. B., 117
Hughes, John J., 247–49
Hylton, Dunbar, 385
Italy, 376
Jackson, Andrew, 21
Jackson, Susan, 358
Jett, William S., 272–80, 301, 303
Booth betrayed by, 311–14, 341
Jim (former slave), 304
John S. Ide, 285, 348, 350
Johnson, Andrew, 19, 28–29, 101, 112, 132, 141, 146, 183, 208, 339, 362–63, 364, 368, 378–79
coconspirators pardoned by, 366–67
failed assassination attempt on, 78–79
Johnston, Joseph, 30, 294
Jones, Robert R., 89
Jones, Thomas A., 166–70, 188, 207, 246, 252, 255, 258, 355, 356, 388
arrest and release of, 239–41
book by, 373
Booth’s escape and, 224–31, 232
Booth’s first meeting with, 172–73
Confederate service of, 167–68
death of, 245, 274
escape plan of, 173–74, 178–80
Jones, Thomas A. (continued) Peterson House visited by, 244–45
pine thicket visits of, 171–72, 176–78, 184–87, 204–5, 225–26
in Port Tobacco visit, 208–10
Townsend’s discovery of, 242–44, 373–74
J. Wilkes Booth (Jones), 373
Keckley, Elizabeth, 6
Keene, Laura, 12, 15, 75, 106
death scene contrived by, 83–85, 90–92
Keim, W. R., 114–15
Kelly, John F., 120
Kenly, J. R., 123
Kennedy, John, 114
Kent, William, 75
Ke y, Henry, 49
Kimball, John H., 358
King, Albert Freeman Africanus, 90–91, 107, 108
Kirkwood House, 18–19, 183, 196, 220–21, 294
Kit (Jones’s horse), 240–41
Koerth, Sergeant, 99
Lawrence, Richard, 21
Leale, Charles A., 15–16, 32, 33, 48, 83, 102, 106, 107–8, 110, 118–19, 138, 244, 372
Lincoln examined by, 73–78
Lincoln moved to Petersen House by, 90–94
Leaman, James E., 180
Leaman, Somerset, 180
Lee, Edwin Gray, 27
Lee, John, 89–90
Lee, Robert E., 4, 9, 13, 26, 27, 30, 50, 116, 118, 202, 280, 294
“Lilley irons,” 353
Lincoln, Abraham, vii, 4, 26, 39–41, 50, 101, 140–41, 156, 323, 348, 350, 353, 371, 375, 379, 382
autopsy of, 154
deathbed of, 143–44, 144
death of, 138–39
doctors’ examination of, 109–11, 118–19
funeral procession of, 203, 213–14, 342
Keene’s improvised scene and, 84–85
kidnap schemes and, 23–24, 125–28, 240, 258
last hours of, 83–86, 91–93, 102, 106–11, 118–19, 135–37
Leale’s examination of, 75–78
love of Shakespeare of, 269–70
as martyred hero, 205, 231
Mary Lincoln’s relationship with, 31–32
in move to Petersen House, 90–94
physical strength of, 43–44
recurring water dream of, 13–14
Richmond visit by, 9
second inauguration of, 1–2, 64–66
shot by Booth, 42–46
Stanton’s relationship with, 96–97
torchlight speech of, 5–6, 15–16
Lincoln, Mary, 5, 10, 14, 39–41, 44, 46, 97, 139–40, 154, 213, 245, 350
in arrival at Ford’s, 33–34
assassination reactions of, 71–72, 74, 79, 106–7, 108, 110, 121
in carriage accident, 50
Lincoln’s relationship with, 31–32
personality of, 30–31
Lincoln, Robert Todd, 13, 14, 30, 110, 139, 213, 379
/> Lincoln, Tad, 5, 12, 14, 96, 139, 154, 213
Lincoln, William Wallace “Willie,” 30, 139, 154, 379
Lloyd, John, 19, 22–23, 83, 104–6, 129, 160, 209, 282
Lloyd, Joshua, 208, 211
Louisiana, 6
Lovett, Alexander, 208–9, 211–12, 233, 239
Mudd questioned by, 211–12, 234–35
reward money awarded to, 358
Lucas, Charles, 265–67, 270, 276
Lucas, William, 262–66, 309
Macbeth (Shakespeare), 251–52, 268–69
McDevitt, James A., 120
McDowell, General, 199
McPhail, James, 87, 117, 174, 197, 220
Maddox, James L., 16
Madlock, John F., 198
Martin, Patrick Charles, 126–27
Maryland, 87–88
Matthews, John, 17–18, 29, 148–49, 206–7, 219
Booth’s Intelligencer letter destroyed by, 148–49
Meigs, Montgomery, 101–2, 109, 112, 184
Merrick, Henry, 16–17
Metz, Hezekiah, 180, 219
Mexico, 294
Mills, Clark, 353
Millward, John, 217
Montauk, USS, 31, 349–50, 352, 353, 355
Montgomery, J. B., 117
Morgan, Lieutenant-Colonel, 146–47
Morgan, R. C., 190–91
Morgan, Richard, 358
Morris, W. W., 116–17, 122
Mosby, John Singleton, 174–75, 214–15, 272–73
Mosby’s Rangers, 59, 272–73
Mudd, George, 155, 182, 185–86, 208–9
Mudd, Henry Lowe, Jr., 155
Mudd, Samuel A., 83, 124–25, 176, 204, 229, 231, 233, 253–54, 257, 260, 282, 297, 299, 300
in Atzerodt’s confession, 221
Booth sheltered by, 152–58, 160–62, 168
Booth’s kidnap scheme and, 127–29, 161, 240
Booth’s leg treated by, 129–31
cover story of, 181–82, 185–86, 208–9, 211–13
death of, 378
Johnson’s pardon of, 366–67
Lovett’s questioning of, 211–12, 234–35
popular image of, 378
Wells’s interrogation of, 235–39
Mudd, Sarah Frances, 127, 152, 153, 155, 157, 162, 209, 234
Munroe, Seaton, 91
National Hotel, 119, 127, 197
National Intelligencer, 17, 29, 135, 205
Navy Yard Brigade, 66–68, 81–82, 164, 229
Naylor, T., 78
Nelaton probe, 110, 118
Newport, Colonel, 184
New York Herald, 171, 186, 198, 205
New York Times, 205
New York Tribune, 16–17, 205
Norris, Basil, 50, 52, 68–69
O’Beirne, James, 89, 281–82, 315, 358
O’Laughlen, Michael, 24, 27–28, 80, 231, 339, 349, 353, 356, 363, 366, 378, 379
arrest of, 197, 220
Olcott, H. S., 146–47, 190
Oldroyd, Osborn H., 244–45, 374
Olin, Abram B., 112
Orr, Colonel, 384–85
Oswald, Lee Harvey, 383
Our American Cousin (Taylor), 12–13, 15, 17, 374
Booth’s knowledge of, 35–36
fatal shot and, 41–42, 159 “Our Brutus” (sheet music), 385
Page, Nathan, 180, 219
papal states, 375–76
Parker, Commander, 254
Peanut, John, see Burroughs, John Pendleton, J. H., 304 “Perrine’s New Topographical War Map of the Southern States,” 294
Petersen, William, 93, 145
Petersen House, 374, 379
Jones’s visit to, 244–45
Lincoln moved to, 90–94
as tourist attraction, 244–45
Peyton, Lucy, 278
Peyton, Randolph, 277–78
Peyton, Sarah Jane, 278–79
Philadelphia Inquirer, 205, 217
Phillips, Henry B., 5
Pierpont, F. H., 147
Pinkerton, Allan, 23, 215
Pope’s Creek, 179
Port Tobacco, 208–10, 242
Powell, Lewis, 6, 24, 28, 29–30, 68, 70, 86, 118, 132, 194, 195–96, 205, 221, 231, 256, 323, 336, 349, 356, 358, 377, 381
background of, 25
capture of, 190–93, 231
disinterment of, 379–80
execution of, 364–66
Gardner’s photographs of, 353
Seward attacked by, 51–61
trial and conviction of, 362–63 “Præsidicide, The” (Hylton), 385
Prisoner of Shark Island, The (film), 378
Purdum, James W., 219–20, 358
Queen, William, 127–28
Quesenberry, Elizabeth, 230, 252, 256–59
Rathbone, Henry, 32–33, 35, 41, 42–43, 58, 63, 73–75, 77, 91, 115, 160, 264, 277
fate of, 372
grapples with Booth, 46–47
wound of, 72, 108–9
Rawlins, General, 18
Ray, James Earl, 383
Reconstruction, 6, 387
Richards, Almarin C., 135, 146
Richmond, fall of, 2, 4, 266
Richter, Hartman, 181, 219–20
River Queen, 269
Robey, Franklin, 165, 171
Robinson, George, 51, 55, 57–60, 61, 68–71, 101, 372
Rollins, Betsy, 301, 302
Rollins, William, 267, 310
Baker’s questioning of, 298–302
Booth and Herold encountered by, 270–71, 274–76
as cavalry guide, 302–3, 305
Rosch, Charles H., 358
Rucker, General, 112
Ruggles, Mortimer B., 272–80, 301–4
Safford, Henry, 93–94, 106 “Sam” letter, 119, 133–35, 174, 183, 197
Sampson, Thomas, 358
Saugus, USS, 353
Secret Service, Confederate, 24, 27, 116, 125
Severs, Wesley, 200
Seward, Anna, 60
Seward, Augustus “Gus,” 59–60, 69, 101
Powell identified by, 194
Seward, Frances (wife), 51, 60, 377
Seward, Frances “Fanny,” Adeline, 49, 50–52, 54–55, 57–59, 60, 68, 69, 70, 79, 85, 98, 101, 377
Seward, Frederick, 49, 54–56, 57, 60, 69–70, 101, 111, 115, 121, 136, 377
Seward, William H., 28–29, 97, 98, 101, 111, 113, 115, 121, 132, 137, 141, 142, 148, 191, 193, 205, 323, 336, 357, 362
in carriage accident, 49–50
Powell’s attempted assassination of, 51–61
wounds suffered by, 68–69, 377, 377 Shakespeare, William, 251, 268, 269–70, 327
Sherman, William Tecumseh, 14, 30
Sixteenth New York Cavalry, U.S., 253, 283, 285, 289, 298–303, 328, 331, 340, 345, 348, 357–58, 359, 361
at Garrett’s farm, 314–28, 334–42
Jett arrested by, 311–13
Rollins as guide for, 302–3
Sixth Massachusetts Infantry, U.S., 87
Slater, Sarah, 167, 256
Slough, J. P., 123–24, 253
Smith, James, 99–101
Smith, John L., 220
Smith, H.W., 189, 358
Smith, William M., 1
Smithsonian Institution, 380
Soldiers’ Home, 97
Soper’s Hill, 86, 187
Spangler, Edman “Ned,” 20, 36, 63, 231, 349, 353, 356, 368, 378, 379
arrest of, 197–98
Johnson’s pardon of, 366
Speed, James, 154
Sprague, Lyman, 89
Stanton, Edwin M., 13, 50, 70, 96–102, 100, 102, 107, 109, 121, 140, 142, 170, 194, 198, 220, 257, 281, 322, 330–31, 337, 339, 363, 368, 381
in aftermath of Booth’s death, 349–56
fate of, 378–79
Lincoln’s final hours and, 110–12, 137–38
Lincoln’s relationship with, 96–97
manhunt directed by, 112–14, 115, 146–47, 174–75, 183, 202–3, 214
Pinkerton’s aid declined by, 215
rewards proclaimed by, 221–23, 233–34, 285 “Sam” letter and, 133, 135, 174
Stanton, Ellen, 97, 98
Star Saloon, 35, 37, 155
Stevens, General, 257
Stevenson, General, 113
Stewart, Joseph B., 62–64
Still Waters Run Deep, 25
Stockton, Mr., 218
Stone, Frederick, 242
Stone, Robert King, 110
Stuart, Richard, 259–62, 263, 287, 308
Booth’s written rebuke of, 267–70, 276
Sumner, Isabel, 151–52
Sumter, Fort, 9
Supreme Court, U.S., 379
Surratt, Anna, 120–21, 129, 189, 193, 367
Surratt, John, Sr., 103–4
Surratt, John Harrison, Jr., 19, 23, 24, 25, 80, 104, 118, 119, 143, 148, 189–90, 193, 194, 195, 205, 286, 300, 379
arrest and escape of, 375–76
Booth’s recruitment of, 128–29
death of, 377
as fugitive, 365–66, 375
reward offered for capture of, 221–22
in secret mission, 27
trial of, 376–77
Surratt, Mary E., 19, 22–23, 80, 83, 104, 119–20, 128, 129, 155, 226, 231, 300, 349, 356, 357, 374
arrest of, 190–93, 196–97
in Atzerodt’s confession, 221
disinterment of, 367
execution of, 364–66 interrogation of, 194–96
Powell’s arrest and, 189–90
public sympathy for, 379
trial and conviction of, 362–63
Swann, Mary, 165, 241
Swann, Oswell, 163, 165–66, 240
Sweitzer, W. B., 253, 284
Taft, Charles Sabin, 76, 90–91, 107, 108, 110, 138
Taltavul, Peter, 35, 37, 90
Tanner, James, 113, 138
Taylor, Colonel, 253
Taylor, Tom, 12
Taylor, Zachary, 90 “Terry’s Panorama of the War!” (Tyng), 384
Thirteenth New York Cavalry, U.S., 132, 137, 153, 155–57, 161, 182, 239
Thirtieth Virginia Infantry, Confederate, 307
Thomas, Sam, 227
Thompson, John C., 127–28
Thornton, Champe, 276
Thornton, James, 276–77
Torbert, General, 257
Townsend, George Alfred, 86, 150, 192, 208, 209, 346, 347–48, 350, 351
on Booth’s interment, 354–55
Garrett farmhouse as characterized by, 345–46
Jones discovered by, 242–44, 373
Townsend, Solomon, 220
Trappe (tavern), 303
Treasury Department, U.S., 15, 373