When the song was over, he had tears in his eyes. "You have quite undone me, my love. Will you leave me in such a state or will you bring us both the pleasure we want in fitting our broken pieces together to make a single joyous whole?"

  She walked over, simply took his hand and led him toward their bedroom. When she reached their door, she unlocked it with her hand and walked into the newly decorated master suite.

  Still moving to the rhythm of the song in her heart, she began to strip out of her clothes. There was only one type of music she wanted to be making right now, the kind that involved low moans, breathy gasps and passionate shouts.

  When she was naked, she turned to see his state of undress and was brought up short, he was still fully clothed. She stared at him confused, then remembered her earlier comment. Giving him a sultry smile she walked up and pressed her body against his.

  "Your mate needs you," she said in a husky voice. She rubbed her nipples against the rough fabric of his robe. Each embroidered thread tantalized her body sending shockwaves of pleasure through her.

  "Please," she whispered.

  "Go get on the bed and wait," he said in a dangerous voice.

  The edge in his voice sent shivers down her spine. She could tell he was hanging on by a thread. Making her way to the bed she crawled on slowly taking her time. She positioned herself in the middle and spread her legs wide, letting him see how much she wanted him.

  His nostrils flared as he stared at her. With deliberate steps he walked slowly up to the bed unbuttoning his robe, one button at a time. When he was done he simply let the robe fall. As he climbed up onto the bed, she saw that his cock was straining towards his belly button and already glistening with pre-cum. She wondered what part of her show had driven him to this state, so she could do it again later.

  "I cannot wait to taste you," he said before dipping his head down to lap at her folds. When he flattened his tongue and ran it from the bottom of her slit to her clit she dug her fingers into the covers.

  He devoured her as if she were his new favorite dessert. Her mate was driving her mad with his slow method of love making. He was taking his time learning her, and it was going to cost her her sanity.

  He didn't just lick. He sucked, nibbled, teased, and bit every inch of her exposed sex. He didn't stop at her clit. Everything was a feast to him. Her folds, her mound, her inner thighs and even her hip bones. He tasted everything, bringing her to the edge then soothing the tender skin only to start all over again.

  "Please my love, I can't take it anymore. Please," she begged, tears streaming down her face from the sheer intensity.

  "As I have told you, I will always give you what you need." Etain came up on his knees and eased his hips forward, impaling her slowly. Just when she thought he would plunge deep he stopped and lazily tortured her clit. When he filled her completely, he stopped again, lightly touching her hips before dragging his cock out of her. "If I could spend a lifetime watching the tears fall from your eyes as we made love not even an eternity would be long enough to live," he spoke the words in a low voice.

  Vivi reached out and pulled him forward until he was holding himself above her. "More," she gasped snapping her own hips until he was moving in and out of her at the pace she wanted.

  He leaned down and brushed his nose with hers. "So impatient," he said smiling.

  "I need." She looked up giving him a sassy smile. "Think you're up to it?"

  He smiled so congenially that she felt a bit disappointed. He had driven her to the brink, and as much as she loved his slow love making, she wanted to move.

  When he shifted his weight and quickly grabbed both of her hands she blinked. She inhaled as he pinned them over her head. His expression never changed. He still looked oh, so pleasant. But his entire demeanor changed.

  With his honey brown eyes he stared down at her. "Do you want me to fuck you?"

  She shivered at his civil tone. There was something about his politeness that danced on the line between gentle and primal. She was starting to understand what Dimitri meant when he said that there was a haunting quality to her mate's detached savagery, and right now it was solely focused on her. She felt her fangs slip past her lips and he gave her a primitive grin.

  "Make me feel it," she challenged.

  He took her at her word and began to pound deep inside her. Using her vampiric speed, she met him thrust for thrust, making demands of her own. What may have started out as gentle love making was now an unrestrained, frenzied search for their pleasure.

  She felt him hit her cervix and cried out. The pain melded into ecstasy and she threw her head back. "Gods!"

  When he loosened one hand and wedged his face close to her neck, she knew what was coming. She knew, but was still unprepared for the sheer intensity of the orgasm that raced through her. She lost moments of time, all she knew was her mate, inside her in every way he could be.

  When he moved back she struck sinking her fangs deep into the roped muscle of his neck. He thrust one last time and shouted his pleasure. His frantic cry reverberated through the room as she drank her fill. Satiated she retracted her fangs and licked the holes closed.

  Still inside of her, he collapsed as his arms gave out, causing them both to groan when her body reacted by clenching around him. Tiny shockwaves trembled through her.

  Ever so slowly he pulled from her and fell to one side as they both fought for breath. "I don't think we'll ever be able to top that," she panted.

  He chuckled and turned his head to look at her. "Mating heat between two paranormals only intensifies with time."

  She closed her eyes. "We're going to die from fucking I know it." She giggled. "Hal will come in to get us for lunch because we missed breakfast and our corpses will have fiendish, macabre smiles on them and we'll scar him for life."

  He tried to push himself up but fell back to the mattress. "As long as it's Hal, I don't think I mind that scenario."

  "You're still mad at him for drinking you under the table aren't you?"

  "I have no idea what you mean," his words were muffled as he spoke into the mattress.

  A thought struck her, and she sat up. Moving carefully she began to pat the sheets. He turned his head to face her. "What are you doing?"

  She grinned at him. "The sheets are clean."

  His eyebrows rose. "I'll be damned. They actually did it."

  "With all the mated couples popping up whoever did this could make a fortune," she said inspecting the fitted sheet.

  "It was Lief. His magic works best with anything plant based. He literally spun these sheets from magic and cotton." Etain propped his head up on his hand. "The fae have a magic similar to what he used, that is woven into clothes."

  When she went to crawl toward the head of the bed she flinched. Her body was protesting their evening.

  Etain sat up and moved to her side. "Did I hurt you?" he asked, his face a mask of worry.

  Moving from side to side her body reminded her of their love making. "You did exactly what I wanted. I will be feeling this tomorrow." She pulled up their blankets and slid inside. She crooked her finger at him. "Come here space heater." She patted the spot behind her.

  He laughed. "I see why you really want me," he joked as he got in behind her. As usual, he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her close to his body.

  Vivi couldn't remember a time in her life where she felt as warm and content. It wasn't just that he was her mate. He was also quickly becoming her best friend.

  He was someone she could laugh with and turn to. Not all mates found love within their union. For her to find not only love, but friendship as well made her feel doubly blessed.

  "Thank you," she whispered.

  He kissed the back of her neck. "You're welcome."

  She smiled. She had been thanking Fate, but Vivi didn't think she'd mind if she allowed Etain to think she had been thanking him, after all, she was the one that had arranged their mating.

  Vivi was almost giddy at the prospect of working with Gavriel's blood. She hummed as she slathered jelly on her toast.

  "You look like a kid at Christmas," Rheia observed.

  "Are you kidding me? I will be the first person in history to observe blood this old under a microscope, there's no telling what I'll see. After I get the proper dosage balanced, I will be working with Magnus, using vampire blood to cure a vampire. It will be a day of firsts all around." Vivi waved her butter knife around as she spoke.

  Beth rubbed Gavriel's arm. "She will be chasing you around with a syringe asking for more samples later."

  Gavriel's expression became thoughtful. "I have never seen my blood under a microscope before." He turned to Vivi. "If it is truly interesting, please let me know. I would love to see what impresses you."

  Vivi had just taken a bite of toast, so she simply nodded. She went to smile at her mate and noticed that he was staring at Meryn who kept rubbing her ears. "Fleas?" Vivi asked.

  Meryn just held up a middle finger as her other hand kept rubbing her ear. Aiden looked down. "Baby are you okay?"

  "Yeah, but ears are buzzy."

  "Buzzy?" Aiden looked at Rheia. "Should she be buzzy?"

  Rheia eyed Meryn. "With her, I just don't know anymore. I just hope she's not getting an ear infection."

  Scowling, Meryn ate her breakfast with one hand as she alternated rubbing either ear.

  Ellie, like Vivi was eating her breakfast with gusto. She seemed just as eager to get a start on their day. If all went as planned the shifter children should be cured soon, and they would see a dramatic improvement with the sick vampires.

  As breakfast began to wrap up Meryn popped out of her seat. She looked at Etain. "You got a second?"

  "Baby?" Aiden asked.

  "Just gotta do something real quick," Meryn replied.

  "Why Etain?" Aiden asked.

  Meryn blinked. "I thought he was my guard? I mean I can walk around by myself if you like..."

  Aiden shook his head. "No, take Etain. Good thinking baby."

  Etain stood then bent down to kiss Vivi. "I will catch up with you later at the lab." He looked at Kendrick. "Will you escort my mate and ensure her safety?"

  Kendrick nodded. "Of course, I'm heading to the lab as well. Those elemental tests to determine the type of magic in the virus should be wrapping soon."

  Etain stepped away from the table. "After you Meryn."

  "Dis a way," Meryn said marching from the room.

  "Have fun!" Vivi called after them.

  Vivi downed the rest of her coffee and stood. When she looked around she saw that both Ellie and Kendrick were also standing and ready to go.

  "Dis a way," Vivi said mimicking Meryn.

  Ellie giggled and Kendrick bowed.

  It was going to be a great day!


  Etain followed behind Meryn fully expecting her to head toward her communication hub. When she turned down the hall that led to the detention cells the hair on the back of his neck began to stand on end.


  "Just gotta do something."

  "Ryuu is going to be upset you didn't tell him you were coming here. You knew very well everyone assumed you were going to the communications hub."

  "Yeah, well, you know what happens when you assume."

  "No, what?"

  Meryn stopped in the hallway and looked at him. "Seriously?"


  "When you assume, you make an 'ass' out of 'u' and 'me'."

  Etain smiled. "That is very clever Meryn. You come up with the most interesting things."

  Meryn blinked, then grinned slyly. "Yeah, I do don't I?"

  They walked to the end of the hall, and Etain used his palm to unlock the door to the cells. All of Eta, the Elders and the unit leaders of the other units had access to any of the prisoners.

  Meryn walked in as if she owned the place. She looked left, then right, then locked in on DeLaFontaine sitting in his cell. She walked over and stood in front of him.

  "Well, if it is not the complex little human. To what do I owe the pleasure?" he asked standing.

  Meryn frowned and rubbed at her right ear. "I'm not sure."

  "Are you here to accuse me as well?"

  Meryn crossed her arms over her chest. "Don't play innocent with me. You were literally caught red-handed. You play poor, misunderstood accused with the warriors, but I know better."

  DeLaFontaine stared at her for a moment. "You are indeed an odd human."

  "So why did you do it?"

  He gave a lazy shrug. "Hypothetically speaking, if I truly had a hand in this, I would probably say... Oh, what is the phrase?" He tapped his lips. "Ah yes. To make an omelette one must crack a few eggs."

  "And hypothetically speaking, you don't mind cracking certain eggs?"

  Again, DeLaFontaine simply shrugged his response. He watched her carefully. "You know. You are more like me than you realize."

  "No I'm not."

  "Yes, you are. You seem to be able to quickly identify what you perceive to be problems, then you take action in the most direct way possible. One could say you are a bit ruthless," he smirked.

  "Only with certain eggs," she retorted.

  "Touché," he inclined his head. A smiled pulled at his lips. "How is Magnus' treatment going?"

  Etain felt his stomach clench as Meryn stepped back. She spun on her heel and practically ran from the room. Etain had to hurry to catch up.

  "Was it something I said?" DeLaFontaine called after them cackling.

  When the door to the cells closed behind them Meryn was pulling desperately at the walkie-talkie at her belt. She brought it up. "Stop all treatments! I repeat, stop all treatments! Do not administer the third trial!" Meryn yelled as they turned the corner and ran past the transport tunnel.

  When they reached the lab Meryn pounded on the door. They waited a minute before Meryn ran for the infirmary. She went to pound again when the door swung open. Kendrick stood there frowning. "Meryn, what on earth is the matter?"

  Meryn wedged her way inside. "Don't give Magnus the treatment!"

  Vivi paled. "I already have. It didn't take me long to balance the dosage since I was only working with two samples," she explained. "Why? What's going on?"

  Meryn chewed on her lower lip. "I don't know."

  "You don't know?" Vivi asked. She turned to Kendrick. "Is this more your thing?"

  Kendrick placed a hand on her shoulder, and his eyes widened. "That is fascinating." He looked down. "Meryn are you seeing anything?"

  "Just flashes." She swallowed and looked up at him. "And it's all bad."

  The door behind them glowed with a flash of blue light before it swung open and Ryuu walked in heading straight to Meryn. "Denka, breathe. Your heart rate is too high."

  Etain was impressed, from the moment that Ryuu entered the room. His presence seemed to expand out in front of him. Vivi walked past Magnus' bed where Caspian and Broderick sat on one side and Marjoram the other. She walked up to Etain and into his arms. He didn't know what was happening, but until he did, he wanted his mate safe at his side.

  Meryn chewed on the side of her thumb. "It's probably nothing."

  Kendrick shook his head. "If you could see your magic you wouldn't say that. It looks like the Fourth of July."

  "Crap," Meryn groaned.

  Kendrick's eyes were huge. "Meryn what are you seeing?"

  "Fangs and Magnus freaking out."

  Everyone turned to where Magnus was lying on the bed. "He seems to be okay Meryn," Vivi said eyeing Magnus' monitors.

  "Meryn? Etain? Can we get an update?" Rheia asked over the walkie talkie.

  Meryn looked around tears in her eyes. "I'm not lying."

  Ryuu placed a hand on her back. "No one is saying you are denka. Everyone here believes you."

  Meryn was about to reply when she gasped. "Hold him!" she screamed.

  Etain watched in horror as Magnus sat straight up in bed
and reached for his brother. Had Kendrick hesitated even for one moment they may have lost Caspian.

  "Immobiles!" Kendrick shouted freezing Magnus in place.

  Everyone stared in horror as their normally kind prince snarled and hissed at them, baring his fangs.

  Beth collapsed against Gavriel. "Oh gods! He's feral!"

  "Look at his eyes," Vivi whispered.

  Etain felt like he was going to be ill. Magnus' eyes were pitch black.

  Vivi looked up at him frantic. "What have I done?"


  Vivi worked with Kendrick and Gavriel to get Magnus to lay flat. It took them ten minutes of freezing and unfreezing him to get him back under his covers. Every time he could move he tried to attack them.

  Meryn sat beside Beth her arm wrapped around her. "S'ok Beth," Meryn reached up and patted Beth's forehead with the palm of her hand. "S'ok."

  Beth gave her a teary smile. "Thank you for trying," she said reaching up to hold Meryn's hand.

  Kendrick collapsed into a chair. "What just happened?" he asked looking completely wiped.

  Vivi stared down at Magnus. "I know I gave him an even distribution of blood."

  Kendrick pulled out his walkie talkie. "Code One. Code One. I repeat we have a Code One, all unit warriors report to your assigned locations. This is not a drill."

  "What's a Code One?" Meryn asked.

  "Emergency on Level One. Aiden and Adriel worked out the code system last week," Gavriel answered sitting down next to Beth lending her his strength.

  Vivi turned to Kendrick. "Could the samples have been tampered with?"

  He shook his head. "I had spells on top of spells to keep the lab and the samples safe. Nothing disturbed them."

  Marjoram smoothed Magnus' blankets. "We need to move him to his quarters. We cannot run the risk of anyone seeing him like this."