Page 45 of Moonbreeze

  Charles froze and stared at him. “My dragon is still alive?”

  “Dad.” Marcus smiled and walked over to his side. He put his arm around him. “Come, sit.” He looked at Blake. “My father isn’t as young as he used to be. You can’t just spring that information on us.” Marcus looked at Blake.

  “Sorry, I didn’t think.”

  He helped guide Charles to a couch and everyone took a seat.

  I sat next to Annie. I couldn’t believe it was the Sun-Blast Constance had wanted me to bring home. I wasn’t going to let her out of my sight, until she was safe in her mother’s arms.

  She couldn’t stop smiling and just held my hand in hers.

  Blake started to speak to everyone about Dragonia Academy and the claiming, everything was just as it had been a long time ago. We told them about Tith, and the museum in Elm that’d had its name changed. They all hung on every word that left his lips. Then he started speaking about David, and the most beautiful tavern that was like a four-star lodge. About David’s family to foster more hope that there was a better life.

  Charles started to smile and then I remembered the bag. It was at the door so I got up and fetched it.

  “I forgot,” I interrupted Blake. “David wanted you to have this.” I gave him the bag and Charles took it. He opened it and took out the first object. It was a Dingo. A sponge cake, wrapped up in candy paper, like Twinkies, but different. It had the sweetest fruit jam inside.

  He smiled and saw the note. A huge grin spread across his face. With tears running down his cheeks his eyes caught mine and then he started to laugh, opened the wrapper and just grunted as he took a bite.

  Everyone smiled, even chuckled as they watched him. He took out an entire bag of Dingos and handed each one out. “Eat, it’s time to celebrate.”

  WE SPOKE ABOUT the plan of action and what we were going to do over the next few weeks. We were going to bring people in and take the innocent out.

  I grabbed Tom and August’s attention too.

  “Look, everyone is going to be free. We will get you all out of here,” Blake promised.

  “We can’t, Blake,” Charles said. “The Council is coming next week. They know us. If they find someone missing, they will kill everyone.”

  Blake paced up and down as Charles spoke.

  “We have no hide-out anymore.

  “It’s fine. Do they know about all of you now? Elena mentioned something about a facility.”

  “Yes, there used to be. They found it three months ago. When they took Elle and Annie,” Marcus said. “They will look there first.”

  I just realized Daisy wasn’t here. “Marcus.” There was alarm in my voice. “Where is Daisy?”

  “Calm down, Elle,” he said. “Sorry, Princess.”

  “Please, it’s Elle, here.”

  He smiled. “She fell asleep putting Cassy to bed.”

  I could breathe again.

  “You haven’t answered my question.” Blake asked again. “Do they know about the little ones?” I loved the way he said little ones.

  Marcus shook his head. “Nicky and Max sacrificed themselves like Elle did to keep the smaller ones safe.” His voice broke. “We found a hiding spot for them up on one of the hills, but the last time they brought another Dream Weaver and she sniffed them out.

  “Penelope.” I looked at Annie and she nodded.

  “You said in a week’s time?” Blake asked.

  Charles nodded.

  “We might be able to help.”

  “How, Blake? If they find you…”

  “Elena, calm down. I wasn’t even thinking that. A safer way. We have one week. If we can get the ones out they don’t know about, they will never know.”

  I nodded. It sounded like a good plan.

  Marcus looked worried. “Cassy is still very small, I doubt she would leave without Daisy, and they know my daughter. They tried to take her a couple of times. I would give anything for her to disappear, but it’s like Charles said. If they find one missing…” He shook his head and a new set of tears lingered in his eyes. “It’s like no matter what kind of hope comes our way, we are never going to get away from this rotten hell hole.”

  “Don’t say that.” Blake spoke softly. “There is always hope. And there will be a war. Probably the greatest one in history. No peace can come without war.”

  Everyone fell silent at Blake’s words. I didn’t like that, but he was right.

  “Dad?” Daisy’s voice came from the door. She sounded sleepy. “What is going on? Who are…” Her eyes found mine and she rushed over to my side and grabbed me with strong arms. “How did you escape?”

  “Shhhh.” I stroked her back as she squeezed the daylights out of me.

  “We found Annie, and…”

  “Calm down Daisy.” Marcus spoke softly and he gave her the biggest smile.

  “This is Elle’s dragon, Blake Leaf.” She looked to where her father pointed and her eyes grew.

  “He’s not dead?”

  I shook my head. “I know he looks like Billy, but it’s not him.”

  She gasped. “Wait, what?” She looked at everyone who smiled and nodded. She looked back at Blake. “Blake Leaf as in the Rubicon?” She sounded dumbfounded.

  “The other side exists. They have a better life,” Marcus said.


  “Cassy can become a Dragonian. August too.”

  Tears flowed and she hugged her father. “But the snatchers, they will…”

  “They won’t harm us, Elena is the key. She can take everyone out of here safely,” Blake said.

  Daisy closed her eyes. Relief was an understatement. She was experiencing hope too. It was so addictive.

  She sniffed hard, and took a deep breath. Then the same doubt came back. “No, it’s not going to work. If any of us are missing, they will kill the rest.” She spoke to her father, as if she was reminding him. “It’s not going to work, Blake.”

  I could feel their pain, feel their emotions going through a roller-coaster, hope, doubt, hope, doubt. It was not going to work. Innocent people were going to die the minute we took someone out of here. I looked at Blake and he had a soft smile on his face. More hope.

  “Charles,” he said. “You ever heard of the Buyo project?”

  The Buyo project? Why did that sound so familiar? A glass box protected by a harness that went around someone’s body jumped into my mind. I’d seen it once, at the lab when I was busy with the Sonic project. It was some sort of harness you strapped on, but what it was used for, I didn’t know.

  Charles nodded. “It’s far-fetched, always was.”

  “It’s not. It’s actually an extremely smart design, all it needs is human DNA to activate it and with a push of a button you can become whoever you want to be. It can be easily worn under your clothes. They will never know. We can get ops in here, and get all of you out next week.”

  “What?” everyone voiced.

  “You have no idea what has happened in the past seventeen years. Technology has grown, it will blow your mind away. There is no limit anymore.”

  Everyone was quiet again when Blake said that. Thinking about his plan.

  “Dad, will it work?” Marcus asked.

  “I have to see this first, Blake, before I’m going to jeopardize everyone’s lives.”

  “Okay,” Blake said.

  I never even knew there was something like that out there.

  Gertrude got up. “Father, it’s late. I’m sure Blake and Elle want to rest and tomorrow is going to be a long day. We still have so much work to do.”

  “I’ll help,” Blake said. “While Elena goes back to get the ball rolling.”

  I stared at him. Leave him here? Was he seriously insane?

  “Blake you’ve helped enough.” Daisy smiled.

  “I’ll help, Daisy, is it?”

  She nodded.

  “See you all tomorrow.” He looked at me. “A word in private, Elena.”

  I got up and I
knew we were going to fight again.

  “Let me show you to the guest room,” Gertrude said and Blake smiled. We walked up the stairs and more happiness broke out.

  “Is this for real?” Daisy asked.

  “If that device works, I can’t see why not,” Charles said.

  “What about Leana, and Max?” Tom sounded worried.

  “He said everyone, Tom.” Marcus’s tone carried hope, and I tuned out.

  Blake was speaking to Gertrude thanking her for her hospitality. She just giggled. “We should thank the both of you, now we know why Elle was so distraught when she thought they’d killed you.”

  Blake didn’t turn or look at me. Thanks Gertrude.

  “I hope this will suit you. It was Elle’s old room.”

  “It’s perfect, goodnight Mrs. Benson.”

  “Gertrude please,” she said. “Good night Elle.”

  “Thanks Gertrude.” I hugged her and she left.

  I closed the door and knew I was going to have to listen to what was probably going to be the biggest fight of my life. He was so draining at times.

  He wielded his shield, it was so strong that I could hear the soft buzz around us.

  “You didn’t even think that knowing your father was alive would be useful, Elena?”

  “He made me promise Blake.”

  “I don’t give a shit. The people will fight, Caleb will fight. We need the people of Areeth, Elena.”

  “He doesn’t want them to fight. Blake, if we can get the good ones out, the Saadedine will still be trapped, Goran will still be trapped, they will never know. We don’t have to destroy or free Etan.”

  “And how do you suppose we are going to free your father without letting any of them know? You heard what Annie said, the Saadedine is protecting him.”

  “He didn’t want us to free him. I don’t even know if he’s still alive, Blake.”

  “It’s really sad that you know nothing about your father, Elena. But I’m not going to give up on my king, and neither should you.”

  I hated how he talked about my dad, saying that I didn’t know him. How he made me feel so selfish, so cowardly.

  “I promised him, we’ll get the innocent out and that is it.”

  “No,” he roared. “It’s our destiny to free everyone, EVERYONE, Elena.”

  “Oh everyone, even the bad ones Blake? The ones who kill and rape? Those ones too?”

  He flinched as I said it. “I gave you my word that they would die.”

  I laughed sarcastically as a thought popped up over a certain resemblance. “Annie isn’t your only family this side, is she? You know someone named Billy, Blake? Cause it all makes sense now. Why he looks like you. Annie sure knew him. Really well. I didn’t think family-wise, but now...” I shook my head.

  He stared at me, as if he’d just realized something extremely important.

  “Billy?” he said and lowered his shield. He walked out the door, running down the stairs, and I could hear him yelling Annie’s name.

  “Yes?” She answered.

  “Who is Billy?”

  “Blake,” she said softly. I knew it.

  “Who is he?” he asked, in an adamant tone.

  “It’s Will.”

  “Will?” Blake asked. “As in William Henderson?”

  I was right, he was family. Probably from Sir Robert’s side.

  “I’m sorry, Blake.”

  He was quiet. “It doesn’t matter,” he mumbled and his footsteps stomped fast on the stairs back to the room. The door opened.

  I nodded. “I was right.”

  “It doesn’t matter.”

  “Who is he, Blake?”

  “Not family anymore.”

  “Who is he?” I yelled.

  “He was my father’s sister’s son. His dad was a human.”

  “It explains why he doesn’t have a dragon form, but looks a lot like you.”

  “It doesn’t matter.

  “His family had a shitty life. It’s either become evil or die.”

  “Look around you, Elena. All these people had that choice, but they choose differently. He isn’t my family anymore and he will die. That is what I promised, that is what’s going to happen.”

  I shook my head. “I don’t want to speak to you when you are like this. I’m going to sleep in Annie’s room.”

  I ran away. I was sick and tired of always fighting with him.

  The door shut behind me and I was glad that it didn’t open again. I knocked on Annie’s door. “Is everything okay?” she asked and I closed my eyes and started to cry.

  “Shhh, he’s just angry, Elle,” she said. “He has all the right to be too.” She patted my hair as her arms went around my shoulders. “He was part of it, wasn’t he?”

  “Part of what?”

  “Whatever they did to you.”

  I got what she was talking about and nodded.

  “I told you not to trust him, Elle. He is…”

  “I know, okay. I know. I was stupid.” I turned around and sat on her bed. “It’s his cousin, Annie.”

  “Oh, I know. The idiot used to play with us as kids.”

  I flinched. They were that close?

  “He used to break off our baby scales, which I might add hurt like hell. I played with Blake a lot, he was such a gentle dragon.”

  “What?” I asked with a raised eyebrow.

  She giggled and sat down next to me. “I take it he’s grown some these past years.”

  “That is an understatement.”

  “How big is he?” She had curiosity mixed with admiration in her tone.


  She bit her lip and smiled, probably trying to imagine it. “We haven’t seen a dragon for such a long time.” She sounded so excited and started to forget about the danger. “I’ve never felt this happy before.”

  I wrapped my one arm around her and pulled her closer to me. “I’m with Blake, Elle. Will needs to die.”

  “I don’t know about that.”

  “I do.”

  I sighed. All of this was so messed up.

  “Can I ask you something?” She lifted up her head from my shoulder and looked at me. My eyes caught her burn mark. I hated those idiots. I nodded.

  “What’s my mom like?”

  E TALKED FOR a long time about Constance, everything I could think of. How beautiful she was, both human and dragon. Annie didn’t know her human form, she only remembered her dragon. I told her how her mother tried to get back to the other side when the Creepers consumed Etan. How men had had to shoot her with tranquilizers so she wouldn’t kill herself. I mentioned the many times she’d saved my life and how much she missed her eccentric Sun-Blast dragon.

  Annie had so many tears in her eyes. “She is going to be so disappointed. I mean look at me.”

  “She loves you, Annie. She asked me that if I found a Sun-Blast wandering around that could look like her, I should just grab you and bring you back.”

  “She did?”

  I nodded and smiled. “The only thing she’s forgotten is if you look more like your father.”

  “See. Disappointed.” Her tone went an octave higher.

  “She won’t.” I eased her worries.

  She sniffed and wiped a tear. “So my Pop seriously still runs Dragonia?”

  “What?” I asked.

  “Blake said that he still runs the Academy.”

  “Master Longwei is your grandfather?”

  She giggled. “You didn’t know that?”

  I shook my head. Oh crap. “He’s waiting for his son to return.”

  “Don’t.” She stroked my arm. “He will understand, Elle. My father was one of those spirits who never gave up. They couldn’t break him.”

  “I’m so sorry.”

  “Shhhh, don’t.”

  A knock came on the door and Annie gave me a funny face and got up. She just stood by the door. “Are you going to fight?”

  “No, I’m done fighting,” Blake answ
ered sulkily and she stepped out of his way.

  He entered and just looked at me. I didn’t want to look at him. “Elena…”

  “Blake I’m tired. I don’t have the strength for this.” I rested my arms on my knees and buried my face in my hands. He was so draining but I eventually looked at him. What was he still doing here?

  He smiled. “You think I like fighting with you? Believe me I’ve had my fair share of hating you, Elena.”

  Annie just gaped, while staring at him. Yeah, he had no filter and just said it like it was. “Just come please. I don’t think my cousin will understand when I break her door down to wake you up.”

  “Wake her up?” Annie asked and she looked at me. “You have nightmares too?”

  I nodded.

  “They will pass, they always pass.”

  “Thanks, I can’t wait for that.”

  I walked over to her and just grabbed her around her neck. “She is going to be so pissed off finding you in this condition.”

  “She will?”

  “Of course she will. She misses you, Annie.”

  “What if she won’t accept me? I’m broken, Elena.”

  “You’re a Sun-Blast for crying out loud,” Blake said. “And one who kicked my ass on numerous occasions when we were little.”

  Annie giggled. “I’m not that dragon anymore, Blake. Look at me. I’m not oil painting material here.”

  “It’s fixable.”

  I stared at him. Their healing didn’t work on dragons.

  He closed his eyes, covered her eyes with his hand and rested his temple on hers.

  “What are you doing?” Annie’s tone was doubtful.

  “Shhhh,” he said and I watched.

  Nothing happened for a few minutes, and I knew he couldn’t be doing what I thought he was. Just then, a string of Blake’s raven black hair started to lose color and went pure white. His knees gave in and connected hard with the floor.

  I froze, like always. He fell to the floor and gulped for air, starting to cough. Annie crouched next to him. It was a wonder I moved, and found myself on the other side of him.

  Blake still coughed like crazy and I saw a pitcher of water on Annie’s night stand. I got up and poured him a glass.

  “Here,” I said with the glass of water in my hand.

  “What did you do?” Annie screamed at him and I looked at her face.