Page 58 of I Say No


  Emily recovered her presence of mind. She opened the door, so as tomake a draught of air in the room, and called for water. Returning toMirabel, she loosened his cravat. Mrs. Ellmother came in, just intime to prevent her from committing a common error in the treatment offainting persons, by raising Mirabel's head. The current of air, and thesprinkling of water over his face, soon produced their customary effect."He'll come round, directly," Mrs. Ellmother remarked. "Your aunt wassometimes taken with these swoons, miss; and I know something aboutthem. He looks a poor weak creature, in spite of his big beard. Hasanything frightened him?"

  Emily little knew how correctly that chance guess had hit on the truth!

  "Nothing can possibly have frightened him," she replied; "I am afraid heis in bad health. He turned suddenly pale while we were talking; and Ithought he was going to be taken ill; he made light of it, and seemedto recover. Unfortunately, I was right; it was the threatening of afainting fit--he dropped on the floor a minute afterward."

  A sigh fluttered over Mirabel's lips. His eyes opened, looked at Mrs.Ellmother in vacant terror, and closed again. Emily whispered to herto leave the room. The old woman smiled satirically as she opened thedoor--then looked back, with a sudden change of humor. To see the kindyoung mistress bending over the feeble little clergyman set her--bysome strange association of ideas--thinking of Alban Morris. "Ah," shemuttered to herself, on her way out, "I call _him_ a Man!"

  There was wine in the sideboard--the wine which Emily had once alreadyoffered in vain. Mirabel drank it eagerly, this time. He looked roundthe room, as if he wished to be sure that they were alone. "Have Ifallen to a low place in your estimation?" he asked, smiling faintly. "Iam afraid you will think poorly enough of your new ally, after this?"

  "I only think you should take more care of your health," Emily replied,with sincere interest in his recovery. "Let me leave you to rest on thesofa."

  He refused to remain at the cottage--he asked, with a sudden change tofretfulness, if she would let her servant get him a cab. She ventured todoubt whether he was quite strong enough yet to go away by himself. Hereiterated, piteously reiterated, his request. A passing cab was stoppeddirectly. Emily accompanied him to the gate. "I know what to do," hesaid, in a hurried absent way. "Rest and a little tonic medicine willsoon set me right." The clammy coldness of his skin made Emily shudder,as they shook hands. "You won't think the worse of me for this?" heasked.

  "How can you imagine such a thing!" she answered warmly.

  "Will you see me, if I come to-morrow?"

  "I shall be anxious to see you."

  So they parted. Emily returned to the house, pitying him with all herheart.