Billy was always a social person; he had many friends. Harry Clearwater and Quil Ateara IV were his closest friends, almost his brothers. They, too, grew up in a world with magic, and also spent a few years wishing for the chance to be superheroes. If the vampires had come, Harry and Quil would have been his packmates. When Quil's small boat was destroyed in a storm, killing Quil, it was hard for both Harry and Billy; if Quil had been a shape-shifter, he would have been able to survive the accident.

  Billy was also close with Charlie Swan, despite the fact that Charlie could know nothing about Billy's secrets. Charlie did know about losing a wife, though not in the same circumstances, and they both had daughters who were often mysteries to their fathers. Billy and Charlie also shared a love for fishing.

  The elders had taught the histories to their sons, but the entire tribe had begun to believe that the stories were only legend.

  When the Cullens returned to Forks, it was a dark time for the tribe. Billy knew exactly what this would mean for his son, and he mourned for the safe and commonplace life Jacob would lose. The elders had taught the histories to their sons, but the entire tribe had begun to believe that the stories were only legend. Billy had warned Jacob about the signs of the werewolf--the heat, the growth spurt, the anger--but Jacob had totally ignored him, thinking Billy no more than superstitious. Billy knew that his son was unprepared for what was coming.

  Billy knew the Cullens were vampires. He had no history with them, only the tales of his grandfather, as passed to him by his father. He did not believe that the Cullens were as harmless as they presented themselves to be. He feared that without a strong wolf pack to enforce the treaty, the Cullens would take advantage. He worried for his tribe, and for his friends in Forks. He tried to warn Charlie to stay away from the Cullens, but his warning backfired. Charlie had already taken a liking to Carlisle, and he was upset about Billy's prejudice against the newcomers. When Charlie learned that members of the Quileute tribe were boycotting the hospital, it caused a rift between Billy and Charlie for a few years.

  Watching Sam deal with the blows his werewolf heritage had forced upon him, Billy was even more concerned for Jacob. He was glad, though, that Jacob had struck up a friendship with Charlie's daughter. Billy missed Charlie and was glad for the excuse to visit him again. However, in the course of that visit, he was shocked and horrified to learn of Bella's relationship with one of the local vampires. Now he had more specific worries for his friend and his friend's family.


  "You seem... well informed about the Cullens. More informed than I expected." Twilight, Chapter 17


  NAME: Quil Ateara III; nickname: Old Quil

  DATE OF BIRTH: Early 1940s

  QUILEUTE STATUS: Tribal elder--non-werewolf



  EYE COLOR: Black

  PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Old Quil is a frail man with a deeply wrinkled face and a thin tenor of a voice.

  EDUCATION/OCCUPATION: He is an elder on the tribal council. He used to be a fisherman.

  FAMILY MEMBERS: He married Molly Swan (very distantly related to Charlie Swan), now deceased. They had one son, Quil Ateara IV, who died in his twenties. Old Quil now lives with his daughter-in-law, Joy Ateara, and his grandson, Quil Ateara V.


  Quil Ateara III, commonly known as Old Quil, is one of the few living tribe members who knew the last generation of werewolves. Old Quil was born just after the Cullens left the La Push area the first time, and he saw his father make the transformation.

  Old Quil married Molly Swan, making him Billy Black's uncle, and they had one child, Quil Ateara IV. Both Old Quil and Molly were alive to see their only son marry Joy Quehpa and to see their grandchild, Quil Ateara V, born.

  In the years that followed, Old Quil lost both his wife and his son. Quil IV was killed during a bad storm when his boat capsized off the coast of La Push; his body washed ashore later. After Quil IV's death, Old Quil moved in with Joy and Quil V. He acted as both grandfather and father to young Quil.

  Old Quil was the first to discover that a new generation of werewolves had begun transforming.

  Old Quil was the first to discover that a new generation of werewolves had begun transforming. During a visit to Sam Uley's mother, Old Quil shook the young man's hand and recognized the extreme body heat that was the hallmark of a werewolf in human form. Sam's recent disappearance was easily understood now. Old Quil, along with Harry Clearwater and Billy Black, met with Sam and revealed what they knew. They explained that all the tribal legends about werewolves were true, and let Sam know at least some of what he could expect.

  Old Quil knew that his grandson would soon transform, too. He tried to prepare Quil V, but like his friends, Quil believed the stories were pure legend.


  "And so the sons of our tribe again carry the burden and share the sacrifice their fathers endured before them." Eclipse, Chapter 11


  NAME: Sue Uley Clearwater

  DATE OF BIRTH: Mid-1960s

  QUILEUTE STATUS: Tribal elder--non-werewolf

  WEREWOLF GENE SOURCE: Black and Uley lines


  EYE COLOR: Black

  PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Sue has a thin face, and her hair is cut in a short, severe style.

  EDUCATION/OCCUPATION: She is a registered nurse and an elder on the tribal council.

  FAMILY MEMBERS: She lives with her two children, Leah and Seth Clearwater. Her husband, Harry Clearwater, is deceased. She is currently dating Charlie Swan.


  Sue Clearwater and her husband, Harry Clearwater, knew that the legends about the Quileute werewolves were true. Harry had passed the wolf gene to his children from the Ateara line, while Sue carried both the Black and Uley lines. Once the Cullens returned to Forks, Sue knew that her son would one day become a werewolf. However, the shock of seeing their daughter, Leah, phase in front of them caused Harry, who had a weak heart, to go into cardiac arrest. As an RN, Sue knew Harry's condition was critical. She called Billy Black and Sam Uley for help because they, too, knew the truth about werewolves. By the time Sue called him, Sam had already learned about Harry's condition; he'd heard what happened when Leah entered into the pack mind. They were unable to save Harry, and the turmoil of the ordeal caused Sue's son, Seth, to transform that night, too, at a younger age than was normal. After Harry passed away, Sue took over his position on the tribal council, joining Quil Ateara III and Billy Black.


  NAME: Emily Young

  DATE OF BIRTH: Late 1980s

  QUILEUTE STATUS: Non-werewolf. Imprinted on by a pack member. Originally from the Makah tribe, she is Quileute on her mother's side.


  EYE COLOR: Black

  PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Emily has long, dark hair and satiny copper skin. One side of her mouth is distorted due to injury. She also has a trio of scars on the right side of her face from her hairline to her chin, and more scars extend down her right arm to her hand.

  EDUCATION/OCCUPATION: She has graduated high school. She teaches weaving and traditional Makah and Quileute arts at the local high school and nearby community colleges.

  FAMILY MEMBERS: She is a cousin of the Clearwaters. She is engaged to Sam Uley.


  From early childhood, Emily Young and her second cousin Leah Clearwater were like sisters. They grew up together and were always best friends. Emily was very involved in Leah's life, and vice versa. Emily was friends with Leah's boyfriend, Sam, and approved of him. Leah did not approve of Emily's serious boyfriend as much, and Leah was right; Emily got tired of his self-absorbed behavior and broke up with him. Things like romantic interference did not come between them. After Emily dumped the narcissistic boyfriend, she dated a few boys casually. Most of her time was taken
up with learning traditional native arts and languages, something she was very passionate about. She and Leah kept in constant contact.

  She shared Leah's relief when Sam came home, and then Leah's frustration when Sam wouldn't confide in her.

  Emily was one of the first people Leah told about Sam's disappearance. Emily stayed with Leah through the first week, and then helped organize searches in the area around her home after her return. She shared Leah's relief when Sam came home, and then Leah's frustration when Sam wouldn't confide in her. Emily was Leah's shoulder to cry on throughout the whole experience. Busy with school, Emily was not able to visit Leah during the difficult time after Sam returned, but she went to see her as soon as she could.

  Sam showed up late to the Clearwaters' barbecue. Emily intended to watch him closely; she was suspicious of his recent behavior and how it would affect her cousin. Sam walked in, taller and bigger than Emily remembered, and stared right at her with an expression she couldn't define; it might have been shock, or it might have been amazement. Emily felt like Sam had something important to tell her. He began to walk toward her, and she had a strange feeling that he would not keep his big secret from her as he was keeping it from Leah. But then Sam turned quickly and walked away. Emily felt oddly unsettled by Sam's behavior, though she tried to hide it. It was Leah's confusion and upset that mattered, not Emily's. That night, Sam came back for Leah. Emily expected Leah to be out for the evening, but she returned only ten minutes later, sobbing--Sam had broken up with her. Emily found herself unsurprised, though she was not sure why she felt that way. She told herself it was just a predictable consequence of Sam's bizarre behavior and silence.

  Emily was disturbed when she left Leah that Sunday night to head home. She told herself she was upset by her best friend's heartbreak, but she knew there was something more to it. The next day after class, Sam was waiting for Emily at her house. Emily knew she should be shocked to see him, but she wasn't; his appearance felt somehow inevitable. What he told her next also should have been surprising, but felt just as inevitable. Sam told Emily that he loved her and had left Leah to be with her. Emily thought of Leah's tears and was furious. She knew she'd done nothing wrong, but knowing that Sam had chosen her over Leah made her feel guilty. She told Sam to leave. Looking tormented, Sam walked away without another word. As she watched him go, Emily felt like she'd done something wrong, though she knew it was right. She also realized that she should have told him to never come back.

  She called Leah immediately to tell her, feeling horrible about what the news would do to Leah and because she felt that she was somehow betraying Sam's trust. Of course, that shouldn't matter at all. Leah was beside herself with rage, and Emily agreed that Sam was a horrible person, though deep down she had some doubts about that. She supported Leah as best she could.

  She thought he would leave; instead, he told her everything--that he was a shape-shifter, that all the stories were true, that he had imprinted on her.

  She knew Sam would return, and when he did--the next day--she was prepared. She demanded that he tell her everything, all the secrets he'd kept from Leah. Where he'd disappeared to, and why. She thought he would leave; instead, he told her everything--that he was a shape-shifter, that all the stories were true, that he had imprinted on her. Emily had some Ateara blood on her mother's side, and she'd heard the myths before, but she laughed at him, surprised that he thought her so gullible. He told her he could prove it, so she led him into the forest on the outskirts of town and told him to show her. He did, and Emily was shaken to her core. She struggled to wrap her head around this new world of magic. Though now she could not doubt anything he'd told her, she knew it shouldn't change anything. He belonged to Leah, and she would not accept Sam's feelings for her. She told him to go away again, and she went home.

  Instinctively, she knew she could not betray Sam's secret.

  Emily told Leah that Sam had been back, but mentioned nothing of what had happened. Instinctively, she knew she could not betray Sam's secret.

  He returned the next day, as Emily expected. They went to the forest again. Emily decided it was her job to convince Sam to go back to Leah. Sam tried to describe what imprinting felt like, and how impossible it was for him to have a relationship with Leah under the circumstances. They were both frustrated. Sam defused the situation by telling Emily about other things--all the lore and magic that was a part of his life now. Emily couldn't hide her fascination.

  They met again, several times. Emily continued to push him to forget about her and return to Leah. Sam was honest, insisting that would never happen. He continued to tell her all about his new life, even bringing his two packmates to meet her. Emily was captivated by the wolves, but adamant in her purpose: Sam must return to Leah.

  Emily was so wrapped up in this new world that she was unaware that others were watching her--until her mother told her that people were talking. Word had gotten back to Leah, and another cousin had called. Emily's mother didn't know what to say. She asked her daughter what she was doing. How could she treat her best friend this way? Emily was aghast. She realized that she should have refused to see Sam after that first afternoon. She couldn't explain her behavior to herself or to her mother.

  Emily went to her and Sam's usual place in the woods, ashamed at the thought that they had a usual place. She admitted to herself that she had desired his company, that she thought about him too much. She acknowledged that it wasn't just about the magic--it was also Sam himself. She had betrayed Leah, and this could go on no longer. When Sam appeared after looking for her at her home, Emily was sickened to see how strongly she responded to his presence. Her anger was at herself, but she took it out on him. She ordered him to go back to Leah. It was the only thing he was able to refuse her; he still loved Leah enough that he would not act out a charade with her. That Sam's feelings for Leah were in some ways more honorable than her own infuriated Emily. She called him a liar, though she knew she was the one who was lying. She shoved him away from her. Because of Leah, she knew a great deal about Sam; she knew his most vulnerable spot. She used this knowledge, accusing him of being like his father, Joshua, a coward who had run away from his family.

  Emily was pleased to see that her insult had struck home; she'd never seen Sam's face angry before. She had just a fraction of a second to enjoy that pettiness. Sam stumbled back from her, suddenly afraid. She intended to push her point; she moved toward him. He raised his hand, warning her away, but she kept on. She didn't understand what the shaking meant. Then Sam expanded into his wolf form so quickly that Emily had no time to react. His hand was close to her face; it became a huge claw that slashed her as he tried to get away from her.

  The pain and shock sent her into unconsciousness.

  The pain and shock sent her into unconsciousness. When she woke, Jared was there. He held her, keeping her warm so that she wouldn't go into shock. Though Emily barely knew Jared, his face was as tormented as if he held his own sister. Emily, though disoriented, realized the bond Sam felt for her through his packmate's agony. Then Sam was there, in his huge black wolf form. Emily was surprised that there was nothing frightening at all about him. She understood clearly how the accident had happened, and tried to tell him so, but her mouth was injured and Jared discouraged her from talking. Sue arrived, and even though she was in a great deal of pain, Emily was still able to feel mortified; how much Leah's mother must hate her! But Sue's face was kind and understanding. Emily realized that Sue must understand about imprinting. She wasn't judging Emily or Sam. Sue and Paul took Emily to the Neah Bay hospital. Emily went along with the story that she'd been mauled by a black bear, though she worried that this story would hurt Sam.

  She realized that Sam was the one person she wanted with her.

  Sedated, Emily was still aware and surprised that Sam did not come to her immediately. Jared, however, was constantly at her side. This comforted her; she knew she was being watched over. But it was not the same as having Sam there. Sh
e realized that Sam was the one person she wanted with her. The next day, when she was more lucid, she asked Jared where Sam was. She was not surprised to hear that Sam was devastated; she had an intuitive sense of how he would react to the accident. She told Jared to send Sam to her.

  When Sam entered the room, Emily could see how right she was about his mindset. He looked at her for one long moment, and then knelt at the side of her bed and asked Emily to tell him to kill himself. Emily fully realized in that moment how bound Sam was by her wishes and needs, how little free will he had outside of that, and she pitied him greatly. She told him that what she wanted was for him to forgive himself, as she had already forgiven him. She told him the realization she had the night before.

  Emily could feel that being with Sam would be a very easy thing. On the other hand, it would require a very hard thing first--she had to tell Leah. Sam asked her to wait until she was more fully recovered, and Emily agreed, though she knew she was chickening out. Later, she wished she had acted more swiftly. When Emily did call, Leah already knew what she was going to hear. Leah refused to ever forgive her cousin. Emily felt horrible, but she knew there was nothing she could do to make things easier for Leah.