Bella asks them if they want her to join their family; all but Rosalie and Edward say yes; Rosalie tells Bella that she wishes there had been someone to vote no for her; Alice says she can't change Bella, and Carlisle says he can do it; Edward bargains for more time--he suggests that they wait until after graduation; Edward says he will change Bella himself on one condition: if she marries him first


  * Almost everything is back to normal

  Bella is grounded; Jacob won't return her phone calls

  * Edward drives Bella home from school to find her motorcycle in the driveway

  * Jacob is waiting to talk to Edward in the woods

  Jacob had hoped the motorcycle would get Bella grounded, and away from Edward; Edward thanks Jacob for keeping Bella alive; Jacob reminds Edward the treaty forbids a vampire from biting a human

  * Bella and Jacob part in sadness; Bella vows to see him smile again



  * Jacob sends Bella a note saying that he misses her, but that doesn't change anything

  Charlie tells Bella she is not grounded anymore if she will balance her time among her friends, especially Jacob

  * Edward brings over a stack of college applications

  * Bella and Edward see a newspaper article about a killing spree in Seattle

  Edward says the Cullens are monitoring the situation--they think it involves newborn vampires

  * Bella wants to go see Jacob; Edward says it is too dangerous


  * Bella is no longer grounded so she offers to help Angela address her graduation announcements

  * Alice has a vision; Edward is evasive about it

  * Edward suggests that Bella should use the nearly expired airplane tickets Carlisle and Esme gave her for her birthday: They should fly to Florida this weekend

  Bella knows Charlie won't want her to go; Edward manipulates an argument between Charlie and Bella that makes Bella insist she will go to Florida; Charlie tries to give Bella the sex talk


  * Bella and Edward fly to visit Renee in Florida; Edward stays indoors

  Renee is insightful--she observes that Bella and Edward are more serious than she had supposed

  * As soon as Bella gets home Jacob calls to see if she is going to be in school the next day

  Bella assumes he is checking to see if she is still human, if the treaty has been broken

  * The next day Jacob comes to Bella's school to talk to Edward; they argue

  Bella figures out from their conversation that Victoria has been in Forks; Alice saw it in her vision; Edward took Bella away to keep her out of danger; there was some problem between the Quileutes and the Cullens


  * Bella is again frightened because of Victoria

  The Cullens don't seem worried; Edward goes to hunt

  * Bella goes to her Saturday job but isn't needed

  She drives quickly to La Push, before Alice can see what she's doing

  * Jacob is overjoyed to see her

  The conversation turns to Bella's trip to Italy, the Volturi, Victoria's appearance, and the confrontation between the wolves and the Cullens

  * Jacob wishes the vampires had never come back

  Jacob wonders what Bella sees in Edward and tries to convince Bella that he would be better for her


  * Bella and Jacob continue their talk

  Quil is happy to have become a werewolf; Jacob tells Bella what Sam went through when he changed, then imprinted on Emily and broke Leah's heart; he explains to Bella that werewolves don't age

  * Bella promises to come back as soon as she can


  * Bella leaves Jacob and drives straight to Angela's house, not stopping even when she sees Edward's car behind her

  Bella enjoys the afternoon with Angela

  * Edward is waiting in her room; he is worried and angry

  Edward says Bella can never see Jacob again--it is too dangerous; Bella says she will see him

  * Edward goes hunting again for two days; he bribes Alice to kidnap Bella for a slumber party; his room now has a bed, but Bella uses the couch


  * Rosalie comes to talk with Bella

  Rosalie tells Bella about the awful events that led to her becoming a vampire; explains why she doesn't like Bella; says that Bella is making the wrong choice; tells Bella how she found Emmett

  * The next day at school Jacob shows up and races away with Bella on his motorcycle


  * Bella and Jacob spend the afternoon on the beach talking

  Quil has imprinted on a two-year-old; Jacob explains that it's not a romantic thing--more like gravity; Bella wonders when Jacob will see someone and imprint; Jacob tells Bella that he'll only ever see her

  * Jacob finds out that Bella intends to become a vampire very soon

  Jacob tells her she'd be better off dead; Bella leaves, angry and hurt; she goes back to Alice's slumber party

  * Edward returns in the night

  He is not angry; he trusts her judgment, and she can see Jacob whenever she likes; Bella says she doesn't think she's welcome in La Push anymore


  * Bella goes home; Jacob has called to apologize, but she won't call him back

  * Bella's bedroom seems unusually tidy, and some of her clothes are missing

  Edward comes and smells that a vampire has been there; Edward takes Bella to his house and has Emmett and Jasper check the vampire's trail; Alice has not seen the intruder; Bella is frightened again

  * Bella calls Jacob and he apologizes profusely

  * Edward talks to Jacob, tells him about the unknown vampire in Bella's room

  Edward and Jacob agree to work together to protect Bella


  * Jacob comes to Bella's house to get the scent of the vampire

  Bella wonders why Jacob wears so little clothing; he explains the problem of clothes and phasing

  * Jacob accidentally cuts his hand with a knife; it heals in minutes

  * Bella gets an acceptance letter from Dartmouth

  * Bella mentions the missing clothes to Edward

  Edward realizes the intruder took things with Bella's scent, as evidence of having found her

  * There are more newspaper headlines about killings in Seattle

  * Bella decides to go to La Push for a bonfire party

  Edward drives her to the boundary line and hands her off to Jacob


  * Bella and Jacob go to the bonfire

  The wolf pack is there, along with Billy Black, Old Quil, and Sue Clearwater

  * A council meeting begins; Billy Black recites the Quileute history:

  Spirit warriors defend the Quileute land; Taha Aki, the last Spirit Chief, was betrayed by the evil Utlapa; Taha Aki and a great wolf joined; the cold ones came to Quileute land; the third wife sacrificed herself to save Taha Aki; the yellow-eyed cold ones came and made a treaty with the Quileutes

  * Billy notes that the sons of the tribe now carry the burden of their ancestors


  * Graduation is near; Bella is not ready to change

  Edward doesn't want Bella to become a vampire just because she is afraid; Edward reiterates why he wants Bella to stay human; Bella explains her problem with getting married

  * There are more headlines about killings in Seattle; the Cullens wonder what they should do


  * Jasper relates the story of his human years and his vampire life

  * Jasper recognizes the killings in Seattle as the result of a newborn army

  Jasper thinks that perhaps the Volturi are encouraging someone to destroy the Cullens' coven

  * The Denali clan refuses to come help because the werewolves killed Laurent, who was involved with Irina


  * Alice makes preparations
for Bella's graduation party

  * The Cullens feel they must go to Seattle to take care of the problem

  Edward goes hunting to be strong; Bella is dropped off to spend the afternoon with Jacob

  * Bella invites Jacob to her graduation party

  Jacob tells Bella he loves her and wants her to choose him over Edward


  * Jacob kisses Bella; she punches him in the face and breaks her hand

  Charlie laughs when he hears that Jacob kissed Bella

  * Edward is angry; he tells Jacob he must wait until Bella asks him to kiss her

  * They both vow to keep fighting for her--and to not fight fair


  * On the night of graduation, Bella realizes her missing clothes and the newborn army are connected--the newborns are after her

  * After the graduation ceremony, Bella tells Edward what she has figured out; Edward is stunned

  * Bella goes to dinner with a proud Charlie

  * Charlie drops Bella off at the Cullens' graduation party


  * Bella attends the Cullens' graduation party

  Alice has transformed the house into a nightclub, and all the Forks High School seniors show up; Jacob, Embry, and Quil arrive; Jacob gives Bella a gift he made--a silver bracelet with a hand-carved wolf charm

  * Alice has a vision--she tells the family and the pack that about twenty newborns are coming to Forks to kill Bella

  The Cullens are outnumbered; the pack agrees to coordinate with the Cullens


  * The Cullens are confident now that the wolves are going to fight beside them

  Bella worries about Jacob, worries that everyone is in danger because of her

  * Bella concludes that Victoria must be behind this

  * Late at night, the vampires and werewolves meet to learn how to kill newborns

  The wolf pack has grown to ten members; the vampires and werewolves are wary of one another; Jasper explains and demonstrates the newborns' strengths and weaknesses

  * Edward and Jacob discuss how to best protect Bella

  Jacob will carry Bella to a secluded spot; his scent will mask hers


  --Bella (Eclipse, Chapter 3)


  * Edward notices the bracelet and charm Jacob gave Bella and asks if he can give her a charm, just a hand-me-down

  * Edward muses about listening to the pack mind

  Leah Clearwater is one of the wolves now--the only female; she makes everyone miserable; Edward is surprised to learn about imprinting

  * Bella informs Edward that she must be with him during the fight

  Bella asks Edward to sit out the fight

  * The wolves and vampires undergo another night of training and instruction

  Bella feels guilty about her selfishness


  * After ensuring that Charlie will be safe in La Push for the weekend, all the Cullens except Edward go hunting; Bella spends the night with Edward

  Edward gives Bella the hand-me-down charm, a heart-shaped crystal that was his mother's

  * Bella worries about what she will be like as a vampire, fearing that she will only be interested in blood, that she won't want Edward the same way she does now

  Bella wants to be physically intimate now, but Edward resists--it's too dangerous; Edward swears they will try after she marries him; Bella thinks he is worried about his virtue; Edward admits he would like to leave one commandment unbroken

  * Edward shows Bella the wedding ring--the ring Edward's father gave his mother

  Bella hesitantly tries the ring on; it fits perfectly; Edward is exultant

  * Edward gets down on one knee and asks Bella to marry him


  * Alice sees that Bella is going to marry Edward

  Alice is hurt because Bella wants to go to Las Vegas to get married

  * Edward takes Bella to the clearing so the newborns will find her scent

  She falls and scrapes her palm; she smears blood on rocks and ferns

  * Jacob comes to carry Bella to the campsite

  Jacob thinks Bella should ask him to kiss her--he's sure he's a better kisser than Edward

  * Bella tells Jacob that she has asked Edward not to be in the fight

  Bella is afraid that if anyone gets hurt, it will be her fault; she's worried about Jacob; Jacob asks Bella when she'll admit that she loves him, too


  * A frigid storm hits the campsite

  Inside the tent, Bella is freezing, and Edward cannot warm her; Jacob comes into the tent to act as a space heater; he crawls into the sleeping bag with Bella; Edward is furious and jealous, but he sees the necessity of keeping Bella warm

  * With the wind howling outside and Bella finally asleep, Edward and Jacob discuss Bella, and their competition for her love

  Edward asks about the legend of the third wife that Bella mentioned in her sleep

  * They forge a tenuous truce for the night


  * The storm ends, as does the truce between Edward and Jacob; Jacob leaves

  * Bella and Edward compare their top ten nights; Jacob can hear them; he howls in agony and runs off

  Bella feels terrible that she has hurt Jacob; Edward goes to bring Jacob back; Bella realizes she has also hurt Edward

  * Bella talks privately with Jacob and apologizes for all the pain she has caused him

  Jacob apologizes, too, and says he can redeem himself by letting himself get taken out in the battle; Bella begs him to stay with her; she asks him to kiss her

  * Jacob kisses Bella; the kiss is eager, nearly violent; Bella resists

  Jacob urges her to let herself go; Bella does feel love for Jacob; she kisses him back; she envisions what might have been


  * Jacob leaves cheerfully for the fight; Edward returns and hears from the pack mind what has happened

  Bella is miserable

  * The fight begins; Edward narrates as he hears the action through Seth's mind; everything sounds positive until Edward senses danger

  * Victoria and Riley walk into the campsite

  Seth attacks Riley while Edward takes on Victoria; Bella watches the battle, listens to the metallic snaps and tears, gasps and hisses; Riley flings Seth into the rock wall; Seth falls, limp

  * Bella needs to create a diversion; she grips a sharp stone and slashes her arm

  Victoria loses her focus and Edward finishes her off; Seth dismantles Riley


  * Edward and Seth gather the pieces of Victoria and Riley and set them on fire

  * Bella is frozen in place; Edward thinks she is afraid of him and approaches her carefully

  * The main battle is over; everyone is fine

  Suddenly Seth howls and Edward gasps; Jacob has been hurt while trying to protect Leah; Bella faints

  * Back in the clearing, Bella revives; Carlisle assures her Jacob is already healing

  There is another bonfire here; one young vampire with wild red eyes is sitting on the ground--she has surrendered; the young vampire wails and thrashes--she wants Bella

  * Jane and other members of the Volturi arrive

  Jane tortures the young vampire, Bree, for more information; Carlisle offers to take responsibility for Bree; Jane refuses the offer; Felix kills Bree


  * Bella goes home to Charlie; she needs to go see Jacob

  Charlie says Carlisle is treating Jacob; Charlie feels like he is going to lose Bella soon; he asks for advance notice before she leaves with Edward

  * Bella goes to see the injured Jacob

  Bella and Jacob talk about her knowing that she is in love with him, but still ch
oosing Edward; Jacob is her soul mate in this world, but Bella knows she cannot live without Edward


  * Bella reviews all the mistakes she has made, each pain she has caused Jacob, each wound she has given Edward--so much damage