Page 44 of Breaking Dawn

  The three of us, Jacob, Renesmee, and I, were hunting together. The diet of animal blood wasnt Renesmees favorite thingand that was why Jacob was allowed to come along. Jacob had made it a contest between them, and that made her more willing than anything else.

  Renesmee was quite clear on the whole good vs. bad as it applied to hunting humans; she just thought that donated blood made a nice compromise. Human food filled her and it seemed compatible with her system, but she reacted to all varieties of solid food with the same martyred endurance I had once given cauliflower and lima beans. Animal blood was better than that, at least. She had a competitive nature, and the challenge of beating Jacob made her excited to hunt.

  Jacob, I said, trying to reason with him again while Renesmee danced ahead of us into the long clearing, searching for a scent she liked. Youve got obligations here. Seth, Leah

  He snorted. Im not my packs nanny. Theyve all got responsibilities in La Push anyway.

  Sort of like you? Are you officially dropping out of high school, then? If youre going to keep up with Renesmee, youre going to have to study a lot harder.

  Its just a sabbatical. Ill get back to school when things slow down.

  I lost my concentration on my side of the disagreement when he said that, and we both automatically looked at Renesmee. She was staring at the snowflakes fluttering high above her head, melting before they could stick to the yellowed grass in the long arrowhead-shaped meadow that we were standing in. Her ruffled ivory dress was just a shade darker than the snow, and her reddish-brown curls managed to shimmer, though the sun was buried deeply behind the clouds.

  As we watched, she crouched for an instant and then sprang fifteen feet up into the air. Her little hands closed around a flake, and she dropped lightly to her feet.

  She turned to us with her shocking smiletruly, it wasnt something you could get used toand opened her hands to show us the perfectly formed eight-pointed ice star in her palm before it melted.

  Pretty, Jacob called to her appreciatively. But I think youre stalling, Nessie.

  She bounded back to Jacob; he held his arms out at exactly the moment she leaped into them. They had the move perfectly synchronized. She did this when she had something to say. She still preferred not to speak aloud.

  Renesmee touched his face, scowling adorably as we all listened to the sound of a small herd of elk moving farther into the wood.

  Suuuure youre not thirsty, Nessie, Jacob answered a little sarcastically, but more indulgently than anything else. Youre just afraid Ill catch the biggest one again!

  She flipped backward out of Jacobs arms, landing lightly on her feet, and rolled her eyesshe looked so much like Edward when she did that. Then she darted off toward the trees.

  Got it, Jacob said when I leaned as if to follow. He yanked his t-shirt off as he charged after her into the forest, already trembling. It doesnt count if you cheat, he called to Renesmee.

  I smiled at the leaves they left fluttering behind them, shaking my head. Jacob was more a child than Renesmee sometimes.

  I paused, giving my hunters a few minutes head start. It would be beyond simple to track them, and Renesmee would love to surprise me with the size of her prey. I smiled again.

  The narrow meadow was very still, very empty. The fluttering snow was thinning above me, almost gone. Alice had seen that it wouldnt stick for many weeks.

  Usually Edward and I came together on these hunting trips. But Edward was with Carlisle today, planning the trip to Rio, talking behind Jacobs back. I frowned. When I returned, I would take Jacobs side. He should come with us. He had as big a stake in this as any of ushis entire life was at stake, just like mine.

  While my thoughts were lost in the near future, my eyes swept the mountainside routinely, searching for prey, searching for danger. I didnt think about it; the urge was an automatic thing.

  Or perhaps there was a reason for my scanning, some tiny trigger that my razor-sharp senses had caught before I realized it consciously.

  As my eyes flitted across the edge of a distant cliff, standing out starkly blue-gray against the green-black forest, a glint of silveror was it gold?gripped my attention.

  My gaze zeroed in on the color that shouldnt have been there, so far away in the haze that an eagle wouldnt have been able to make it out. I stared.

  She stared back.

  That she was a vampire was obvious. Her skin was marble white, the texture a million times smoother than human skin. Even under the clouds, she glistened ever so slightly. If her skin had not given her away, her stillness would have. Only vampires and statues could be so perfectly motionless.

  Her hair was pale, pale blond, almost silver. This was the gleam that had caught my eye. It hung straight as a ruler to a blunt edge at her chin, parted evenly down the center.

  She was a stranger to me. I was absolutely certain Id never seen her before, even as a human. None of the faces in my muddy memory were the same as this one. But I knew her at once from her dark golden eyes.

  Irina had decided to come after all.

  For one moment I stared at her, and she stared back. I wondered if she would guess immediately who I was as well. I half-raised my hand, about to wave, but her lip twisted the tiniest bit, making her face suddenly hostile.

  I heard Renesmees cry of victory from the forest, heard Jacobs echoing howl, and saw Irinas face jerk reflexively to the sound when it echoed to her a few seconds later. Her gaze cut slightly to the right, and I knew what she was seeing. An enormous russet werewolf, perhaps the very one who had killed her Laurent. How long had she been watching us? Long enough to see our affectionate exchange before, I was sure.

  Her face spasmed in pain.

  Instinctually, I opened my hands in front of me in an apologetic gesture. She turned back to me, and her lip curled back over her teeth. Her jaw unlocked as she growled.

  When the faint sound reached me, she had already turned and disappeared into the forest.

  Crap! I groaned.

  I sprinted into the forest after Renesmee and Jacob, unwilling to have them out of my sight. I didnt know which direction Irina had taken, or exactly how furious she was right now. Vengeance was a common obsession for vampires, one that was not easy to suppress.

  Running at full speed, it only took me two seconds to reach them.

  Mine is bigger, I heard Renesmee insist as I burst through the thick thornbushes to the small open space where they stood.

  Jacobs ears flattened as he took in my expression; he crouched forward, baring his teethhis muzzle was streaked with blood from his kill. His eyes raked the forest. I could hear the growl building in his throat.

  Renesmee was every bit as alert as Jacob. Abandoning the dead stag at her feet, she leaped into my waiting arms, pressing her curious hands against my cheeks.

  Im overreacting, I assured them quickly. Its okay, I think. Hold on.

  I pulled out my cell phone and hit the speed dial. Edward answered on the first ring. Jacob and Renesmee listened intently to my side as I filled Edward in.

  Come, bring Carlisle, I trilled so fast I wondered if Jacob could keep up. I saw Irina, and she saw me, but then she saw Jacob and she got mad and ran away, I think. She hasnt shown up hereyet, anywaybut she looked pretty upset so maybe she will. If she doesnt, you and Carlisle have to go after her and talk to her. I feel so bad.

  Jacob rumbled.

  Well be there in half a minute, Edward assured me, and I could hear the whoosh of the wind his running made.

  We darted back to the long meadow and then waited silently as Jacob and I listened carefully for the sound of an approach we did not recognize.

  When the sound came, though, it was very familiar. And then Edward was at my side, Carlisle a few seconds behind. I was surprised to hear the heavy pad of big paws following behind Carlisle. I supposed I shouldnt have been shocked. With Renesmee in even a hint of danger, of course Jacob would call in reinforcements.

  She was up on that ridge, I told them at once,
pointing out the spot. If Irina was fleeing, she already had quite a head start. Would she stop and listen to Carlisle? Her expression before made me think not. Maybe you should call Emmett and Jasper and have them come with you. She looked really upset. She growled at me.

  What? Edward said angrily.

  Carlisle put a hand on his arm. Shes grieving. Ill go after her.

  Im coming with you, Edward insisted.

  They exchanged a long glanceperhaps Carlisle was measuring Edwards irritation with Irina against his helpfulness as a mind reader. Finally, Carlisle nodded, and they took off to find the trail without calling for Jasper or Emmett.

  Jacob huffed impatiently and poked my back with his nose. He must want Renesmee back at the safety of the house, just in case. I agreed with him on that, and we hurried home with Seth and Leah running at our flanks.

  Renesmee was complacent in my arms, one hand still resting on my face. Since the hunting trip had been aborted, she would just have to make do with donated blood. Her thoughts were a little smug.


  Carlisle and Edward had not been able to catch up with Irina before her trail disappeared into the sound. Theyd swum to the other bank to see if her trail had picked up in a straight line, but there was no trace of her for miles in either direction on the eastern shore.

  It was all my fault. She had come, as Alice had seen, to make peace with the Cullens, only to be angered by my camaraderie with Jacob. I wished Id noticed her earlier, before Jacob had phased. I wished wed gone hunting somewhere else.

  There wasnt much to be done. Carlisle had called Tanya with the disappointing news. Tanya and Kate hadnt seen Irina since theyd decided to come to my wedding, and they were distraught that Irina had come so close and yet not returned home; it wasnt easy for them to lose their sister, however temporary the separation might be. I wondered if this brought back hard memories of losing their mother so many centuries ago.

  Alice was able to catch a few glimpses of Irinas immediate future, nothing too concrete. She wasnt going back to Denali, as far as Alice could tell. The picture was hazy. All Alice could see was that Irina was visibly upset; she wandered in the snow-swathed wildernessto the north? To the east?with a devastated expression. She made no decisions for a new course beyond her directionless grieving.

  Days passed and, though of course I forgot nothing, Irina and her pain moved to the back of my mind. There were more important things to think of now. I would leave for Italy in just a few days. When I got back, wed all be off to South America.

  Every detail had been gone over a hundred times already. We would start with the Ticunas, tracing their legends as well as we could at the source. Now that it was accepted that Jacob would come with us, he figured prominently in the plansit was unlikely that the people who believed in vampires would speak to any of us about their stories. If we dead-ended with the Ticunas, there were many closely related tribes in the area to research. Carlisle had some old friends in the Amazon; if we could find them, they might have information for us, too. Or at least a suggestion as to where else we might go for answers. It was unlikely that the three Amazon vampires had anything to do with the legends of vampire hybrids themselves, as they were all female. There was no way to know how long our search would take.

  I hadnt told Charlie about the longer trip yet, and I stewed about what to say to him while Edward and Carlisles discussion went on. How to break the news to him just right?

  I stared at Renesmee while I debated internally. She was curled up on the sofa now, her breathing slow with heavy sleep, her tangled curls splayed wildly around her face. Usually, Edward and I took her back to our cottage to put her to bed, but tonight we lingered with the family, he and Carlisle deep in their planning session.

  Meanwhile, Emmett and Jasper were more excited about planning the hunting possibilities. The Amazon offered a change from our normal quarry. Jaguars and panthers, for example. Emmett had a whim to wrestle with an anaconda. Esme and Rosalie were planning what they would pack. Jacob was off with Sams pack, setting things up for his own absence.

  Alice moved slowlyfor heraround the big room, unnecessarily tidying the already immaculate space, straightening Esmes perfectly hung garlands. She was re-centering Esmes vases on the console at the moment. I could see from the way her face fluctuatedaware, then blank, then aware againthat she was searching the future. I assumed she was trying to see through the blind spots that Jacob and Renesmee made in her visions as to what was waiting for us in South America until Jasper said, Let it go, Alice; shes not our concern, and a cloud of serenity stole silently and invisibly through the room. Alice must have been worrying about Irina again.

  She stuck her tongue out at Jasper and then lifted one crystal vase that was filled with white and red roses and turned toward the kitchen. There was just the barest hint of wilt to one of the white flowers, but Alice seemed intent on utter perfection as a distraction to her lack of vision tonight.

  Staring at Renesmee again, I didnt see it when the vase slipped from Alices fingers. I only heard the whoosh of the air whistling past the crystal, and my eyes flickered up in time to see the vase shatter into ten thousand diamond shards against the edge of the kitchens marble floor.

  We were perfectly still as the fragmented crystal bounced and skittered in every direction with an unmusical tinkling, all eyes on Alices back.

  My first illogical thought was that Alice was playing some joke on us. Because there was no way that Alice could have dropped the vase by accident. I could have darted across the room to catch the vase in plenty of time myself, if I hadnt assumed she would get it. And how would it fall through her fingers in the first place? Her perfectly sure fingers

  I had never seen a vampire drop anything by accident. Ever.

  And then Alice was facing us, twisting in a move so fast it didnt exist.

  Her eyes were halfway here and halfway locked on the future, wide, staring, filling her thin face till they seemed to overflow it. Looking into her eyes was like looking out of a grave from the inside; I was buried in the terror and despair and agony of her gaze.

  I heard Edward gasp; it was a broken, half-choked sound.

  What? Jasper growled, leaping to her side in a blurred rush of movement, crushing the broken crystal under his feet. He grabbed her shoulders and shook her sharply. She seemed to rattle silently in his hands. What, Alice?

  Emmett moved into my peripheral vision, his teeth bared while his eyes darted toward the window, anticipating an attack.

  There was only silence from Esme, Carlisle, and Rose, who were frozen just as I was.

  Jasper shook Alice again. What is it?

  Theyre coming for us, Alice and Edward whispered together, perfectly synchronized. All of them.


  For once, I was the quickest to understandbecause something in their words triggered my own vision. It was only the distant memory of a dreamfaint, transparent, indistinct as if I were peering through thick gauze. In my head, I saw a line of black advancing on me, the ghost of my half-forgotten human nightmare. I could not see the glint of their ruby eyes in the shrouded image, or the shine of their sharp wet teeth, but I knew where the gleam should be. . . .

  Stronger than the memory of the sight came the memory of the feelthe wrenching need to protect the precious thing behind me.

  I wanted to snatch Renesmee up into my arms, to hide her behind my skin and hair, to make her invisible. But I couldnt even turn to look at her. I felt not like stone but ice. For the first time since Id been reborn a vampire, I felt cold.

  I barely heard the confirmation of my fears. I didnt need it. I already knew.

  The Volturi, Alice moaned.

  All of them, Edward groaned at the same time.

  Why? Alice whispered to herself. How?

  When? Edward whispered.

  Why? Esme echoed.

  When? Jasper repeated in a voice like splintering ice.

  Alices eyes didnt blink, but it was as if
a veil covered them; they became perfectly blank. Only her mouth held on to her expression of horror.

  Not long, she and Edward said together. Then she spoke alone. Theres snow on the forest, snow on the town. Little more than a month.

  Why? Carlisle was the one to ask this time.

  Esme answered. They must have a reason. Maybe to see . . .

  This isnt about Bella, Alice said hollowly. Theyre all comingAro, Caius, Marcus, every member of the guard, even the wives.

  The wives never leave the tower, Jasper contradicted her in a flat voice. Never. Not during the southern rebellion. Not when the Romanians tried to overthrow them. Not even when they were hunting the immortal children. Never.

  Theyre coming now, Edward whispered.

  But why? Carlisle said again. Weve done nothing! And if we had, what could we possibly do that would bring this down on us?

  There are so many of us, Edward answered dully. They must want to make sure that . . . He didnt finish.