CHULAK lands next to LILA. All LILA’s speech is drowned by fireworks as she flies into a rage.

  CHULAK: He didn’t tell you because he doesn’t want you to get hurt.

  LILA lets off a firework.

  CHULAK: Mount Merapi’s dangerous. There’s a Fire-Fiend... Whatever that is.

  More fireworks from LILA.

  CHULAK: He told me because he had to. I told you he had no choice.


  CHULAK: No, he doesn’t think you’re a child.

  LILA leaves.

  CHULAK: (Calling after her.) You’ve got to speak to him...

  (To HAMLET.)

  Oh no. I think I’ve made a terrible mistake. Why did I do that, Hamlet?

  HAMLET: Because you’re an incorrigible show-off trying to make up for your lowly station in life with frequent public demonstrations of intellect.

  CHULAK gives HAMLET a hard look.

  HAMLET: Well you did ask.

  5 - A MARKET

  A piercing cry.


  LALCHAND staggers into the market carrying a piece of paper.


  (To fried-prawn seller.)

  Have you seen, Lila?

  The fried-prawn seller shakes his head.

  LALCHAND: (To batik-painter.) Have you?

  The batik-painter, likewise.

  LALCHAND: Daughter! You don’t know what you’re doing!

  Trumpets are heard. A procession approaches. A formally dressed CHULAK is driving the formally attired HAMLET (red silk, gold tusks, etc..) to LORD PARAKIT’s mansion. LORD PARAKIT walks in front of the elephant, upset.

  CHULAK: Royal White Elephant! Make way for the Royal White Elephant!

  LORD PARAKIT: (To HAMLET.) Be a good beast. Don’t eat me into poverty.

  LALCHAND hurries to CHULAK and HAMLET.

  LALCHAND: Did you tell Lila the secret?

  CHULAK: What secret?

  LALCHAND: The secret.

  CHULAK: About Razvani and the Royal Sulphur? Course I did. Why?

  LALCHAND: She’s gone.

  CHULAK: Gone where?

  LALCHAND: To Mount Merapi - and she doesn’t know the rest of it.

  CHULAK: There’s more?

  LALCHAND: Of course there is. I would never betray the heart of my secret to a child like you! What have you done? Noone can go into the Fire-Fiend’s Grotto without protection. She’ll perish in the flames!

  A blood-curdling roar from HAMLET. The entourage and market traders immediately scatter in terror. CHULAK climbs off HAMLET’s back.

  CHULAK: I didn’t know... I thought I was helping her...

  LALCHAND: You’ve sent her to her death.

  HAMLET nudges the devastated CHULAK aside.

  HAMLET: (s/v.) How can she be protected?

  CHULAK: I don’t know.

  HAMLET: (s/v.) Ask Lalchand!

  CHULAK: How can she be protected?

  LALCHAND: It’s too late...

  CHULAK: Tell me!

  LALCHAND: She needs magic water from the Goddess of the Emerald Lake.

  CHULAK: The Emerald Lake’s miles away. We can’t possibly go there and catch up with Lila.

  LALCHAND: She’s doomed. It’s all your fault.

  CHULAK: I was trying to help...

  HAMLET moves CHULAK to one side again.

  HAMLET: (s/v.) There is one way - me. If we escape tonight, we could hurry the magic water to Lila. It’s her only chance.

  The servants and market traders are cautiously returning. CHULAK thinks for a moment, then leaps on the chance to redeem himself.

  CHULAK: That’s it! I was about to suggest that.


  I’ll find her.


  CHULAK: Me and Hamlet. We’ll go tonight.


  It’s noisy - monkeys gibber, parrots screech, crocodiles snap their jaws. LILA pushes through the undergrowth. A snake hisses at her. LILA jumps out of the way and all but falls into a wide river.

  LILA: Oh no! I’m a terrible swimmer... There’s crocodiles down there...

  LILA stands back from the river, dejected.

  LILA: (Steeling herself.) I’m not turning back. I’ll build a raft.

  There’s a rustle from some nearby vegetation. LILA’s a little un-nerved. The bush rustles again. Suddenly, a huge man steps out of a different bush right next to LILA, causing her to jump.

  RAMBASHI: River taxi, Miss?

  LILA: You shouldn’t jump out like that.

  RAMBASHI: You want to cross the river?

  LILA: I’m thinking about it.

  RAMBASHI: I thought so. I saw that in a flash. And would I be correct in supposing that you had... money?

  LILA: I might have a tiny little amount.

  RAMBASHI: (Disappointed.) Just a little...

  LILA: It’s enough to pay your fare. Unless you’re a complete crook?

  RAMBASHI: A crook, miss? Me, miss? No, miss.

  LILA fishes some coins out of her purse. As she opens the purse, RAMBASHI leans over and looks to see how much money she has. He’s impressed. LILA hides the purse.

  LILA: (Offering money.) One rupee. Take it or leave it.

  RAMBASHI pretends to think about it for a moment.

  RAMBASHI: Rambashi’s River Taxi is delighted to be at your service.

  (Bowing deeply.)

  I am Rambashi.

  RAMBASHI claps his hands. Out of the undergrowth come three scurvy dogs, CHANG, the LITTLE PIRATE and the HUNGRY PIRATE -dangerous-looking men with limbs missing, eye-patches and low brows. LILA’s a little alarmed.

  LILA: There’s quite a lot of you, isn’t there?

  The pirates look baffled.

  LITTLE PIRATE: It’s a very fast taxi.

  The pirates all laugh - then scowl at Lila. A boat is pulled from the undergrowth.

  RAMBASHI: All aboard, all aboard. Set to it my brave lads.

  They push the boat into the river. LILA’s not sure about her decision now she’s alone with the pirates.

  CHANG: What’s a young girl like you doing on her own out here? Don’t you know it’s dangerous?

  LILA: I’m going to Mount Merapi.

  LITTLE PIRATE: The volcano?

  HUNGRY PIRATE: That’s a long way. You’ll need food for a journey like that?

  LILA: I’ve hardly any.

  HUNGRY PIRATE: No spare rice? No meat or vegetables?

  LILA: No.

  HUNGRY PIRATE: What about snacks between meals? Fruit? Chocolate? I can smell something tasty. Ow!

  The HUNGRY PIRATE is hit on the head with an oar. It’s clear they are very poor sailors.

  LITTLE PIRATE: Concentrate. Stop thinking about your belly.

  HUNGRY PIRATE: I’m too hungry to concentrate.

  CHANG: You’re pushing the stick the wrong way.

  LITTLE PIRATE: It’s called a paddle actually.

  RAMBASHI: Think of the job in hand, lads.

  All the pirates turn and look threateningly at LILA. LILA gulps. RAMBASHI’s trailing his hand in the water behind the boat. LILA sees something approaching him.

  LILA: Watch out! Crocodile!

  RAMBASHI removes his hand from the snapping jaws of the crocodile. He leaps to his feet, terrified.

  RAMBASHI: A sea monster! Run for your lives!

  The boat almost capsizes as RAMBASHI rushes around.

  LILA: Stand still you idiots! You’ll capsize the boat!

  RAMBASHI: Fight it, Chang!

  CHANG: Me! Why?

  LITTLE PIRATE: You’re the biggest!

  CHANG’s pushed to the back of the boat and is about to hit the crocodile on the head with his oar when the HUNGRY PIRATE catches a crab and smacks him in the back with his oar. CHANG overbalances and jumps onto the crocodile’s back.

  CHANG: Help! Help me! Argh!

  As CHANG precariously surfs the crocodile, the other men p

  LILA: Pull him in! He’ll be eaten!

  Nobody knows what to do. LILA grabs an oar and rushes to the back of the boat.

  LILA: Out of the way.

  She smacks the crocodile with the oar. CHANG leaps back onto the boat in the nick of time.

  LILA: That was a narrow squeak...

  The boat cracks into the river bank. LILA is thrown into the bottom of the boat. The men recover first.

  RAMBASHI: Quick lads.

  CHANG: I don’t want to now. She seems nice.

  LITTLE PIRATE: And she’s only a small girl.

  RAMBASHI: We’ve got to start somewhere?

  HUNGRY PIRATE: She’s holding out on us. She’s got food. That’s the smell!


  Plum sauce.

  The pirates all sniff the air lovingly.

  CHANG: (Salivating.) Plum sauce.

  LITTLE PIRATE: Let’s do it.

  The men put masks on their faces and pull out long knives. RAMBASHI has two, a curly one and a curved one.

  RAMBASHI: Do I look fierce?

  (Being scary.)


  The LITTLE PIRATE shrieks and cowers.

  LITTLE PIRATE: (Matter of fact.) Not bad.

  LILA climbs out of the bottom of the boat rubbing her head.

  LILA: Ow. Have you lot ever been in a boat before? Oh...

  RAMBASHI: Yes. Fooled you. Ha, ha! This isn’t a River Taxi at all. We are pirates. We’d cut your throat as soon as look at you.

  HUNGRY PIRATE: And drink your blood.

  RAMBASHI: And drink your blood. Hand over your money, come on...

  HUNGRY PIRATE: And eat your gizzard.

  RAMBASHI: And eat...


  We wouldn’t do that.

  (To LILA.)

  You’re captured. I warn you, we’re desperate men.

  LILA: That’s completely obvious to anyone.

  RAMBASHI: Bring the prisoner ashore.

  LILA is pulled ashore by the LITTLE PIRATE.

  HUNGRY PIRATE: Can’t we eat some of her? I’m starving.

  CHANG: You promised a hot meal every night.

  RAMBASHI: How can we get a ransom if we eat her? You’re a pack of scurvy dogs. Stop complaining.

  RAMBASHI feints a punch at the complaining men.

  RAMBASHI: (To LILA.) I hope you don’t mind this little transaction? It’s purely business.

  LILA: Have you kidnapped me?

  RAMBASHI: I’m afraid so. You’re going to have to hand over all your money, and then we’ll tie you up and hold you to ransom.

  LILA: Have you done it before?

  RAMBASHI: Yes, yes, yes. Many times.

  LILA: What happens when you don’t get any money?

  HUNGRY PIRATE: We definitely eat you then.


  LILA: You’re not cannibals, are you?

  HUNGRY PIRATE: We’re really hungry.

  LILA: Have you always been pirates?

  RAMBASHI: No, I used to keep hens, but they all died of melancholy.


  Poor hens... So I sold the business and bought the boat.

  RAMBASHI steps back and pushes Lila in front of him.

  RAMBASHI: Oh no! Ssh! Stop! Don’t move! Ahh!

  They all freeze. Ahead of them is thick vegetation. Nothing can be seen.

  HUNGRY PIRATE: What is it? I can’t see.

  (Excitedly moving forward.)

  It could be something tasty...

  Suddenly, a huge tiger sticks its head out and roars loudly. RAMBASHI and his men are terrified. The HUNGRY PIRATE falls to the ground closest to the tiger.

  LILA reaches into her bag and pulls out a firework. She pulls a pin and throws it at the tiger.

  LILA: Stand back!

  There’s a huge bang and plume of smoke. The tiger yelps and flees. The pirates make the “ahhh” noise heard at firework displays.

  LITTLE PIRATE: Pretty...

  RAMBASHI recovers first.

  RAMBASHI: Magnificent! Congratulations! I was about to stab him to death, of course, but never mind. What was that?

  LILA: A self-igniting crackle-dragon. I made it.

  RAMBASHI: You made it? I knew you were a talented girl. I saw that in a flash. We can’t keep her hostage if she’s saved our lives, can we lads?

  LILA: Twice actually.

  RAMBASHI: We can’t keep her hostage if she’s saved our lives twice, can we lads?

  The lads agree.

  RAMBASHI: You’re now our honoured guest. We must have a feast!

  HUNGRY PIRATE: We’ve no food.

  RAMBASHI: Fish! Chang can catch some.

  LITTLE PIRATE: I’m allergic to fish.

  RAMBASHI: No, no, no, fish is good for you.

  The boat has floated away.

  CHANG: Where’s the boat?

  RAMBASHI: Who tied it up? Right that’s it, I’m giving up crime. Fine pirates you are. I’ve got a better idea. Miss, can I interest you in a little investment?

  LILA: No thank you. It’s been interesting meeting you, but I’m on an important journey.

  RAMBASHI: (Not listening.) This is a much better idea than piracy. It came to me in a flash. Can’t fail.

  LILA: It’s dangerous, but I have to do it to become a real Firework-Maker...

  LILA starts to walk slowly away as the pirates ignore her.

  HUNGRY PIRATE: (To RAMBASHI.) Is there any food in it?

  RAMBASHI: My dear boy. It’s built on food.

  LILA: Wish me luck.

  RAMBASHI: (Calling after LILA.) I say! Miss! Don’t go!

  LILA turns back as she walks.

  RAMBASHI: It’s the safest investment you’ll ever make! A million rupee idea!


  HAMLET and CHULAK creep to the gate of LORD PARAKIT’s house.

  CHULAK: Do you think anyone heard us?

  HAMLET: You forget, I’m a virtuoso creeper. They heard nothing. Can we escape past the Zoo?

  CHULAK: Forget about Frangipani for now. We’ll see her when we get back.

  Music plays.

  CHULAK: Stop that.

  LALCHAND arrives with a tarpaulin.

  LALCHAND: Psst! Chulak?

  LALCHAND hands CHULAK a tarpaulin. CHULAK swirls it over HAMLET’s head. HAMLET looks like a grey ghost.

  CHULAK: You won’t show up in the dark now.

  HAMLET: It’s terribly scratchy and it reeks of marquee. Couldn’t you find a nice blanket?

  CHULAK: Getting used to all that silken luxury after all?

  LALCHAND: Help me up.

  CHULAK: What? You’re not coming.

  LALCHAND: Why not?!

  CHULAK: Hamlet’s faster with one. And you’re old with a weak heart.

  LALCHAND: I must come!

  CHULAK: You’re slowing us down already.

  LALCHAND slumps. Hamlet and Chulak set off.

  LALCHAND: (Calling after them.) Keep my beautiful daughter safe.

  Out of the shadows steps LORD PARAKIT.

  LORD PARAKIT: You’re Lalchand the Firework-Maker, aren’t you?

  LALCHAND starts with fright.

  LALCHAND: Lord Parakit...

  LORD PARAKIT: I’ve just seen you helping the White Elephant to escape.

  LALCHAND: And you didn’t stop me?

  LORD PARAKIT: Why would I stop you? Do you know how much it costs to look after that elephant?

  LALCHAND: So you’re not going to tell the King?


  LILA limps to the bottom of the volcano. She’s scared. Her clothing is ripped and she looks a mess. She’s come a long way.

  LILA: It’s quiet here... No birds or monkeys... Not like the jungle...

  There’s a deep and scary rumble from the volcano. LILA sits and looks at her foot.

  LILA: I can feel that rumble in my chest...

  LILA sucks at her foot.

  LILA: I’ll start my climb in th
e morning.

  LILA wraps a blanket around herself and tries to get comfortable.

  LILA: The air is cold, but the rocks are hot. I need a night in my own bed... With my father downstairs working late in the workshop...

  LILA leaps to her feet and throws off her blanket in a sudden rage against her nostalgia.

  LILA: This ground is too hard. I’ll never sleep. I might as well climb.

  LILA looks up, then screams and leaps out of the way. A shower of burning rocks fall from the mountain. They just miss her and lie on the floor glowing red. LILA’s nerve goes. She starts to stagger away.

  LILA: It’s too dangerous... I could die in this lonely place.

  LALCHAND in his workshop.

  LALCHAND: You’ll never be ready! Listen to what I say - you aren’t going to be a Firework-Maker.

  LILA steels herself - she won’t be beaten. She turns back to the volcano and starts to climb.


  A restaurant in the jungle with RAMBASHI, CHANG, the HUNGRY and LITTLE PIRATES.

  SONG AND DANCE: Rambashi’s Jungle Grill.

  RAMBASHI breaks off from the song as the restaurant catches fire.

  RAMBASHI: What a splendid sight! Do you know, my boys, that gives me my best idea yet. It’s just come to me in a flash.

  CHULAK and HAMLET hurry into the clearing.

  RAMBASHI: Chulak! My dear boy! How delightful to see you. What’re you doing here?

  CHULAK: Hello Uncle Rambashi. We’re going to the Emerald Lake.

  RAMBASHI: For the Ceremony of the Full Moon?

  CHULAK: Yes.

  RAMBASHI: It’s over-rated. Don’t bother. Stay with me. I’ve had a fantastic idea. You’d be perfect for it.

  CHULAK: Sorry Uncle. We’re in a hurry.

  HUNGRY PIRATE: When do we get some food?!

  RAMBASHI: (Calling after HAMLET and CHULAK.) It’s a solid gold investment! A million rupee idea!


  LILA has climbed high up the volcano.

  LILA: How much further can it be... My fingers and toes are red raw... I’ve had worse burns than these making fireworks...

  LILA slips and loses a shoe and her bag. They fall for a long time before they’re heard smacking against the ground.

  LILA: That was silly. Look where you’re putting your feet, Lila, you clumsy clot!

  LILA climbs on.

  LILA: It’s a long way down. But I won’t look. I won’t look. I won’t...