The little blue Fiat 500 driven by Jan and with Tom alongside as navigator was on the outskirts of Como at a fuel station.
"I'm almost out of cash," Jan admitted. He had earlier reminded Tom that Guido's technology might extend to tracking credit card use so he wasn't keen on using his card. He was also quite keen to check his current bank balance.
"No worries, Jan. I'll pay. We'll make a fortune selling a story if we catch Guido." He smiled and looked at Jan's face. The Dutchman seemed to have grown visibly more nervous the closer they got to Como. But, car refuelled, they set off again. As they passed the Ospedale Valduce, Tom's phone rang. It was Jim.
"I'm at the American Embassy, Tom. Did you ever get a clear shot of Guido's car registration number?"
"No, Jim. I wasn't feeling brave enough to get that close."
"But you photographed the Mercedes?"
"From a distance and in the dark."
Jim quickly explained his reasons and what he wanted.
They were now on Via Torno and had picked up the SS583 and, as Tom played around with his mobile phone pictures library, Jan stopped the car to look down to the Viale Geno and Lake Como. "Nice view, Tom."
"Yes," muttered Tom engrossed in the phone, "Guido's fat little backside and Eischmann's dark shadow. But there's the Mercedes and Eischmann's BMW. Jesus it's much too dark. I should have been braver, got out and taken a close-up. Anyway, let's send it."
They sat and waited. Fifteen minutes later, Jim phoned again.
"OK, Tom, we've got them. Let's see what the FBI's technical experts can make of that. I'll phone you as soon as we have anything."
The Fiat 500 moved away into growing darkness but the mood of the two men was also getting darker.
"It's all too vague, Tom, and it'll be dark soon. Remember what we're looking for - a big villa with trees on the lake road to Blevio and Torno. We could have passed it already. Shall we leave everything until morning? Find a hotel?"
"It's not a long road, Jan. Six miles? Let's drive slowly from here to Torno, then turn back. If nothing, we'll try again in the morning. Then, if still nothing, we give up. Leave it to Jim, Jonathan and the FBI or whoever."
"It's too dark already."
"Nah. Lights everywhere. It's like daylight."
"With fucking dark shadows. What is it you English say about clutching at straws?"
"I'm not bloody English, Jan, I'm Irish. The Irish are more optimistic. Anyway, turn off here," Tom said checking the map on his phone. "Via Roma. The road twists down towards the lake and heads into Torno."
Jan turned off. Jim continued to mutter. "What was it the forklift driver said? Beside the lake, he said. There's the lake. Boats. See the lights?"
"I'm fucking driving."
Tom was craning his neck. "And there's a Mercedes."
"We've passed a hundred today."
"But that's the first I've seen behind a gate. A big house with trees. Lights were on in the driveway. At least one other car."
Jan drove on. "Are you telling me it must be Guido's car?"
"No, but there was also what looked like a big BMW."
"So Dirk Eischmann's paying a visit?" Jan was still driving, peering into the darkness.
"What car did that woman drive? The one called Antonia Goretti who we think might be Toni?"
"The lack of food is affecting you." Jan kept driving.
"I'm testing you to see if you're awake because I've got the registration number of Toni's BMW. "
"You're right," Jan admitted, "I saw her in the car park in Brussels. It was a black BMW like Eischmann's."
"Turn around."
"Co-incidence, Tom. Man and wife. His and hers - matching, big, black cars."
"Turn around, Jan. "
"You sure?"
"Didn't you hear me? I've got the registration number. It'll be easy to check.
"Straws, Tom."
"Fuck you. Turn around."
"OK, OK."
Jan stopped, reversed into a gap, started to retrace the route.
"Keep going, it's on my side now." As he said it, the phone on Tom's lap rang. "Yes?"
It was Jim. "Your photos, Tom. They're good enough. We've got a number and the Italian police are being asked to help. Where are you?"
"Near Torno. Were checking a car right now, but it's dark. We're relying on street lights and lights from houses - big houses - along this, ah.......slow down, Jan. There it is. That one. Pull in. You were saying Jim?"
"We've got a number for Guido's Mercedes. It's registered in the name of someone called Antonia Goretti, at an address in Monza, near Milan." Jim gave the number. Tom wrote it down.
"That's the woman we know as Toni, Jim."
Tom heard Jim relating that to someone else.
"Who you talking to Jim?"
"The FBI."
Tom nodded at Jan who stopped the car. "OK, then can you now ask the FBI to check another number?" He then gave Jim the number on the Belgian registered black BMW he had followed from Delft. "If I'm right," Tom said, "Then that number should also be registered in the name of Antonia Goretti."