Page 10 of Holiday in Death

  Yeats, William Butler, confirmed. Searching stacks. . .The Wanderings Of Oisin,Section D, shelf five. The Countess of Cathleen,Section D --

  "Wait." She pinched the bridge of her nose. "Shift search. Tell me what books by this guy aren't in the library."

  Adjusting .. . Searching .. .

  He probably had every damn thing anyway. Stupid idea, she decided, and jammed her hands in her pockets.


  And nearly jumped out of her boots. She whirled around and stared at Summerset. "What? Damn it, I hate when you do that."

  He merely continued to eye her blandly. He knew she hated when he came up on her unawares. It was one of the reasons he so enjoyed doing it. "May I help you find a book -- though I didn't realize you read anything but reports and the occasional disc on aberrant behavior."

  "Look, pal, I've got a perfect right to be in here." Which didn't explain why being found in the library made her feel like a sneak. "And I don't need your help."

  All works by subject author, Yeats, William Butler, are included in library. Do you require locations and titles?

  "No, damn it. I knew it."

  "Yeats, Lieutenant?" Curious, Summerset moved into the room, closely followed by Galahad, who padded over to Eve, scissored between her legs, then deserted her to leap onto the window seat and stare out at the night as if he owned it.

  "So what?"

  He only raised his eyebrows. "Was there a play you were interested in, a collection, a particular poem?"

  "What are you, the library police?"

  "These books are quite valuable," he said coolly. "Many are first editions and quite rare. You'll find all of Yeats's work in the disc library as well. That method, I'm sure, would suit you better."

  "I don't want to read the damn thing. I just wanted to see if there was something he didn't have, which is stupid because he has every damn thing, so what the hell am I supposed to do?"

  "About what?"

  "Christmas, you moron." Incensed, she turned back to the computer. "Disengage."

  Summerset pursed his lips and followed the train of thought. "You wished to purchase a volume of Yeats for Roarke as a Christmas gift."

  "That was the idea, which turns out to suck."

  "Lieutenant," he said as she started to storm out.


  It annoyed him when she did or said something that touched him. But it couldn't be helped. And he owed her for risking, nearly losing, her life to save his. That simple fact, Summerset knew, made them both uncomfortable. Perhaps he could even the scales, by a small weight.

  "He does not own, as yet, a first edition copy ofThe Celtic Twilight"

  The mutinous glare faded, though some suspicion remained. "What is it?"

  "It's a prose collection."

  "By this Yeats guy?"


  A part of her, a small, nasty part, wanted to shrug and walk away. But she jammed her hands in her pockets and stuck. "The search said he had everything."

  "He owns the book, but not in a first edition. Yeats is particularly important to Roarke. I imagine you know that. I have a connection to a rare book dealer in Dublin. I could contact him and see if it can be acquired."

  "Bought," Eve said firmly. "Not stolen." She smiled thinly when Summerset's spine snapped stiff. "I know something about your connections. We keep it legal."

  "I never intended otherwise. But it won't come cheap." It was his turn to smile, just as thinly. "And there will, no doubt, be a charge for securing the acquisition in time for Christmas, as you've waited until the eleventh hour."

  She didn't wince, but she wanted to. "If your connection can find it, I want it." Then because she couldn't figure a way around it, she shrugged. "Thanks."

  He nodded stiffly, and waited until she'd left the room before he grinned.

  This, Eve thought, was what being in love did to you. It made you have to cooperate with the biggest annoyance in your life. And, she thought sourly as she took the elevator to the bedroom, if the skinny son of a bitch actually pulled it off, she was going to owe him.

  It was mortifying.

  Then the elevator doors opened, and there was Roarke with a half smile on his lost angel face, his eyes impossibly blue with pleasure.

  What was a little mortification?

  "I didn't know you were home yet."

  "Yeah, I was ... doing stuff." She cocked her head. She knew that look. "Why are you looking so smug?"

  He took her hand, drew her into the room. "What do you think?" he asked and gestured.

  Centered in the deeply recessed window on the far side of the raised platform that held their bed was a tree. Its boughs fanned out into the room and rose up and up until the tip all but speared the ceiling.

  She blinked at it. "It's big."

  "Obviously you haven't seen the one in the living area. It's twice this tall."

  Cautious, she moved closer. It had to be ten feet. If it toppled, she mused, while they were sleeping, it would drop like a stone on the bed and pin them like ants. "I hope it's secure." She sniffed. "Smells like a forest in here. I guess we're going to hang stuff on it."

  "That's the plan." He slipped his arms around her waist, drew her back against him. "I'll deal with the lights later."

  "You will?"

  "It's a man's job," he told her and nipped at her neck.

  "Who says?"

  "Women throughout the ages who were sensible enough not to want to deal with it. Are you off duty, Lieutenant?"

  "I thought I'd get some food, then run a few probability scans." His mouth was cruising up to her earlobe. She thought he could do the most interesting things to an earlobe. "And I want to see if Mira sent through her profile."

  Her eyes were already half shut as she angled her head to give him fuller access to the side of her neck. When his hands slid up to cup her breasts, her mind went wonderfully foggy.

  "Then I've got a report to write and file." His thumbs flicked over her nipples and sent a spear of heat lancing straight to her gut.

  "But I probably have an hour to spare," she muttered, and turning, she fisted her hands in his hair and pulled his mouth to hers.

  A sound of pleasure hummed in his throat and his hands glided down her back. "Come with me."


  He bit her bottom lip. "Wherever I take you."

  Circling her, he guided her back into the elevator. "Holoroom," he ordered, then backed her into the corner and cut off her question with one long, mind-numbing kiss.

  "Something wrong with the bedroom?" she asked when she could breathe again.

  "I have something else in mind." Keeping his eyes on hers, he drew her out. "Engage program."

  The large, empty room, with its stark black mirrored walls, shimmered, shifted. She smelled smoke first, fragrant, faintly fruity, then the tang of some spicy scented flower. The lights dimmed and wavered. Images formed.

  A crackling fire in a big stone hearth. A window wide as a lake with a view of steel-blue mountains and deep, feathery snow that gleamed icily in the moonlight. Urns of hammered copper filled to bursting with flowers in whites and rusty hues. Candles, hundreds of candles, white as the snow, burning with flickering flames out of polished brass holders.

  Under her feet the mirrored floor became wood, dark, nearly black, with a dull sheen.

  Dominating the room was an enormous bed with head- and footboards fashioned of complicated curves and loops of thin, sparkling brass. Spread over it was a cover of dull gold that looked thick enough to drown in, and dozens of pillows in shades of precious gems.

  Scattered over all were white rose petals.

  "Wow." She looked toward the window again. The view, those towering peaks, the miles of white, did something odd to her throat. "What are those?"

  "A simulation of the Swiss Alps." One of his greatest delights was watching her reaction to something new. The initial wariness that was the cop, the slow bloom of pleasure that came from the woman. "
I've never managed to take you there in reality. A holographic chalet is the next best thing."

  Turning, he picked up a robe that was draped over a chair. "Why don't you put this on?"

  She reached for it, frowned. "What is it?"

  "A robe."

  She shot him a bland look. "I know that. I meant what's it made of? Is this mink?"

  "Sable." He stepped forward. "Why don't I help you?"

  "You're in a mood, aren't you?" she murmured as he began unbuttoning her shirt.

  His hands skimmed over her bare shoulders as he brushed the shirt aside. "It seems I am. In a mood to seduce my wife. Slowly."

  Need was already kindling, spreading. "I don't need seduction, Roarke."

  He laid his lips on her shoulder. "I do. Sit." He nudged her down so he could tug off her boots. Then, bracing his hands on the arms of the chair, he leaned over and took her mouth again.

  Just mouth to mouth, warm and soft, a skillfully tender sliding of lips and tongue, a cleverly gentle scrape of teeth. Her muscles quivered, then went lax. Feeling her surrender was his own seduction.

  Drawing her to her feet, he unhooked her trousers. "The wanting of you never stops." His fingers skimmed over her hips; the trousers pooled at her feet. "The loving of you never peaks. There's always more."

  Undone, she leaned against him, her face buried in his hair. "Nothing's the same for me since you."

  He held her a moment, for the simple pleasure of it. Then, reaching down, he lifted the robe and draped the soft pelt over her shoulders. "For either of us."

  He picked her up and carried her to the bed.

  And her arms reached out for him.

  She knew what it would be like. Overwhelming, unsettling. Glorious. She'd come to crave each separate sensation he could bring her, to crave the feel of him against her the way she did air or water.

  Without thinking of it, and unable to survive without it.

  There was nothing she couldn't give, or take, when their bodies came together. Sunk deep in the feather bed she met his mouth eagerly, reveling in the slow burn of her blood. Sighing, she tugged at his shirt, helping him shrug it aside so flesh could meet flesh.

  The long and lovely slide of it. A slow roll, a low moan. The silk of the petals, the satin of the spread, the ripple of muscle under her hands -- all tangled together in an exotic mix of textures.

  The quick, bounding leap of the heart. A delicious shiver, a soft sigh. The flicker of candlelight, the spill of the moon, the shifting shimmer from the fire melded into one sumptuous glow.

  She tasted and was tasted. She touched and was touched. Aroused and was aroused. And trembled her way up the long curve of a peak as smooth as polished silver.

  He felt her rise up, shudder, then slide lazily down again. Their limbs tangled as they rolled over the bed, to touch again, to adjust the fit of bodies. He could see the lights flicker over her face, her hair, in her eyes, the rich brandy of them. Eyes he could watch go glassy as he nudged her, inch by inch, toward that peak again.

  Her hands, strong, capable, and beautifully familiar, moved over him, a grip, a caress. Quiet sounds of pleasure hummed in her throat, sighed into his mouth, whispered over his skin.

  His breath began to quicken, and need became a thunder in the blood. Warmth turned to heat and heat to a dangerous flash.

  Then she was rising over him, her body slim and silvered in the shift of light and shadow. Her moan was long, a throaty sound of greed as she lowered to him, enclosed him, took him in. When his fingers dug into her hips, she arched back into a gleaming curve, rocking, rocking, with her eyes golden brown slits, her breath rushing between parted lips.

  She tightened around him when the orgasm slashed through her, then curled into him when he reared up, when his mouth fixed hungrily on her breast.

  Lost now, captured, he pushed her back so both her mind and body went spinning. And he drove into her, one wild animal thrust after another, with a sudden pounding greed that ripped her past control. Her fingers wrapped around the thin, curving tubes of the headboard, gripping hard as if to anchor herself, a scream of mindless pleasure strangling in her throat as he pushed her knees back to go deeper.

  When her body erupted beneath him, his mouth swooped down to hers. And he let himself go.

  She was covered with rose petals and nothing else. Those slim, disciplined muscles were as lax as the melted candlewax pooled fragrantly beneath the white tapers.

  As her breathing slowed to normal, Roarke nibbled at her shoulder, then he rose to get the robe and draped it over her.

  Her response was a grunt.

  Both amused and pleased that that was the best she could do, he moved to the far corner of the room and ordered the jet tub to fill at one hundred and one degrees. He popped the cork on a bottle of champagne, set it back in its bucket of ice, then snatched his limp wife off the bed.

  "I wasn't asleep." She said it quickly and with the slurred tone that told him that's just what she'd been.

  "You'll blame me in the morning if I let you sleep and you don't do your probability scan." With this, he dumped her in the hot, frothing water.

  She yelped once, then moaned in sheer, sensual delight. "Oh God. I want to live here, right here in this tub, for about a week."

  "Arrange for some time off and we'll go to the Alps for real and you can soak in a tub until you turn into one big pink wrinkle."

  It was exactly what he wanted -- to take her away, to see that she was completely healed and recovered. And he imagined he had as much chance of doing so as he had of convincing her to kiss Summerset on the mouth.

  The image of that even made him grin.

  "Joke?" she asked lazily.

  "Oh, it would be a delightful one." He handed her a flute and, taking his own, climbed in to join her.

  "I have to get to work."

  "I know." He let out a long breath. "Ten minutes."

  The combination of hot water and icy champagne was just too good to refuse. "You know, before you, my breaks used to consist of a cup of bad coffee and a ... a cup of bad coffee," she decided.

  "I know, and they still do entirely too often. This," he said and sank a little deeper, "is a much superior way to recharge."

  "Hard to argue." She lifted her leg, examined her toes for no particular reason. "I don't think he's going to give me much time, Roarke. He's working on a deadline."

  "How much do you have?"

  "Not enough. Not nearly enough."

  "You'll get more. I've never known a better cop. And I've known more than my share."

  She frowned into her wine. "It's not out of rage, not yet. It's not for profit. It's not, that I can find, for revenge. He'd be easier to track if I had a motive."

  "Love. True love."

  She cursed softly. "My true love. But you can't have twelve true loves."

  "You're being rational. You're thinking a man can't love more than one women with equal degrees of fervor. But he can."

  "Sure, if his heart is in his dick."

  With a laugh, Roarke opened one eye. "Darling Eve, it's often impossible to separate the two. For some," he added, mistrusting the quick glint in her eye, "physical attraction most usually proceeds the finer emotions. What you may not be considering is that he might very well believe each of them the love of his life. And if they didn't agree, the only way he can convince them is to take their lives."

  "I have considered it. But it isn't enough to give me a full picture. He loves what he can't have, and what he can't have he destroys." She jerked her shoulder. "I hate all the goddamn symbolism. It muddles things up."

  "You have to give him points for theatrical flare."

  "Yeah, and I'm counting on that to be what trips him up. When it does, I'm tossing jolly old St. Nick in a cage. Time's up," she announced and rose out of the water.

  She'd just flicked a towel from a heated bar when she heard the muffled beep on her communicator. "Shit." Dripping, she dashed across the room to snatch up her trousers
and pull it from the pocket.

  "Block video," she muttered. "Dallas."

  "Dispatch, Dallas. Lieutenant Eve. DAS at 432 Houston. Apartment 6E. Report to scene immediately as primary."

  "Dispatch." She dragged a hand through her damp hair. "Acknowledged. Contact Peabody, Officer Delia as adjutant."

  "Affirmative. Dispatch out."

  "DAS?" Roarke picked up the robe to drape it over her again.

  "Dead at scene." She heaved the towel aside and, bending, tugged on the trousers. "Damn it, goddamn it, that's Donnie Ray's apartment. I just interviewed him today."

  * * *

  Donnie Ray had loved his mother. That was the first thing Eve thought of as she looked at him.

  He was on the bed, draped in green garland that sparkled with gold flecks. His buttery hair had been carefully styled to flow against the pillow. His eyes were shut so that lashes, lengthened and dyed a deep, antique gold lay against his cheeks. His lips matched the tone perfectly. Around his right wrist, just over the raw and broken skin, was a thick bracelet with three pretty birds etched into hammered gold.

  "Three calling birds," Peabody said from behind her. "Shit, Dallas."

  "He changed sexes, but he's keeping to pattern." Eve's voice was flat as she shifted aside so that the body would be in full view for the record. "There's bound to be a tattoo on him, and probable signs of sexual abuse. Ligature marks hands and feet, as with previous victims. We need any security discs from the hallway and the outer building."

  "He was a nice guy," Peabody murmured.

  "Now he's a dead guy. Let's do the job."

  Peabody stiffened, the slightest of movements that had her shoulders going straight as a ruler. "Yes, sir."

  They found the tattoo on his left buttock. If that and the clear signs of sodomy affected her, Eve didn't let it show. She did the preliminary, had the scene secured, ordered the initial door-to-doors, and had the body bagged for transport.

  "We'll check his 'link," she told Peabody. "Get his date book, any data you can find on Personally Yours. I want the sweepers in here tonight."

  She moved down the short hall to the bathroom, pushed the door open. Walls, floor, and fixtures sparkled like the sun. "We can assume our man cleaned this. Donnie Ray wasn't too concerned about cleanliness being next to godliness."