Page 30 of Dark Promises

  You are beautiful and sexy. Reach for his mind, kislany. You need to know you have complete control, not just that he's seduced.

  Aleksei's voice not only was gentle, but she could feel his pride in her. That made her want to glow and it surprised her at the same time. He was a man who would be jealous and not want another man touching her. This was truly the last thing she expected him to help her with. She admired him all the more for it.

  The man took her hand, moving in close to her. She didn't like it. He didn't feel like Aleksei felt. The burn of his sexual desire felt wrong. She could barely stand the touch of his skin against hers. She almost pulled away, but Aleksei was there, in her mind, supportive and strong.

  I like that you do not like his touch, Gabrielle. You are doing very well. Reach for his mind. Take control of it so he cannot weave fantasies of you.

  She hadn't considered that he might do that and again was grateful for Aleksei's guidance. She took a breath and forced past the barriers in the male's mind. For a moment she felt sick, her stomach protesting the invasive act.

  You are not hurting him in any way. You are protecting him. Do not worry so much. We will remain to ensure he is well after. If possible, always do that. You never want to inadvertently take too much blood and leave them unprotected. Aleksei's voice stroked her mind. Gentle. Supportive. Persuasive.

  She knew if she backed off, told him she couldn't do it, he wouldn't be upset with her, but she wanted his approval. She wanted him to have reason to be proud of her. More, if he was ever in trouble and needed her to get blood to feed or help heal him, she was determined to know how.

  The man's mind was filled with all kinds of images of the two of them writhing on the ground together. She ignored that, and took control, soothing him, planting a brief conversation about directions. She walked him right up to Aleksei.

  Aleksei reached for her, his hand curling around the nape of her neck, pulling her to his other side and away from the man who docilely stood in front of them, keeping her close to him as he reached for the man. Gabrielle watched as, without preamble, Aleksei took over, pushing into the man's mind, calming and soothing him, as he sank his teeth deep and drank. All the while he reaffirmed the idea that the young man had had a conversation with a pretty tourist asking for directions.

  Gabrielle stayed in the man's mind, to assure herself that he wasn't afraid, or that he even knew what was happening. She couldn't help but see that he was a good man, hoping to find the "right" woman to settle down with, but he knew all the available women in the village and they weren't for him. He was a hard worker, loved his parents and was well educated. He was wrestling with the idea of staying and helping his father in his business, or getting out so he had a chance of finding a woman to love. She liked him all the more for that and found herself feeling protective of him.

  Aleksei's hold tightened on her. He clamped her firmly to his side as he finally raised his head. With one hand he lowered the man to the ground and allowed him to rest against the crude wooden bench there.

  "You cannot get attached, kislany. It is not healthy. Nor would I like it. I prefer that you allow me to hunt for you and feed you. I will take you on the hunt with me to help hone your skills, but you do not need to collect other men."

  She winced. Honestly, it felt like he'd delivered a hard body blow. She almost wished it were physical, because, really, it hurt like hell when he reminded her of her indiscretion. She tried to pull away, but his arm locked her in place. He caught her chin and forced her to meet his eyes.

  "I was teasing you, Gabrielle, not chastising you. I did not have Gary in my mind at all. I understand what happened between you and I do not blame you for it. I misread the situation and handled it wrong. I have told this to you and I expect you to hear me this time and let it go."

  That was both sweet and infuriating. He could be so arrogant, ordering her to just let it go when she'd caused so much damage, like she could just forget everything because he told her to.

  A faint smile lit his face for a brief moment and then, just that fast, was gone. "When you are angry with me, little cat, your eyes blaze fire. I like that." He took her hand and brought it to the front of his trousers, so that her palm covered the thick bulge there right through the material. "You make me as hard as a rock when you get that fire in your eyes. Mostly because it reminds me of how you catch flame when I touch you."

  She didn't know what to do with that so she ignored it. "You cannot just order me to forget something and expect it to happen."

  She should have moved her hand, they were right out in the open, but his hand had clamped hard over hers and she knew if she tried there would be a struggle. The man he'd used for food stirred and groaned softly. She wiggled her palm to try to warn Aleksei his prey was coming out of the enthrallment. More, she could hear two other men approaching with heavy footsteps.

  Aleksei refused to relinquish her hand but moved them both back farther into the shadows. His free hand tipped her chin up to his. I would not ever embarrass you or allow another man to see what is mine and only for me. Still, when I want your touch, or to touch you, I will have it. You will have to trust me to protect us.

  It feels . . . She wanted to say like exhibitionism, because it did, even though now she believed him when he said others could not see them. And he'd implied he would do far more than press her palm over his material-covered cock.

  It feels like heaven, Gabrielle. When you touch me, it always feels like that. No one can see us. It is always just the two of us.

  Deliberately he slipped his hand inside her blouse and caressed her breast through the lace of her bra. And then her bra was gone and her breast was being cupped in both hands, his thumb sliding across her nipple. The breath left her lungs as whips of lightning streaked straight to her sex. Aleksei's mouth came down on hers, and the world fell away. Her brain malfunctioned. Melted. Sanity was gone and there was only him and his mouth and his hands.

  Abruptly he was gone. His head had turned toward the two men now parallel with them. His breath hissed out, a long dangerous signal, as he thrust her behind him. She realized her bra was back in place and her clothes were in complete order. She blinked rapidly, trying to regain her ability to think. To understand what was happening.

  Aleksei? The air around them had gone from fresh and clean to a murky, disturbing, very heavy feel. She pressed a hand to her stomach and tried to peer around his large frame.

  Aleksei swept Gabrielle back again with one hand, this time using force. Stay. He bit the word out, snapping the command in her mind, her only warning. If you do not obey, I will force your obedience. He let her see he meant that as well. She caught at the back of his shirt for support, her hand fisting in the material. She didn't pull. She didn't fight him. She didn't protest or even act, in her mind, angry with him in spite of his very real threat to her.

  He studied the two men approaching the man he had used for feeding. Both were tainted. Both stank of vampire. Both stank of conspiracy. They had clearly been headed to the pub, and when he lightly touched their minds, he knew there was someone inside waiting for them. He feared he knew what that someone was. Not human.

  He shared his knowledge with Gabrielle. Her fingers twisted tighter in his shirt, but she remained very still, and he felt her there in his mind.

  Can you control them?

  He realized she was afraid for the young man they were helping off the ground and onto the bench.

  If necessary, but they are connected to what is inside and the pub is full tonight. If he knows there is a hunter out here, he will not leave peacefully. There will be a bloodbath.

  "Izaak? What is wrong? Have you had too much to drink?"

  The language was Polish, not English, but Aleksei interpreted in his mind so Gabrielle could better understand.

  The one holding Izaak's collar stiffened. "He has been tainted."

  Gabrielle's fingers dug into Aleksei's back. I thought you said no one could tell. Did you lea
ve a mark?

  Aleksei's breath hissed out again in a long rush of annoyance. His woman thought he would make such a mistake? I will not chastise you for that insult as you are very distraught, but I do not leave evidence or marks. There is something else here. Something I have yet to understand. I rarely run across a puzzle I have not seen before. He very carefully slid into Izaak's mind, staying very quiet and unmoving, so as not to draw the attention of either of the puppets.

  Are they vampire?

  Human, but a vampire controls them. They do not realize that, of course. They believe they are hunting the vampire. The vampire is using them to hunt the Carpathian people.

  If they see me in Izaak's mind, will they know what happened? Is that how they knew? Can they get into his mind?

  Aleksei was careful in looking around. Ordinarily, a puppet was simply that--a body for a vampire to use any way he saw fit. He could use the eyes to see what the puppet saw. He could use his mind to move in another's. He was fairly certain the puppet had discovered Izaak had been used for blood all on his own and would report to his master. And that just might draw the master out to them. He would want to examine Izaak himself to see what he was dealing with.

  "Kill him, Denny," one said. "Kill him before he turns into one of them."

  "Not yet, Vaugn. We need to take him to the cabin and force him to tell us everything. You got the drug on you?"

  It was telling that Denny had switched to English. Vaugn had to be one of the hunters who had come from out of the country.

  Denny is Denny Jashari, a local whose son was a serial killer along with his nephews. They tried to kill Andre's lifemate, Teagan. Andre took care of them, but Jashari is clearly the head of the local vampire-hunting society. They operate in secret, but mostly target people they do not like. They accuse them of being vampire and then they kill them. Andre told us they were hunting Teagan. Aleksei gave Gabrielle the information.

  He continued to stay in Izaak's mind, waiting to see what Denny and Vaugn would do next.

  Vaugn slipped his arms around Izaak. "Get up, boy. Let's walk it off."

  Izaak cooperated, trying to find his feet when he was dizzy. Denny suddenly straightened and looked around warily. He actually looked right through Aleksei. "Drop him, Vaugn," he ordered. "Drop him right now."

  Vaugn let go of Izaak and Izaak swayed and tried to reach for Vaugn so he wouldn't fall. Vaugn shoved him away, looking around, too, his face revealing anxiety. Aleksei smelled their fear. He pressed Gabrielle back. He knew what was coming.

  The door to the pub opened. Music and laughter poured out into the night. The rain hissed as it fell on the man striding out. He was tall and confident-looking. Handsome to the extreme. He seemed ageless, and moved with ease. He turned his gaze on Denny and Vaugn and both men froze.

  "Good evening." He sent both a smile. The smile did nothing to light his eyes or illuminate his face. Instead, he actually appeared menacing. He stopped very close to them. "You did not inform me you were taking a prisoner."

  "He has been used," Denny said, his voice higher pitched. Strangled. As if he couldn't get enough air.

  "And you knew this how?"

  "You taught me how to know, Master Aron. I touched him, and he was cold and his blood volume was low enough to make him dizzy." Denny cleared his throat repeatedly and his hand crept up protectively as if he might pry strangling fingers away.

  "And still, with me giving you that gift to aid your cause, you did not think to inform me of this man?" The vampire spoke quietly. Calmly. His tone was deadly.

  Aleksei recognized him from his youth. He went by the name of Aron Mazur. Andre was on his trail, so he knew the Carpathian hunter most referred to as The Ghost could be close.

  "I thought I wouldn't bother you unless he had important information," Denny stammered. Wheezed. Tried to suck in air. "Vaugn has the drug on him and we thought we would use it, extract the information and then bring it to you."

  Aron's eyes, flat and cold, entirely without emotion, stared at his puppet. "Do you think I do not know what is in your mind, Denny? I could split open your head and see the rotten debris there. You know what I am. Vaugn is a pawn, nothing more. A pawn to both of us, but you wanted to show him your power. You wanted him to fear you. Your ego once again has gotten the better of you." His eyes began to glow a dark red. "I thought we were past that. Do you need another lesson?"

  Aleksei felt Gabrielle's forehead against his back. He reached behind him and found her free hand, threading his fingers through hers and bringing her hand to his thigh. The bracelet on her delicate wrist glowed with fiery flames in protest of the evil in the air, but the links were cool to the touch.

  He knew they couldn't be seen, but still, he was careful no air was displaced. He realized Gabrielle had never been in the presence of such evil. The vampire had chosen to give up his soul, deliberately torturing his prey before he killed it, so he could get the adrenaline high. He was wholly evil, and he had found a human counterpart in Denny Jashari.

  Gabrielle had been stabbed multiple times by a man infected with fanaticism, poisoned by one such as Jashari. The Jashari family was clearly twisted, producing men who raped, tortured and killed women. It wasn't a huge step to see how Aron Mazur had found Denny and enlisted his help rather than killing him. Still, Mazur would want to keep him cowed and bowing before him.

  He knew Gabrielle was frightened. He could feel her body trembling and her nightmares were very close, but when he took her hand and pressed it against his thigh, she quieted, her breathing following his. Her heart as steady as his. She gave him that gift. Trust. In the face of extreme danger, she gave him that.

  He bent slowly, bringing her hand to his mouth, gently kissing her knuckles and rubbing the pad of his thumb over the links of her bracelet. It was a weapon, one he knew would come to her aid if she was in trouble. He liked seeing it on her wrist, especially when she was naked. He liked knowing it was there just in case. Knowing he had to show her he had absolute confidence no matter the odds against them, he returned their joined hands to his thigh.

  Denny staggered back, away from the master vampire, clearly terrified, his hand still at his throat. His face was red and swollen-looking. It was difficult to listen to him gasping for air. Vaugn looked from one to the other, clearly uneasy and not knowing what to do. He didn't like being called a pawn, but he didn't want to challenge the man he knew as Aron Mazur. He didn't try to help Denny. He moved away from both men.

  Aron smiled, revealing sharp, very white teeth. "I thought you would get my point, Denny." He waved his hand and Denny's body sagged as he drew in a deep, gasping breath. With that, the vampire turned toward Izaak.

  Aleksei squeezed Gabrielle's hand and then let go of it. Step back slowly. Give me room, and do not reveal yourself for any reason, even if you think I am in trouble. He pushed the order into her mind. Do not disobey me, Gabrielle.

  She stepped back. He wasn't satisfied. She had shown courage on several occasions. She had thrown herself on him in order to protect Gary. She had come to him in the courtyard, although he had shown her both his darkness and his demons and she had known she was taking her life in her hands. He had no doubt, should she think he was losing the battle, she would try to enter in spite of her great fear.

  I need you to give me your word you will remain hidden throughout, or I will have no choice but to bind you.

  Aleksei. What if . . . She trailed off when he lifted his hand toward her.

  Now. He nearly spat the word. They were running out of time. Any moment now, Mazur would give up his little show to take possession of Izaak's mind and all hell would break loose.

  For you, but it's the most difficult thing you've asked me to do.

  He knew that. He also wasn't positive she would be able to keep her word should she believe he was in trouble.

  Andre is close by. I do not know how close. Should there be trouble, reach out on the common path and call to him. He will come for you.

  He said no more. He let go of Gabrielle and reached for the darkness in him. The demons that drove him. They settled into him like old friends, familiar cloaks that covered every bit of humanity, leaving only the warrior, the predator.

  He waited. Crouched. Calm. His heart rock steady. His breathing unchanged. Still, the monster was there, close to the surface, stretching, ready. Waiting with him.

  He felt Mazur invade Izaak's mind. The vampire struck, a piercing spear of pain, deliberately cruel. Izaak cried out. Screamed in pain. Went to his knees clasping his head in his hands. Vaugn leapt back, looking scared as if he wanted to run. Denny smirked and moved closer, obviously enjoying the torture of Izaak, a man he had known since the man had been a boy.

  Aleksei didn't wait. He struck at Mazur, a hard blow, meant to end the battle before it really began. He used the trap of Izaak's mind to gain control, pushing hard into the master vampire's rotten mind, breaking through every barrier so the rot was exposed. So that his every pawn and puppet were at Aleksei's command. Mazur had no real choice; he turned to flee, desperate to save himself as his brain began to fragment.

  There was no holding on to his ability to keep his human image. The rot and decay was so severe, he stood, his flesh sloughing from his bony skeletal frame. His teeth were all filed to points, stained black and red. His nose was no more than a hole in his face and his eyes were sunken and red. He screeched his fury and fear as his thick head of hair disappeared to be replaced by nothing but patches of long dull strands of gray that looked and smelled filthy.

  Aleksei hit him hard in the chest, his fist driving deep, impaling Mazur, lifting him into the air so his body weight added to the blow, helping to embed Aleksei's fist and arm deep into the chest cavity. The blow was so strong his fist traveled through muscle and bone, straight to the shriveled, blackened heart.

  Gabrielle gasped as black blood poured down over Aleksei's arm and his skin actually smoked and burned as if the substance was acid. Aleksei didn't so much as wince. Denny crawled away toward the darker shadows of the mountains. Vaugn whipped out a knife and rushed Aleksei.