Page 18 of Red Handed

  Suddenly weary, I gazed around. Shock, yes. Pride, that too. But most of all, I experienced sadness. Yellow rivers branched from the bodies lying on the floor. Not all of them were Sybilins, though. My stomach clenched, and I prayed to God I didn't find one of my friends dead.

  Ryan eased to a sitting position, weak but okay. I looked past him...and that's when I saw Kitten. She was unmoving.

  Panicked, I stumbled to her and knelt down. "Kitten?" I shook her shoulder. "Kitten!"

  Her eyelids fluttered open weakly. "What?"

  "Thank God." I sighed in relief. "Are you hurt?"

  "Only my pride," she said dryly. "One of those bastards knocked me down and tried to kiss me, but I remembered what you said and scratched its eyes out." A dark cloud blanketed her expression as her gaze scanned the room. "Is Bradley okay?"

  "I'm right here," he said, bending over her. His freckles appeared black against his too-pale skin. "You okay?"

  "I'm good," she grumbled, but she smiled up at him. "Did we win or what?"

  "Oh, yes," I said. "We won."


  In the following days, the buildings were cleaned and the injured doctored. Both Kitten and Ryan spent two days on an IV. I visited them as often as I was allowed. There was always another agent in Ryan's room, though, so I never got a chance to talk to him about the kiss. And I wanted to talk to him. Badly.

  One of those days I was summoned to Angel's office. She didn't say a word as she blindfolded me and drove me away from the school. Sweat beaded over my skin. My nails bit into my palms. I expected my memory to be wiped for daring to break a rule and kiss an instructor (and wanting to do it again), but she merely escorted me...somewhere and sat me down at the only piece of furniture in the room. A table.

  She removed the hood, and I blinked against the sudden light. "Where am I?" I asked nervously.

  "An abandoned warehouse we like to use."

  "For what?" I gulped past the lump in my throat.

  Angel hooked a lock of light brown hair behind her ear, her expression unreadable. "You'll see."

  "I thought I got three strikes, not two. I thought--" My mother entered, and my mouth formed a large O. "Mom?"

  "Phoenix." She hesitated in the doorway, then tilted her chin with determination and marched forward. "How are you?"

  Angel stepped away from the table, giving us a sense of privacy without actually giving us privacy.

  I pushed to my feet. I couldn't believe this. It was more surreal than having Outers attack the camp.

  "How are you?" my mom repeated. Her familiar brown eyes swept over me. "You look well."

  "I am," I said shakily. "You?"

  "I'm good." She chewed on her bottom lip. "They tell me you're doing well. That they test you every day and you're clean."

  "I am."

  "I--I'm proud of you." Her features crumpled, followed quickly by her shoulders. She stared down at her hands.

  Had she just said...surely she hadn't...

  "I am. I'm proud of you. I let you go without saying good-bye, and I've hated myself ever since. I just--"

  With those words, I experienced a tide of relief. Of joy. Of happiness. I rushed to her and wrapped her in my arms. "It's okay. Really. Sending me to camp was the best thing that could have ever happened to me. I'm clean. I've made great friends, and I finally have a purpose."

  "That's all I've ever wanted for you." She squeezed me tightly. "I love you."

  "And I love you."

  Angel piped in and said, "We need to get back, Ms. Germaine. I'm sorry."

  My mom scrubbed her watery eyes with the back of her wrist, and gave Angel a half smile. "I understand."

  I hugged her again. "Write me."

  "I will. I miss you."

  "I miss you, too."

  This time, we said good-bye. I smiled the entire drive to camp, joy bubbling from me. My mother loved me. She was proud of me. Life had never been better.

  The next day, all of the students were called together. We'd partied here before, but now we were going to celebrate our victory. There were decorations and streamers, a colorful, festive river. Music played in the background. I stood off to the side, watching the dancing.

  Kitten looked completely healed and was locked in a tight embrace with Bradley, not caring who saw them. Cara danced with Erik, and there was worship in his eyes. I experienced a pang of envy. I wanted that with Ryan. And I knew I couldn't have it.

  Speaking of Ryan, where was he? He was out of the hospital, I knew that much. I wanted to see him. Needed to see him.

  Just then, Boss entered the room. Conversations tapered to quiet, and the music died down. Ryan was beside him as if my thoughts had summoned him. My heart hammered against my ribs and my gaze drank him up. His gaze did the same to me. The rest of the instructors, including Allison, Mia, Angel, and Siren, entered, as well, and lined up behind him.

  Boss spoke, his voice echoing throughout the room as if he wore a mic. "I want to commend each and every one of you for your bravery. You handled yourselves like true agents. I'm proud. Very proud."

  Everyone cheered.

  He allowed it to continue for several minutes, then held up his hand for silence. "You were given a glimpse of just how evil some aliens can be. I hope this strengthens your resolve to become the best agent you can be."

  Kitten, Emma, and the rest of our gang inched beside me, and they were nodding. Hell, even I nodded. I wanted to be a good agent. The best. I wanted to protect my world. My friends. My mother.

  "There are far worse out there," Boss continued. "But as for today, we aren't going to worry about them. Now that everyone is healed and out of medical, we're going to celebrate. Dance. Eat. Laugh. Classes are dismissed for the rest of the afternoon. Tomorrow, however, we'll continue on schedule."

  Cheers abounded once more. Clapping. Whistling. Once by one, the instructors filed out of the room. My gaze bore into Ryan's back until the last possible second. The music kicked up again and kids started dancing, arms flying, bodies flailing. Bradley and Erik high-fived before Bradley pulled Kitten back onto the dance floor. Erik grabbed Cara and followed suit.

  A tall, handsome boy approached Emma and asked her to dance. She glanced at me with uncertainty, and I nodded encouragingly. Her cheeks reddened, but she nodded. The boy grinned, and the two of them were off.

  Alone, I sighed.

  Not knowing my punishment for kissing Ryan was the only black spot in my life. Well, I can fix that. Yeah, I could. Right now. Knowing what I had to do, I raced after Boss, spying him and the others in the hallway. "Boss," I called.

  All of the instructors turned toward me, confused. Boss stopped, faced me, and dismissed the others with a wave of his hand. Everyone but Ryan. He latched onto Ryan's wrist, holding him in place.

  "Now is as good a time as any," he said. "My office. Both of you." He was wearing his dark glasses, so I couldn't read his expression. His voice, though, was harsh.

  My heart began pounding in my chest as I followed behind him, through restricted area after restricted area and into his office. Ryan didn't look at me. His back was stiff, his hands clenched into fists.

  Ryan took a position in front of the desk. I came up beside him as Boss claimed the chair in front. The multiple screens behind him were blank.

  Ryan didn't deserve to be kicked out just because we'd kissed, but neither did I. We'd done a good job with the Sybilins. That should matter more than a little rule breaking. In my opinion, at least.

  "Is there something you two want to tell me?" Boss leaned back and anchored his hands over his middle.

  "I kissed her," Ryan said at the same time I said, "I kissed him."

  We shared an exasperated look. Shut up, he mouthed.

  You shut up, I returned.

  "Both of you shut up," Boss said. "You knew better than to do such a thing. Didn't you?"


  "Didn't you?" he barked.

  "Yes," we said in unison.

worked his jaw. "How do you think you should be punished then?"

  Ryan slapped a hand against the desktop. "Phoenix is not to be blamed. I'm older, and I knew better."

  "Ryan is not to be blamed, sir. Only me. I--I forced him!"

  Ryan choked, and Boss sighed.

  "Kick me out if you feel you must," I added, "but know that you'll be losing a damn good agent."

  "Yes, I saw what you did, how you fought. For a student who has been here less than a month, your abilities continue to amaze me. I haven't seen fighting like that since Le'Ace and Mia."

  Pride filled me, overshadowing my fear. "Thank you."

  He sighed again, loud and long. "This is strike two for you, Phoenix. Ryan, strike one. Don't let it happen again. Do you understand me? Our rules are in effect for a reason."

  I swallowed against my relief, my depression, and my panic. Relief because I wasn't being kicked out. Depression because I could not kiss Ryan again. And panic because I had one more chance. Only one. If I messed up, I'd lose everything I'd come to love.

  "Get out of here. And tell everyone you were whipped or something. Otherwise I'll have a revolt. God, I'm soft."

  Without another word, I turned on my heel and strode from the room, right behind Ryan. When we were alone in the hall, he said, "I'll walk you to the Common."

  "All right." We stalked forward. I was trembling. With happiness, with dread. I had so much I wanted to say to him, but the words were suddenly frozen in my throat. He was Ryan, my Ryan, and I had to stay away from him. I couldn't be kicked out.

  "I'm proud of you," he said. "You saved me."

  Finally I found my voice. "We're even, then, because you saved me that night in the forest."

  "You're going to be the best agent this academy has ever produced and..." He pushed out a sigh. "I'm sorry I put that in jeopardy."

  "I wanted you to kiss me, Ryan." I still do. God. An entire year without kissing him. Would I survive? I'd have to, because this program had to be priority one. At least for now. So there could be no more strikes.

  A moment passed in silence, and then Ryan did the most amazing thing. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me into a shadowed corner. "What's going on?" I gasped out.

  "I set the cameras to turn off sixty seconds after we left the office." He grinned down at me. "We've got two minutes. Let's make the most of it." His lips meshed over mine, his tongue immediately thrusting inside.

  I didn't hesitate. My arms twined around his neck, pulling him as close as I could get him. If this kiss had to last us a year, I was going to make the most of it. I rubbed myself all over him, trying to sink past his skin. Trying to brand myself with him.

  His hands tangled in my hair, and he moaned. My blood was burning, raging through my veins. The kiss became so fervent, our teeth banged together. He even palmed my breast. I leaned deeper into him, silently begging for more.

  "Ryan," I urged. "More."

  "Phoenix," he moaned. He tongued me deep, so wonderfully deep.

  I sucked him with everything I had, memorizing, taking his breath and giving him mine. But all too soon, he jerked away from me. I groaned at the loss of him.

  He was panting, I was panting. With shaky hands, he righted his clothing and helped me right mine. "Time's almost up."

  We stood back in the hallway as if we'd never stepped in the corner. We kicked into motion and rounded that very corner. The Common door came into view. I could hear voices beyond it, happy voices. Laughing voices.

  At the door, Ryan stopped. I stopped. This was it. The end of the road. Ryan didn't move or speak for several seconds. Then, he folded me in a hug, whispering, "We'll find a way to make this work, Phoenix, even if we have to wait until you graduate."

  "Yes," I whispered back. Yes, yes, yes. I'd wait for him. He was so worth it. And that he was willing to wait for me...God, life was good.

  He opened the door for me, and I practically skipped past him. I felt his fingertips close around the ends of my hair, caressing, and then he was moving away from me. I expelled a breath, watching until the door closed and he disappeared.

  "Phoenix," I heard Emma call.

  I turned, unable to hold back my grin.

  She sat on the couch and motioned me over. I joined her, thinking that all suddenly felt right in my life. My mom loved me, Ryan wanted me, I had friends, I wasn't being kicked out of school, and I was turning out to be a great fighter. More than that, I hadn't broken down and used again, even under the most stressful of situations. While battling those Sybilins, drugs had been the last thing on my mind.

  "Why'd you leave the party?" I asked her.

  "I was looking for you. I wanted to make sure you were okay. Boss was pissed at you."

  "I'm better than okay," I said, my grin widening. What a difference from when I first arrived at camp. Truly. I was happier than I'd ever been.

  Look out world!

  I mean, soon I'd be an agent. A real agent. I'd patrol the streets, keeping Outers from hurting humans. "Come on." Laughing with joy, I dragged Emma back to the celebration and danced the rest of the day away.

  Like Boss had said, I was going to enjoy today to its fullest. Tomorrow was another day.

  I could hardly wait to face it.


  A year later, I found myself--at long freaking last--in bed with Ryan. We'd just spent the most amazing hour doing things we'd only been able to dream about for twelve months. I was sweaty, panting, and grinning. I was more satisfied than I'd ever been in my life.

  And yeah, he'd been able to give me an orgasm.

  "Happy graduation," he said, snuggling me close.

  "That was, without a doubt, the best present. Ever."

  He uttered a warm chuckle. "I'll probably congratulate you a few more times today."

  "I'd be pissed if you didn't. I mean, Mia asked me and the girls to join the New Chicago A.I.R. That deserves another congratulation for sure."

  "Yes, it does." His fingers traced over my arm, reminding me of the time I'd seen Erik cuddling Cara, and he kissed my temple. "Your mom okay with that? The job, I mean."

  "Yeah." I'd finally told her about the camp, what I'd learned and what I planned to do with my life. She'd been upset at first, but had slowly come to realize that having a purpose was what kept me clean.

  "I've been asked to join A.I.R. every year, but remained at the school instead," Ryan said. "Maybe I'll finally take them up on the offer."

  "Then I can congratulate you."

  "God, I hope you do."

  I rolled to my stomach, peering down at his rumpled hair and satisfied expression. "Think Kitten and Bradley are as happy as we are right now?"

  "Who knows?" He tweaked my nose. "They've broken up and gotten back together so many times I can't keep up."

  "That's better than Cara and Erik." They'd broken up for good. Erik had graduated a few months before me, and a few months into his time with A.I.R., he'd been caught with Onadyn, found guilty of selling it, and had been arrested, not to mention kicked off the force.

  He'd disappeared before anyone had been able to get answers from him, like who his supplier was and how he'd gotten them on the street undetected. Which was why Mia had asked me to hunt him down.

  He was to be my first case.

  I knew him, and I knew how dealers and users operated. I was the best choice for this mission, she'd told me. I wouldn't let her down.

  I was going to find him using all the skills I'd acquired. We were hunter and prey now, no longer friends. We couldn't be. I'd do my job. And when I catch him, Ryan can congratulate me again, I thought with a grin.

  Let the games begin.



  Gena Showalter, Red Handed

  (Series: Young Adult Alien Huntress # 1)




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