Page 5 of Running Mate

  This would be the last time she'd be with him. Damn her soul to hell, she wanted him to fuck her! "Take me that way, Jason. Take my ass."

  His hot breath sailed across her cheeks as his tongue snaked out and licked her neck. His rumbling growl reverberated against her back. "Get down on your knees."

  She did as he commanded, nearly falling to the soft ground. Jason covered her immediately, snarling at the other wolves who hovered nearby. "This bitch is mine!" he said in a voice that didn't sound like him. "Watch me fuck her."

  They were all going to watch. Their cocks jutted out from their hairy bodies, glistening with drops of pre-come. Heaven help her, but the sight of their shafts only added to her excitement. The thought that Jason's possession of her would be witnessed by all of them, while they could do nothing but stand by and watch, nearly had her climaxing on the spot.

  She heard Jason's sniffing noises behind her as he moved down her back, licking and scraping his teeth lightly against her skin. She moaned when he moved his mouth between her legs and licked her nectar, then wound his tongue around her clit and lapped her until she whimpered. He snaked his tongue into the crevice of her buttocks, licking the puckered hole until sparks of lightning-like pleasure shot to her pussy.

  When she thought she couldn't bear it any longer, he moved over her back, positioning his cock between her buttocks. He probed the small entrance with the head and slid partway in.

  She stilled, waiting for him to plunge in hard and deep. But he was gentle, taking it inch by inch until he pushed past the tight barrier, then thrust all the way inside her.

  Unable to contain her cries, she let them out, tears rolling down her cheeks at the pleasurable pain of being so filled by Jason's cock. He moved back, then drove harder. Instinctively she reached for her clit and massaged the ache that was making her mad.

  "Fuck your pussy for me, Kelsey," he said, his voice straining. She knew he held back for her, because he didn't want to hurt her. As she slipped two fingers into her dripping cunt, she no longer wanted safety or a gentle touch.

  "Give it to me, Jason. Fuck my ass hard."

  He snarled and grabbed her neck with his teeth, holding her in place as he reared back and drove deep. Sliding her fingers into her pussy, she matched his tempo as he pounded his cock in her ass. When she felt the first strains of her orgasm approach, she cried out into the already lust-filled night and dove over the edge, taking Jason with her.

  His howls rent the night air. The others watched him climax. His hot seed filled her ass, pouring down her legs and over her pussy. She took his cream and rubbed it over her still-spasming clit. Jason collapsed over her back, panting as hard as she was.

  She felt as if she were in a dream-like state, unable to even focus on the others any longer, not caring what happened to them, or to herself. She was exhausted, mentally and physically. Jason picked her up and carried her back to the house. She felt safe cradled in his strong arms and snuggled closer to his warmth.

  When they returned, he bathed her, then gently tucked her into his bed and pulled up a chair next to her. The last things she saw were dawn breaking over the tops of the trees and Jason's silhouette as he continued to sit next to her and stroke her hair.

  Then she gave up and closed her eyes, letting the bliss of sleep overtake her.


  Kelsey sat in front of the laptop, staring at a blank page.

  After what happened last night, Jason had let her sleep. When she woke, she dressed while he waited silently, then made arrangements for his limo to take her home. Before she walked out the door, he reached for her hand.

  "I never meant for this to happen. I won't apologize for who and what I am, because I was born this way. But you have all the choices here. What you decide to do with the information you have is up to you. What you choose to do with the fact that I love you is also up to you."

  She'd walked away without giving him an answer, because frankly, she didn't know what to do.

  She loved him. But she loved Jason the man, not Jason the werewolf.

  Didn't she? Right now she was having a hard time separating the two.

  This whole thing was simply too bizarre to comprehend. She had what amounted to the story of the century. Revealing the fact that werewolves were not the subject of folklore and cinema, but in fact lived among humans, had to be a Pulitzer Prize winning story in the making

  She'd be rich. And famous.

  And Jason would be ruined. No doubt hunted down and used for research. And what of the others? The ones who looked like normal people before they changed. People she ran into at the grocery story or at work. Hell, she could work with some of them for all she knew.

  Frustrated, she closed the laptop and paced her apartment, her mind no clearer now than it had been when the limo had brought her home.

  What would happen if she exposed Jason and the others? She would be responsible for not only the downfall of his political career, but no doubt the rounding up and persecution of his entire family.

  Face it, Kelsey. The world just isn't ready for people who fall outside the norm.

  The man she loved was a werewolf. But he was also a wonderful senator, a passionate man and she was crazy in love with him.

  She knew what she had to do.


  Jason refused to get the newspaper. It had been two days since Kelsey had left his house. No one had arrived yesterday morning to take him away. No reporters hounded him for proof that he was a werewolf.

  Maybe she'd needed a day to get it together and it would be in this morning's paper. How could she walk away from a story like this?

  He stared down into his coffee, hoping the black brew would provide the answers he sought. When the doorbell rang, he jumped and glanced at the clock.

  Christ, it was five a.m. Dread filled him. The newspapers were out now. He felt incredible sorrow for what was about to happen to his family, to the people who'd loved him and protected the family secret for centuries. He'd let them down. He'd ruined them.

  With a sigh, he rose from the table and went to face his accusers.

  But when he opened the door, there were no reporters.

  Just Kelsey, holding out his morning paper. "It's a little wet. Your sprinklers just came on."

  He took it from her hands, too dumbfounded to even speak.

  "You gonna let me in?"

  "Yeah. Sorry." He watched her walk into the kitchen and grab a cup, pouring herself some coffee and sliding into a chair.

  "Mmm, I needed this," she said, holding the cup with both hands.

  "Kelsey, why are you here?"

  "I have questions. Lots of them."

  "Okay." What did that mean? That she was going to wait to write her story until she got more details?

  "Like what it means when I become lupine. And pups. Do we really have pups or will our kids be human?"


  "Jason! Wake up! I have too many questions for you to have your head in the clouds."

  "Did you just say 'when' you become lupine?" He had to be dreaming this.

  "Yes. And don't forget the part about pups. That I really want to know about because I love kids."

  "Me too." He stepped toward her and kneeled, almost afraid to touch her in case she was an hallucination. "I love you, Kelsey."

  He didn't misread the warmth in her eyes. "I love you too, Jason. Werewolf or not, I can't live without you."

  His heart nearly burst from his chest at the realization that she was not only going to keep his secret, but that she wanted to be with him. He stood and pulled her up, then kissed her with all the love he felt. And what he received in return convinced him that he'd made the right choice in his mate.

  Her eyes had darkened and her lips curled into a sexy smile. "Now, about my questions."

  "Later. Right now, I need to properly propose to you. In bed." He swooped her into his arms and took the stairs two at a time.

  "Someday, Jason, I'm going to write this story,"
she said as he laid her on the bed and began to peel her clothes off.

  "Someday Kelsey, we'll want the world to know all about it."

  But not today. Today, it was enough that she knew, that she accepted, and that she loved him.

  About the author:

  Jaci Burton has been a dreamer and lover of romance her entire life. Consumed with stories of passion, love and happily ever afters, she finally pulled her fantasy characters out of her head and put them on paper. Writing allows her to showcase the rainbow of emotions that result from falling in love.

  Jaci lives in Oklahoma with her husband (her fiercest writing critic and sexy inspiration), stepdaughter and three wild and crazy dogs. Her sons are grown and live on opposite coasts and don't bother her nearly as often as she'd like them to. When she isn't writing stories of passion and romance, she can usually be found at the gym, reading a great book, or working on her computer, trying to figure out how she can pull more than twenty-four hours out of a single day.

  Jaci welcomes mail from readers. You can write to her c/o Ellora's Cave Publishing at P.O. Box 787, Hudson, Ohio 44236-0787


  Also available Jaci Burton:

  A Storm For All Seasons 1: Summer Heat

  League of 7 Seas: Dolphin's Playground


  Passion In Paradise 1: Paradise Awakening

  Passion In Paradise 2: Paradise Revival

  Passion In Paradise 3: Paradise Discovery

  Discover for yourself why readers can't get enough of the multiple award-winning publisher Ellora's Cave. Whether you prefer e-books or paperbacks, be sure to visit EC on the web at for an erotic reading experience that will leave you breathless.



  Jaci Burton, Running Mate

  (Series: Devlin Dynasty # 1)




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