“No,” Benn said.

  “Not exactly,” Press said at the same time.

  Spader’s forehead wrinkled. “Which is it?” he asked, confused.

  “Both,” Press answered quickly. “I’ve been traveling all over Cloral, visiting the different habitats. Your father was kind enough to get me temporary work with him.”

  “Press isn’t around very often, so I thought I’d invite him to join us for your party,” Benn added.

  Spader studied Press. He seemed like a decent sort, and his father obviously thought highly of him. So he wondered why his father had never mentioned him before.

  “Press and I met right after you left to start your training at the academy,” Benn said, as if he’d read Spader’s mind. “I’m sure you’ll be running into each other now and again.”

  “So, you’re off to a new habitat tomorrow?” Press said.

  “Sure am,” Spader said. “I’d be happy being an aquaneer just about anywhere, but Grallion was my first choice. It’s a spiff assignment.”

  “You’re lucky it wasn’t taken away from you after your behavior that last day at the academy,” Benn said.

  Spader frowned at the reminder that he’d disappointed his dad. He noticed Press’s glance flick quickly from him to his father. “Ahhh, school days,” Press said. “Gotta admit, I got up to my own fair share of hijinx back in the day.” He winked at Spader. “I bet there are stories about your dad’s time back at the academy.”

  Spader grinned. “Yeah, old man,” he teased his father. “I bet Mum has some stories to tell.”

  Now Benn threw his head back and laughed. “Don’t get her started! I’ll never be able to scold you again!” He threw an arm across Spader’s shoulders and gave him a squeeze. Spader’s mood instantly brightened.

  “Let’s take this party to the water,” Spader called. “Who’s up for a few spins around Point Clarion?”

  A cheer went up. Everyone grabbed their globes and their gear and headed for the door.

  “Should the old-timers join the next generation?” Press asked.

  “Hobey!” Benn said with a grin. “Why should the young ones have all the fun?”

  “What are we waiting for?” Spader said. “Let’s go!”

  “Welcome to Grallion!” Wu Yenza, Grallion’s chief aquaneer, strode to the center of a catwalk above the loading dock where Spader and the other new recruits stood awaiting work assignments.

  It was finally happening. His first day of “real life”—on his own, with an important job where he got to spend all his time on the water.

  “We work hard, we work safe, and our work is for the good of Grallion. We keep things coming and going, and we take great pride in it. I expect each and every one of you to live up to the high standards and feel proud to call yourselves aquaneers.”

  Spader beamed; he was already proud to be there.

  “We work in teams; there’s very little we can do successfully alone. You’re going to rotate through shifts and tasks in your first months here.”

  Wu Yenza began calling out names and teams. Spader hadn’t realized there were so many crews and departments. Then he heard something he hadn’t expected: Per Watsu’s name.

  Spader frowned. A dark cloud called Per Watsu just blotted out the bright and sunny days up ahead.

  “Okay, let’s start this day!” Wu Yenza declared. “Smooth waters, everyone.”

  Spader passed Per as he headed toward his work crew.

  “I hope I get my transfer soon,” Per grumbled as he walked by Spader. “I wanted to go to Prongo, but there was a waiting list.”

  “Hey, mate, if there’s anything I can do to help hurry that transfer along, just let me know,” Spader said. “I’m as eager to see you on another habitat as you are to be there.”

  “I was just lucky Wu Yenza wasn’t there to see the mess I’d made,” Kor Tradco said, laughing. “I’d have been transferred for sure!”

  Spader laughed and helped himself to another plateful of grilled Kooloo fish. Tradco, another new aquaneer, lived in the flat next door to Spader’s and had invited the other aquaneers on the row over for grilled fish. Spader was happy to see that Per hadn’t come.

  “Wu Yenza is tough,” Bry Loran, one of the older aquaneers, said. “But she’s fair.”

  “She really knows her stuff,” Ara Renton, another senior aquaneer agreed. She took a swig of her graka. “When we were hit by that rogue wave, I thought we were done for. But Yenza got us through.”

  “We had storm training at the academy,” Spader said. “They can be real tum-tiggers.”

  “The unpredictability,” Ara said. “That’s the hardest part.”

  “Like with raiders,” Loran said. “They appear out of nowhere.”

  “Don’t I know it,” Spader said, settling beside Loran on the ground. “Raiders hit right in front of the academy the day before graduation.”

  “I heard there’s been raider activity over near Crasker,” Ara said.

  Loren nodded. “Makes sense. It’s foggy around Crasker—great way to sneak up on a vessel.”

  “They try something with me again, and they’ll wish they were in the city of Faar,” Spader said. “I’d make ’em vanish just as completely.”

  “Well, the Kooloo fish vanished,” Tradco said. “Should I put another one on?”

  “You have to ask?” Loran said. He held up his empty plate.

  Spader lay back to watch the light changing as night approached. He sighed with contentment. Good mates, a job to be proud of, and exciting challenges ahead—and a chance to prove he really had the stuff to make a great aquaneer. This was one spiff life.

  As long as Per Watsu stayed out of his way.


  Hobey!” Spader punched his fist in the air in excitement. “Real duty!”

  Tradco peered over Spader’s shoulder at the work rotation list posted at the aqua center. He let out a whistle. “Lucky you, mate. Loading dock. Where the action is.”

  During the probationary period the juniors were cycled through different departments. Once they were full aquaneers, they’d spend most of their time at the docks, but Wu Yenza wanted them to understand how their work was supported by other departments, and how what they did was critical to the smooth running of Grallion.

  “What did you pull?” Spader asked.

  Tradco sighed. “The alt power depot.”

  Spader’s forehead crinkled. “What’s alt power?” So far he’d been through the maintenance depot and the piloting depot, along with continued training on equipment and life-safety skills.

  “Wind systems,” Tradco explained. He shook his head. “Probably hasn’t been used since the time of Faar, but still they make us learn how they work.”

  “Wind?” Spader laughed. “I guess there’s a reason for it, but I can’t think what. Well, you have a party, mate. I know I will!” He clapped Tradco’s shoulders, then strode toward the loading docks and over to Wu Yenza, who stood studying her work sheet.

  “Spader reporting, right and ready,” he said.

  Yenza smiled at him. “Glad you’re so eager to work.”

  Spader grinned back. “It’s what I’m here for!”

  “It’s what we’re all here for,” Yenza reminded him with a smile. “I’ve got you on escort. Today we’ll have two of you working the dock here. It’s a busy day. The Jorsen habitat will be coming by for supplies—that’s a lot of load-out. And we’ve got the usual small cruisers, deliveries, and visitors to guide in. Your partner is also a junior, but there will be senior staff around too. If you run into trouble.”

  “We won’t!” Spader assured her.

  “Good. Here comes your partner now.”

  Spader turned and his grin froze.

  A sweet plum day just turned sour. He was paired with Per Watsu.

  Clearly Per wasn’t overjoyed to see Spader, either.

  Wu Yenza frowned. “Is there a problem here?” she asked.

  “No, no problem,?
?? Per said.

  “Good to hear. Now let’s get to work. Smooth waters.”

  “Smooth waters,” Per and Spader replied.

  Per and Spader headed toward the dock where they’d sign out their skimmers. They gave their names to the worker who was checking out the equipment for the shift.

  “Stay out of my way, Spader,” Per snarled while they waited.

  “Isn’t that kind of the job?” Spader teased. “To be sure everyone stays out of everyone else’s way?”

  The dockmen checking out their skimmers snickered. Per glared.

  “I mean it,” Per snapped. “Steer clear.” He put on his air globe. As a safety measure everyone wore buoyancy compensator belts and globes, even though they were working above water.

  “I always do,” Spader said. “But I have to say, I’m a little hurt. I was hoping we could work up a synchronized skimmer routine for Wu Yenza.”

  Now the other workers in the area began to listen.

  “I can see it now,” Spader said, enjoying the ridiculous image of performing with Per on skimmers. “We can start by crisscrossing a few times. Then we come to a sharp stop and do ever-widening circles. Can’t you see it?”

  The other workers obviously could. They were all smiling and laughing.

  “We should find out what her favorite music is and choreograph—”

  “Are you capable of being serious?” Per’s face was growing red with frustration. “Everything’s always one big joke to you.”

  “Not everything,” Spader retorted. “Just you.”

  “Ooh, got you there,” someone called out.

  “Get to work, Per. Why are you dawdling?” Spader hopped aboard his skimmer and peeled out, leaving Per in his wake.

  “Slow down, young man!” a supervising aquaneer called to him from a nearby skimmer. “It’s not a race!”

  Spader gave the woman a nod and a wave, and pulled back on the throttle. It was a race, only he and Per were the only ones who knew. And I just won! Spader gloated inwardly.

  Once Per arrived at the marking buoy that established the perimeter Spader and he would be patrolling, the aquaneer supervising their area gave them their instructions. They were expecting a habitat to arrive. While the more senior staff would attend to the habitat, Per and Spader would escort the smaller ships in. Until then, they were to direct the usual vessels loading and unloading, and keep traffic running smoothly.

  “It’s important you two stay in synch. We want to move quickly to keep everyone happy, but smartly, to keep everyone safe. Be aware of each other.”

  Spader and Per exchanged a look. “Oh, I’d say we’re aware of each other,” Spader said with a smirk.

  “Whether we want to be or not,” Per muttered.

  Spader spotted a mid-size ship approaching the perimeter buoys. “I’m on it!” he declared.

  “No, I am.” Per zipped in front of Spader, cutting him off.

  Spader gaped after him.

  “Your mate has initiative,” the aquaneer commented. “You take the next one.”

  “He’s not my mate,” Spader said, “but if he wants to play that way, I’m game.” He quickly angled the skimmer toward another arriving vessel.

  “Hobey, mates!” he called up to the people on board the cruiser. “I’m Spader, your Grallion welcoming committee!”

  “Nice to meet you, lad,” the man on deck said with a grin. “Let’s take this in.”

  “Sweet and smooth,” Spader said. And faster than Per, he thought. “Let’s give it some zip,” he said. “Best way to not get stuck behind a plugger.”

  Spader took off at a quick clip, using his minispeaker to call back instructions to the pilot navigating through the busy waters. He glanced in Per’s direction. Excellent. A vessel towing a platform was crossing right in front of Per and the ship he was guiding. They were going to have to wait.

  Spader kept his eyes peeled for traffic, but it was clear all the way in. As he was leaving the docking zone, he passed Per. “Even giving you a head start I beat you,” Spader said.

  Per ignored him and Spader laughed. He had just brought in his first vessel and showed up Per at the same time. Pretty nice.

  Spader passed a small craft that didn’t seem to be going anywhere. He went over to find out what was going on. “Not a good place to park,” he said.

  “I can’t figure out why it’s stalled,” the woman at the controls said.

  “Hang on, maybe I can help.”

  He stopped the skimmer and dove below. He instantly saw the problem. Somehow she had gotten kelp in the intake, cutting off the supply of water that powered the engines.

  He reached into his water boot and pulled out his trusty knife. It was a beaut—large, with a silver handle. His father had given it to him as a graduation present. Now he used it to cut away some kelp.

  He resurfaced and held up the strands. “Got your culprit right here.”

  The woman frowned. “I should have checked after I went through that patch on the way in. It’s an old system. It’s not self-regulating like the newer models.”

  “I’ll get you a tow,” Spader suggested. “It would be a natty-do if the kelp tangled farther up into the works. I can’t do a serious cleanout here.”

  “Thanks.” The woman looked relieved. “It’s embarrassing sitting here tying up traffic.”

  “Just pretend you’re keeping watch on everyone,” Spader said with a wink. “Make ’em think you’re here supervising. Like this.” He scrambled back up onto the skimmer and draped the offending kelp over the handles. He gave a little nod to a passing vessel. “Keep up the good work!” he called to the pilot.

  The woman laughed.

  “Maybe you should get back to work,” Per said as he cruised by.

  Spader watched as Per zipped to the supervisor at the buoy. They spoke for a moment, and then both turned and looked at Spader. Great. Per beat him back to the buoy and was probably bad-mouthing him besides.

  Spader kicked the skimmer into high gear. “Lady needs a tow,” Spader told the supervisor. “How do I get one to her?”

  “I’ll let them know,” the supervisor said. “Good work, checking on that disabled vessel.”

  Per looked disgusted. Without a word he did a one-eighty and headed toward a new incoming.

  “That’s really your lane,” the supervisor told Spader. “You need to jump to it a bit more. The crafts come in quick and can’t wait around while you boys decide who’s going to handle what.”

  Spader’s jaw dropped, but then he shut it again. No sense in arguing with this guy—it was Per who was the problem.

  For the rest of the afternoon Spader and Per went head-to-head over who could get to an incoming vessel faster, and then who could guide them into the docks first. They even raced back to the buoys. Very quickly they stopped bothering with lanes at all and crisscrossed the harbor, each determined to guide in the most ships.

  A new vessel was coming in. Spader leaned forward, willing his skimmer to go even faster. He could see Per doing the same.

  “Back off!” Per called. “This one’s mine!”

  “Gotta beat me to it!” Spader called back.

  They were each kicking up wake, and Spader ignored the shouts and curses he heard around him as he deftly scooted by the smaller crafts making their way around the loading docks.

  That spinney head, Spader thought as he and Per both raced toward the bow of the vessel. He’s not going to back down. Well, neither am I.

  “Get back to the buoy!” Per shouted, heading straight toward Spader.

  “You go back,” Spader said. “It’s my turn!”

  “There are no turns!” Per yelled. “Just the job!”

  You want to play that way, fine, Spader thought. He knew any minute Per would have to change direction.

  Only he didn’t.

  He’s crazy! Spader thought, his heart racing.

  At the last possible moment Spader made a sharp turn. The skimmer responded instantly and s
pun off out of Per’s way. The sudden shift and Spader’s unbalanced weight tipped the skimmer over sideways, throwing Spader into the water. The skimmer lay on its side like a misshapen buoy—right in the path of the oncoming vessel.


  Spader watched the collision with horrified eyes. The vessel plowed directly into the skimmer, forcing it under.

  If I’d been on the skimmer… Spader didn’t want to think about that.

  The cruiser came to a stop, and a swarm of aquaneers appeared to assess the problem. Spader swam toward them, eager to help.

  “Stay back,” his supervisor barked.

  “I’m in the water,” Spader offered, “Let me go below and—”

  “You’ve done enough already.”

  A rescue raft arrived. “Get in,” the operator said.

  “I’m fine,” Spader said. “I’ll swim back.”

  “And continue to be a danger out here? You’ll do no such thing.”

  Thoroughly humiliated, Spader climbed into the raft. The only good thing was that Per was also being sent in. He glumly watched the senior staff bring in the vessel—the job he and Per were supposed to do.

  “No excuse,” Wu Yenza declared. Her eyes flashed with anger. “An aquaneer’s only concern is safety. Not who does it the fastest or with the most style. But who keeps the docks running smoothly and with no accidents. Instead, you two cause accidents.”

  Spader gazed down at the floor, feeling his stomach turn over.

  “I’ve had reports that you two were in some kind of race all day,” she continued. “Well, this little competition of yours nearly cost us a vessel’s safe entry. It did cost us a skimmer. Actually”—she turned her angry eyes to Spader—“that’s going to cost you several months’ pay. Accidents happen, but this you brought on yourself.”

  “Understood,” Spader said.

  Yenza paced her office. “Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t let you both go?”

  Per grew pale. “I’m waiting for placement on Prongo,” he said. “If I lose this position, they’ll never take me.”

  “If you two are let go from Grallion, it’s unlikely either of you will be aquaneers,” Yenza said flatly.