I lay in my bed, my heart sinking in my chest as I breathed heavily, tears sitting at the edge of my eyelids. I had been branded insane for ten days and the idea of being thought of as sick felt as if I was constantly falling off an edge. I would fall but never hit the ground. I wondered when I would hit the ground. Or would I continue falling into a deeper darkness for the rest of my life? What was my life? How much longer would it even last? Tears swept down my face, my heart falling faster, dropping in my chest to oblivion. I closed my eyes and watched as I stood on the edge of a canyon, staring down into the darkness that never seemed to end. Behind me was what life had become, a confusing and frightening fog. I didn’t even know what meaning stood there anymore. I looked below me to the emptiness of the canyon. There was no escape. Walking on the edge of a cliff, a fine line between death and the horrors of life, not knowing what to choose, where to go. Walking lost at the edge of chaos, where reason was lost and sanity had fallen below. Darkness, oblivion and I was lost.