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  Clever Little Book

  Elaina Davis


  Copyright 2012 Elaina Davis

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  CLEVER LITTLE BOOKS, a division of GrandBelle Publishing.Inc.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever. For information contact the author directly at: [email protected]

  Cover design by Alegna Media Designs

  Edited by Wendy Mills

  For information about special discounts for bulk purchases, please contact the author directly at: [email protected]

  Table of Contents



  Note From the Author


  Part I

  Chapter 1 Worth The Wait

  Chapter 2 Young Isabel

  Chapter 3 Just a Dream?

  Chapter 4 “Bob...”

  Chapter 5 The Book

  Chapter 6 Root of All Evil

  Chapter 7 The Boxes

  Chapter 8 Just Another Dream?

  Chapter 9 A Chance Encounter

  Chapter 10 And Just What IS Love?

  Part II

  Chapter 11 The Lover's Dream

  Chapter 12 The Siren's Song

  Chapter 13 Another Chance Encounter?

  Chapter 14 The Key


  “Clever Little Book,” was inspired by “The Great One,” and so it is to Him ALONE that I attribute it....


  However, I would like to acknowledge my MOTHER, Doris E. Davis who taught me the value of a strong work ethic and the importance of telling people exactly how I feel about any and everything. I haven't always carried it out for one reason or another, but I had the perfect example of how it should be done. “Mommy,” you did so much with what you had to make every birthday and every holiday special. Every contest I entered as a child or a play or musical, you showed up! You encouraged my talents and always bragged about them to people. You still do. It has meant so much to me. I appreciate you. Thank You, “Mommy.”


  And my FATHER, Daniel Davis Jr. who instilled in me the spirit of “The Dreamer.” “Daddy,” I always admired your desire to be more than someone's employee. How you weren't afraid to take a chance at what felt good to you regardless to the outcome. That desire has lighted a fire in me that is not easily extinguished. As a result I have wandered from profession to profession searching for that special something that I do well and easily. My wandering has not been in vain. Finally, I believe I have found it. You never ceased to cherish me. I appreciate all the times you told me how special, intelligent and how beautiful a child I was. All the hugs and kisses. How you always made me to feel like I was your favorite. The words that have served me most in life came from your lips. Thank You, “Daddy”


  My MOST Prized Possession, My Fierce Guardian and Keeper, My First Love, The General! My SON, “Khalif D. Davis.” Son, you are nothing less than amazing and have been since a child. While I was supposed to be teaching you, it was actually you who taught me so many things. I value your advice and your position on any matter. You are the closest and most cherished in my heart, second to NONE but “The Great One.” Because I had you to bounce ideas off of, over my shoulder saying, “Ma, that's over kill. Ma, I wouldn't say it that way, Ma make it bigger, that's too broad, take them there,” The novel I once only dreamed of writing is now my reality. Thank You Son and Your Beautiful Wife, My Perfect Daughter n law, Alithia (a.k.a T.I.L.I.A) wink!


  And my “GrandBelle.” YOU are the apple of your Granny's eye...


  My Beloved and Most Esteemed Pastors, “PATTY JAMES of WordUp Ministries Woodbridge, NJ” and “DARRIN MONROE” of Chosen Generation Ministries Newark, NJ.” What imagery could accurately describe you both? What words could truly convey all that you two have done and all you have been to me?...The gifts and talents that I possess were given to me of “The Great One,”...but they were activated, cultivated and made ALIVE at the laying on of YOUR hands. I appreciate you and your AWESOME Ministries! My heart is torn between the two. I count you BOTH as HOME...


  And Shayla Kilpatrick, Latoya Mckenith, Medina Manuel, Zaire Powell, and Anwar Walker. In my heart, you guys are MINE!


  Thank You Alegna Media Designs, for the Amazing Book Cover! You brought my idea to life RADIANTLY and displayed my vision for all the world to see!


  Thank You Wendy Mills, Editor EXTRODINAIRE! I have entrusted to you my first completed manuscript. With hours of my labor. With my imagination and my own unique personality. With the thoughts of my mind and the emotion which flowed from my heart onto have NOT failed me.

  You have served me with EXCELLENCE!


  And Kelly R. Mckenith, it is said, “Out of sight Out of mind,” but I say NOT SO!Your memory lives on in my heart and will for EVER! I always thought it would be you who was the Best Selling Author, while I stood by and applauded you in all of your glory. You were always writing something and encouraged me to write as well. You gave me my first diary and trusted me to read the pages of your own. Those things you shared with me will not leave my lips, even in your death. R.I.P Friend...


  My all time FAVORITE Band “Black Fluid” originating in my hometown of Newark, New Jersey. Unbeknownst to you, many nights I listen to “Cross Hairs,” over and over into the wee hours of the morning. It is one of the most moving songs I have EVER heard. I and Isabel's father have come to call it, “The Lover's Creed...” As soon as I can, I am making a special trip back to New Jersey just to hear

  “Cross Hairs”...LIVE!


  To All Those who will purchase my books as they come, and who will join Isabel, Raul and Me on our never ending journey...I THANK YOU in Advance for believing in my dream and in my ability to entertain, to uplift and to encourage your human spirits which is my earnest desire...

Elaina Davis's Novels