

  Happy New Year! Do you have any resolutions? My resolution this year is to make my new foster parents want me. Maybe this will be better. I feel like it's something I'm doing. Well, I know it is. The last family I was with adopted the other girl I was with instead of me. The social worker says I read too much. But I love reading. I'll try to do it a little less, though, just in case that's it.

  Yes, it snows here. At least where I am. But it didn't snow for Christmas. I'm not sure it would have felt like Christmas even if it had. No Christmases have felt the same since I left home.


  Chapter 6

  12 Years Old


  There was blood on your last message. I know it's not a nose bleed. I'm not an idiot. It's the second time it's happened. Tell me what's going on. Let me help you. I'll get on a bus and be there. Just tell me to come.




  I'm fine. I've been getting nose bleeds because of the altitude I think. You don't have to come. I'm really okay. You don't have to worry about me. I can take care of myself. I'm not as small as you remember. I'm at least a foot taller, I swear.
