Page 6 of Jason

  "So without the ardeur binding you to her, you'd never have been attracted to women at all?" she asked.

  I shook my head. "Nope."

  "That would be hard, and the memories you have of Jean-Claude and others being with women are all guy memories, so you don't have the equipment to do what you remember."


  Her pretty face was very serious, and watching the intelligence behind her blue eyes made me understand even more why Jason had decided this was the one. Smart is sexy.

  "Too much talking, not enough sex," Jason said, from where he was propped beside J.J.

  From behind me Nathaniel said, "Agreed."

  "How do we stop all the talking and get to the sex?" Jason asked.

  I lay back on the bed so I could see them both. J.J. and I watched them go back and forth like a sexy tennis match.

  "Pounce," Nathaniel said.

  "Pounce?" Jason made it a question with a lift of his voice.

  Nathaniel nodded solemnly. "Pounce."

  "Cats"--he rolled his eyes--"but it works for me."

  They pounced.


  MUCH LAUGHTER AND giggling later, the boys convinced us both that words were extras we didn't need. I lay on my back, looking down the line of my body at Nathaniel's face as he licked between my legs with long, sweeping strokes of his tongue. He'd unfastened the hidden snap on the teddy to reach me, pushing the cloth up to my waist. J.J. lay beside me with her blue silk pushed up as far, and Jason's face mostly hidden against her body.

  I was already making small, eager noises when J.J.'s body spasmed up from the bed as if a string had pulled her upward and held her for a long, impossible moment, her face slack, eyes wide, and then her body began to shake with the force of her orgasm.

  Nathaniel hesitated a second, as we both watched her writhe and almost dance over the bed, as Jason kissed and sucked her. Nathaniel brought his longer strokes quicker and more often over that one sweet spot. J.J.'s hand reached out and I found myself holding her hand as that warmth built low in my body, and Nathaniel began to swirl his tongue in nearly circular motions, quick, but pressing a little more firmly over that one spot, each time he licked over it. The pressure and warmth built inside me, low and growing between my legs, until one last lick pushed me over the edge and the orgasm rolled up and over me. My head went back, my spine bowed, and I screamed my pleasure to the headboard.

  I felt J.J.'s hand spasm in mine, but it was a distant thing. I clung to her hand as my body bucked and writhed, and Nathaniel kept licking and sucking, helping the orgasm last longer, so that it was wave after wave of pleasure, until my eyes fluttered closed and I was blind from the pleasure of it.

  I felt the bed move, a second before I heard, "Trade me." I knew it was Jason's voice. I might have asked what he meant, but I was still quivering on the bed with happy aftershocks.

  I felt him lick me, and knew it was him, or rather that it wasn't Nathaniel, before I managed to open my eyes enough to be absolutely sure. He looked up at me with that happy darkness in his eyes, and blue eyes held that dark, just as good as any other color. It wasn't a darkness of hue, but of intention. It was a possessive, a surety, a "This is mine."

  I wasn't his, but in that moment I sort of was, and the knowledge of it was there in his eyes. It made me turn my head so I could see Nathaniel with J.J.--we'd negotiated that oral without barrier was okay between us all. J.J. was human, the only full human in the bed, which meant she could catch and carry disease. Whether I was still human enough to do the same remained to be seen, but caution was better. She'd tested clean and hadn't added any new lovers since, so we rolled the dice, pretty sure it was okay. Sleeping with lycanthropes and vampires had spoiled me. They couldn't catch or carry any disease, so fluid sharing wasn't as big a deal. In so many ways, humans were more dangerous.

  J.J.'s breathing quickened as her body began to build quickly to the next climax. I tensed up, and Jason noticed enough to draw back and say, "It's okay, Anita, it's not a race."

  "Sorry," I said. I had trouble relaxing with another woman in the bed doing certain things, because Domino had discovered I was slower achieving orgasm through oral, especially the second or third time, where most women climaxed faster the more foreplay their partner did. It was also partly a very old hang-up from my ex-fiance in college, who had made me feel badly that I took so long to come like this, though I'd learned that it was his lack of skill, not my body, that had been at fault. I'd thought I'd exorcised that particular demon, until I started having sex with another woman in the bed; funny what will raise the old ghosts. Domino had asked permission to get advice from Jason, so he knew.

  Jason smiled up at me. I expected him to make some teasing remark, but he didn't. "I know it costs you something to include other women; I don't understand it, but I know it does, so thank you."

  "You're welcome" seemed a little formal under the circumstances, but I said it anyway.

  He grinned up at me, grabbed a pillow, and said, "Make a bridge." I rose up so he could put the pillow underneath me, to help him stay at the angle he needed without hurting his neck.

  J.J. made small, eager noises as Nathaniel brought her again. We both looked to that side of the bed, watching our nearest and dearest be all intimate with each other. Then Jason settled himself between my legs and began to lick, suck, and kiss his way over and around me. It felt amazing, but I was distracted by the other side of the bed and J.J.'s breathing already speeding up, again.

  Jason bit my inner thigh a little harder than most people liked it. It caught my breath in my throat and made me stare down at him.

  "That's better," he said. "I want more of that look in your eyes." His voice was already a little deeper, from whatever he'd just seen on my face.

  He licked and nibbled, and started adding small bites in; sometimes that distracted me from any orgasm, but if the mood was right, it added to it. Jason was a good judge of it. He'd bite, and I'd make a pain noise, not a happy noise, and he'd back off and go back to licking and sucking; then he'd bite on the sides of me, and if that brought happy noises, he'd try biting, semi-gently, over the sweet spot in the center. When my breathing quickened from it, spine arching a little, he bit harder. I cried out from it, and he took more of me into his mouth and shook like a dog with a toy. I screamed my orgasm for him, hands scrambling for something to hold on to, as he worried at me with teeth and mouth, until I waved him off. We had hand signals because sometimes the orgasms left us all wordless while we shook and quivered with the aftermath of it.

  He licked me one more time up the middle. It made me cry out, and dragged my upper body off the bed as if someone had pulled me upward by some invisible string, and then cut it to send me collapsing to the bed again.

  Jason was above me on all fours, staring down into my fluttering eyelashes. His eyes had gone to that pale spring green of his wolf form. There was something about doing oral sex that way that brought his beast closer to the surface.

  "Did she just go from you biting her there?" J.J. asked.

  "Yes," Jason said, but he said it while looking into my face.

  I fought to turn my head, so I could see her propped up on her elbows, looking at us. Nathaniel lay beside her, one arm thrown across her hips, his face nestled against her body. The look in his eyes was full of that eager darkness, turning them to a deeper violet.

  "You enjoyed it," she said.

  Jason looked at her then, let her see the wolf eyes. "Yes," and there was an edge of growl in his voice now.

  "You can never, ever do that to me," she said.

  "I know," he said.

  "Is that what you meant about rough?"

  "Part of it," he said.

  "What's the other part?" she asked.

  "You said no to intercourse with Nathaniel. That leaves you just watching while we fuck."

  "You know I'm a voyeur," she said.

  "Me, too," Nathaniel said, still cuddled against her body.

imes I think you'd rather watch than participate," I said.

  "Sometimes," he said with a smile, "but not tonight. I want to watch, as foreplay."

  "You want to help me demonstrate?" Jason asked with a grin.

  "Go, team," Nathaniel said, grinning back.

  "The three of you have sex together a lot, don't you?" she asked.

  "He's my best friend," Jason said.

  "You know, most guys watch sports with their best friends," J.J. said.

  "I don't like sports."

  "I've done wilder things than this, just never with anyone I cared about," she said.

  "You want to back out?" he asked.

  She shook her head. "No, I want to watch you fuck."

  "Good, because I want you to watch us fuck." He looked down at me again; his eyes were back to human. In fact, a lot of the heat had cooled.

  "We talked too long," I said.

  He looked down at his body. "You'll have to help get me back in the mood."

  "Always glad to help a friend," I said.

  He grinned and then laughed. "Then go down on me until I'm hard"--he leaned down and spoke low--"and then let's show J.J. what I mean by rough."

  "Let's," I said, and smiled up at him.


  JASON STAYED ON his knees, and I half sat up so that I could use my hands as well as my mouth. I spilled my mouth over him, sucking him until I could press my lips tight against the front of his body. He was only partially erect, so it was easier to force my mouth over him and hold all of him in my mouth. I played gently with his balls with one hand and kept the other on his waist/butt area, both to touch him and as a sort of balance point.

  I kept myself pressed as tight as I could to his body, sucking and rolling him in my mouth, because I'd learned that as long as I stayed this deep with a man partially soft, he didn't seem to harden as quickly, so I could enjoy the sensation of all of him in my mouth without fighting my gag reflex to do it, but apparently from the outside looking in, it looked even more impressive, because . . .

  "How can you deep-throat him that long?" J.J. asked from where she had propped up on the pillows on their side of the bed.

  I rolled my eyes toward her enough to see her, but I didn't want to give up my position; I knew that once I went off him long enough to answer J.J., he'd get harder and deep-throating would start to become a challenge. I was enjoying what I was doing and didn't want to give it up yet.

  Nathaniel said, "As long as you keep your mouth sealed over him like that, it takes him longer to get fully erect, so the deep-throating is easier."

  "Really?" she said.

  "Really," he said.

  I got my first hint that maybe rough sex wasn't the only thing that J.J. didn't do the same way I did. I looked up the line of Jason's body, where he knelt above me. We had a moment of eye contact, and the look was enough to let me know that J.J. didn't have my fascination for oral sex, at least not fellatio. It was one of my very favoritest things, but then J.J. had been a lesbian most of her life, so she probably rocked me out of the park on cunnilingus.

  Jason's body actually softened a little, as if he were thinking too hard about unpleasant truths, so I redoubled my efforts, sucking and rolling him around in my mouth, one hand coaxing and playing with other bits, nails digging lightly into his ass, as I felt him growing inside my mouth. He started making small involuntary sounds for me, and finally closed his eyes, his head falling forward as he breathed out, "Oh, my God."

  Only then did I draw my mouth off him slowly, letting him unfold like magic, until my mouth got to the end, and then I sucked him back inside as quick as I could, but now I had to struggle a little to drive my lips down to retouch his body with the hardness of him not just filling my mouth, but beginning to spill down my throat.

  I wrapped my hand around the base of him and began going up and down on him as fast as I could, using my hand as the new stopping point. I still couldn't breathe at the farthest point, but I wasn't staying down that far to feel like I was suffocating. It isn't always a gag reflex; sometimes it's an "I can't breathe" reflex.

  "Stop, stop, or you'll bring me," Jason said, voice thick with strain. He groped for the headboard, but he wasn't close enough to reach it. Nathaniel was there to offer a hand and steady him. Sometimes teamwork wasn't about sex; it was about making sure no one falls off the bed.

  "Condom," Jason said, and his eyes were closed. He was really fighting his body and his concentration, which meant I'd gone too far with the oral sex. There was foreplay and then there was sex besides intercourse.

  "Sorry," I said, and started to get up and reach for the bedside table and the condoms.

  "Don't apologize, that was awesome," Jason said, but his voice still held that strained waiting, and his forearm was still corded with muscle as he gripped Nathaniel's hand, like the ultimate male handshake, except this one was keeping him on his knees, and not collapsed to the bed.

  I had to turn around and crawl to the side of the bed, reaching out to the drawer and the condoms. I got a short string out, because it was easier to grab, then crawled back more securely on the bed. I was about to turn around and hand him the condoms, when he said, "Stay there."


  "Stay right there."

  "Why?" I moved enough to glance back over my shoulder at him. His eyes were open now, and they'd bled from human blue to his wolf's pale green. Something about what I was doing had excited him. I started to ask, What? and then realized the teddy had worked up around my waist, so I was nude from the waist down except for the stilettos, and his view was of my ass.

  "I take it we're doing doggy style," I said.

  "Oh, yeah," he said, and his voice was a little lower, maybe with his beast, or maybe just the testosterone that can rush through men at certain moments.

  Nathaniel took the condoms from me and handed one to Jason. He unwrapped it, tossed the wrapper off the bed, and began sliding it on. Just watching him putting it on tightened things low in my body and made me fight not to offer him my ass like I was in heat. If it had just been the three of us, I probably would have, but with J.J. watching it felt a little slutty, or animalistic; either way, not in front of company.

  "You sure you're okay with this?" he asked, and it took me a second to realize he wasn't talking to me.

  J.J. said, "Don't you dare stop now, I loved watching her go down on you."

  He smiled at her and turned, with the smile changing slightly as he looked down at me. "Do it, Anita, just do it, don't hold back."

  I thought I knew what he meant, because I let myself arch my ass up toward him, my upper body staying against the bed, face buried against the pillows.

  "God, I love it when you do that."

  He ran his hands gently across me, until I writhed for him, wanting him to finish what we'd started. He angled himself toward me, and then used his hands to move my hips slightly so the tip of him could find my opening. Just the feel of him entering me brought a soft sound from me. I loved the feeling of that first push inside.

  "Wet, but so tight," he breathed as he pushed his way inside, and there was that moment when he was buried as deep inside me as he could get and I felt his body pressed as close against mine as he could get. I loved just knowing that we were married as close as it was possible to be; there was just something about it that floated my boat up, down, and sideways.

  He began to pull himself out and then push in, finding a rhythm that was fast, but not as fast as he could be, and nowhere near as rough. I was about to tell him to be rougher, but he found just the right angle and began to pump himself over that sweet spot inside me. I didn't want to protest; I just pressed my face into the pillows and gave myself over to the growing sensation of it. I could feel the delicious weight of the orgasm building as Jason went in and out, over and over that one spot that wasn't actually that far inside, but you just had to find the right angle, and he'd found it.

  My breathing started to speed up, and then from one stroke of his
body to the next he spilled me over the edge and I was screaming my orgasm into the pillow, driving my body up onto him, as if in the throes of the orgasm I wanted to fuck him faster, harder. He didn't fight what I wanted, just grabbed my hips so that he could get a better hold to pound himself into me, because that's what he did. While I was still riding the orgasm he started fucking me as hard and fast as he could, so that our bodies slapped together. He held my hips tighter so I could no longer move against him, and it was all his body driving us together with a sound as if someone were slapping flesh against flesh, as hard and fast as he could manage it. He was faster and stronger than human-normal, so that was pretty damn fast and hard.

  I raised my face out of the pillows so my screams of pleasure were louder, echoing off the headboard, as Jason brought me again and again, and only when my screams had faded to small whimpering sounds of pleasure and I'd started to go boneless sliding back to the bed, not because I wanted to, but because I was beginning to lose control of my body, eyes fluttered closed with the multiple orgasms, only then did he finally thrust himself inside me one long, last time, burying himself as far as he could reach inside me. I felt his body shudder above me, and it made me writhe and make small noises as my body twitched with the pleasure of it all.

  I felt him shudder again and half-collapse over me, driving us both into the bed, while he was still inside me. He slipped out by the time we were both flat to the bed, his body still pinning mine, so that I could feel his heart frantic in his chest, the pulse of our bodies roaring with the fierce pleasure of it. I twitched underneath him, unable to move, or open my eyes enough to see, blind with pleasure.

  Distantly over the pounding of my own blood in my ears, I heard someone say, "Wow." I thought it was J.J. but wasn't sure, and was pretty sure in that moment I didn't care.

  Jason moved slowly, rolling to the side of me, more a controlled fall than getting up. He patted me clumsily somewhere between my back and my ass. "You're good, good you." His voice was still breathy.

  J.J. was talking. I heard her, but it was like I couldn't make sense of it. I tried to move my head and look at her, but that seemed like too much trouble, so I settled for raising a hand. It fell back to the bed without doing much, and then an aftershock hit me, so that I was writhing along the bed and making small helpless noises for a few seconds. Lying there and just enjoying the afterglow seemed like such a good idea, so I did that.