AS A CITIZEN OF DOME, I WILL obey all laws, all commands, and follow all orders given to me by the Safeties, the Government Officials, or the President. I will follow curfew and I will report any problem with my neighbors, my job, or with the Dome to a Government Official via tablet or in person. Failure to do so will result in a punishment of one to three strikes.

  AS A CITIZEN OF DOME, I WILL NOT talk back to any Safety, Government Official, or the President, whether they are in the wrong or I am. I will not leave the premises of the Domes, and I will not venture outside of the Dome walls, no matter the reason. Action upon any of these will result in a punishment of receiving one to three strikes.

  I WILL NOT ask questions about what lies outside the Dome walls. I will learn about what is out there in school, and then I will never talk about it again. If any Safety or Government Official should catch me conversing about what could possibly be beyond the Domes, I could be penalized up to two strikes.



  Colorful clothes of any shade made by Shifters and permitted by the Government Officials. For funerals, I shall wear black. All my clothes will be made by Shifters, and twice a year I shall receive new clothes to replace the old, warn, torn, or outgrown clothing in my closet/dresser. I will dispose of dysfunctional clothing immediately.

  I WILL NOT wear white, for it is the color for Government Officials. The reason for this is so that there is no confusion on who to go to if I, or another citizen, is in trouble, needs help, or I have something to report. Nor shall I wear black aside from funerals I attend. I shall not disobey the laws of Dome.


  I WILL live a happy thirty years. To do this, I must take shots to help me learn faster and medications to prevent diseases from the Doctors in my appropriate Dome. I will be placed with my perfect match at age seventeen and one-half, to marry at age eighteen and have one child at age twenty, followed by a possible second child when I turn twenty-two. When I reach the age of thirty, I will follow the Government Officials that come for me for my Funeral Day.

  At age five, I haven chosen three jobs to train for from age’s seven to twelve, and within these years I will be given three tests. My results will give reassurance to the Government that the jobs I chose for myself were the ones I belong in. Passing those tests will result in a choosing test at age thirteen. I will be asked five simple questions, either verbally or on a tablet. My answers combined with the decisions I’ve made over the years will accumulate into a percentage that will tell me how successful I shall be at the jobs I chose.

  From ages ten to seventeen, I will live on my own in either the Dames Dome (girls), or the Dude’s Dome (boys). When I turn thirteen, I will move out of the small dorm I had been assigned, and into a small house.

  At age seventeen and one-half, I will be paired with my match at my Matching Ceremony and we shall be married at age eighteen, and move into the Home Dome together.

  Age twenty is when I will be allowed to have my first child. At age twenty-two, I may ask the Government if I can have another child. Turning twenty-five grants me an easy life with no more work, as I will be sent into retirement. At twenty-seven, I will plan my funeral, and at thirty, sadly I must die, for if I live any longer my brain will slowly deteriorate and I will die a slow and painful death.


  HOME DOME: For families, young children, newly-weds, and elders.

  DAME’S DOME: For girls ages 10-18 (and the occasional 8-10 year old boys that are the second oldest child in the family.

  DUDE’S DOME: For boys ages 10-18 (and the occasional 8-10 year old girls that are the second oldest child in the family.

  HUNTING DOME: For the citizens of the Dome with the job title Hunter. No one else may enter this Dome, and no one else may kill an animal without this job title. Punishment can range from two to three strikes if caught.


  If you and your spouse have an approved second child, he/she will move into his/her older siblings’ dorm when his/her older sibling is ten. The gender of the firstborn will determine where the second child is placed (Dames or Dude’s Dome). Once the second child turns ten, he/she will be placed in the correct Dome, and will continue his/her life as if he/she was a firstborn.


  You must be cleared by the Government to have a pet. Below is a list of pet options. You may only have one, and you must take care of this animal until the day you die. Can receive an animal at any age except for twenty-seven and up.







