Page 9 of Moon

  Chapter Five

  Justice North sat behind his desk while Tiger and Fury had taken seats perched on the sides of the massive piece of furniture. Joy swallowed, waiting for the last person to arrive. Dr. Treadmont finally showed up for the meeting Joy had asked for. He closed the door behind him.

  “What did you wish to speak about?”

  “Moon believes he is at site four.”

  Silence greeted that statement until Dr. Treadmont asked a question.

  “What the hell is that?”

  “There were remote sites we were relocated to after we were freed from Mercile,” Fury answered. “We were hidden from the press and given time to assimilate into life outside of Mercile.”

  “They were motels,” Tiger added. “Out in bum-fuck nowhere that the government was easily able to buy or gain access to because they were abandoned. They sent in crews to clean them up, do repairs, and that’s where we were housed. They put guards around the area to keep anyone from seeing us in case stray humans happened along.”

  Justice spoke next. “That’s where Moon met Dr. Yards. She was his shrink. The ones put in charge of us after our release not only wanted us to adjust to life outside Mercile but they wanted us to learn modern technology while giving us mental-health care.”

  “I was Moon’s therapist,” she corrected, though she knew she’d always be a “shrink” to Species. “From what I could tell by our conversation, he believes that he’s still living at the motel. He’s come a long way though. He remembers me.” And he remembers that I left him. She decided to keep that part out. “He had a normal conversation with me. That’s a huge improvement from him saying one or two words. I think he’s slowly recovering. I’m hoping more memories will come back and he won’t have a huge gap of missing time.”

  Harley growled. “Fuck.”

  “That’s good.” Justice didn’t look convinced though. “Isn’t it?”

  “I think so. I’m hoping his full memory will return. We need to allow him to ease into it. I don’t want to risk big shocks setting back his recovery. It’s a possibility. The chains and the cell distress him. I called this meeting to ask if we could upgrade his living conditions.”

  “I will need to assess him,” Treadmont stated, shooting Joy a frown. “We don’t know her well enough to trust her judgment. I want Dr. Kregkor to talk to him.”

  “Not that asshole,” Harley grumbled.

  “I agree.” Fury shook his head. “That’s the last human you want to put in close quarters with Moon. I’m completely stable and I want to knock that jerk on his ass half the time I deal with him.”

  “Who is Dr. Kregkor?” Joy didn’t like the sound of the guy.

  “He is a shrink assigned to us by the US government.” Justice answered, not sounding happy about it. “We’ve stalled him from visiting Moon. That’s why we called you in.”

  “I read that the NSO was totally under Species control.” She was confused. “That’s not true?”

  “It is.” Justice leaned back in his chair. “It was a concession I made. It was easier to agree than argue. He has no real power here, and though he rubs a lot of our people the wrong way these days, it’s good publicity if the public knows we have a head shrink on staff. Otherwise I’d have him permanently escorted to the gates and banned entry.”

  “Why would anyone care?” She didn’t understand.

  “It makes a lot of humans feel safer if they believe we are all getting therapy.” Justice sighed. “We do what we can to minimize negative feelings directed toward Species and our publicity team thought someone sanctioned by the government would alleviate some of their fear of us.”

  “As if we’re regulated in some way.” Fury snorted.

  “Kregkor is annoying, but manageable. He has a confidentiality clause in his contract.” Justice stared at Joy. “We didn’t want him near Moon after how he dealt with Obsidian.”


  “Another Species male with issues,” Tiger informed her. “The shrink would have suggested we put Moon down.”

  “Kill him?” That shocked her. The logical part of her dismissed that assessment of the doctor. It was no secret that New Species disliked and distrusted most of her colleagues. No professional therapist would ever disregard a client’s right to life or fight to safeguard them. He was more than likely a bit pompous and arrogant, hence their aversion to him.

  “Yes. The guy is a prick,” Harley stated. “What do you think we should do, Joy?”

  She decided to be honest. “There are so many unknown factors. Species and humans are virtually alike yet the altered DNA introduces many variables.”

  “I resent that.” Harley glared. “I’m nothing like humans.”

  “You have human genetics too,” she reminded him, taking off the kid gloves. “You might not want to admit it after what was done to you but it’s true. A mirror will assure you of that.” She stood, too antsy to sit, focusing her attention on Justice. He was in charge. “Do you want to know what I think? That’s why we’re here, right?”


  “Fine. I’m not sure what to do. We could tell him the truth and hope it triggers memories. It could backfire though and hurt his recovery if the shock is too great. The Moon I knew might not have handled it well, perhaps gone into a rage, but the Moon I saw in a video isn’t the same as he used to be. He seemed better adjusted. I want to believe he could process the truth but I’m not sure.”

  “What video?” Tiger stood, worry on his features. “Was there something on the news we missed?”

  “I showed her a video on my phone,” Harley admitted. “I wanted her to see how he was prior to the attack. I videoed him before he left for Reservation last time.”

  Tiger sat. “Okay.”

  “We could also ease him back into reality.” Joy hugged her waist. “That’s a safer step to take, in my opinion.”

  “How do you suggest we do that?”

  She’d had time to think while she waited for the meeting. “Remove the chains and unlock the cell but keep him secluded in the basement.” She glanced at Tiger. “Do you have any women, um, female human guards working at Homeland? I’d change out his current guards with them since he believes he’s still at site four.”

  “No.” Tiger shook his head.

  Justice softly cursed. “Jessie could do it.” He looked angry.

  “Who?” Joy peered at him.

  “My mate. She worked with the human task force. She still has the uniforms. She refuses to throw them out. They aren’t the same as what Moon will remember but we’ll say she’s a medical guard.”

  Fury growled. “You’re not talking my Ellie into it.”

  “Slade won’t go for it either if you want to put Trisha in a uniform to pretend to be a guard,” Tiger warned. “Don’t even think about my Zandy. Obsidian won’t allow Allison to do it either. We had to send Destiny to work at Reservation to avoid issues when she started working part time at Medical again. Obsidian didn’t trust the male not to approach her for sex, knowing how Destiny felt about his mate.”

  “Do you think I want to risk my mate being in danger?” Justice growled, looking anything but civilized with his lip curled up, sharp canines showing. “But I know my mate and she’d want to do this. I’m protective but I’m not stupid. Jessie doesn’t enjoy being coddled and I tell her everything. The only reason she isn’t here at this meeting is because she’s having a phone conference with her brother and his team about their efforts in Afghanistan.”

  Joy opened her mouth but then closed it, not really wanting to know what they were talking about. Their expressions were all closed, angry glances flying around the room. She was good at judging undercurrents. It was very curious why the NSO had any interest about something going on across the world but it was one of those things she would let pass. Her priority was Moon.

  “Besides,” Justice smiled, “do you think I’d allow my mate to do it alone?” He looked at Joy. “I’ll dress in jeans and a tan
k top and introduce myself as 152. He’ll think I am only another Species being held where he is. They always kept us on different schedules so he won’t find it alarming that he hasn’t seen me before. There were a lot of Species and staff I didn’t see when I was in the desert. I’ll be her backup.”

  “That’s the male I know.” Fury smirked.

  “I could use some time off and I know the officers are bored guarding Moon. Jessie and I will find ways to amuse ourselves while staying close enough to be there when needed.”

  Tiger chuckled. “Make sure there aren’t any active cameras this time if you use one of the rooms at Medical. We all know your mate dominates you sometimes in bed but I grew tired of explaining to the males who’ve never been ridden why you’d allow it.”

  Joy’s mouth dropped open. She quickly closed it. I’m not going to ask.

  Harley chuckled and when she glanced at him, he was looking directly at her. “Males who haven’t shared sex with humans don’t understand the concept of having a female on top during sex. Justice was hurt once and his mate decided to, um, lift his spirits.” He laughed again and winked. “With the camera in his room on. Security got a show until Tiger ripped it off the wall.”

  “I wasn’t going to ask.” She smiled though. “I do have a clue about the dominating-in-bed part though. I didn’t handle too many sexual discussions but there were occasions when it came up when I counseled Species.” She blushed. “The topic. Not… Hell.” She changed the subject. “As I said, I think it’s best if we take the chains off Moon and allow him to roam the basement.”

  Harley’s amusement faded as he continued to watch her. “There will be no bars to stop him from touching you. Are you prepared for that? Are you sure you’re making that suggestion for his benefit and not your own?”

  Every pair of eyes in the room swung her way and her embarrassment level rose. So did her temper. “Don’t insult me. My priority is Moon. I already told you that I’ll do whatever it takes to help him get his life back.” Her spine stiffened and she kept her chin up, glaring at him. “The chains and bars are upsetting him. He’s talking and hasn’t hurt me. I’m the one agreeing to be locked up down there with him. I wouldn’t do that if I honestly believed there was a chance he’d hurt me.”

  “You’re going to be fucked.” Harley refused to back down. “He’s still obsessed with you if he thinks he’s living in the past. You were everything to him.”

  She didn’t dare look away from him to see anyone else’s expression. Her cheeks burned and she broke into a sweat from being put in the spotlight. Words escaped her while she scrambled for a way to respond.

  “Sex?” Dr. Treadmont shot to his feet. “Is that what you’re talking about?”

  “Sit!” Justice rose from his chair too.

  Joy gaped at Justice, his tone scary and loud. He growled, ignoring her, instead glaring at the white-haired doctor.

  “I protest, Justice,” Treadmont sputtered. “I’m not dense. Harley was pretty clear about what her form of therapy is. This is a medical condition we’re dealing with. He needs real help, not a hooker. No amount of screwing is going to fix him.”

  “Hooker?” She snapped her head in his direction and glared at him.

  “If the high heel fits,” the old man snapped. “I don’t believe in sex therapists. It’s a fancy title to make prostitution legal. You’re not practicing your trade here, young lady.”

  “Ted!” Justice walked out from behind his desk and stepped between her and the crusty old doctor. “Leave my office now and wait for me in reception. You’re overreacting to a situation you know nothing about. We’ll discuss this in private.”

  “Sex isn’t the answer,” the doctor reiterated angrily but he stormed toward the door. It slammed when he left.

  Justice turned, still looking frightening with that untamed expression. He was angry too. “I apologize.”

  Her heart pounded as adrenaline rushed through her system. She nodded sharply, not sure anything that came out of her mouth at that moment would be professional. That was long gone once she’d been verbally attacked and insulted.

  “We will attempt to allow Moon to slowly recover the way you’ve suggested. He can’t leave the basement until we’re sure he’s not a danger to others. I’ll talk to my mate. For the moment, we’ll ask the officers to put on casual wear and tell Moon that we’re stronger and that’s why we are guarding him. Tell him he frightens the humans at site four. That is believable.”


  He hesitated. “Harley does have a point. No bars means that Moon will attempt to share sex if he’s attracted to you, which I assume he is.”

  “I understand.”

  “You signed the release so you may return to him. I’ll call the officer and have him give you the keys to his chains and the door. Are you comfortable setting him free? I’ll come with you right now if you prefer help.”

  “I can do it.”

  He studied her. “Fine. I’ll double the officers outside Medical, though, to make sure he doesn’t attempt to escape the building.” He walked to his desk, lifted the phone, but didn’t dial. “You may go, Joy.” He glanced around the room. “Everyone else stay.”

  She left but came face-to-face with Treadmont in reception. He sat in one of the chairs, shaking his head in disproval, his lips white from being pressed so tightly together. She debated arguing with him but fled instead, not wanting a confrontation. The man was furious and she could see his point, even if she didn’t agree with it. There wasn’t anything orthodox about what she was about to do.

  Moon wasn’t a stranger though. He was 466, the New Species she’d fallen in love with and had walked away from when he’d needed her. This time she wouldn’t fail him, regardless of what anyone else thought. She’d stand on her head, sleep with him, whatever it took.

  One of the uniformed NSO officers waited outside in a Jeep. “Please return me to Medical.”

  “I heard what happened.” He waved her to his vehicle.

  She shot him a questioning look.

  “I was outside Justice’s office until Treadmont came out. He’s not so bad, just old-fashioned. He’s also frustrated. He cares about Moon but hasn’t been able to fix him. That pisses him off and you became an outlet for it.”

  “He’s something,” she muttered, climbing into the passenger seat. “I’m Joy, by the way.”

  “Flame.” He shoved the key into the ignition and started the engine. “Moon is a friend of mine and he spoke of you sometimes.”

  Curiosity gripped her. “What did he say?”

  “We were talking about regrets one night. He shared his story of losing you. I shared my story of how I met a human I really liked but I let her go. Sometimes I think about Amanda and wish I had invited her to visit me.”

  “Why didn’t you?”

  Flame drove, watching the road instead of glancing her way. “She’d have to leave her life to be with me. I did a background check on her and she had a rough life. A male once tried to kill her. They were engaged. She deserved better than I could offer her.”

  Joy couldn’t resist probing. “I take it she was interested in you?”

  “She seemed to be. She even called me a few times but I didn’t respond.”

  “Why would she have to leave her life?”

  “We can’t live outside NSO lands. It’s too dangerous with the hate groups and our enemies. She’d be trapped here with me and it would make her a target if she were my mate. She actually would be considered New Species. Mates are considered to be a part of us.”

  Mate. He was serious about the woman. Flame parked the Jeep in front of Medical and turned off the engine.

  “Here we are.”

  Joy turned in the seat to face him. “If you like this woman so much, you should give her a call. I don’t know her or her history but sometimes you meet someone who changes your entire life. There’s a saying that comes to mind. Life is too short. Take a chance, Flame. The worst that could happen i
s she could say no.”

  “I could love her if we spent time together but then she could leave me.” His voice deepened and his pretty catlike eyes held her gaze. “That would be the worst thing.”

  “Or she could fall in love with you and stay. You never know until you try. Regrets are a bitch to live with. I know. You should pursue this female if you really like her. It’s worse lying awake nights remembering and torturing yourself with a bunch of ‘what-ifs’ if you’d only taken the chance to see where the relationship would have led.”

  He regarded her with interest. “Moon?”

  She nodded.

  “Why did you quit your job then? You could have come to visit here any time if you missed him.”

  “I had no choice but to leave at the time. I guess fear kept me away after Homeland opened. I’m really a chickenshit deep down. I was sure he’d hate me or have moved on with his life, once he was given one. He didn’t exactly have too many choices at site four when it came to females he had access to. Your females were less than receptive and all the guards there were either pregnant or had recently given birth. It was just me and two other women who were single. They were much older.”

  “He never forgot you. He even looked you up on the internet.”

  That surprised her. “He did?”

  Flame slid out of the Jeep. “He did.”

  “Did he try to contact me?” She hadn’t been told if he had.

  “Not that I know of. He was angry.”

  “Because I left him?”

  “He said you were doing well without him. There were pictures of you and some males he found.”

  She frowned, trying to think of why any pictures of her and some guy would be on the internet. Then she remembered the clinic fundraisers. Some pictures had been taken for the paper. “Those men were coworkers.”

  “He believed you were dating them.”

  “I wasn’t.” She had gone on a few dates but nothing serious and certainly not with anyone she worked with.

  Flame approached her side of the Jeep and waved toward the building. “He waits.”

  “Right.” She got out of the vehicle and approached Medical. When she went inside a new officer was on duty. He wore casual clothes.