Page 3 of Fantasy World

  Her attention went to where she knew Ryan would appear. He walked through the door, naked and perfect, and she watched him with open interest. Shyness had been left at the front door where a good portion of her clothes now rested.

  He was hard again.

  The man had stamina.

  A girl could get to like that about a guy.

  He stopped at the foot of the bed, pinning her in his steamy gaze. Slowly his hands slid to her knees and gently pressed them apart. He moved onto the bed, sliding on top of her and between her thighs. Nuzzling his erection against her soft flesh, he held his weight on his elbows. "This time it's my turn to do the teasing."

  She wet her lips in anticipation. "Promise?"

  He let out a soft laugh and ran his tongue across her lips, imitating her action. "It would be my pleasure. I'm going to kiss every inch of you so perfectly that you can never, ever forget me."

  She wouldn't ever forget him. "Kiss me now," she said slipping her hand to his cheek, wanting, no needing to feel his mouth on hers.

  But he didn't kiss her mouth. Instead, he laced his fingers into her hair as he trailed kisses down her jaw to her neck. He lingered at her collarbone, and then kissed the exposed skin above the v-neck of her blouse. His cupped her breasts firmly, but not roughly, in his hands.

  "I can't believe I haven't even gotten you out of all of your clothes yet." He quickly unbuttoned her shirt, pushing it off her shoulders.

  The thin white lace of her bra did little to hide her pointing nipples already tingling from his touch. She watched her face as his eyes studied them, making them ache. She ached all over.

  A good ache.

  A crazy ache.

  An ache only he could remedy.

  His finger teased her nipples, and she moaned. He was watching her, and she suddenly felt shy again. It made her angry at herself, but she couldn't seem to help it. She didn't find it easy to show the rawness of what she was feeling openly.

  He used his finger to guide her chin around, forcing her to meet his gaze. "I told you I want to see your expressions. I want to know what I do to you." He kissed her then. It was a soft, sexy kiss full of a tenderness she hadn't experienced before.

  Long, deep, and drugging.

  His mouth traveled with amazing detail back down her jaw to the lace of her bra. Soft caresses of his lips and tongue had her pulsing with anticipation by the time he moved his mouth over her nipple.

  His breath, warm and wet, trailed over the thin material making it cling to her skin. His teeth lightly nipped at her nipple, teasing her. She whimpered. With slow deliberateness he repeated the action on the other breast.

  The front clasp of her bra popped open, sliding from her breasts, leaving her bare for his viewing. But his mouth was urgent as it closed on her nipple, his hand teasing the other one. He took his time suckling, licking, and teasing her nipples until she thought she would go crazy with need.

  For him. Inside her. She begged.

  He said no.

  Not yet.

  He teased her some more, scraping his teeth against her nipples, suckling harder now. "You drive me wild, Jill," he whispered as his hand slid down to her stomach.

  He moved up to claim her mouth, kissing her thoroughly, before saying, "I really need to know how you taste, Jill."

  "You already know," she said trying to pull his mouth to hers.

  He resisted. "Not like that."

  He slid down her body before she could stop him positioning himself between her thighs. She leaned up on her elbows. "Ryan?"

  "Just relax, Jill." His hands were on her stomach, then her thighs. His mouth closed down on her flesh and she gasped. She had never had a man do this to her. She wanted to resist, to say no, but the pleasure was quickly consuming her.

  She fell back on the bed. Ohhhh. His tongue flickered across her causing the most amazing sensations. Her hands dug into the bedspread, small sounds coming from her mouth that she simply couldn't control.

  He slid his fingers inside her, caressing a spot that she didn't even know existed, but wouldn't be forgetting anytime soon. Her teeth sunk into her bottom lip, as her hands moved to his head.

  She wasn't sure how long she rode the wave of pleasure-filled tension. His tongue and fingers were controlling her, making her crazy. Just when she thought she couldn't take any more, she felt her aching arousal climb even higher. Her fingers tightened in his hair. She tried to loosen her grip, afraid of hurting him, but she couldn't.

  Taking her by surprise, she felt the first ripple of orgasm like an electric shock. The intensity rocked her, made her cry out. And Ryan seemed to know exactly what she needed. Gently, he stroked, and licked her, bringing her down one wave at a time, making sure she experienced every second of bliss. And oh, was it bliss.

  When she finally collapsed, spent from the intensity of her release, a wave of embarrassment overtook her. She had been so out of control. Ryan moved up her body, stopping at her navel and dipping his tongue in it. The man's tongue was amazing. She shivered.

  His tongue continued up, up, and up until he was kissing her, hungrily, inflaming her again beyond reason. She felt his hardness settle between her thighs, pressing against the sensitive flesh.

  "I want in," he murmured against her mouth.

  "Please," she whispered back. In was good.

  His teeth nipped at her lip, and he pushed up on his hands above her, positioning himself to enter her. She felt the tip of his penis against her sensitive flesh.

  "So wet," he said huskily teasing them both by sliding around on the very inner parts of her, building the anticipation of entry.

  Her hands were on his shoulders, feeling the rippling muscles move as he did. "Now, Ryan."

  He gave her just a little more, and then pulled back. She whimpered. "Stop teasing me."

  A little more. "Nice and easy," he told her pulling back out.

  "I don't want nice and easy," she said roughly.

  He pushed deep inside her. "Yes," she said but she wasn't sure if it was in her mind or out loud.

  His hands slid underneath her backside, pulling her up to allow him to go deeper. "Yes," she cried again, this time most definitely out loud.

  He began a rhythmic movement, his hard length moving inside her, touching her sensitive nerve endings with every stroke. Her hips arched to meet him, wanting to absorb him every time he thrust into her.

  She felt wild with need. Her legs wrapped around his, and this time he said yes. Her action seemed to make him hotter, because his movements became more forceful, his rhythm faster.

  "Ohhhh," she moaned. "I'm going to..." She shattered around him, her muscles grabbing him with a force that surprised her. Her head rolled back, her eyes shut.

  He thrust into her, once, twice, and then he arched his back, and shook. He cried out with sounds of pleasure, sexy sounds that made Jill smile.

  She had made him make those sounds.

  He collapsed on top of her, sliding his hands out from underneath her to brace his weight on his elbows. "That was amazing," he whispered in her ear.

  She smiled again.

  He moved so he could see her face. "You are amazing, Jill."

  She stared at him a long moment realizing how much she wanted his words to mean something. Even as she had the thought she mentally kicked herself. They both knew this was a one-night stand. She had a career to think about. Getting hung up on a guy who would surely break her heart would be a distraction she didn't need.

  She tried to act nonchalant when she responded, though her voice came out shaky. "I bet you say that to all the ladies." she managed a forced laugh.

  His expression was serious. "No," he said with certainty. "I don't."

  Jill didn't know what was going on in his head. But she wanted to. A whole lot more than she should. She brushed her lips across his. "I, um, should go clean up." She unwrapped her legs from his.

  Distance was good. She needed space so she could redirect her thoughts.

; He stared down at her a long moment as if trying to read her expression, and then he rolled off of her.

  She scooted to the end of the bed. "I'll be right back."

  When she returned a few minutes later he was propped up against the headboard waiting for her. The blankets were pulled back, and he had his feet covered with them. As soon as she was within his reach, Ryan tugged her onto the bed, and into the curve of his shoulder. Carefully, he moved them so that his head was on a pillow. Then he pulled the covers over their bodies.

  Jill snuggled up next to him, soaking in the feeling of being cared for and protected. His finger moved in soft little caresses on her shoulder. The man simply made her feel as if she was in heaven.

  It was all a mirage of sorts, she knew. She just wanted to pretend a little of it was real for a little bit longer.

  She sighed inwardly, so much for adjusting her thoughts. This man did something to her no one ever had. Perhaps it was just the impact of great sexual chemistry. Still, it would be easy to convince herself it was more than that.

  They didn't even know each other's last names. She should get up and leave. Still, it felt so good, so perfect in his arms. Maybe she could just doze for a little while. She ran her hand down his flat, muscular stomach unable to resist the urge to touch him, before drifting off the sleep.

  * * * *

  Jill woke feeling warm and protected as well as a little disoriented. Her eyes fluttered open to be greeted by darkness. Warmth surrounded her.

  Ryan was holding her. A slow smile curved on her lips. He was amazing. Shutting her eyes tightly she fought her emotions. She wished she didn't have to leave. The thought of never seeing Ryan again pulled on her heartstrings.

  It took effort to stay clear-headed. She wanted more time with Ryan, which was crazy. She reminded herself she was a one-night stand to him, nothing more. Fooling herself would only be painful. Yet, he held her as if it was more.


  She wouldn't go there. She lived in a real world, not a fantasy one. Still, the thought of being just another notch on his belt made her ache. But the bottom line was, this was a one-night stand and that was that. She needed to be mature and deal with it.

  It was time to leave.

  Saying goodbye would only make this harder. She didn't want to say something foolish, like, hey want to do this again for the rest of our lives. She needed to leave while he was sleeping. Jill carefully moved out of the crook of his arm. She felt the loss of his warmth in every inch of her body.

  Staring down at him, she let herself linger a few moments. Dark, sexy stubble had formed on his square jaw making him look ruggedly handsome. Her hand darted out to touch it, but then she yanked it back, fearing she might wake him up.

  With regret, she slipped out of the bed. A mixture of relief and disappointment filled her when he didn't move.

  Tiptoeing around the room, she found her bra and blouse. The rest of her clothes were in the living room. With once last glance at Ryan, her perfect stranger, she left him sleeping.

  Once she was dressed, she scanned the room. Decorated with expensive leather furnishings and expensive artwork, it spoke worlds about his financial stature.

  Jill sighed.

  He was definitely out of her league. Just more reason why this was best left as a one-night stand.

  Spotting a desk, she moved across the room and found a piece of paper and a pen. Jill jotted a note.

  Ryan, You were right, I will never, ever forget you.

  Impulsively, she dug in her purse and applied lipstick before pressing her lips against the paper. Walking to the kitchen table, she dropped the note in the center. Without another glance around the room, she darted to the front door.

  Chapter Four

  Jill approached the subway entrance as a cool breeze blew through her hair, sending a chill across her skin. Suppressing a shiver, she rushed down the stairs as she pulled her jacket tighter around her body.

  She stepped into one of the cars, trying to focus on the importance of the day. Today was her first day of work at The Carlson Group. Yet instead of thinking about this great career opportunity, her mind was dancing with thoughts of Ryan.

  Oblivious to the rumble of voices and shuffling of bodies in and out of the car, she slipped into a reverie. Her new job made her think of the night she had celebrated this very job, only two weeks before. Ryan haunted her thoughts day and night. He had touched her in an odd, soul deep way.

  And she would never see him again.

  Mentally, she kicked herself. It was a one-night stand, nothing more. Today was an important day. Ryan didn't belong in her thoughts. Her new job did.

  The subway car came to a screeching halt, yanking Jill abruptly out of her reminiscing. This was her stop. Pulling her shoulders back, she resolved to focus on her career. Making a good impression at Carlson could change her life. She needed to stay focused on what lie ahead.

  Stepping into the lobby of the building housing the Carlson offices, her eyes absorbed the elegance all around her. Marble, glass, and expensive art adorned the walls. Despite prior visits, she found herself awed by the unique architecture that rounded the corners of the walls.

  Jill signed in with security and then stepped tentatively onto the elevator. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach as she watched the flash of each floor number light up. A weird premonition of trouble filtered through her mind. Awkwardly, she pushed it aside, deciding it was nothing more than nerves.

  She stepped off the elevator and directly into the lobby of The Carlson Group. A massive desk shaped as a half circle glistened of polished mahogany. Jill took several deep breaths and raised her head high, determined to beat her nerves.

  Eager to make herself a welcome addition, she quickly marched up to the reception desk. "Hello. I'm Jill Green. Remember me?"

  The receptionist peered noncommittally for a moment. She was in her fifties, Jill guessed, with thin rimmed silver glasses sitting on the tip of her nose. Peering over the rim of her glasses she finally answered, "Yes, I remember you."

  Jill extended her arm across the desk to offer the woman a handshake. "Nice to see you again," Jill said with a bright smile.

  The woman looked curiously at Jill for a long moment, and then took off her glasses and laid them on the desk. She placed her hand in Jill's. "I'm Lori," she said with a smile that matched Jill's. Lori wore a simple blue skirt and a long sleeved silk blouse. Her face softened when she smiled. She was an exceptionally attractive older woman.

  Celia Ward greeted Jill a few seconds later. A rather round but overtly friendly woman, Celia was the secretary to Tyler Richardson. Tyler was next in line to the President, Ryan Monroe. Ryan was hands' on enough that he usually involved himself with all interviews on Jill's level, but in Jill's case he had been traveling, thus unable to meet her before the offer was made. That fact made Jill a bit uneasy. Hopefully he would like her.

  Of course, his name alone was a reminder of things better forgotten. Anyone named Ryan would likely cause flashbacks of one heated night for the rest of her life.

  Pushing the nerve-racking thoughts aside, Jill refocused on Celia. She had a warm smile and round face with soft features. Dark blond hair curled in bouncy ringlets around her face in a way that seemed to fit her lighthearted personality.

  "Welcome, my dear Jill. We're all very excited to have you here. Tyler was thrilled when you accepted the job. Come. Let me show you to your office."

  Jill followed Celia down a long hallway into a small office. It was bare except for a desk, several chairs, and a few miscellaneous office supplies, all of which appeared to be brand new. The room smelled of crisp, new leather. It was a small office, but it was all hers. That in itself felt like a big accomplishment.

  "I love it, Celia. Now I just need to earn it," Jill exclaimed involuntarily, her excitement getting the best of her. A computer and printer hummed on top of her oak desk. Basic tools sat on top of the shiny desktop, such as tape and a pencil holder. Several large
notebooks sat on one corner of the desk.

  "I'm quite sure you will, Jill. I know people, and you will do well," she said. Her smile was warm with welcome and gave Jill a confidence boost.

  "Thank you, Celia. I hope you're right. I certainly appreciate the support. Something tells me I need as many people in my corner I can get," Jill responded anxiously as she sat down to test her new black leather chair for the first time. Very comfortable, and not cheap. She swiveled around to face her window.

  "What a great view!" Jill peered out the window, thrilled to see the towering skyline of Manhattan.

  "Yes, it is. You should see it at sunset," Celia added. Jill swiveled back around to face her. Celia continued, "Anyway, you'll be fine, Jill. Let me know if you need anything." Celia winked. "Including the insider scoop," she added.

  Celia perched on the edge of the visitor's seat, obviously only staying a moment. Jill eyes were drawn to two large tags on the chairs. Yes, they were new. They still had the tags on them. She made a mental note; remove tags.

  "For now though, I prepared the basics for you." Celia reached for one of the black binders. "In this binder you will find updates on the campaigns the company currently handles." She sat the binder back down and fingered another binder. "In this one you will find other items I thought you might want," she continued. Jill found her to be very thorough.

  "You should have a phone list, access cards and codes, a general run down of the staff, and who does what with explicit details." Celia sighed. "I'll leave you to study up and get settled. Buzz me if you need help with anything."

  She started towards the door, but stopped a moment. She added over her shoulder, "Oh, coffee is in the kitchen by the reception area. Make yourself at home."

  As soon as Celia left the room, Jill searched through her drawers and found a pair of scissors. She quickly hopped up and cut off the tags dangling from the visitor's chairs. She preferred to forget her newness. She didn't need any reminders that she was the new kid on the block. Her nerves were doing that job quite well without any extra help.