"Her fancy followed him through foaming wares To distant shores." --Cowper.

  Violet in her night-dress and with her beautiful hair unbound and hangingabout her like a golden cloud, stood before her dressing-table, gazingthrough a mist of unshed tears upon a miniature which she held in herhand.

  "Ah, where are you now, love?" she sighed half aloud.

  Her mother's voice answered close at her side, in gentle, tender accents,"In God's keeping, my darling. He is the God of the sea as well as of theland."

  "Yes, mamma, and his God as well as mine," Violet responded, looking upand smiling through her tears. "Ah, what comfort in both assurances, andin the precious promise, 'Behold, I am with thee, and will keep thee inall places whither thou goest.' It is his and it is mine."

  "Yes, dearest. I feel for you in your loneliness," her mother said,putting her arms around her. "Elsie is very happy in her husband andbaby, Edward in his wife; they need me but little, comparatively, but youand I must draw close together and be a comfort and support to each other;shall we not, my love?"

  "Yes, indeed, dearest mamma. Oh, what a comfort and blessing you are tome, and always have been! And I am happier and less lonely for having myhusband's children with me, especially my darling little Gracie. I feelthat in caring for her and nursing her back to health I shall be adding tohis happiness."

  "As no doubt you will," her mother said. "It will be a pleasure to me tohelp you care for her, and the others also. Now, good-night, daughter; weboth ought to be in bed."

  Violet presently stretched herself beside the sleeping Gracie with amurmured word of endearment drew the child closer to her, and in anothermoment was sharing her slumbers.

  When she awoke the sun was shining, and the first object her eyes restedupon was the little face by her side. The pallor and look of exhaustion ithad worn the night before were quite gone, a faint tinge of pink had evenstolen into the cheeks.

  Violet noted the change with a feeling of relief and thankfulness, andraising herself upon her elbow, touched her lips lightly to the whiteforehead.

  The child's eyes flew open and with a sweet engaging smile, she asked,"Have you been lying beside me all night, mamma?"

  "Yes, Gracie. You have had a long sleep, dear; do you feel quite rested?"

  "Yes, mamma, I feel very well. This is such a nice soft bed, and I like tosleep with you. May I always?"

  "For all winter, I think, dear. I like to have your papa's baby girl by myside."

  "I'm very much obliged to him for finding me such a sweet, pretty newmamma. I told him so one day," remarked the child innocently, putting anarm about Vi's neck.

  "Did you?" Violet asked with an amused smile; "and what did he say?"

  "Nothing; he just smiled and hugged me tight and kissed me ever so manytimes. Do you know what made him do that, mamma?"

  "Because he likes to have us love one another. And so we will, won't we,dear?"

  "Yes, indeed! Mamma, I feel a little hungry."

  "I'm glad to hear it, for here comes Agnes with a glass of nice rich milkfor you. And when you have drunk it she will wash and dress you. We willall have to hurry a little to be ready in good time for breakfast," sheadded, springing from the bed and beginning her toilet. "Grandpa Dinsmorenever likes to have us late."

  "Miss Rosie and Miss Lulu's up and dressed and gone into Miss Elsie'sroom, Miss Wilet," remarked Agnes, holding the tumbler she had brought toGracie's lips.

  "Ah, that is well," said Violet, with a pleased look. "Lulu has stolen amarch on us, Gracie."

  The week that followed their arrival at Ion was a delightful one to all,especially the children, who had scarce anything to do but enjoythemselves. The weather was all that could be desired, and they walked,rode, drove, boated, fished, and went nutting.

  Mr. Dinsmore and Edward were every day more or less busied with theaffairs of the plantation, but some one of the older people could alwaysfind time to be with the children, while Zoe never failed to make one ofthe party, and seemed almost as much a child as any of the younger ones.

  Every nook on the plantation and in its neighborhood was explored, andvisits were paid to Fairview, the Laurels, the Pines, the Oaks, Roselandsand Ashlands; the dwellers at each place having first called upon thefamily at Ion.

  Both Max and Lulu had long desired to learn to ride on horseback, andgreat was their delight on learning that now this wish could be gratified.

  A pony was always at the service of each, and lessons in the art ofsitting and managing it were given them, now by Mr. Dinsmore and now byEdward, who was a great admirer of his brother-in-law, Captain Raymond,had become much attached to him, and took a very kindly interest in hischildren.

  Gracie was given a share in all the pleasures for which she was consideredstrong enough, and when not able to go with the others on theirexpeditions, was well entertained at home with toys and books filled withpictures and stories suited to her age.

  Both Elsie and Violet watched over the little girl with true motherly loveand care; she warmly returning the affection of both, but clingingespecially to Violet, her "pretty new mamma."

  Gracie was a docile little creature, and seemed very happy in her newlife. She was deeply interested in the riding lessons of her brother andsister, and when, near the end of the week, Dr. Arthur, to whom she wasbecoming much attached, set her on the back of a Shetland pony and led itabout the grounds for a few minutes, promising her longer rides as herstrength increased, she was almost speechless with happiness.

  With the second week lessons began for the children. Each task had itsappointed hour, and they were required to be as systematic, punctual andwell prepared for recitations as pupils in an ordinary school, but at thesame time great care was taken that neither mind nor body should beovertaxed, and they enjoyed many liberties and indulgences which could nothave been granted elsewhere than at home.

  The mornings were spent by Rosie and Lulu in the school-room in study andrecitation, under the supervision of either "Grandma Elsie" or "Mamma Vi."

  Grace and Walter would be there also at the start, but their short andeasy tasks having been attended to, they might stay and amuse themselvesquietly, or if inclined for noisy sport, go to the nursery or play-room toenjoy it there.

  Max conned his lessons alone in his own room, joining the others only whenthe hour arrived for reciting to Mr. Dinsmore, who took sole charge of hiseducation, and of the two little girls, so far as concerned Latin andarithmetic. Rosie and Max were together in both these studies, butLulu--because of being younger and not so far advanced--was alone in both,much to her dissatisfaction, for she was by no means desirous to have Mr.Dinsmore's attention concentrated upon herself for even a short space oftime.

  His keen dark eyes seemed to look her through and through, and though hehad never shown her any sternness, she was quite sure he could and wouldif she gave him any occasion.

  But for that there was no necessity, his requirements being alwaysreasonable and only such as she was fully capable of meeting. She had agood mind, quick discernment and retentive memory, and she was quiteresolved to be industrious and to keep her promise to her father to be agood girl in every way. Also her ambition was aroused to attempt toovertake her brother and Rosie.

  She was moderately fond of study, but had a decided repugnance to plainsewing, therefore looked ill-pleased enough upon discovering that it wasto be numbered among her daily tasks.

  "I hate sewing!" she said with a scowl, "and when I'm old enough to do asI please, I'll never touch a needle and thread."

  It was afternoon of their first school day, and the little girls had justrepaired to the school-room in obedience to directions given them on theirdismissal for the morning.

  All the ladies of the family were there, gathered cosily about the fireand the table at which Grandma Elsie was busily cutting out garments thatseemed to be intended for a child, yet were of coarser, heavier materialthan any of the famil
y were accustomed to wearing.

  "Perhaps you may change your mind by that time," she answered Lulu, withpleasant tone and smile; "and I hope you will find it more agreeable nowthan you expect. You are a kind-hearted little girl, I know, and when Itell you these clothes are for a little Indian girl who needs them sadly,I am quite sure you will be glad to help in making them."

  Lulu's brow cleared. "Yes, ma'am," she said with a little hesitation, "ifI could sew nicely, but I can't."

  "The more need to learn then, dear. Mamma Vi is basting a seam for you,and will show you how to sew it."

  "And when we all get started there'll be some nice story read aloud, won'tthere, mamma?" asked Rosie.

  "Yes; your sister Elsie will be the reader to-day, and the book Scott's'Lady of the Lake.'"

  "Oh, how nice!" cried Rosie in delight; "it's such a lovely book, andsister Elsie's such a beautiful reader."

  "In my little sister's opinion," laughed Mrs. Leland.

  "And that of all present, I presume," said "Grandma Rose."

  "I am fortunate in having so appreciative an audience," returned Elsiegayly.

  Lulu had accepted a mute invitation to take a seat by Violet's side.

  "Mamma Vi," she whispered with heightened color, "I can't sew as well asGracie, and I'm ashamed to have anybody see my poor work."

  "Never mind, dear, we won't show your first attempts, and you will findthis coarse, soft muslin easy to learn on," Violet answered in the samelow tone. "See, this is the way," taking a few stitches. "Your father toldme he wanted his dear little girls to learn every womanly accomplishment,and I feel sure you will do your best to please him. Take pains, and youmay be able to send him some specimen of your work as a Christmas gift.Would you not enjoy that?"

  "Yes, ma'am, yes indeed!" returned the little girl, setting resolutely towork.

  "Mamma," said Gracie, coming to Violet's other side, "mayn't I have somework, too? I like sewing better than Lulu does. Aunt Beulah taught me tooverseam and to hem."

  "Then you may help us, little girlie," Violet said, kissing the littlefair cheek, "but must stop the minute you begin to feel fatigued; for Imust not let papa's baby girl wear out her small strength."

  Presently, all having been supplied with work, the reading began. Everyone seemed able to listen with enjoyment except Lulu, who bent over hertask with frowning face, making her needle go in and out with impatientpushes and jerks.

  Violet watched the performance furtively for a few minutes, then gentlytaking the work from her, said in a pleasant undertone, "You are gettingyour stitches too long and too far apart, dear. We will take them out, andyou shall try again."

  "I can't do it right! I'll never succeed, if I try ever so hard!" mutteredLulu, impatiently.

  "Oh, yes, you will," returned Violet with an encouraging smile. "Keeptrying, and you will be surprised to find how easy it will grow."

  The second attempt was quite an improvement upon the first, and underViolet's pleased look and warm praise Lulu's ruffled temper smoothed down,and the ugly frown left her face.

  In the mean while Gracie was handling her needle with the quiet ease ofone accustomed to its use, making tiny even stitches that quite surprisedher new mamma.

  With all her faults Lulu was incapable of envy or jealousy, especiallytoward her dearly loved brother and sister, and when at the close of thesewing hour Gracie's work was handed about from one to another, receivinghearty commendation, no one was better pleased than Lulu.

  "Isn't it nice, Grandma Elsie?" she said, glancing at her little sisterwith a flush of pride in her skill, "a great deal better than I can do,though she's two years younger."

  "It's only because I couldn't run about and play like Lulu, and so I justsat beside Aunt Beulah and learned to hem and back-stitch and run andoverseam," said Gracie. "But Lulu can do everything else better than Ican."

  "And she will soon equal you in that, I trust," said Violet, with anaffectionate glance from one to the other; "I am quite sure she will ifshe continues to try as she has done to-day. And it makes my heart rejoiceto see how you love one another, dear children."

  "I think everybody loves Gracie, because she's hardly ever naughty," saidLulu; "I wish I'd been made so."