Page 41 of Draekora

  With Alex’s overriding connection to him now complete, her consciousness fell swiftly back into her own body. Her eyes shot open in time to see her friend surge up to his feet only to collapse onto his hands and knees in the snow, gasping as if he hadn’t been able to draw air into his lungs for weeks.

  “A-A-Alex,” he tried to hack out between gasps. “H-H-How—”

  “Shh,” Alex hushed, reaching out with a comforting hand. “Just catch your breath.”

  She felt the tug of the Claim between them as her unintentional order took effect. With a wince and a mental ‘oopsie’ to herself, she didn’t retract the command, knowing that he was close to suffocating and needed all the help he could get.

  Aware that he wasn’t capable of answering right now but still wanting to make her point, Alex rubbed soothing circles on his back and said, “Do you remember when you and Bear once told me that there’s no such thing as magic?” She paused as she reflected over everything that had happened since then—including her stint in Jordan’s flipping mind—and finished, “You’re both so full of it.”

  He let out a startled laugh, his only concession, but it was enough to tell Alex that he agreed with her statement wholeheartedly.

  As soon as his desperate panting began to ease, she helped him sit back up, waiting anxiously to see what he would do next. She had, after all, technically stolen his will from him, just as Aven had done. But she was hoping—

  “You have no idea how good it is to see you,” he whispered, his voice a rasping, choking sound, his bright blue eyes swimming with emotion. “No idea.”

  And without any hesitation, he threw his arms around her, pulling her to him so tight it was almost painful.

  Alex returned his desperate hug, scarcely believing it was really happening. Fearing she would soon wake up and realise it was all a dream, she held on all the more tightly, afraid to let go.

  When they eventually drew apart, it was with wet eyes and wobbly smiles, but as much as Alex wanted to remain in the beauty of the moment, she knew their jubilation couldn’t last forever.

  “Jordan, I need to tell you something,” Alex said quietly.

  “I already know about Luka, Alex,” he said, his voice just as quiet.

  His words surprised her because, with everything that had happened over the last few weeks, she’d forgotten all about his brother—and what the confirmation of his death would mean to Jordan.

  “I know it was all a lie, that he’s not really alive,” Jordan continued. “When I told you all that, even though Aven gave the verbal commands that I could speak freely, he mentally negated those orders, forcing me to say what I said. He knew that if you thought I’d willingly chosen to have him Claim me, then you’d be more devastated than you already were.”

  “He was right,” Alex whispered, replaying the awful scene in her mind, the visual being easy to summon considering they were currently in the same location the traumatic moment had taken place.

  “None of it was real, Alex. Nothing from after I returned to the academy from visiting my parents—until now.”

  Sorrow washed over her at the depth of her friend’s entrapped misery, and she straightened her spine with renewed determination. “I’m going to Release you so you’re back to being you, just you,” she said. “But before I do that, I’m so sorry, Jordan, but I have to give you an order.”

  His eyes instantly shadowed. “What order?”

  Tentatively, Alex asked, “Do you remember what happened with King Astophe? Did you, um, see?”

  Jordan looked confused at first, like he didn’t know what she was asking about, but then realisation hit him. His face paled and his eyes widened in horror.

  “I killed him—I killed the king of Meya!”

  Seeing that he was about to lose it, Alex reached out and grasped his shoulder. “It wasn’t you. Listen to me—it wasn’t you!”

  Jordan just shook his head, denial spreading across his tortured features.

  “Jordan, I have to make you forget that you did that,” Alex said, powering onwards. “I can’t tell you why, just that it’s important. That’s the order I have to give you before I Release you. But now I want to ask you something.”

  He was in shock, she could tell, but she needed him to snap out of it, so she sighed and carefully commanded, “Please calm down.”

  At once, he calmed. Then he shot her an annoyed look, to which she held up her hands in apology.

  With rueful reluctance, he questioned, “What do you need to ask?”

  She bit her lip but decided she at least owed him this, since it was within her power to give. “When I make you forget that… event… do you want me to order you to forget the rest as well? Everything that happened while you were under Aven’s control?”

  Alex was grateful when Jordan gave it proper consideration and didn’t cry out an immediate response, showing she’d done the right thing by offering. She had no idea what he would choose—she had no idea what she would choose, if given the option. But she also wasn’t surprised with how he eventually answered.

  “As much as I want to forget,” he said softly, “I think a part of me needs to remember what was done to me so that I know what I’m fighting for.” He shot her a quick look. “We are going to fight him, right?”


  Jordan nodded. “It means a lot that you gave me the choice, Alex. But my answer is no. Just take the memory you need, but leave the rest.”

  Offering a slight, somewhat proud smile at his decision, Alex hurried to get the rest over with. “Jordan, I order you to forget that you killed King Astophe. If anyone asks, you were discovered and knocked unconscious before you could complete Aven’s command.”

  Instantly the tug seared between them, and Jordan’s eyes stared into nothing for a moment before refocusing again.

  “What were you saying, Alex? I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you.”

  Alex smiled inwardly and stood to her feet, wiping snow from her backside as he rose beside her. “I was just making sure you know that when I say the words to Release my Claim on you, you have to accept them, otherwise we’ll still be linked.” She’d learned that the hard way, though in hindsight, she was grateful for Niyx’s ‘noble’ decision. “Aven’s Claim transferred directly over to me so you didn’t need to do anything when he let go of your mind, but you will this time if you want to be truly free.”

  “Got it,” Jordan said. “Accept the Release.” Then his features turned puzzled. “Uh, how do I do that, exactly?”

  Alex laughed at his refreshingly Jordan-like bafflement, surprised by her ability to feel humour despite everything she’d witnessed that day. “After I say the words to Release you—which will be voiced mentally, by the way—you need to say, ‘I accept my Release’ in Meyarin. So you’ll need to say, ‘Trae morras rae Gaverran’.”

  She made him repeat the phrase a few times until she was confident he would get it right.


  With an arched eyebrow, he responded, “To no longer be under someone else’s control?” He nodded the obvious. “Definitely.”

  So Alex summoned A’enara back and, ignoring Jordan’s startled oath at the sight of the flames dancing around her skin, she quickly sliced first her palm and then his, joining them once more. She then touched on their mental connection and called out the words of the Release, Trae Gaverran sae!

  Just as instantly, she felt the severing of the connection between them, with it starting to uncurl as it had when she’d attempted to Release Niyx. But unlike then, when Jordan’s mental voice responded with his rehearsed phrase, the uncurling ceased and there was a definite snap, like the breaking of a branch, and Alex could feel no trace of the link anymore.

  Jordan? she called out hesitantly. Can you hear me? And when no response came, she let out a deep sigh, overcome with relief.

  “It really worked,” Jordan exclaimed in tearful wonder. “You did it, Alex. You saved me. Just like you promised.”

  Blinking back her own tears, Alex offered him a trembling smile, which quickly turned into an incredulous huff of amazed laughter. He reached out for her until they were both hugging again, crying and laughing from the weight of their relief.

  When they finally pried themselves apart, Alex wiped a hand across her wet face and linked her arm in his, leading him towards the open doorway.

  “I know a few people who are going to be very happy to see you,” she said, grinning softly up at him. “Let’s get you back to Akarnae.”

  Alex was overcome with happiness when she saw the disbelieving hope on his face, knowing he surely doubted this moment would ever come.

  Her smile was more tremulous this time as she nudged him and whispered a meaningful, “Come on, Jordan. Let’s go home.”

  Stepping through the doorway with him, Alex had no idea what lay ahead. The future was a terrifying thing; something that, no matter how strong her will, she had no control over. But she did have a choice. A choice not to fear what was yet to come. Because fear would keep her from doing what she knew she had to do.

  She had an army to rally.

  She had a gift to refine.

  She had a prince to awaken.

  But most of all, she had a Meyarin to defeat…

  … and a world to save.

  Alex’s journey continues in the

  next instalment of





  Only three books in and I already feel like a broken record when it comes to thanking people, but this book never would have become what it is without the help of some real champions cheering me on.

  As always, unending thanks go to God, my family and my friends, all of whom continue to stick by me through my authorly neurosis and understand when I’m in my writing hobbit hole for days (often weeks) on end. You guys make it worth it every time I resurface for air… especially when you come bearing chocolate.

  To everyone at Pantera Press, thank you for being more than just ‘my publishers’, but rather, my publishing family. I am speechless by how wonderful you all are—I honestly think there must be something in your water. Special thanks go to Ali for considering a round of mini golf as ‘professional development’ and for the brilliant TV show recs (your self-professed bad taste has zero grounding in reality!), as well as to Susan for all the publicity magic that has led to an unforgettable journey so far.

  To my editorial team, especially James Read and Desanka Vukelich—thank you. This book has been precious to me from the very beginning and I’m so grateful for how much you helped make it shine. Thanks also to the talented designers at XOU Creative, to whom all I can say is: Omigosh, I looooooove this cover!!!

  To my incredible agent, Victoria Wells Arms, and her amazing assistant, Brigette Torrise, for all the invaluable advice, encouragement and support throughout my great big adventures in the publishing world.

  To my small team of ‘critters’ (aka critiquers), Emily Davison, Dana Summer, Frannie Panglossa and Jenna Harper—thanks heaps for your treasured feedback and hilarious fangirling (and, um, sorry for the tears, girls).

  To all the wonderful bookstagramers, booktubers, book bloggers, book-everythingers out there who passionately post their love for this series all over social media, you guys are the BEST. There are way too many of you for me name, but I adore you all and I’m so, SO thankful for your support! Special mention to Kaysia from @bookskay who won ‘The Chosen One’ competition and revealed Draekora’s cover with more contagious excitement than I could have ever dreamed possible!

  Lastly, I’m forever (and ever and EVER) grateful to every single person reading this series. I’m truly humbled by how much love you have for Alex and her friends, and how willing you are to share that love with the world—and with me! I’m seriously an emotional mess every time you contact me to say how much you’ve enjoyed each book, so THANK YOU!!! You all absolutely rock and I can’t wait for you to experience what comes next!!!

  Until then, as Xira would say, ‘Forever and always’—to all of you. *Big hugs*

  Lynette Noni grew up on a farm in outback Australia until she moved to the beautiful Sunshine Coast and swapped her mud-stained boots for sand-splashed flip-flops. She has always been an avid reader and most of her childhood was spent lost in daydreams of far-off places and magical worlds. She was devastated when her Hogwarts letter didn’t arrive, but she consoled herself by looking inside every wardrobe she could find, and she’s still determined to find her way to Narnia one day. While waiting for that to happen, she creates her own fantasy worlds and enjoys spending time with the characters she meets along the way.

  Draekora is the third of five books in Lynette’s YA fantasy series, The Medoran Chronicles.

  Lynette loves to chat with her readers. For pronunciation guides and more, connect with her online:



  Lynette Noni, Draekora

  (Series: The Medoran Chronicles # 3)




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