Page 27 of Hidden Magic


  Temorvick still had a wide, disturbing smile on his face. He had assembled one hundred of his finest fighters who were all crammed into one ship. He paced outside the ship until he saw the creature appear before him holding a round amulet.

  Temorvick raised his hands and clapped. “Well done! You shall rest now.” Temorvick took the amulet from the creature and petted its head. It scampered away looking very proud.

  Temorvick stood, staring at the amulet as if he couldn’t believe he was finally holding it. He threaded a thin piece of black rope through a tiny hole in the amulet and slid it around his neck. The eerie blue glow suddenly went black and illuminated his body. He drew in a deep breath and exhaled loudly. A look of immense satisfaction took over his face as he climbed aboard his ship.

  Five minutes later Temorvick’s ship arrived in Siania.
Emmy Oakes's Novels