286 fields battlefields

  288 To compared to

  288 dark house gloomy house/lunatic asylum

  289 capriccio "whim" (Italian)

  289 Art are you

  291 straight immediately

  293 balls bound tennis balls bounce (i.e. are spirited, to be reckoned with; plays on the sense of "testicles") 294 marred ruined (plays on married) Act 2 Scene 4

  1 kindly affectionately/as a mother

  2 well i.e. at rest, dead

  4 wants lacks

  14 them i.e. your good fortune

  15 them i.e. my prayers

  16 So provided that

  17 did may pun on "died"

  19 man's servant's

  20 shakes out brings about

  22 title status as man or servant/name ("Parolles," or "words"; also puns on "tittle"--i.e. "tiny amount") 25 Before in the presence of

  26 Before me i.e. upon my soul

  28 Go to i.e. enough of that

  28 found thee found you out, found you to be a fool 29 me i.e. folly

  31 even to i.e. enough for

  33 well fed probably refers to "better fed than taught" (proverbial); possibly "energetic, spirited"

  36 rite of love i.e. sexual consummation of marriage 38 to owing to

  39 Whose ... delay the delay and absence of which

  39 sweets sweet-scented flowers

  40 they i.e. want and delay

  40 curbed restrained

  42 drown overflow

  43 else besides

  45 make represent

  45 as as if it were

  45 proceeding course of action/idea

  46 apology excuse

  47 probable need plausible necessity

  50 Attend await

  50 pleasure command, will

  Act 2 Scene 5

  2 approof proven quality/testimony

  3 deliverance utterance

  5 dial timepiece/compass

  5 I ... bunting i.e. I underestimated him; reversal of "to take a bunting for a lark" (proverbial; the lark was the superior bird) 8 accordingly suitably

  10 state i.e. condition of my soul

  11 find find it

  15 tailor refers to Parolles' garments; "the tailor makes the man" is proverbial 22 you'll have you wanted

  27 something i.e. an asset, with plenty of stories to tell the guests 28 three thirds i.e. all the time

  31 unkindness ill will

  35 made shift contrived

  36 him ... custard the jester who traditionally jumped into custard at the Lord Mayor's annual feast in London 37 suffer question endure questioning

  38 residence i.e. why you are there

  39 mistaken misjudged/misidentified (Lafew shifts the sense to "been offended by him") 43 heavy serious/not light

  44 them tame such creatures as pets

  45 to deserve deserve

  47 idle foolish

  49 know i.e. rather than merely think

  51 pass reputation

  51 clog hindrance (block of wood tied to man or animal to prevent escape) 54 present parting immediate departure

  58 colour appropriate character

  58 time i.e. the immediate aftermath of marriage 59 ministration ... particular duty and obligation of me as husband 64 muse wonder

  65 respects reasons

  66 appointments purposes, affairs

  75 observance dutiful service

  75 eke out supplement, increase

  76 homely stars humble origins

  77 great fortune i.e. as your wife

  79 Hie hurry

  82 owe own

  84 fain willingly

  85 vouch affirm to be

  88 would want

  90 sunder part

  91 stay delay

  98 corragio "courage" (Italian)

  Act 3 Scene 1

  3.1 Location: Florence

  1 from ... point in every detail

  3 Whose great decision the deciding of which

  6 black wicked

  7 opposer enemy's part

  8 cousin i.e. fellow sovereign

  9 bosom heart

  10 borrowing prayers entreaties for assistance 12 yield give up, share

  13 But except as

  13 common ... man ordinary external observer 14 figure scheme, devisings

  14 frames constructs, guesses at

  15 self-unable motion inadequate conjectures

  19 his pleasure as he (the King of France) wishes 20 younger ... nature young men of our temperament, outlook (some editors emend "nature" to "nation") 21 surfeit ... ease grow sick of overindulgence in leisure 22 physic cure, perhaps by letting blood through war 24 fly from be bestowed by

  26 better fall better places fall vacant

  26 avails advantages (as you may fill them)

  Act 3 Scene 2

  3.2 Location: Rossillion

  3 troth faith

  5 observance observation, signs

  6 mend adjust

  8 sold who sold

  12 mind to inclination for

  13 lings salt cod, slang for "vaginas/whores" (similar play possible in country) 14 brains plays on the sense of "semen" (thus making Cupid a personified penis and giving knocked out sexual connotations) 16 stomach appetite

  18 E'en just, the same as

  19 recovered cured

  21 "not" with a pun on the marital knot

  23 hold remain at

  26 fly flee

  28 misprizing despising/undervaluing

  29 of empire even of an emperor

  30 heavy sad/serious

  30 within inside

  38 standing to't standing one's ground/having an erection (both courses of action may lead to death--literally and in the sense of "orgasm") 39 getting begetting, conception

  41 Save God save

  45 quirks turns

  46 face appearance

  46 on the start at its sudden arrival

  47 woman make behave like a woman, i.e. weep 49 thitherward on his way there

  49 thence from there

  50 dispatch in hand settlement of business

  51 bend direct our steps

  52 passport license to travel

  56 sentence statement/judgment

  60 have ... cheer bear a happier countenance/be encouraged 61 engrossest monopolize

  61 are that are

  62 moiety share/half

  64 all my my only

  69 convenience propriety

  76 haply perhaps

  81 rude ignorant/unkind/rough

  88 a well-derived his own well-descended

  89 his inducement Parolles' bad influence

  91 deal quantity

  91 that influence

  92 holds ... have maintains and benefits him considerably 97 Written in writing

  100 but ... courtesies only insofar as I am able to repay your courtesy 100 change exchange

  101 draw near come along (with me)

  104 Rossillion i.e. Bertram

  107 event outcome

  109 sportive playful/lighthearted/amorous

  110 mark target

  111 leaden messengers i.e. bullets

  113 move part/stir (to pity) (sometimes emended to "cleave" or "wound") 113 still-peering ever watchful (some editors emend to "still-piecing") 114 sings i.e. whistles as a bullet pierces it/cries in pain/sings in indifference 115 set him there put him in the position

  116 forward in the front line/facing the enemy 117 caitiff wretch

  120 ravin ravenous

  121 constraint compulsion

  122 owes owns

  124 Whence ... scar from where honor merely earns a scar by undergoing danger 125 oft often as

  125 all i.e. life

  127 do't i.e. keep you away

  127 although even if

  129 officed all carried out all household duties 130 pitiful compassionate

  131 consolate console

  132 steal creep (plays on the sense of "rob") Act 3 Scene

  3.3 Location: Florence Drum and Trumpets i.e. a drummer and a trumpeter 2 Great pregnant/swelling

  2 lay wager

  2 credence trust, faith

  7 th'extreme edge the utmost limit

  9 helm helmet

  12 file rank of soldiers

  13 like my thoughts i.e. valiant

  Act 3 Scene 4

  3.4 Location: Rossillion

  1 of from

  4 "I ... free" this letter is cast in the form of a sonnet 4 Saint Jaques Saint James, whose shrine was at Compostella, in northwest Spain 7 sainted holy/dedicated to a saint

  9 hie hasten

  12 taken undertaken

  13 despiteful cruel, malicious

  13 Juno supreme goddess, who imposed twelve labors on Hercules 14 camping tent-dwelling (i.e. army)

  17 Whom i.e. death

  19 advice judgment

  22 prevented forestalled

  24 at overnight last night

  29 whom i.e. both Helen and her prayers 32 unworthy husband husband unworthy

  33 weigh heavy of emphasize

  37 When haply perhaps when

  41 sense perception

  42 Provide equip

  Act 3 Scene 5

  3.5 Location: Florence tucket trumpet fanfare 3.5 Diana significantly, given her role, the name of the goddess of chastity and hunting; the Folio entry direction calls her "Violenta," which was perhaps Shakespeare's first thought for the name 2 lose all entirely miss

  5 their i.e. Siena's

  10 suffice satisfy

  11 earl i.e. Bertram

  12 name reputation

  13 honesty chastity

  15 solicited entreated, courted

  17 officer agent

  17 suggestions promptings toward evil/entreaties 17 for on behalf of

  19 engines devices/plots

  19 go under appear to be

  21 wreck of maidenhood loss of virginity

  22 succession (others from) doing the same

  23 that for all that

  23 limed trapped (like birds caught in lime, a sticky substance smeared on twigs) 25 grace virtue

  25 though even if

  26 further ... lost worse risk than the loss of virginity (i.e. pregnancy) 27 fear fear for

  29 lie lodge

  32 palmers pilgrims

  33 Saint Francis inn with the sign of Saint Francis 33 port city gate

  36 tarry wait

  39 for because

  40 ample well, fully

  43 stay upon await

  43 leisure convenience

  52 Whatsome'er whoever

  53 bravely taken highly regarded

  54 for because

  56 mere absolutely

  61 believe agree

  62 argument any issue

  62 to in comparison with

  63 mean lowly/unworthy

  64 All her deserving her only merit

  65 reserved honesty well-guarded chastity

  66 examined called into question

  70 write style her (some editors emend to "warrant") 72 shrewd malicious

  77 brokes bargains, negotiates

  77 suit endeavor, request

  80 honestest most chaste

  80 colours battle flags

  81 else (that it should be) otherwise

  88 honester more honorable

  95 jackanapes monkey

  98 shrewdly sorely

  101 courtesy curtsy (i.e. bow)

  101 ring-carrier pimp

  103 host lodge

  103 enjoined penitents those bound by oath to undertake pilgrimage as penance for sin 107 Please it if it please

  108 charge expense

  109 for me mine

  110 precepts of advice on

  112 kindly gratefully

  Act 3 Scene 6

  3.6 Location: battlefield

  1 to't to the test

  3 hilding good-for-nothing

  5 bubble i.e. nothing/showy/easily destroyed 8 as as if he were

  11 entertainment patronage

  12 reposing trusting, relying

  13 trusty requiring trustworthiness

  15 try test

  16 fetch off rescue/retrieve

  19 surprise ambush, attack

  19 knows not cannot distinguish

  20 hoodwink blindfold/deceive

  21 leaguer military camp

  25 intelligence secret information

  27 oath i.e. the vow he took never to divulge the intelligence 30 bottom extent

  31 ore precious metal

  31 give ... entertainment i.e. beat him/cast him out (proverbial) 32 inclining partiality, liking (for Parolles) 36 in any hand in any case

  37 sticks stabs

  37 sticks ... disposition is really upsetting you 39 pox plague

  42 wings flanks, on either side of the main body of troops 42 rend tear apart, devastate

  43 in upon

  43 command ... service military orders

  51 But were it not

  53 hic jacet i.e. I shall die--literally "here lies" (Latin), phrase found on tombstones 54 stomach appetite/courage

  55 mystery skill

  56 his its

  57 grace honor

  58 speed fare/succeed

  59 becomes befits

  62 slumber in it i.e. delay

  63 presently immediately

  63 pen write

  64 dilemmas choices of action

  65 mortal preparation spiritual readiness either for my death or those of the men I kill 71 possibility competence, capacity

  72 subscribe vouch

  76 damns himself i.e. by swearing falsely 81 have have a true understanding of

  82 make no deed perform no part/make no attempt 85 probable plausible

  86 embossed hunted down/driven to exhaustion

  87 for worthy of

  88 case skin, unmask

  89 smoked smoked out, exposed

  90 sprat small fish (i.e. contemptible person) 92 look my twigs see to my bird-trap

  93 Your ... me i.e. Bertram pulls rank and orders the Second Lord to accompany him in his pursuit of Diana, leaving the First Lord to undertake the ambush on Parolles 100 coxcomb fool (literally, fool's cap)

  100 have i'th'wind have scented, are tracking Act 3 Scene 7

  3.7 Location: Florence

  1 misdoubt disbelieve, suspect

  3 But ... upon without losing the foundations my plans rely on 4 estate worldly fortune

  10 sworn counsel private hearing that you have vowed to keep secret 11 so ... word true in every word

  12 By with respect to

  15 approves proves, demonstrates

  20 found it received your help

  21 wanton lascivious

  22 carry win

  22 in fine in the end/to sum up

  23 bear manage

  24 important blood urgent sexual passion

  25 county count

  29 rich choice high esteem

  29 idle fire foolish ardor

  30 will sexual desire

  33 bottom essence

  34 lawful to be lawful

  36 appoints ... encounter arranges a meeting with him 39 marry her enable her to marry

  40 is passed has been given

  42 persever proceed

  44 coherent fitting

  45 musics musicians/instruments/music

  46 unworthiness humble status/because convincing her to do an unworthy deed 46 steads profits

  47 chide scold, drive away

  48 lay depended

  50 assay try

  50 speed succeed

  51 meaning intention (on Bertram's part)

  51 lawful deed i.e. marital sex

  53 fact i.e. Bertram's belief that he is having sex with another woman Act 4 Scene 1

  4.1 Location: battlefield

  2 sally burst out

  2 terrible terrifying

  4 unless except for

  10 linsey-woolsey cloth made of flax a
nd wool (i.e. verbal mixture, nonsense) 11 again in response

  13 strangers foreigners

  14 entertainment employment

  14 smack taste, smattering

  16 fancy creativity

  16 to know knowing

  17 so so long as

  17 know straight directly achieve

  18 choughs jackdaws, plays on "chuff," meaning "rustic, clown"

  19 politic cunning

  19 couch lie down, hide

  20 beguile while away

  24 plausive plausible

  24 it it off

  24 smoke smoke out, suspect

  27 creatures i.e. soldiers

  27 not ... tongue and I am afraid to carry out my boasts 34 hurts wounds

  37 instance motive (for doing this)/proof (of my supposed exploits) 37 Tongue ... mouth with sexual connotations 37 butter-woman dairywoman/whore (i.e. chatty/lecherous) 38 of from

  38 Bajazet's mule mules were proverbially silent and sometimes associated with Turks, but emperors such as Bajazet had "mute" slaves, so some editors emend accordingly; or there may be a garbled allusion to Balaam's ass in the Bible, which only spoke at God's command 42 serve the turn suffice

  44 afford allow/let (you) off

  45 baring shaving

  45 in stratagem an act of cunning, for disguise 51 citadel presumably the enemy fortress

  53 Thirty fathom 180 feet

  59 Alarum call to arms

  64 Muskos probably Muscovites

  66 low Dutch Dutch; German was known as "high Dutch"

  68 discover reveal

  70 betake thee entrust thyself

  71 poniards daggers

  76 hoodwinked blindfolded

  76 lead thee on take you elsewhere/direct the conversation 77 gather gain information

  86 space time/a temporary reprieve

  88 woodcock proverbially stupid bird

  88 muffled blindfolded

  91 A he

  92 Inform on report

  Act 4 Scene 2

  4.2 Location: Florence

  1 Fontybell i.e. "beautiful fountain"

  3 goddess Diana was the goddess of chastity and hunting 4 worth worthy of

  4 addition additional distinction

  5 frame being, shape

  5 quality part

  6 quick lively

  7 monument statue

  11 got conceived

  12 honest chaste (i.e. married; Bertram shifts the sense to "frank, open") 18 vows i.e. of love for Diana/to have nothing to do with Helen 20 constraint compulsion

  21 rights duties

  23 serve gratify sexually

  23 roses virginities/vaginas

  24 barely in a naked state/only just

  24 thorns ... ourselves i.e. with shame (quibbles on the idea that this is in place of a man's prick) 25 bareness loss of the rose of virginity/defenselessness 30 high'st i.e. God

  30 to as our

  31 Jove supreme Roman god

  33 ill imperfectly/immorally

  33 holding consistency (i.e. is untenable)

  34 protest profess

  36 words mere words

  36 conditions contracts

  36 unsealed i.e. not valid legally

  38 it i.e. your opinion

  39 holy-cruel cruel by being holy

  40 crafts skills/deceits

  42 sick i.e. needing cure

  43 Who which will

  43 recovers recover

  45 scar perhaps in the sense of "precipice," i.e. dangerous place or "sore/fault, blemish" or "fear/panic" (modern "scare"); the general sense is that men create dangerous situations for women in which they may lose their sense of propriety and behave recklessly; some editors emend to "snare"