170 afeard afraid

  171 foully snatched i.e. that she was murdered (on Bertram's orders) 173 sith since

  174 that since

  174 fly ... lordship flee them as soon as you promise to marry them 177 Derived descended

  182 both shall cease i.e. she will die in dishonor 186 strange like a stranger

  189 this hand i.e. Bertram's

  192 embodied yours made part of your body/united as one 197 fond foolish

  201 you ... friend they are not friendly toward you 202 gain them win them over again

  208 impudent shameless, immodest

  209 gamester sexual player, prostitute

  213 validity value

  214 parallel equal

  215 commoner prostitute

  217 'tis hit the mark is hit, this is true

  218 Of by

  219 testament will

  219 th'sequent issue the successive heir

  220 owed owned

  225 instrument agent, means

  229 quoted for regarded as

  229 perfidious treacherous

  230 with by

  230 spots stains, vices

  230 taxed censured

  230 deboshed debauched, corrupted

  231 but merely

  232 or ... for (to be judged) one or the other according to 236 boarded accosted sexually

  236 wanton playful/lascivious

  237 knew her distance knew her inferiority of rank/knew how to tease from a distance 238 Madding maddening, provoking

  239 fancy's love's/desire's

  241 insuite possibly "unusual" (some editors emend to "infinite") 241 modern commonplace

  242 subdued me made me submit

  242 rate price

  246 turned cast

  247 diet restrain (from what I deserve)

  256 goes is

  260 boggle shy away (like a horse)

  260 shrewdly sharply, greatly

  260 starts startles

  265 just proceeding honest speaking

  266 By about

  268 Tricks lustful tendencies

  275 He ... not i.e. wanted to have sex with her, but didn't want to marry her 277 companion fellow/rascal

  279 drum drummer

  279 naughty wicked/unskilled

  285 Limbo region on the border of hell for unbaptized infants and those born before the time of Christ 285 Furies three classical goddesses of vengeance 286 in ... them so trusted by

  288 motions proposals/sexual movements

  289 derive bring

  292 fine subtle

  304 easy loose-fitting/sexually compliant

  304 glove plays on the sense of "vagina"

  304 goes ... on plays on the sense of "orgasms and has sex"

  305 at pleasure at will/for sexual pleasure

  307 aught anything

  314 put in provide

  315 customer prostitute

  316 if ... you i.e. my virginity is intact 316 knew had sex with

  325 owes owns

  326 surety act as guarantor for

  326 for as for

  328 quit acquit/repay

  332 quick alive

  335 Beguiles tricks

  335 truer office accurate function

  338 shadow ghost/image/poor reflection/illusion 341 like disguised as

  347 know understand

  350 Deadly divorce divorcing death

  353 handkercher handkerchief

  354 Wait on accompany

  354 make sport joke

  355 court'sies polite gestures/bows

  357 even plain, exact

  362 progress ... less greater and lesser details of events 363 Resolvedly in a way that resolves all questions 364 meet fittingly

  365 past being past

  368 express content i.e. with applause and calls of approval 369 strife striving, endeavor

  369 exceeding after

  370 Ours ... parts i.e. let us reverse roles: the actors will listen patiently while the audience applaud actively 371 Your ... us i.e. applaud

  371 hearts gratitude



  William Shakespeare, All's Well That Ends Well

  (Series: # )




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