Page 28 of A Modern Love


  David was not the least bit aware that while he was doing his little meet and greet with Jennifer in The Villa's parking lot, Amy was watching them from one of her apartment windows. I'm not sure if anger is a strong enough word to describe what Ms. Helmer was feeling. It strikes me odd when someone cares about something, or at least thinks they do as in Amy's case, and when things don't go their way they jump straight to anger. Most people start with denial and then anger, ending up with bargaining, depression and finally, acceptance. Right? I mean isn't that the normal stages of the grieving process? Amy didn't seem to have but two stages of grieving; anger and retaliation (or simply put; payback). Wrath, yah wrath might be an even better term to describe it. I mean this girl is an angry person, if she doesn't get her way she will get you for it. She's beyond spoiled. Most spoiled girls, or guys for that matter, kind of whine when they don't get their way. Amy is way beyond that. She doesn't waste her energy on whining when she knows she'll need it for the wrath she plans to exact in the end. To be completely honest with you, and I'm a little ashamed to say it, but; Amy Helmer scares me. I mean I would not want to piss her off that's for sure. If David's not scared of her he damn well should be, or will be. Scratch that maybe Jennifer should be the one that's the most scared, but she doesn't know Amy well enough to understand that ? yet.

  As Amy watched Jennifer and David converse she felt her face flush and her ears set on fire. Even her eyes burned as she grasped the window curtain so hard she put a permanent wrinkle in the fabric. She thought back to her warning to Jennifer to stay away from David and knew she had made herself perfectly clear. Obviously this little cutesy girl doesn't get it, thought Amy. Thick headed, yes she must be thick headed not to have listened to me 'cause I know goddamn good and well that she heard me. I don't like having to repeat myself and this little Jennifer gal only gets one warning and she's had it. I've had it too, already had it up to here with the new kid in town. Jennifer has made an enemy and I'm not a good enemy to have. She'll find out, oh yah! She'll find out. Amy turned away from the window and shouted out loud: "little bitch!"

  Amy attempted, somewhat, to calm her anger but to no avail. So she used the pent up energy to plan her attack on the pretty little new girl, Jennifer. Not just an attack, but a punishment; or torture, she thought. Yes torture, after crossing me she deserves no less. Amy found herself pacing from her front room to the kitchen back and forth while noticing her reflection in the mirror over her sink. She noted the red ears, the flushed cheeks and especially the furrowed brow. She even thought in passing that if she gets wrinkles from her scrunched up face of anger it would be Jennifer's fault. She was to blame for everything. It's remarkable how little anger she had towards David. She just thought boys will be boys; she expects men to wander, it's just that they normally wandered to her. Jennifer is to blame, Amy stopped to fume in front of the mirror.

  Amy was thinking of the things she had done in the past for pay back. To all those that have crossed her when they should have known better, as well as all those that shouldn't have known better (or couldn't have anyway) but just needed to be taught a lesson. From punctured tires, sugar in the gas tank, spreading viscous rumors, all of the above, and more.

  Amy focused in on the spreading viscous rumors idea and thought back to one of her better deliveries of this wrath, which was her homecoming queen competition from high school. She remembered the girls face but took many minutes to recall her name. It was Rebecca, that's it, thought Amy. The viscous rumor worked well in that case and may be my direction. Or maybe I'll just do all of the above, at least in the mean time. Rumors take time and I'm ready to exact some retribution now. "It will please me", she said out loud into the mirror with a cackle that would chill anyone's bones.

  A force to be reckoned with, Amy was on the war path; so stand clear and hold onto your hats. Something told me though, that Amy was just blowing hot air; that she wouldn't get around to such things as long as she fumed over them. You're usually safe from Amy when she's thinking, because she's not much of a thinker/planner. She's at her most dangerous when she just does things without thinking, that's where her bravery (or call it stupidity or evil) lies. Although she certainly planned the destruction of Rebecca out; I suppose.

  As Amy found herself in the kitchen anyway she thought it only fitting to find her way to the bottle. Always an excuse for whiskey you know. Good or bad times are excuse enough for Amy. The first shot was pleasant but it took two more to bring on the clear calm. Amy thought if there is a God he's blessed us with this fine drink. I mean what could be better than the quiet numb, calming, and relaxation of straight up whiskey. With its bold flavor, warm tummy, slight burn, subtle burnt oak after taste, mmm ? what could be better?

  Now Amy is brave (or is it aggressive) when she's sober, but after a few drinks hurricane winds couldn't hold her back. After more than a few drinks, more like six or seven whiskeys into her small frame, she was set on some good times. "Booty call", that's what she called it. Friends with benefits, and Amy has a lot of "boys she calls friends". Joey will work tonight, thought Amy as she pulled the shot glass away from her lips. A call, not asking but telling, Joey she would be there shortly (she didn't mind driving drunk) was all it took. It wasn't like he'd say no. Not very many men had the where-with-all to turn down the kind of offer Amy made on her booty calls. It wasn't like she did it for the guy or anything. Heavens no, quite the opposite, but it's not like a young man could not enjoy being taken to bed by the beautiful seductress Amy Helmer. No matter how rude or unfeeling she was; no matter how selfish she was she always knew the guys enjoyed it. It made her ego soar, when a guy worshiped her just to be with her. No matter how mean she was they still could not resist her.

  But, what lied beneath Amy's liquor induced joy was the real concern that she had stumbled across someone who could resist her. She didn't kid herself; she knew David fell into bed with her on their last date because he thought he liked her. She didn't want to admit it, but had to anyway, that once he stopped liking her she would have no power over him. Amy knew this day would come if it hadn't already. This worried her, but not enough to spoil her time with Joey. She made the most of it and then made the most of it several more times. She enjoyed being bad and that night she was extra bad and particularly naughty if you know what I mean.