Page 45 of A Modern Love

  Chapter 27

  David has found himself thinking a lot about what went wrong with Jennifer. In fact, you could say he had been quite preoccupied with the subject for at least the past several days. He's not at all sure what he did wrong, but he must have done something. He thinks this through again and again and steps his mind through his date with Jennifer and several of their runs together. For the life of him, David just can't figure out what he might've done or said wrong.

  He knows, though doesn't want to admit the truth, that it really could be nothing he did. Women, particularly young pretty women, with many options and choices of men, can change their mind at the drop of a hat; through no fault of the guy at all. That is to say, especially beautiful women, as David sees Jennifer, are sought after by numerous men at times. You could say they have their pick of the litter. You could term it like that if you believe comparing men to dogs is apt. I suppose at times it is. Isn't it now?

  You know what? I used to be quite resentful of the fact that it seems women have more choices in love than men do. But ? once Elizabeth came into my life it didn't bother me at all. Funny how when you have someone all the difficulties of single life and the dating pool fade away. I guess women seem wicked when you're unwanted, and streets are up even when you're down. However, once you're accepted, how you got that way really holds no weight; just doesn't seem to matter at all. Anyway ? I digress.

  As I was explaining, before we were so rudely interrupted by my soap box speech about dogs and men, David had his mind on Jennifer lately. In fact he had even thought long and hard about making a strong effort to get her back. He pictured himself like a cowboy rescuing a poor farm girl from the drudgery and boredom of field life. Riding into town, sweeping her off her feet, placing her behind him on his horse and riding off into the sunset. After all once you ride off into the sunset together on a horse, everything after that is just perfect. Right? Anyways, David pictured himself winning Jennifer back, now all he had to do was figure out how to do it. Perhaps some of his pros/cons lists and written plans are in order?

  After all ? David could care less about Amy now. I mean, being a "nice guy", David doesn't want to see any harm come to her or even hurt her feelings, but at the same time he's not interested in Amy in the slightest bit. In fact, David has found himself wondering if Amy really even cares if she sees him or not. He thinks she cares more about the chase and the catch rather than the having and holding, so to speak.