Page 7 of A Hairy Tail

The wait for work the next day was practically impossible. Coco didn’t need to get Hannah out of bed, she was waiting by the front door to say goodbye.

  Cycling like an Olympian, Hannah was inside the shelter with her camera before her shift was due to start. She waited for Harry, he practically followed her in.

  She held up her camera. “Do you think Basil’s ready for his close up?”

  “One way to find out,” he grinned in return. They took the depressed dog from his cage and placed him on the grass outside. The sun was shining on them all from a cloudless blue sky. They couldn’t have asked for better weather.

  Hannah brushed Basil’s fur, trying to get it to stay down. The unruly follicles wouldn’t do as they should. “I guess his owner will recognize the bad hair day,” she shrugged, giving up. Just like the dog himself, his hair refused to do as it was told.

  “Smile, Basil,” Harry commanded. He held up a treat, hoping it would inspire the dog to follow directions. He should have known better.

  “He’s a typical model, huh?” Hannah giggled. “He won’t eat, he won’t do as he’s told, and he looks sad.”

  “I’m surprised he got out of bed for less than ten thousand dollars.”

  Despite the unwilling model, together they managed to snap enough decent photos of Basil to make posters. Harry carried him back inside after he refused to walk anymore.

  “We’re going to find your family,” Hannah whispered, promising the dog. She was determined to come through for him, no matter what it took.

  They attended to the other dogs and cats before having some time to use the computer in the small office. Checking with Cory, she was happy for them to print up posters for Basil.

  Hannah sat in front of the computer and started typing, uploading Basil’s photo and making sure it stood out on the page.

  She held up the finished product. “What do you think?”

  Harry took it, making sure to examine it carefully. The phone number was correct, the picture was clear, and the message was in a big font. “It’s perfect.”

  Hannah beamed with pride. They finished their shift and rode over to Rochedale Street – the scene of the crime. They started at the end of the street and went knocking on each door. Hannah took the left side of the street and Harry took the right. They met up at the end.

  “Did you have any luck?” Harry asked, hoping for a positive answer.

  He would have to wait a while longer. “Nobody recognizes him. It’s like Basil just fell from the sky. We’re never going to find his family, I’m going to let him down.”

  Harry shook his head, refusing to believe it. “We just need to keep going. I know we can do this. Come on, there’s plenty more streets around here.”

  He held out his hand, unwilling to take it back until she placed hers in his. She eventually did, letting herself be led down the next street.

  They canvassed the houses until the sun threatened to dip below the horizon. On every light pole, they taped a poster of Basil, hoping someone would recognize him and get in touch. They were fast running out of ideas.

  Harry cycled with Hannah back to her place, refusing to let her go alone in the dark. It meant it would take him twice as long to get home but he insisted anyway. The thought brought a smile to her face and her heart swelled with happiness.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow,” Harry said, ready to depart.

  “Thanks for… everything today.”

  “You’re worth it. I mean, you’re welcome,” he quickly corrected himself.

  She couldn’t be sure, but through the dim light Hannah thought she could see a rosy blush to his cheeks at his fumble. It only made him even more adorable.

  “Get home safely.”

  Harry nodded, saluted, and started peddling down the street. She stood on the front stoop, watching him until he was out of sight. She seriously wondered if she would ever be able to get the smile off her lips. Even if they hadn’t got their big breakthrough, she still had a wonderful day. And he was the sole reason for it.

  She tried to hide her happiness as she entered the house, trying to avoid the twenty questions from Coco. Hannah wouldn’t have been surprised to find her watching them through the window, but thankfully she was in the living room – well away from the front door.

  As she stepped into the room, she was surprised to see Veronica waiting for her. “Hey, what are you doing here?”

  “I’ve got news,” Veronica replied excitedly.

  “Come upstairs then.” Hannah looked pointedly at her mother, the one woman who didn’t know the meaning of the word boundaries.

  They retreated to the privacy of Hannah’s bedroom and closed the door. “So, what’s this big news?”

  Veronica bit her bottom lip, trying to draw out the excitement she felt. “Lucas asked me out. We’re going to the movies on Friday night!”

  “Wow, that is news. When did this happen?” Hannah sat on the edge of her bed, completely absorbed in the story now.

  “About half an hour ago. He called me out of nowhere, I don’t even know how he got my phone number.”

  Veronica had a crush on Lucas since Hannah could remember. He was always the one they had to spy on at school and linger around at dances. Hannah had suspected he was a lost cause but she was happy to be proven wrong.

  “How are you going to survive until Friday night?” Hannah laughed. “It’s three whole days away.”

  “I know, right?” She clutched at her heart, as if it might just burst out suddenly. “When we’re a couple, we could double date with you and Harry.”

  Hannah liked the sound of that – double date. But then again, they hadn’t really even been on a single date yet. “We might have to wait until Harry and I are a couple first.”

  “It’s not official? I thought you really liked him.”

  “I do, I’m just not sure if he’s so into it yet.”

  Veronica waved her words away. “I’ve seen the way he looks at you, and trust me, he’s into you.”

  “The way he looks at me?” Hannah had no idea what she was talking about. He only looked at her like every other person on the planet.

  “Oh please, you haven’t noticed?” Veronica watched her shrug, rolling her eyes before she continued. “It’s like he’s a starving zombie and you’ve got the yummiest brains around. It won’t be long before he wants a taste.”

  “I’m not sure-” She was interrupted by her mother as she burst through the door – without knocking.

  “She means he wants to kiss you,” Coco said, matter-of-factly. “Is this the boy you went to the party for?”

  “Mom, get out,” Hannah groaned. It was bad enough dealing with boys and the unfamiliar territory, let alone trying to explain it all to her mother too.

  “I have a right to know who is trying to get their hands on my little baby. I want to meet this boy.”

  Hannah stood and started pushing Coco towards the door, refusing to listen. “I’ll introduce you when you aren’t so crazy. If it even goes anywhere with him.”

  “Oh, it will,” Coco said before having the door closed on her face. Hannah pressed her ear to the door, listening for the footsteps before believing she had gone.

  Veronica gave her a look, the one she always did when Coco interfered, it said I understand. For the first time, Hannah couldn’t let her mother bring her down, she was too happy.

  “I hope crazy isn’t hereditary,” she giggled. “Now, tell me everything about what Lucas said.”

  Veronica did just that, it took almost an hour to describe the one minute phone call. Hannah listened intently, only interrupting when a question was needed for more information. They spent the rest of the night talking and laughing.

  By the time morning came around, Hannah was running late for the shelter. She peddled her bicycle as fast as she could, trying to make up for lost time.

  Harry was already there, cleaning out the cat’s litter trays. She took over holding the bag for him.

  “How’s Basil
doing today?” She asked, hoping he might have snapped out of his depression.

  “Much the same, he didn’t eat the snack I gave him,” Harry replied sadly. “Hopefully someone will see our posters.”

  “I hope so,” Hannah agreed. They made their way through each of the cages and then moved onto the dogs. It was time for their daily activities.

  Unlocking the doors, Hannah watched as the dogs eagerly took off towards the sunshine. Their happiness was unbridled as their tails wagged all over the place.

  “I hope they all get homes soon,” Hannah commented as a little brown puppy licked at her hand. “They deserve to be with a family that loves them.”

  Harry laughed as he was simultaneously attacked by a legion of over-excited animals. They pushed him backwards until he was lying on the ground. From there, they could really start their licking and nipping campaign.

  “I think they’ll do fine,” he said, trying to regain his breath. “They’ll all stay here until they’re adopted and they’ve got us for the rest of the summer.”

  Hannah liked that word: us. He was no longer talking singular, but including her in his plans for the rest of the holidays. She couldn’t help but smile at the thought.

  She started running around the grassed area, getting the dogs to chase her and use up their energy. She giggled the entire time as she tried to avoid getting captured. They all ran after her with such glee on their faces. It would be a crime if they weren’t all adopted soon.

  “Harry, phone,” Cory called out from the door. She laughed at seeing the chaos that was ensuing. “Some woman says she saw your poster.”

  Hannah and Harry exchanged a glance before he ran for the phone.