Page 15 of Born of Vengeance

  Sumi moved to stand in front of Dancer. "I'm not leaving you. You're wounded."

  "Let's argue about this later. We need to get out of here in case some of the Boldorians are around to see the explosion."

  Bastien could tell she wanted to argue, but knew he was right. Safety first.

  Sumi took the first airbee. Thia climbed on the back of hers. Bastien pulled himself on another, and Hauk took the third. Darice went to sit behind his uncle. When he wrapped his arms around Dancer's waist, Bastien saw the satisfied smile on Dancer's face. Obviously, the boy meant a lot to him. He patted Darice's arms then took off.

  They followed him to a small oasis at the base of Mount Grenalyn. In spite of the desert climate, it was strangely lush and green, with a rapid stream that ran through it. In the early days of his fun-filled vacation here, this had been where Bastien came for fresh water and to bathe.

  At least until he'd gotten the water running through the base again. Cold though it was ...

  Dancer parked and helped Darice off as they joined him. When Dancer started to leave them, Sumi caught his arm and held him in place. "You are hurt and bleeding. If you think for one second that I'm going to stand here and watch you leave without those wounds being tended, you're ... even more insane than I think you are. And I will follow you."

  Laying his hand against her cheek, he stroked her chin with his thumb. "I refuse to endanger you."

  "You know, Dancer. Heroic is one thing. Moronic is quite another." She turned his airbee off. "Now get your ass over there, soldier, and sit!" She pointed to where Bastien was standing near Thia as she unpacked supplies. "And let me see how bad you're hurt. Then we'll revisit this whole death quest you seem to have."

  Those orders choked Bastien as they reminded him so much of how Ember used to treat him. How much she used to love him.

  Before he'd screwed up so badly.

  Just change out the names and insults and it might as well be one of their old infamous arguments.

  No one will ever love me like that again.

  That was the hardest part about coming to terms with his current situation. And it wasn't melancholy or moroseness. He'd never trust himself to love anyone else the way he'd loved her.

  Never be that open with anyone else ever again.

  That innocent, trusting part of him had gone to the graves with his family. What was left now was more animal than man. Yeah, he could pass as a sentient creature. Use the right utensil at meals. But in his heart, he knew the truth.

  Bastien Cabarro was dead.

  He was only a wraith of the man who'd once believed in the goodness of others. The man who'd believed in justice and honesty.

  Universe wasn't like that. It was harsh and unfair.

  It sucked and didn't care for anyone. And he was done with it all.

  Dancer shook his head at her. "You are so bossy. I'd eat anyone else who talked to me like this."

  "Promises, promises. Now move!"

  Yeah, that's exactly what Ember would have said.

  Blinking back the sudden moisture in his eyes as he tried not to think about her, Bastien cleared his throat.

  Hauk obeyed Sumi's orders, with a slow petulance that said he was only agreeing to make her happy. Bastien had been there, too. A woman had no idea how much control she had over a man when he loved her. There was nothing they wouldn't do to make their woman happy.

  To see her smile ...

  It was what they lived for.

  Growling low in his throat, Dancer slung his leg over the airbee and allowed her to lead him to a softer area near the water.

  Lying down, Dancer stared up at the side of the mountain with a dark expression Bastien couldn't fathom. But it was obvious some demon was tormenting him.

  Sumi sat down next to him and opened his shirt. She gasped at the sight of the wound across his ribs. "Dancer!"

  He didn't speak as she cleaned it and continued fussing at him over it. And that too gutted Bastien.

  How sick was it that he missed listening to his mother, sister, and Ember yell at him over his reckless disregard for his life? It'd been way too long since he was in the full-time care of someone who loved him.

  She sat back and frowned at how many wounds lined his torso and arms. "You really need an MT, Dancer."

  He squeezed her hand comfortingly. "I'll be all right."

  She shook her head. "You're not invincible."

  "Damn near."

  She rolled her eyes at his arrogance. "Didn't at least one of them miss when they shot at you?"

  He laughed then grimaced. "Yeah, I always wanted to be that hero in a movie where no one can shoot straight except me. Never happens. I seem to always walk into the school of award-winning sharpshooters."

  Bastien knew that dream, as he had the same luck Dancer did. Never failed that he walked or landed right in the middle of the top graduates of some sick sniper academy.

  In fact, that was what had caused his wingman before Ember to bug out of his company. One too many close encounters with death.

  Dancer dropped his hand to the injury she had on her biceps. "You okay?"

  "Told you. Flesh wound. Throbs, but I can handle it."

  He smiled. "My tough mia."

  Those words came out slurred as Dancer slowly drifted off to sleep.

  Pursing her lips, she left him to come check on Bastien. His gut tightened immediately at her approach. For more than one reason.

  The last thing he wanted was to have an Andarion male's female touching him. One thing he knew about their culture--they were insanely jealous and no one touched their women or children without permission.

  So he tried to brush her aside.

  Yet as with Dancer, she was insistent.

  Bastien grimaced at her. "I've had worse from bar fights. Trust me. Beatings I can take."

  "You sure?"

  Bastien nodded. "Hand me a cloth and I'm fine."

  She hesitated.

  Glancing over to Dancer, he gave her a sardonic grin. "Sumi, I learned a long time ago, you don't touch or get touched by an Andarion's female. They get really hostile over it, and I'm not physically able to keep Hauk from killing me right now. So no offense, let's maintain at least a five-foot no-touch zone. 'Kay?"

  She scoffed as she handed him the foil package that held an antiseptic cloth. "He wouldn't beat you, Bastien."

  Yeah, right. Definitely not worth the bet.

  "Not gonna chance it. In case it's escaped your notice, your male is a huge motherfucker. And I've had enough ass beating to tide me over for at least a month.... Maybe longer."

  Shaking her head at him, she went to check on Thia.

  Bastien lay for hours in silence, pretending to sleep. It was easier than being awake and interacting with a family. Because the way they teased and fought reminded him of everything that was forever lost to him, and it cut in a way he hadn't realized he'd been spared from. All this time, he'd cursed his Ravin status.

  Right now, he was beginning to think it'd been a blessing. Over the years, he'd been focused on surviving. Finding food, and shelter. Making sure the perimeter was secured. He hadn't thought much about anything else. Even the times when he allowed himself to wallow had been few and far between. Some new threat or necessity had always cropped up to pull his thoughts to immediate survival.

  It was so much easier to live that way than face the extreme loneliness he felt when he was around others.

  A part of him was tempted to stay behind and rot here, but he couldn't do that. Not until he fulfilled the promise he'd made to his parents and siblings.

  He wouldn't die or rest until he'd paid Barnabas back everything that was owed to him.


  And in spite of his trying to feign sleep, Sumi, Thia, and Darice pulled him into their circle. Before he knew it, they were trading old stories like long-lost friends.

  In fact, Bastien was in the middle of one about Fain when Dancer finally woke up.

  The laughter d
ied on Sumi's face as her gaze met Hauk's. She got up immediately and rushed to his side. "How do you feel?"

  "Like a guy who made a pass at Thia and Nyk saw it."

  Laughing, Bastien grinned at Thia, who appeared less than pleased by his description. Obviously her father's overprotectiveness was a source of great irritation.

  Sumi rolled her eyes. "You have one heck of a shiner. Who was tall enough in that fight to hit your face?"

  "He wasn't. But the board in the bastard's hands gave him reach."

  Bastien laughed again. He'd been in that fight a few times himself. A few of those times, against Fain.

  Snorting at his humor, Sumi pulled out a bottle of water and then helped him to sip it.

  "How long have I been out?" Dancer asked.

  "A few hours."

  He cursed. "I need to get going."

  "No, you don't."


  "Don't argue with me. I'm putting my foot down, Dancer. But if you attempt to leave, I'll be putting it up your ass."

  He laughed then groaned.

  Thia and Darice moved to stand behind her. She shoved at Darice. "Told you he wasn't dead."

  "I knew from the snore he wasn't dead. I said he was dying."

  Bastien brought over a small plate of food and one of the roots he'd managed to dig up that could take the edge off the pain. "If you took the punches I did, I know it'll be hard to chew, but ... that root will minimize the pain."

  "Thanks." Dancer set the plate down beside Sumi.

  "C'mon, guys," Bastien said as he caught the gleam in Dancer's eyes and knew exactly where his thoughts were going and what the two of them would soon be doing. "Let's give them some quiet time."

  Darice hesitated before he followed Bastien and Thia back to the small fire.

  Hauk winced as he tried to chew the meat. Bastien was right. Eating was rough. "I need to go back for Illyse."

  "We already took care of it." She gestured to the fire where the lorina was curled up and sleeping. "Bastien said you owe him a good night of drinking for the scratches she gave him."

  Bastien ignored them as best he could while he entertained the kids and did his damnedest not to think about how incredibly long it'd been since the last time he had sex with someone else.

  Thraix was wrong.

  The porn and sports networks did not alleviate that ache in the least little bit. Only a woman could ease this pain.

  After a few minutes, Darice excused himself to take a bush break.

  Thia slid closer to Bastien. "You're royal blooded, aren't you?"

  Her question caught him off guard. "Pardon?"

  "I can tell. Even though you're ... a bit rough at the moment, you move like someone who's had royal manners and decorum beat into him from the cradle."

  She was terribly astute. "Yeah, I was."

  "What happened?"

  "What always happens. Somebody gets greedy. Someone else gets stupid. Next thing you know, you put the wrong person at your back and you've got a knife sliding through your ribs."

  "You sound like my father."

  Given that they shared family, it made sense. The Triosans were famous for offing each other. Jullien had been right all those years ago with his warning. Damn shame he hadn't listened. Or thought to apply it to the Cabarro side.

  As Thia excused herself, Bastien pulled his link out and turned it on. Dancer had called for a Sentella evacuation, and promised him that they could get The League tracing chip out of him.

  If they could ...

  He glanced down at Ember's gorgeous face where she was staring up at him with the brightest laugh. Her green eyes twinkled. If he closed his eyes, he could still feel her hand on his face. Smell the faint trace of her perfume whenever he buried his lips in the valley between her breasts. Feel her hands tugging at his hair while he made love to her until they were both sweaty and spent.

  Damn, how he missed her. His body hardened even more as his memories of her surged with vicious biting images that drove him to the brink of insanity until he feared he'd go crazy from testosterone poisoning. He wanted her back so badly he could taste her already.

  Don't even think about contacting her.

  She was most likely married with a couple of kids by now. Worse? She'd tell Alura he was alive--bypassing the records Jullien had forged that said he was dead so that Barnabas and the others would lax their guard and give him an advantage for taking them down. If Alura ever learned Jullien's report was false, she would run to his enemies with the news.

  And yet a part of him was willing to risk it. That was the part of him that had always gotten him into trouble.

  That part of him that loved Ember without reservation.

  I'm not going to be stupid this time.

  He'd get off this rock and get on with what needed to be done. His father had been right. It was time to start thinking with the head on his shoulders.


  By the next morning, Bastien was only moving because of the roots he'd found. As soon as he heard Dancer stirring, he knew the Andarion would be in every bit as much pain as he was. So to be neighborly, he carried a root over to him.

  Dancer glared at his approach.

  Bastien grinned at the death he saw in Dancer's eyes. "Not enough root in the universe, eh?"

  "Be glad my weapons are too far to reach or I'd shoot you."

  With a groan of his own, Bastien sat down beside him. "Not a morning person, are you?"

  "Fuck you."

  Bastien laughed. "You're not my type and I'm not quite that desperate." He flicked playfully at Dancer's ear. "Though I have to say that you are awfully pretty for a male. If I were ever tempted, it'd probably be by someone as cute as you."

  Dancer bared his fangs to him at the same time Sumi came over with a plate for each of them.

  "Our fierce protectors." Her eyes danced with mirth. "You two don't look like you could take on a sleeping lizard this morning."

  Dancer mustered a lopsided grin. "I have to say that I definitely felt better last night."

  She blushed profusely.

  Which made Dancer blush, too, as they all felt awkward over what the two of them had done last night.

  Darice came running up to break the tension. "I saw a sparn this morning. Isn't this where they nest?"

  Dancer hesitated. "Dari--"

  "Can't I go with Thia while we wait?"

  He shook his head. "That's a bad idea. Thia's no better at climbing than you are. I wouldn't trust the two of you at an indoor gym alone."

  Darice's face swelled up immediately. "We're so close! It's not fair that I can't get my Endurance feather!"

  Dancer's expression was every bit as despondent that he was having to say no. With his brow furrowed, he rubbed at his ribs as if he was actually considering taking the climb with his nephew.

  Bastien was aghast. While Andarions were tough, that went straight into the realm of stupendously stupid.

  Sumi looked up at the cliff in front of them. "What kind of climb are we talking about? Can it be done in one day?"

  Dancer hesitated before he answered. "The main approach is just over there." He pointed to her left. "It's twelve pitches to the summit. Mostly face climbing with some corners and headwalls. There's a couple of gendarmes where sparns nest, so you shouldn't have to go all the way to the summit to get the feathers. The only hazard really is loose rock, and I wouldn't trust any existing anchors that you might find along the way." He locked gazes with her. "It's easily done in a day, barring an accident.... What are you thinking?"

  "That I take him."

  They all stared at her.

  "What?" she asked in an offended tone. "League trained, folks. Head of my class. Before that, I was a xenobotanist. Been on many vertical expeditions in some frightening places. I can climb a mountain ... building ... dead body..." She cast a playful grin to Dancer. "Surly Andarions ... no problem."

  Dancer turned green and for a minute, Bastien thought he might hurl.
  "Please, Dancer?" Darice begged. "Please! Please! Please! I'll do anything if you say yes! I'll even wash your boots. Sharpen your sword. Be your personal slave."

  Dancer glanced to Sumi.

  "You know I won't let anything happen to him."

  Darice went down on his knees, crawling toward Dancer and begging as if he were in absolute agony. "Please, Uncle Dancer, please!"

  With an irritated sigh, he nodded. "But!" He held his hand up to his overly excited nephew. "You lip off to her and she's to bring you right back down here. You understand me, Darice?"

  "I'll be good. I promise! I love you, Dancer!" Whooping in delight, he shot to his feet and ran off to get ready.

  Hauk pushed himself up with an even louder groan.

  "You okay?"

  He nodded at Sumi's concerned question. "I want to double-check the climbing gear."

  "All right, Grandma."

  "I also have the pitches diagrammed."

  "That'll be helpful. Anything else?"

  He pulled her against him and pressed his cheek to hers. "Don't get hurt."

  Sumi smiled. "I won't let anything happen to Darice."

  "Not just him."

  "I know." She kissed his cheek before she pulled back. "Thia? You going with us?"

  The look of horror on her face was priceless and comical. "Oh hell no. Peeing off the side of a mountain, listening to Darice moan and complain ... I'd rather bring a date home to meet my dad--that would at least be entertaining until I had to scrub the blood out of my clothes." She gestured toward Bastien. "Think I'll hang at base camp and watch over the two males who don't whine like babies."

  Sumi laughed. "All right."

  While Sumi and Darice changed, Hauk checked the ropes, anchors, biners, harnesses, cams, hexes, nuts, slings, and belay devices, and packed them each a day sack.

  When they returned, he and Bastien took a moment to help them gear up and double-check everything again.

  Darice curled his lip. "Do I have to wear a full-body harness? Really? Dancer, I'm not a baby."

  "If you invert on the climb, you'll thank me."

  He made a sound of utter disgust in the back of his throat. And again when Dancer made sure everything was fastened properly to his sling. "Gah, Dancer. Really? I've been climbing since I was three. Stop, already!"

  "Don't get arrogant. I had a lot more hours than you in a harness when I fell over four hundred feet, and your father had even more. Humor me."