Page 12 of Immortally Yours

  "I loved the market," Beth murmured, starting to walk along the stalls. "It was always noisy and exciting and colorful. It seemed to always have a fair-like feel to it."

  "Aye," Scotty agreed, and then he caught her arm and drew her close as a sharp snap cut the air. But he relaxed when he realized it was just the percussion cap from some boys shooting at targets for nuts.

  "Be in time! Be in time! Mr. Fredericks is about to sing the Knife Grinder!" a tall thin man boomed out beside her as she passed.

  "I'd forgotten how noisy the market always was," Scotty said with a wry smile, and Beth was again surprised he was speaking her own thoughts aloud. But then, what else would he say? This was her dream, after all.

  "Mmm, strawberries," Beth murmured suddenly as she spotted them in the next stall. Smiling at Scotty, she admitted, "I always loved strawberries. They were my favorite as a child."

  "But not anymore?" he asked.

  Beth made a face. "Nowadays they pick them green and ship them to stores and they aren't as sweet and juicy when you buy them. Unless you find them at a roadside stand or grow your own," she said with a grimace. "Back then they were always red, ripe, sweet, and juicy." She chuckled and added, "Of course they came when in season and were too expensive, so we never had them anyway."

  "Then how do ye ken ye loved them?" he asked with amusement.

  "I used to follow Mr. Badham when he was carrying his strawberries to the stall in hopes one or two might tumble to the ground," she explained.

  "And did they?" he asked with a smile.

  "Oh yes, once or twice," Beth said with a nod. "And I'd snatch them up and pop them in my mouth quick as you please. They were delicious, even with the bits of dirt that sometimes got on them in the fall."

  Something flickered on his face, she wasn't sure what, but then Scotty suddenly ushered her up to the strawberry stall and tossed a coin at Mr. Badham before taking a wicker quart of the ripe red berries. Turning to Beth, he plucked one out, examined it briefly and then nodded his satisfaction and held it up.

  "Dirt-free," he assured her solemnly. "Open yer mouth."

  Beth smiled uncertainly, not sure why she was blushing, but she could feel the heat in her cheeks. Flustered, she tried to take the small fruit from him rather than open her mouth, but he immediately moved the strawberry out of her range.

  "Tuh uh uh," he said, shaking his head. "Open."

  Beth bit her lip briefly, but then dutifully opened her mouth and watched him move the offering closer until she could bite into it. The berry was as plump and sweet and juicy as she recalled from those days, and Beth closed her eyes on a moan as she chewed and swallowed what she'd bitten off. But then her eyes popped open with surprise when Scotty suddenly licked her lower lip, taking away the bit of juice there.

  "Delicious," he agreed huskily, and then tossed the quart of berries aside, drew her into his arms and kissed her.

  Startled, Beth didn't move at first. This just wasn't like her. Even in a dream she would never start anything in the middle of the market. Despite her history, she had a certain sense of propriety that her mother had drummed into her. Public displays of lust in the middle of the market did not seem proper, and there was no doubting the lust in that moment. While she might be still and docile under his attention, the kiss was ravaging, Scotty's mouth working over hers, his tongue slipping out to thrust between her lips and stir her desires.

  When his hands began to roam, Beth tried to protest, but it was difficult with his mouth covering hers. One of his hands held her head in place as he kissed her, while the other dropped to cup her behind through her gown and lift her a bit, even as it urged her forward until their bodies rubbed against each other.

  Gasping, Beth managed to break their kiss and glance self-consciously around, only to blink in surprise when she saw that the market was gone. They were now in a large bedroom lit only by the flames that crackled in a fireplace in the wall next to them, and they stood beside a bed with drapes and silk sheets in forest green. They were alone.

  That was all Beth really noticed. The moment she broke their kiss, Scotty had begun to nibble on her ear and neck, and her body responded by beginning to tremble.

  Beth knew at once that this was going to be one of the knee-knockers. That was what she liked to call the dreams that felt so real she could actually taste the salt on his skin, and feel the heat of his body. Those were the rarer of the dreams she had about Scotty, but they were also the most powerful so that she woke afterward with her body sweaty, sated and still trembling from the pleasure her dream lover had given her.

  She was aware that Scotty had begun working on the fastenings of her gown. Beth didn't try to stop his eager hands, but when he nipped at her earlobe, she turned her head so that he could kiss her again. This time, she kissed him back with all the passion that had been missing from her in the market. She also let her own hands roam now, sliding them over his hard, wide chest, and then plucking at the pin that fastened the plaid in place. It undid as if by magic, and the material immediately slithered away to the floor, leaving him standing in a white linen shirt that barely covered his family jewels.

  Beth had just taken note of that when her gown too dropped away to pool on the floor. Scotty stepped back to survey her, and she glanced down to see that she was wearing a white bustier and knickers as well as hose and garters. She wondered briefly where those had come from and then Scotty growled, "Beautiful."

  Beth shifted her gaze to him. He was smiling warmly.

  "I decorated me room with ye in mind. I kenned this color would suit yer alabaster skin and red hair. Ye're like fire and ice in a forest."

  Beth's eyes widened in amazement. She'd never been the flowery sort, so had no idea where those words had come from. But she liked them, she decided, and reached down to find him and show him just how much. Only the minute her fingers found the hardness she'd known would be waiting under the linen shirt, Scotty caught her hand and removed it at once.

  "Nay," he growled, catching both of her hands in one of his and raising them over her head as he urged her back against one of the columns of the bed. Holding her there with his body, he met her gaze and said firmly, "I'm no' a client to be pleasured. I'll pleasure you."

  Confusion clouded her mind again at once at the words, because Beth was quite sure they hadn't come from her. In fact, they were kind of hurtful, perhaps because of the anger that flashed in his eyes that could almost have been disgust. Aside from that, Scotty had never before spoken in her dreams. He had always been more of a doer than a talker. But then usually his mouth was pretty busy with other things, Beth thought, and shifted her attention abruptly back to him as he kissed her again.

  Still a little wounded by his words, Beth was at first slow to kiss him back. But when his tongue thrust into her mouth and his free hand glided up her side and then around to knead one breast through her bustier, her body responded like Pavlov's dogs, and she was soon sighing and gasping by turn as he lashed her with his tongue. She felt his hand shift to find the top of her bustier, but was still startled when he tugged at it, forcing it down to free one breast. When he broke off the kiss to lower his mouth to claim the nipple he'd freed, she slid her hands into his hair and cupped his head as he suckled, her focus completely on the sensations he was stirring in her. Sensations that were only magnified when he slid one leg between both of hers and moved it up until his thigh rubbed her where her excitement was building.

  Closing her eyes, Beth bit her lip and gave herself over to the need rising in her. Without even realizing it, she began to shift her hips, riding his thigh. But then his free hand slipped under the waistline of her knickers and slid down to delve between her thighs, and Beth cried out, her body bucking.

  Letting her nipple slip from his mouth, Scotty straightened and kissed her neck, murmuring, "Do ye like that?" He ran his fingers lightly across her damp skin before pausing to circle the nub of her excitement. "Do ye like it?"

  "Yes," Beth gasped, rid
ing his hand now.

  "I want to taste ye. Would ye like that?" he growled, nipping at her ear.

  "Oh, God," Beth groaned both at the words and at the feel of his finger pressing into her even as his thumb continued to caress her. She pushed down into the intrusion and then gasped with disappointment when he withdrew his skilled fingers. Only to gasp again when he suddenly dropped to kneel before her.

  Realizing her garters would prevent him removing her knickers, Beth started to lower her now free hands to help take them off, but then stiffened when Scotty grasped her knickers at the waist. As she watched in amazement, he ripped them wide open rather than bother to remove her garters and hose to get them off. It was a quick and violent action, and one easily performed, although some part of her brain was arguing that it shouldn't have been managed so easily. Beth actually had to remind herself that it was a dream. It just all felt so damned real.

  "Oh!" she gasped when Scotty suddenly caught her at the waist and turned to toss her on the bed. She'd barely bounced once on the feather mattress before he caught her under the knees and drew her down on the silk sheets until her bottom was at the edge of the bed. When he then dropped to kneel on the floor and buried his face between her open legs, Beth gasped and half sat up in shock, only to buck and cry out as his tongue rasped across the tender flesh there.

  While she was still half-raised, Scotty reached one hand up to squeeze the breast he'd freed earlier, then toyed with the nipple as he lapped at her.

  Groaning, Beth covered his hand with one of her own, but placed the other on the bed to help keep herself upright as she trembled and squirmed under his ministration. When he added his fingers to the mix and began to thrust one in and out of her as he licked and nipped at the center of her enjoyment, Beth cried out and fell back to lie flat. Her body was writhing, her legs locking and unlocking around his head and her hands now tangling in the sheets as she fought to reach that pinnacle he was urging her toward. She was also aware that she was making the most godawful sounds--deep moans and heavy groans interspersed with her crying his name in a pleading voice . . . and she didn't care.

  And then her body went taut and stiff for a moment before everything exploded, and Beth began to shudder and almost convulse as she found her pleasure.

  Scotty eased from between her legs then and joined her on the bed. He drew her into his arms and shifted them both further up the bed, and then simply held her until her breathing and heart rate calmed.

  "Thank you," Beth whispered, caressing his chest. "Can I--"

  Her question died when Scotty caught her under the chin and lifted her face for a kiss. It started out sweet and soothing, but soon became more demanding, and his hands began to move over her once more. She was moaning again by the time Scotty rolled her onto her back and covered her. Supporting his own weight with his arms, he ground himself against her as he thrust his tongue into her mouth.

  Moaning in response, Beth spread her legs for him and raised her knees so that she could brace her feet flat on the surface of the bed. Scotty answered the invitation and surged into her, and Beth's whole body responded, the full force of her hunger rushing back as if it had never been sated.

  Crying his name, she clutched at his shoulders and raised her hips to meet him, urging him on until he stiffened and cried out as he found his own pleasure. Beth knew that wouldn't be the end--it never was in these more intense dreams--so she wasn't surprised when he pushed up and off her to kneel between her legs and urged her to turn over. She sat up at once, but then shifted to her knees in front of him and reached back, managing to catch his hip and urge him closer. Growling, Scotty moved forward on his own knees, his legs framing hers as his chest met her back. He then slid his hands around her waist and up across her stomach to cup her breasts.

  Beth groaned and arched against him as he weighed and squeezed her breasts, her hips shifting and rubbing her bottom against the hardness between them. Scotty nipped at her ear and kissed her neck, but when he began to toy with her nipples, she twisted her head around in search of his mouth. He kissed her roughly, and then let one hand drop from her breast to glide down between her legs.

  Beth cried out into his mouth, her hips moving into his touch, and then she couldn't stand it anymore, and she broke their kiss and dropped forward to her hands and knees. Clasping her by the hips, Scotty immediately began to . . . lick her face?

  Gasping in shock, Beth opened her eyes and gaped at the big black beast standing over her on the bed, panting happily.

  "What the--?"

  "Chico! Down!"

  Beth glanced to the door as Matias pushed it further open and rushed in to hurry around the bed.

  "Sorry! I am sorry. I was checking on you and he slipped past me. Chico, come here," he hissed, grabbing for the Doberman's collar and falling on the bed when a second dog rushed in to join the fun and tripped him up, then proceeded to climb on top of him and lick his upper back. Matias's voice was exasperated as he buried his face in the bed and muttered, "No, Piper. Bad."

  Chuckling softly as Chico shifted to drop on her legs so that he too could get to his master, Beth sat up to move her legs out of the way of being trampled by the excited dog. She then leaned back against the headboard and simply watched as both dogs descended on her cousin, licking his arms, his legs, his hair . . .

  "I love my dogs," Matias said dryly, his voice muffled by the blankets. Both Dobermans immediately shifted their excited attention to his face, trying to get to the parts he'd buried in the blankets.

  "They are sweet," Beth said with amusement.

  "Hmm." He didn't sound convinced. Pushing first one away and then the other, he struggled to get upright. The minute he was standing again and they were unable to reach his face, Chico and Piper turned to her. Squealing, Beth immediately pulled the blanket defensively over her head to avoid the wet kisses. That just seemed to excite the dogs even more, and they began to try to nose their way under the blanket with her.

  Giving up, Beth tossed the blanket aside, grabbed the first dog by the ears and began to rub them while kissing the top of his head and murmuring, "Now I've got you. You're all mine. I've got you now."

  "He likes you," Matias said with amusement as Chico calmed down and enjoyed the ear massage. "They both do," he added as Piper settled next to her on the bed and laid her head in her lap.

  Smiling, Beth released one of Chico's ears and reached out to scratch behind one of Piper's. When Chico lay down next to her too, she continued to pet them, but glanced to Matias and asked, "Why were you checking on me? You knew my arm would heal well enough."

  "Hmm." Matias grinned and settled on the bed next to her. Absently petting Piper, he said, "Well, I feared you were being attacked again."

  "Attacked?" she asked with surprise.

  "Hmm." Grinning, he explained, "You were moaning, groaning, grunting, and crying out. It was most alarming. I was sure you were either being tortured to death, or you were making the mad, passionate love to someone. But since Donny is up and about, Scotty was in his own bed making the same sounds, and I can now see there was no one in your room let alone your bed with you, I can only assume it was a dream . . . a shared sex dream," Matias added with a wicked grin.

  "What?" Beth squawked, sitting up straight.

  "Si. I knew there was something between you and Scotty--" he added with satisfaction and then asked, "How was it? Is it as hot as they say? It sounded hot."

  "There's nothing between Scotty and me," Beth protested, ignoring his other questions.

  "Oh, chica, how stupid do you think I am?" he asked with disbelief.

  "Apparently really stupid since there's nothing between Scotty and me," she insisted.

  "Really?" Matias raised his eyebrows superciliously. "And yet he was worried sick about you last night after you were injured."

  Beth snorted at the claim. "He probably worries about everyone that way. The man runs the Rogue Hunters in the UK. It's his job to worry about the hunters."

bsp; "Beth, seriously," Matias said with a frown. "I beseech you. You must know he is your life mate? He is showing all the signs," he told her and then counted off, "One, I can read his mind. He's much older than me and I shouldn't be able to, but I can. Two, he is eating. He ate an entire pizza last night by himself. And he is drinking too. I gave him a soda to have with his pizza and he drank the whole thing."

  "Yes, he's eating and drinking and he probably can be easily read," she allowed. "And yes, he's met his life mate. But it isn't me, cousin."

  "Why are you bothering to lie to me?" Matias asked with exasperation. "You were in here having the shared dream with him. You were moaning and groaning and crying out, 'Scotty, oh, Scotty.'" He mimicked what she guessed was supposed to be her voice with a ridiculous falsetto. "And Scotty was down the hall doing the same thing, but shouting, 'Beth! Oh my God, Beth!'"

  "He was?" she asked with surprise.

  "Si," Matias said firmly.

  Beth frowned over that, but shook her head. "He can't have been. He has a life mate already. He just hasn't claimed her."

  "Si . . . you," Matias said with satisfaction.

  "No. Scotty told Donny--"

  "And I am telling you I can read his mind. Did I not mention that?" he asked with irritation, and then continued, "And last night when you were in pain, his thoughts were in an uproar. He was in a panic to ease it for you. He was also most concerned that we must guard you well because he would not lose his life mate. Those were his thoughts. 'I will not lose my life mate,'" Matias said with emphasis and then smiled smugly. "You. You are this life mate."

  "But how can that be?" she asked with confusion. "I mean, I met the man over a hundred years ago. How could he not be my life mate back then and then suddenly be my life mate now? Wouldn't he have had to be my life mate all along?"

  Matias pursed his lips and considered the question. "Perhaps he was."

  "What?" Beth glanced at him with surprise.

  "Well, he has expended a lot of energy over the years trying to keep you from being a hunter and then trying to keep you off dangerous hunts," he pointed out. "And I read in his mind last night that he's had someone watching over you since shortly after he saved you from Jamieson."