Page 42 of Trunk Music

  Afterward, they left the dishes in the sink and went out to the living room to watch the movie. Bosch sat with his arm on the back of the couch, his hand lightly touching Eleanor’s neck. He found it boring to watch the film again and his mind quickly drifted away as he thought over the day’s events. The money was what held his attention the longest. He wondered if Veronica already had it in her possession or if it was in a place where she had to go to get it. Not a local bank, he decided. They had already checked the local bank accounts.

  That left Las Vegas, he concluded. Tony Aliso’s travel records showed that in the last ten months he had not been anywhere but Los Angeles and Las Vegas. If he had been operating a skim fund, he’d have to have had access to it. If the money wasn’t here, then it was over there. And since Veronica had not left the house before today, Bosch also concluded that she didn’t have the money yet.

  The phone rang and interrupted these thoughts. Bosch climbed up from the couch and answered the phone in the kitchen so he wouldn’t disturb Eleanor’s viewing of the movie. It was Hank Meyer calling from the Mirage but it didn’t sound like Hank Meyer. It sounded like a scared boy.

  “Detective Bosch, can I trust you?”

  “Sure you can, Hank, what’s the matter?”

  “Something’s happened. I mean, something’s come up. Uh, because of you I know something I don’t think I should know. I wish this whole thing…I don’t know what to—”

  “Hold on, hold on, Hank. Just calm down and tell what it is that’s wrong. Be calm. Talk to me and we’ll fix it. Whatever it is, we’ll fix it.”

  “I’m at the office. They called me at home because I had a flag on the computer for that betting slip that belonged to your victim.”


  “Well, somebody cashed it tonight.”

  “Okay, somebody cashed it. Who was it?”

  “Well, you see, I put an IRS flag on the computer. Meaning that the cashier was supposed to request a driver’s license and get a Social Security number, you know, for tax purposes. Even though this ticket was worth only four thousand I put the flag on it.”

  “Okay, so who cashed the slip?”

  “A man named John Galvin. He had a local address.”

  Bosch leaned over the counter and pressed the phone tightly to his ear.

  “When did this happen?” he asked.

  “At eight-thirty tonight. Less than two hours ago.”

  “I don’t understand, Hank. Why is this upsetting to you?”

  “Well, I left instructions on the computer for me to be contacted at home as soon as this slip was cashed. I was contacted. I came in and got the information on who cashed the slip so I could get it to you ASAP and then I went directly to the video room. I wanted to see this John Galvin, you know, if we got a clear picture of him.”

  He stopped there. It was like pulling teeth getting the story out of him.

  “And?” Bosch said. “Who was it, Hank?”

  “We got a clear picture. It turns out I know John Galvin but not as John Galvin. Uh, as you know, one of my duties is to interface with law enforcement, maintain relations and help when I can whenever there—.”

  “Yes, Hank, I know. Who was it?”

  “I looked at the video. It was very clear. John Galvin is a man I know. He’s in Metro, a captain. His name is—”

  “John Felton.”


  “Because I know him, too. Now listen to me, Hank. You didn’t tell me this, okay? We never talked. It’s best that way. Safest for you. Understand?”

  “Yes, but…but what is going to happen?”

  “You don’t have to worry. I’ll take care of it and no one at Metro will ever know about this. Okay?”

  “Okay, I guess. I—”

  “Hank, I’ve got to go. Thanks, and I owe you a favor.”

  Bosch hung up and called information for the number of Southwest Airlines at the airport in Burbank. He knew Southwest and America West handled most of the flights to Las Vegas and they both flew out of the same terminal. He called Southwest and had them page Roy Lindell. While he waited, he looked at his watch. It had been more than an hour since he had talked to Lindell, but he didn’t think the agent was in as much of a hurry as he had intimated on the phone. Bosch thought he had just said that to get off the phone.

  A voice came on the line and asked who he was holding for. After Bosch repeated Lindell’s name, he was told to hold and after two clicks Lindell’s voice was on the line.

  “Yeah, this is Roy, who’s this?”

  “You son of a bitch.”

  “Who is this?”

  “John Galvin is John Felton and you knew it all the time.”

  “Bosch? Bosch, what are you doing?”

  “Felton is Joey’s man in Metro. You knew that from being on the inside. And when Felton does things for Marks, he uses the name John Galvin. You knew that, too.”

  “Bosch, I can’t talk about this. It’s all part of our in—”

  “I don’t give a shit about your investigation. You have to figure out whose side you’re on, man. Felton has got Veronica Aliso. And that means Joey Marks has got her.”

  “What are you talking about? This is crazy.”

  “They know about the skim, don’t you see? Joey wants his money back and they’re going to squeeze it out of her.”

  “How do you know all of this?”

  “Because I know.”

  Bosch thought of something and looked out through the kitchen door to the living room. Eleanor was still watching the movie and she looked over at him and raised her eyebrows in a question. Bosch shook his head to show his dissatisfaction with the person on the other end.

  “I’m going to Vegas, Lindell. And I think I know where they’ll be. You want to get your people involved? I sure as hell can’t call Metro on this.”

  “How are you so sure she’s even there?”

  “Because she sent up a distress signal. Are you in or out?”

  “We’re in, Bosch. Let me give you a number. You call it when you get over there.”

  After Bosch hung up, he went into the living room. Eleanor had already turned off the tape.

  “I can’t watch any more of that. It’s terrible. What’s going on?”

  “That time you followed Tony Aliso around in Vegas, you said he went to a bank with the girlfriend, right?”


  “Which bank? Where?”

  “I, uh…it was on Flamingo, east of the Strip, east of Paradise Road. I can’t remember the name. I think it was Silver State National. Yes, that’s it. Silver State.”

  “The Silver State on Flamingo, are you sure now?”

  “Right, yes.”

  “And it looked like she was opening an account?”

  “Yes, but I can’t be sure. That’s the problem with a one-man tail. It’s a small branch bank and I couldn’t hang around inside too long. It looked like she was signing account papers and Tony was just watching. But I had to go out and wait outside until they were done. Remember, Tony knew me. If he even saw me, the tail would be blown.”

  “Okay, I’m going.”


  “Tonight. I have to make some calls first.”

  Bosch went back into the kitchen and called Grace Billets. While filling her in on what he had learned and his hunch about what it all meant, he got a pot of coffee going. After getting her approval to travel, he next called Edgar and then Rider and made arrangements to pick them up at the station in one hour.

  He poured himself a cup of coffee and leaned against the counter in deep thought. Felton. There was a contradiction, it seemed to Bosch. If the Metro captain was the Joey Marks organization’s inside man, why had he moved so quickly to go after Goshen when he got the match on the fingerprints Bosch had provided? Bosch played with this for a while and finally decided that Felton must have seen an opportunity in moving Goshen out of the way. He must have believed that his position in the Las Vegas
underworld would rise if Goshen were out of the picture. Perhaps he even planned to arrange Goshen’s assassination, thereby ensuring the indebtedness of Joey Marks. Bosch realized that for this plan to work, Felton either didn’t know that Goshen knew he was the organization’s inside man, or he planned to get rid of Goshen before he got a chance to tell anyone.

  Bosch took a sip of the scalding coffee and put these thoughts aside. He went back into the living room. Eleanor was still on the couch.

  “Are you going?”

  “Yeah. I’ve got to pick up Jerry and Kiz.”

  “Why tonight?”

  “Got to be there before the bank opens tomorrow.”

  “You think Veronica is going to be there?”

  “It’s a hunch. I think Joey Marks finally figured out just like we did that if he didn’t whack Tony, then somebody else did and that person had to have been close to him. And that that person now has his money. He knew Veronica from way back and would figure she was up to it. I think he sent Felton over to check into it and to get his money back and take care of her if she was dirty on it. But she must’ve talked him out of it somehow. Probably by mentioning she had two million in skim in a safe deposit box in Vegas. I think that’s what stopped Felton from killing her and instead made him take her with him. She’s probably only alive until they get into that box. I think she gave Felton her husband’s last betting slip because she knew he might cash it and we’d be watching for it.”

  “What makes you think it’s at the bank where I saw him go?”

  “Because we know about everything he had over here, all his accounts. It’s not over here. Powers told me Veronica had told him that Tony dropped the skim into a safe deposit box that she wouldn’t have access to until he was dead. She wasn’t a signatory on it. So my guess is that it’s in Vegas. It’s the only place he’s been outside of L.A. for the last year. And that if one day he was taking his girlfriend to open a bank account somewhere, he’d just go ahead and take her to the same bank he used.”

  Eleanor nodded.

  “It’s funny,” Bosch said.

  “What is?”

  “That what all of this really came down to was a bank caper. It’s not really about Tony Aliso’s murder, it’s about the money he skimmed and hid. A bank caper with his murder sort of a side effect. And that’s how you and I met. On a bank job.”

  She nodded, her eyes going far off as she thought about it. Bosch immediately wished he hadn’t brought the memory up.

  “Sorry,” he said. “I guess it’s not really that funny.”

  Eleanor looked up at him from the couch.

  “Harry, I’m going with you to Las Vegas.”


  THE SILVER STATE National Bank branch where Tony Aliso had taken his girlfriend while Eleanor Wish had watched was in the corner of a small shopping plaza between a Radio Shack and a Mexican restaurant called La Fuentes. The parking lot was largely empty at dawn on Monday morning when the FBI agents and LAPD detectives came to set up. The bank didn’t open until nine and the other businesses would follow beginning at ten.

  Because the businesses were closed, the agents had a problem in locating their surveillance points. It would be too obvious to stick four government cars in the lot. They would be too noticeable because there were only five other cars in the entire block-long parking lot, four parked on the outer fringes and an old Cadillac parked in the first row nearest the bank. There were no license plates on the Caddy, which had a spider web crack in the windshield, its windows left open and the trunk sprung and held closed by a chain and padlock through one of its many rusted-out spots. It had the sad appearance of having been abandoned, its owner probably another Las Vegas casualty. Like someone lost in the desert and dying of thirst just a few feet from an oasis, the Caddy had stopped for the final time just a few feet from the bank and all the money inside it.

  The agents, after cruising by the location a few times to get the lay of the land, decided to use the Caddy as a blind, by popping the hood and sticking an agent in a greasy T-shirt under it and ostensibly working on the dead engine. They complemented this agent with a panel van parked right next to the Caddy. Four agents were in the van. At seven that morning they had taken it to the federal utilities shop and had a painter stencil La Fuentes Mexican Restaurant—Established 1983 on the side panels in red paint. The paint was still drying when they drove the van into the lot at eight.

  Now at nine, the lot was slowly beginning to fill, mostly with employees of the stores and a few Silver State customers who needed to take care of business as soon as the bank opened its doors. Bosch watched all of this from the backseat of a federal car. Lindell and an agent named Baker were in the front seat. They were parked in the service bay of a gas station across Flamingo Road from the shopping center where the bank was located. Edgar and Rider were in another bureau car parked further up Flamingo. There were two other bureau cars in the area, one static and one roving. The plan was for Lindell to move his car into the bank parking lot once it became more crowded with cars and the bureau car would not stand out. This plan included a bureau helicopter making wide arcs around the shopping center.

  “They’re opening up,” a voice from the car radio reported.

  “Gotcha, La Fuentes,” Lindell said back.

  The bureau cars were each equipped with a radio pedal and overhead mike on the windshield visor, meaning the driver of each car simply depressed the foot pedal and spoke, avoiding having to raise a microphone to his mouth and possibly being noticed and identified as law enforcement. Bosch had heard that the LAPD was finally getting such equipment, but the narcotics units and specialized surveillance teams were getting it first.

  “Lindell,” he said, “you ever go to talk on the radio and slam on the brakes by mistake?”

  “Not yet, Bosch. Why?”

  “Just curious how all this fancy equipment works.”

  “It’s only as good as the people who work it.”

  Bosch yawned. He couldn’t remember the last time he had slept. They had driven through the night to get to Las Vegas and then spent the rest of the time planning for the bank surveillance.

  “So what do you think, Bosch?” Lindell asked him. “Sooner or later?”

  “This morning. They’ll want their money. They don’t want to wait.”

  “Yeah, maybe.”

  “You think it’s later?”

  “If it was me, I’d do it later. That way if there were people out there watching and waiting—whether it’s the bureau or LAPD or Powers or whoever—they’d get cooked in the sun. Know what I mean?”

  “Yeah. We sit out here all day and we aren’t going to be very sharp when the time comes.”

  Bosch was quiet for a little while after that. From the backseat he studied Lindell. He noticed that the agent had gotten a haircut. There was no sign of the spot where Bosch had hacked off his ponytail.

  “You think you’re going to miss it?” Bosch asked.

  “Miss what?”

  “Being under. The life, I mean.”

  “No, it was getting old. I’ll be happy to go straight.”

  “Not even the girls?”

  Bosch saw Lindell’s eyes take a quick swipe at Baker and then look at Bosch in the rearview mirror. That told Bosch to let that subject go.

  “Whaddaya think about the lot now, Don?” Lindell said, changing the subject.

  Baker scanned the lot. It was slowly filling up. There was a bagel shop on the far end from the bank, and that was responsible for most of the autos at the moment.

  “I think we can take it in, park it by the bagel place,” Baker said. “There’s enough cover now.”

  “Okay, then,” Lindell said. He tilted his head slightly so that he was projecting his voice toward the visor. “Uh, La Fuentes, this is Roy Rogers. We’re going to take our position in now. We’ll check ya from the bagel shop. That will be to your posterior. I believe.”

  “Roger that,” came the return. “You always wante
d to be on my tail end, didn’t you, Roy?”

  “Funny guy,” Lindell said.

  An hour went by while they watched from their new position and nothing happened. Lindell was able to move their car in closer, parking in front of a card-dealing school about half the parking lot’s length from the bank. It was class day and several would-be dealers had been pulling in and parking. It was good cover.

  “I don’t know, Bosch,” Lindell said, breaking a long silence. “You think they’re going to show or not?”