My heartfelt thanks go out to the people who helped make this novel happen: my editor, Jason Kaufman, for picking this one over that other one, and the rest of the wonderful team that worked on this novel at Doubleday; my agent, Laurie Fox, for carrying these crazy ideas into the world; my manager, Justin Manask, for wrangling the Hollywood types; my parents for all the trips to libraries and used-book stores; Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Tulsa for the knowledge; my audiobook contributors, David Giuntoli and Claire Coffee; and especially my early readers, who gave free advice, encouragement, or the occasional swat on the nose with a rolled-up newspaper: Anna Wilson, Jenna Grimm, Jason Gurley, Eric Rabkin, Anna Goldenberg, Irene Yung, Heather Jackson, Emily Nicholson, Peto Blanton, David Giuntoli, Dan Wilson, Hutch Parker, and Mike Ireland.

  And all my love and gratitude, always, to Anna, Cora, and Conrad.


  Daniel H. Wilson is the bestselling author of Robopocalypse, Robogenesis, Amped, A Boy and His Bot, How to Survive a Robot Uprising, Where’s My Jetpack?, How to Build a Robot Army, The Mad Scientist Hall of Fame, and Bro-Jitsu: The Martial Art of Sibling Smackdown. A Cherokee citizen, he was born in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and earned a B.S. in computer science from the University of Tulsa and a Ph.D. in robotics from Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh. He lives in Portland, Oregon.

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  Daniel H. Wilson, The Clockwork Dynasty



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